
Tournament Name


City, Country


Umpires Briefing


[pic] or [pic] Logo Association


Referees of the tournament: 3

Competition manager and local tournament director and possible racket control staff 3

Evaluators 3

Events 4

Playing system 4

Procedures 4

Colour of the shirts 4

Players’ Identification 5

Racket Control 5

Ball selection 6

Adviser/Coach 6

Waiting time 6

Practice 7

Field of Play 7

Officiating in the Field of Play: 7

Before the match 7

During the match 7

Service action 8

Behaviour of players 9

Advice 9

Hand signals 10

Time Out 10

Time keeping 10

Expedite System 10

Ball breaks during a rally 10

After a game 11

After the match 11

Code of conduct of match officials 11

Umpires Information


Dear umpire-colleagues,

On behalf of the referee-team, I address to all of you a hearty welcome for our tournament.

In this handout you may find useful information about the tournament, reminders about the application of laws and regulations, instructions and recommendations for good match conduct, presentation & communication as well as mandatory procedures. Some sections may be needed to be completed or adapted according to the situation on place.

If you have any questions or comments/complaints, don´t hesitate to contact me.

I look forward to seeing you soon.

On behalf of the referee-team (Name)

Tel: …………………….. Email: ………………………………………………

Referees of the tournament:


| | | |If available |

|COUNTRY |Deputy Referee | NAME |PHOTO |

| | | |If available |

|COUNTRY |Deputy Referee | NAME |PHOTO |

| | | |If available |

|COUNTRY |Deputy Referee | NAME |PHOTO |

| | | |If available |

|COUNTRY |Deputy Referee | NAME |PHOTO |

| | | |If available |

Competition manager and local tournament director and possible racket control staff









Men’s Singles

Women’s Singles

Men’s Doubles

Women’s Doubles

Mixed Doubles

Playing system

o Men’s Singles and Women’s Singles: All matches are played best of 7 games, in all stages of the competition.

o Doubles and Mixed Doubles: All matches are played best of 5 games, in all stages of the competition


Umpires, who start with their session, must be in the CALL AREA 45 minutes before their first individual match.

Team work: preparation and conduct of the matches

Umpire and assistant umpire shall confer and agree about:

o procedure of walk-in and –out, unless otherwise told by the referee

o timing and calling time, managing time-out,

o unofficial and official communication,

o monitoring coaching, behaviour and

o monitoring state of equipment, such as dry table and floor, surrounds and net,

o organisation of racket collection and exchange as a team (Umpire, Assistant Umpire, CA), etc.

Score sheet: 30 minutes before the match in the Call Area

Please wait in the Call Area for the players of your next match.

If an umpire-team has matches in a row, umpires responsible for the Call Area will assist and fulfil the tasks in the Call Area.

Colour of the shirts

o 20 minutes before the match the players should show their match shirt.

o The 2 players/pairs must wear shirts of clearly different main colours.

o Main colour will be registered on the score sheet.

o Sort out a clash of colours before the match.

o The player/pair who did not present the shirt in the Call Area on time, must immediately change the shirt in case of a colour clash.

o Players of the same Association forming a doubles pair may wear clothes of different manufacturers, if the basic colours are the same

Players’ Identification

o No Players’ numbers will be used, but players have to wear shirts indicating their names starting from the main draw matches.

Racket Control

o The players have the right to deposit their next-match racket at the Call Area 20 minutes before their match

o Umpires have to perform the racket inspection in the Call Area and not in the playing area and shall follow the procedures developed in the ”Workflow description – Call Area and Racket Control/Testing”

o Following inspections are obligatory

▪ Any other irregularity as damage of blade and rubber, extension of racket coverings, etc.

