Chapter 1

Analytical Chemistry Exam 1

Chapter 0

Know general terminology and concepts in this chapter.

Difference in qualitative and quantitative analysis.

Importance of sample preparation.

Chapter 1

Know your Fundamental SI units (Table 1-1).

Know these metric prefixes (Table 1-3):

T G M k d c m µ n p f

How to convert ANY quantity to any other quantity.

%conc to molarity (need density)

what is ppm, ppb and how to convert to mol/L

Chapter 2

Be familiar with common glassware and equipment AND terminology

(eg. meniscus, pipet vs buret, filtrate)

How to properly READ and operate a buret.

What is proper weighing procedure for an electronic balance?

How does buoyancy affect weight values? Know the relative affect, not the equation.

Chapter 3

Types of error (p 56)

Precision vs Accuracy

Absolute vs Relative uncertainty

Know how to report proper number of significant figures.

How to propagate error for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division (p 52-53).

Chapter 4

Know how to calculate the mean ([pic]) and standard deviation (s) of data points.

[pic] [pic]

What’s the difference in µ and [pic] and σ and s?

Understand the Gaussian distribution and how that relates to error analysis.


How to calculate confidence intervals. [pic][pic]

How to use various versions of the t-test.

1. Comparing a measured value to a known or true value: [pic] if [pic] they’re different

2. Comparing replicate measurements (two sets of data on same samples):

(a) if [pic] then [pic]


(b) if [pic] then [pic]

3. Comparing Individual Differences: need the deviations (d) in each data point [pic]

F-test : Used to calculate whether two standard deviations are significantly different. [pic] if [pic] there is significant difference

Q-test : Used to test whether a given data point (outlier) can be dropped from the data set or whether it must be retained. [pic] if [pic] the point should be tossed.

How to use Tables 4-1, 4-2, 4-5, and 4-6 (if needed, these will be given)

Chapter 5

The principle and method of least squares fit.

I WILL provide equations here if needed.

How to get slope (m) and the y-intercept

[pic] [pic]

How to create and/or use a calibration curve.

Know how carry out the method of Standard Additions. [pic]

Note that X and S are chemically the same species – the difference is that X represents the unknown concentration and S represents the known or standard concentration.

Know how to use an Internal Standard. Here X and S are different chemical compounds.



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