Chapter 10

Chapter 10


Pages 235-280

AMp 157-170


1. The sun is the nearest star to Earth

2. Like other stars, the sun is a glowing ball of gasses.

3. The sun and other stars produce their own light by nuclear fusion, Stars do not reflect light.

4. magnitude—brightness of a star

5. apparent magnitude—how bright the star appears to us

6. absolute magnitude—the exact brightness of a star

7. red—color of the coolest stars

8. blue—color of the hottest stars

9. dwarfs—small and medium sized stars

10. giant stars—ten to hundred times large than the sun

11. supergiants—hundreds times larger and brighter than the sun

12. parallax—the apparent movement or change in position of one star in relationship to others

13. variable stars—stars that regularly or repeatedly change in magnitude

14. nova—an existing star suddenly flares up and becomes hundreds or thousands of times brighter than normal

15. nebula—cloud of interstellar gases and debris

16. pulsar –neutron star that spins rapidly on its axis

17. “When a massive supergiant runs out of fuel, its gravitation force is so great that the core cannot stop collapsing. It essentially disappears from space. Astronomers call this a black hole.” (p 243)

18. constellations—groups of stars in a pattern

19. [pic]--this is Cassiopeia

20. [pic] --this is Orion

21. Astronomy—scientific study of the stars

22. Astrology says the positions of movement of the stars influence what happens on Earth

23. Astrology is wrong because:

a. It exalts the creation above God, the Creator

b. Denies the truth about God

24. “The Bible, rather than the stars is to be a Christian’s guide.” (p 245)

25. refracting telescopes—bend or refract light to make objects seem large

26. Radio telescopes collect radio waves from space, using a large concave-shaped disk.

27. “Radio telescopes can detect objects that do not give off enough light to be detected by other telescopes.” (p 247)

28. binary system—contains only two stars

29. multiple star groups remain together because of their gravitation attraction

30. star cluster—large group of stars close enough to be held together by gravity

31. galaxy—huge star system that contains millions or billion of stars

32. Our galaxy is the Milky Way.

33. Local Group—contains more than 30 galaxies including the Milky Way

34. Asteroids—irregularly shaped pieces of rock, metal or dust

35. Meteoroids—an object in space

36. Meteor—an object in our atmosphere (usually they burn up)

37. meteorite—object that hits Earth’s surface

38. comet—ice chunk of frozen gases, water, and dust that orbits around the sun


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