▪ LARC (covering authorised by ITTF)

▪ Thickness (for a detailed check/test, electronic devices are available)

▪ Flatness (for a detailed check/test, electronic devices are available)

o Umpire registers on the score sheet:

Racket testing 0 before 0 after the match

o Full racket control (including VOC) will be done in the Racket Control Centre RCC) and rackets to be controlled for full control will be selected on a random basis by the referee. Rackets selected will undergo full testing at the RCC using electronic equipment delivered and approved by ITTF (equipment from associations, organisers or private parties may not be used).

o Umpires of the “selected table” will not perform any tests on these rackets in the Call Area, but forward the rackets immediately to the RCC and register on the score sheet:

▪ Racket control at RCC before the match

o The racket will be kept in the Call Area in a paper bag (one per bag bearing the player’s name).

o The Assistant Umpire will carry the racket bags with the rackets to the playing area and will take the empty bags and the bags with rackets that have not been tested before back to the call area after the match. Before the match the Assistant Umpire will put the rackets on the umpires chair and takes back the empty bags to his/her table.

At the match table, the Umpire will have a look (visual inspection) at the rackets before putting them on the same side of the match table next to the net and in front of his/her chair.

Rackets should only be taken by the handles, not held by the coverings.

o Rackets will no longer be checked in the playing area.

o Rackets not being forwarded to the Call Area before the match

▪ will be tested afterwards (after match test) in the racket control centre.

▪ The Umpire will be informed about the after match-test and shall only check at the table for any other irregularities (are the racket coverings damaged)

Ball selection


o Each player/pair may choose 2 balls 20 minutes before match starting time

o If only one player/pair comes for the ball selection the Umpire keeps the balls chosen for the match and adds randomly 2 balls to the bottom of the ball box.

o If both opponents agree on a specific ball, it may be the first match ball.

o If both opponents do not agree on a specific ball, the umpire selects the ball.

o If no player selects a ball, the Umpire will decide.

Main Draw- Multiball system

o Each player may choose 15 balls 20 minutes before match starting time

o If only one player/pair comes for the ball selection the Umpire keeps the balls chosen for the match and adds randomly 15 balls to the ball box.

o Register on the scoresheet whether a player/pair selected the balls


o Ask the players to designate their adviser (note the name on the score sheet)

o Only one coach (designated before the start of the match) is allowed, except that where the players of a doubles pair are from different Associations each may designate an adviser, but these two advisors shall be treated as a unit.

o If the coach is not present at the start of the match, the player can nominate a coach by giving the name of the coach to the Umpire.

▪ After having done these duties wait in the Call Area before going to the field of play (5 minutes before the start of the match)

▪ Do not start the match before the scheduled time

▪ After the match complete the score sheet and deliver it to the Referee; bring clipboard and balls back to the Call Area

Waiting time

o If a player does not arrive at the match table, the Umpire will wait five minutes and then inform the Referee, who will be responsible for the final decision. Do not discuss with players or coaches.


o No practice is allowed on competition tables.

Field of Play

o Only photographers and camera people with accreditation, players, coaches and umpires, who have a match, are allowed to be in the Field of Play.

Officiating in the Field of Play:

For Umpires it is imperative that they make decisions based on the correct interpretation of the Laws of Table Tennis and that they apply the Laws at any time in every match.

Our goal is a consistent high standard of officiating, umpiring and refereeing,

please pay attention to the procedures before, during and after a match.

Consistent means "reacting the same way in similar situations"

Before the match

▪ 5 minutes before the start of the match (or immediately after the end of the previous match), the umpire-team starts the “walk-in procedure”. The Umpire always walks in front and carries match sheet and balls.

▪ When entering (and leaving) the playing area the Umpire shall open the surrounds (do not walk/jump over!) and the Assistant Umpire shall close them immediately, but not if the umpires march in together with players.

▪ There will be no ball selection at the table!

▪ Selection of shirts must be done at the Call Area or latest if the players arrive at the playing area. For broadcasted matches it is absolutely necessary to ask the players at the Call Area or at least 10 minutes before the match.

▪ Greet the players when they arrive at the table, check their names, ensure that they are the correct players.

