International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise MetabolismManuscript Submission TemplateThe template begins on the following page. Nominal sub-section headings are provided as suggestions for Original Research and Rapid Communications article types and may be adjusted or discarded at the authors’ discretion. Authors of Case Studies and Scholarly/Methodology Reviews are advised to use alternative section headings. Green text throughout this template provides guidance about information that should be included in each section of the manuscript (see relevant items on our PRESENT 2020 submission checklist). Please delete the green text along with this cover page once the manuscript is ready to be submitted.You can submit your paper here. General Author Guidelines are available here.Title: Informative title within 25 words. (See PRESENT Checklist 2020: Title)Titles should state the independent (groups/conditions) and dependent (outcome) variables and identify the study population or case.Authors: List authors by first name, middle initial (if any), then last name.Affiliations: List affiliations with superscript numbers corresponding to the author list.Running Head: Abbreviated version of the title - limited to 8 words.Email address and contact details of corresponding author:Word count: State exact word count from intro through methods, results, and discussion (exclude title page, abstract, acknowledgements, references, tables, and figures). Original Research articles can almost always be reported within 3,000 words; (4,000 is the maximum permitted length). Rapid Communications and Case Studies should be a maximum of 2,000 words, and Scholarly/Methodology Reviews should not exceed 5,000 words.ABSTRACT (See PRESENT Checklist 2020: Abstract)The abstract should be a single paragraph without subheadings – limited to 250 words. The abstract should specify the research design, methods, and characteristics of study population, report a balanced account of the results and cite actual data, and restrict conclusions to measured variables without speculation or unsupported recommendations.INTRODUCTION (See PRESENT Checklist 2020: Introduction) This section need not provide a comprehensive review of the subject area but should succinctly describe what has been done already, what new information the study will provide, and why that is important. The introduction should also present a scientific rationale based on an objective review of available evidence and state the aims, objectives, research questions, and/or hypotheses of the manuscript.METHODS (See PRESENT Checklist 2020: Methods) This section should usually have sub-headings and describe the work in adequate detail for readers to understand what was done and for the study to be replicated. The sub-headings listed below are examples only. However, the numbered PRESENT 2020 checklist items listed in this section are relevant to all manuscripts. Item 4 below should be explicitly and prominently stated early in this section and with sufficient reference to the reviewing body to enable verification of ethical approval if required.4. Provide details of ethical approval (citing conduct of human research in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki)Approach to the Research QuestionThis section is not always necessary but can provide a useful segue from Introduction into Methods, providing an opportunity to explain the rationale for key methodological decisions.Experimental design5. Summarize the research design (e.g. parallel trial/cross-over, randomized, counterbalanced, blinding, observational) Participants6a. List the eligibility (inclusion/exclusion) criteria and sampling method6b. Characterize the study sample (e.g. demographics, anthropometry, lifestyle)6c. Report the setting/location and periods of recruitment and data collection6d. Justify the sample size (presenting the selected target effect size and error variances to replicate sample size estimates)Interventions7. Detail all aspects of the groups/conditions (considering the need to verify the composition of ingested substances)Measurements8a. Define the pre-specified primary, secondary, and/or mechanistic outcome variables8b. Rationalize the selection of test protocols, considering validity and reliability (e.g. coefficient of variation, familiarization)8c. Justify the smallest worthwhile effect or minimal clinically important differenceProtocol/Controls9. Detail the exact mechanisms of generating and concealing the random allocation sequence10. Document whether participants and/or researchers were aware of allocation (e.g. exit questionnaire)11. Describe within- and between-participant controls (e.g. replication/reporting of diet, physical activity, sleep, menstrual cycle)12. Detail control of systematic influences of serial measurements (e.g. sequence effect in analysis model, wash-out interval)Statistical Analysis13a. Specify the contrast for primary inferences (i.e. relative to the appropriate control, not changes from baseline in each group/condition)13b. Clearly distinguish and fully justify any unplanned, interim, or exploratory sub-group analyses13c. Describe any adjustments for violated statistical assumptions and for relevant covariates (e.g. baseline measures)RESULTS (See PRESENT Checklist 2020: Results)This section should usually have sub-headings for different outcomes.14a. Report the sample size at each phase from recruitment to analysis (with reasons for losses and exclusions)14b. Ensure data analysis matches research design, avoiding data pooling across groups/conditions (i.e. pseudoreplication)15a. Report SI units and report measures of central tendency, variability, and effect size/precision (confidence intervals)15b. Report individual data/responses (e.g. draw figures showing the raw data in each group/condition)15c. Document all relevant harms and unintended consequences observedDISCUSSION (See PRESENT Checklist 2020: Discussion) This section should maintain focus on the new data provided by the study, with due consideration of relevant limitations and conclusions tempered accordingly. The discussion section should present an objective and balanced interpretation of the observed data within the context of existing evidence, consider the applicability and/or practical relevance of the research findings (e.g. external validity), and acknowledge strengths and limitations of the research relevant to accurate interpretation (e.g. internal validity).The closing paragraphs should clearly incorporate brief statements regarding novelty and practical application. Acknowledgements: Recognize those not listed as authors for contributions outside those listed below, including participants in the research.Authorship: Identify the role(s) of each author using their initials; we recommend the use of the CRediT taxonomy for standardized descriptions of author contributions. This section should conclude by verifying that all authors approved the final version of the paper.Conflict of interest: Declare any relationships others might conceivably consider to represent conflicts of interest or that should be disclosed for any other reason (e.g. financial, technical, material support; see PRESENT Checklist 2020: Other). Funding sources: Acknowledge all funding sources for the submitted work.Protocol: Provide reference information for any pre-registered protocol, including a link to the relevant trial registry if available. Deviations from this protocol should be clearly noted in the relevant places throughout the main manuscript. (See PRESENT Checklist 2020: Other, Protocol.) ReferencesIJSNEM uses a modified version of the style described in the Publication of the American Psychological Association (APA), 6th Ed. (see APA Manual). The reference list should be alphabetized, not numbered, and in-text citations should provide name and date (those with >2 authors can include the suffix “et al.”). The number of references should not exceed 40 for Original Research Articles, 25 for Rapid Communications and Case Studies, or 75 for Scholarly/Methodology Reviews.Figures & Tables: The number of figures and tables should not exceed 6 for Original Research Articles, 4 for Rapid Communications and Case Studies, or 8 for Scholarly/Methodology Reviews (maximum one page each). Figures: Figures should be uploaded separately from the main manuscript text in TIFF, PDF, or JPEG format (600 dpi). Color is not permitted (black, white, and grey shading only). Appropriately formatted figures are preferred to tables.Tables: Generate tables using the insert table function in your word processing program. (The table below is provided as an example only, but can be adapted as appropriate for the research design and data in question). Tables should not duplicate data from text.\sList of FiguresAll figure captions can be provided either together here at the end of the manuscript file or placed within the main text near to where they are first cited. Figure 1: Figure captions should ideally stand-alone with requiring cross-reference to the main text. The interventions and reported outcomes (including SI units) should be stated, with measures of central tendency, variability, and/or effect size/precision specified. It may also be necessary to specify the sample size for each condition/time-point and to define superscript symbols used for any statistical outcomes identified.Figure 2:Figure 3: ................

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