
914400419100Integers00Integers0304800Chapter100Chapter1NameDate1.Your teacher has asked you to help Alec, a transfer student, who missed the teaching of absolute value and operations with integers. You agree to help him and you plan to work together at the library after school. Create a poster to help teach this concept to Alec. You must include:a.Choose two sample problems to do with Alec to introduce him to the concept of absolute value of integers. Write a description of how you could use a number line to solve the sample absolute value problems.b.Choose four sample problems to do with Alec to introduce him to the concepts of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with integers.c.Include the definition of the absolute value of an integer, and the sample problems used in part (a). Include the rules for operations with integers and the sample problems used in part (b).leftcenterChapter100Chapter1Integers914400419100Integers00IntegersNameDate1.Your teacher has asked you to help Alec, a transfer student, who missed the teaching of absolute value and operations with integers. You agree to help him and you plan to work together at the library after school. Create a poster to help teach this concept to Alec. You must include:a.Choose two sample problems to do with Alec to introduce him to the concept of absolute value of integers. Write a description of how you could use a number line to solve the sample absolute value problems.b.Choose four sample problems to do with Alec to introduce him to the concepts of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with integers.c.Include the definition of the absolute value of an integer, and the sample problems used in part (a). Include the rules for operations with integers and the sample problems used in part (b).914400419100Alternative Assessment Rubric00Alternative Assessment Rubric0304800Chapter100Chapter1NameDate-14605752475ScoreConceptual UnderstandingMathematical Skills Work Habits4Shows complete understanding of:using a number line as a conceptual model for representing integersoperations with integersabsolute value of integersExplains all integer operation concepts and rules correctly.Operational models represent given operations exactly.Answers all parts of each problem.Work is neat and well organized.3Shows nearly complete understanding of:using a number line as a conceptual model for representing integersoperations with integersabsolute value of integersExplains most integer operation concepts and rules correctly.Operational models represent given operations adequately.Answers all parts of each problem.Work is neat and easy to follow.2Shows some understanding of:using a number line as a conceptual model for representing integersoperations with integersabsolute value of integersExplains some integer operation concepts and rules correctly.Operational models do not represent given operations adequately.Answers all parts of each problem.Work is sloppy and hard to follow.1Shows little understanding of:using a number line as a conceptual model for representing integersoperations with integersabsolute value of integersDoes not explain integer operation concepts and rules correctly.Operational models do not represent given operations.Does not answer all parts of each problem.Work is sloppy and hard to follow.00ScoreConceptual UnderstandingMathematical Skills Work Habits4Shows complete understanding of:using a number line as a conceptual model for representing integersoperations with integersabsolute value of integersExplains all integer operation concepts and rules correctly.Operational models represent given operations exactly.Answers all parts of each problem.Work is neat and well organized.3Shows nearly complete understanding of:using a number line as a conceptual model for representing integersoperations with integersabsolute value of integersExplains most integer operation concepts and rules correctly.Operational models represent given operations adequately.Answers all parts of each problem.Work is neat and easy to follow.2Shows some understanding of:using a number line as a conceptual model for representing integersoperations with integersabsolute value of integersExplains some integer operation concepts and rules correctly.Operational models do not represent given operations adequately.Answers all parts of each problem.Work is sloppy and hard to follow.1Shows little understanding of:using a number line as a conceptual model for representing integersoperations with integersabsolute value of integersDoes not explain integer operation concepts and rules correctly.Operational models do not represent given operations.Does not answer all parts of each problem.Work is sloppy and hard to follow. ................

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