▪ If a racket was not inspected at the Call Area/RCC just make a quick check (damaged racket, NOT THICKNESS, NOT LARC) at the match table.

▪ Ask the player to point to the adviser before the match starts.

▪ Make the draw for the first server/receiver by tossing, catching the coin/toss and open the hand.

During the match

▪ Score all rallies as a point or let

▪ Both the Umpire and Assistant Umpire shall watch players’ service action and both can call a “fault” or a ”let” (Umpire), “stop” (Assistant Umpire) if it is a doubtful service.

▪ Injury: In case a player is injured the Umpire must suspend the match and report to the Referee immediately.

▪ If a player is bleeding, play shall be suspended immediately until all blood stain in the playing area is removed and the Umpire has to report immediately to the Referee.

▪ During intervals between games players shall remain within 3m of the playing area

▪ Both the Umpire and Assistant Umpire must watch the coaches and advisers, but only the Umpire can show a yellow or a red card. If the Assistant Umpire is sure that illegal advice is being given, "stop" must be called and the Umpire informed,

▪ Between the games the Assistant Umpire is responsible for the ball, this means collect the ball and deliver it to the Umpire.


A racket shall not be changed during a match unless it is accidentally damaged so badly that it cannot be used. If this happens the racket must be replaced immediately and the Umpire just makes a quick check (damaged racket, NOT THICKNESS) at the match table and the new racket has to be brought to the RCC by the Umpire after the match for an after match test.

Service action

It is extremely important that umpires watch the service action closely and if players have doubtful or illegal services react as early and clearly as possible for two main reasons:

1. By reacting clearly and consistently the umpires show the player that they are watching, and most players will then try to modify their service action.

2. If the umpires wait because the service action only is slightly incorrect or maybe doubtful, Experience shows that it will become more and more incorrect during the match. If the umpires then react at 10-10 the player could with some right complain and point out that he/she has been using the same service during the whole match.

There is sometimes a tendency that umpires pay most attention to the aspects that they find easiest to check. To offset this tendency, a short summary will remind the aspects of a good service:

▪ Free Hand: ball is resting freely on its palm

▪ Ball: Above the level of the playing surface and behind the servers end line

▪ Throwing the ball: near vertically upwards, it must rise at least 16cm


In the left Diagram services B and C are acceptable, whilst A and D are not. The height of the toss is also a factor in determining whether the toss is near vertical. In the right diagram the ball is projected from and struck at the same place, but service A is a fault, whilst B is acceptable

▪ Striking the ball: The ball must not be struck until it is falling from the highest point of its trajectory.

▪ Visibility: Ensure that the receiver can see the ball throughout the service; the Umpire or Assistant Umpire shall be satisfied that this is the case. The ball shall not be hidden from the receiver at any stage by any part of the body, or anything the server is wearing or carrying. As soon as the ball has been projected upwards, the server shall completely remove his free arm from the space between the ball and the net.

▪ There is no requirement that the receiver has to be able to see the racket throughout service.

▪ Warning: An Umpire or Assistant Umpire, who suspects but is not sure that a player´s service action is illegal, may warn the player without awarding a point. Only one warning may be given during a match. No yellow card!!

Behaviour of players

Many players will show emotions (happiness, disappointment,..) and these kinds of emotions are part of the game.

However, if emotions are used against an opponent, a match official, a spectator or brings discredit to the sport the Umpire should be ready to respond immediately.

There are a number of actions and sanctions:

▪ Quiet informal word: This should be done without interrupting the play (use next natural break) and before the situation escalates.

▪ Yellow Card: shows that the misbehaviour is not appropriate and that a repetition will incur a penalty point – place the yellow marker/card near the score indicator

▪ Yellow and red card: repetition of bad behaviour, one penalty point has to be awarded to the opposing player or pair. The red marker/card shall be displayed next to the yellow card. Penalty point at the end of a game – the next game starts with 0:1,

▪ 2nd yellow and red card: two penalty points must be awarded, inform penalised player that in case of further misbehaviour the Referee will be called.

▪ Please record all warnings (cards) on the score sheet (correct name of the player or coach and reason)


A player or pair may receive advice only from one person, designated beforehand to the Umpire. If an unauthorised person gives advice the Umpire shall hold up a red card and send him away.

Players may receive advice at any time except during rallies provided that continuity of play is not affected;

if any authorised person gives advice illegally the umpire shall hold up a yellow card to warn him or her that any further such offence will result in his or her dismissal from the playing area.


If the dismissed adviser refuses to leave, the Umpire must suspend play and report to the Referee.

The coach has to go to the opposite side of the hall (spectator seats) to avoid any contact with the player.

The Umpire and the Assistant Umpire should watch closely. The Umpire can use his cards directly while the Assistant Umpire has to raise his hand over the head, call stop and inform the Umpire that an adviser did something illegal. Then the Umpire will show the appropriate card. Make sure that the illegal adviser understands that he/she has been shown a card.

Hand signals

shall be used according to the description in the ITTF Handbook for Match Officials (SEE ALSO NEW Hand Signals for illegal service:

Time Out

On receiving the request for a Time Out the Umpire shall loudly call “time-out”, suspend play and hold up a white card, raising the arm above the head, on the side of the player or pair making the request. The Assistant Umpire places the Time Out sign on the half of the table closest to the player who called the time out. (30cm from endline)

Time keeping

The timer should be stopped during significant breaks in play and restarted as soon as the next rally begins. Such breaks include pauses for towelling (after every 6 points), delays while the ball is retrieved from outside the playing area and the change of ends in the last possible game of a match.

Expedite System

Unless 18 points in total have been scored the expedite system is introduced automatically after 10 minutes play in a game or at any earlier time upon request of both players or pairs.

A member of the reserve squad – designated by the referee on duty - will act as stroke counter.

Ball breaks during a rally

Umpire must call LET ( - regardless of direction of ball's trajectory

If a ball is obviously cracked or completely broken during a rally, then the umpire will always call „let “( because the conditions of play are disturbed in a way which could affect the outcome of the rally). The trajectory of the ball is irrelevant and it doesn`t matter where the ball is when it is struck.

E.g. If a player hits the ball with the edge of the racket and the ball breaks into two halves or the broken ball goes into a direction away from the table, the umpire must call a LET.

But a player cannot claim after the rally that the ball was broken in the rally before.

After a game

the Umpire points to the winner’s side immediately after the score call/hand signal.

The Umpire observes the players joining their corner before adding the score to the match sheet

After the match

▪ Collect the racket, if it has not been presented in the Call Area for racket inspection before the match and bring it to the RCC.

▪ Fill in the result on the score sheet as it will be shown during the briefing (it is also attached to this document).

▪ Fill in the name of the winner.


▪ Sign the score sheet (please write so that we can see who umpired the match).

▪ Put the score indicators back to blank.

▪ Make sure that the playing area looks tidy.

▪ Deliver the score sheet to the Referee desk as quickly as possible.

▪ Umpires not on duty shall leave the field-of-play.

The correct finalisation of the score sheet is an important part of the Umpires’ job and may be essential for the continuation of the tournament. The Umpire and the Assistant Umpire shall check the score sheet together outside the field of play before handing it over to the designated person on duty.

Code of conduct of match officials

Please have a look at appendix D of the Handbook for Match Officials. Furthermore:

o Match Officials should not initiate to take any photos with players in a tournament and also not post any private photos with players on any social media (e.g. Facebook). If however, players ask umpires for a picture with them, umpires may not refuse.

o It is recommended not to talk with players/warn players about possible wrong services or expected misbehaviour (or coaches regarding illegal advice) before the match. The action of talking to the players/coaches before a match would indicate that the match officials are entering a match with pre-conceived ideas and making decisions based on those, rather than what they observe during the match.









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