Theory II

Atomic Theory

1. History & Scientists

1. List the three points of Dalton’s Atomic Theory.

2. What scientist developed the first atomic theory that we use today?

3. Outline Crooks’ work with the Cathode Ray tube.

4. What scientist worked with the Cathode Ray tube?

5. Outline Thomson’s contribution to the discovery of the electron.

6. What scientist calculated the ratio of the size of the charge on an electron to its mass?

7. Outline Stoney’s contribution to work involving the electron.

8. What scientist gave the name “electron” to the negative charge in an atom?

9. What did Millikan’s conclude from his Oil Drop experiment?

10. What scientist confirmed that atoms are made up of smaller particles?

11. What did Rutherford discover?

12. What scientist discovered the nucleus and proton?

13. What did Chadwick discover?

14. What scientist discovered the neutron?

15. What did the Ancient Greeks believe the four elements to be?

16. Who originally thought that there was only four elements earth, air, water and fire?

17. What did Boyle define an element to be?

18. What scientist correctly defined an element?

19. What did Davy do to build on Boyle’s definition?

20. What scientist isolated elements from compound e.g. Na from NaOH?

21. What did Moseley determine and what was it later used for?

22. What scientist determined the number of protons in an element?

23. Who is credited with the idea of triads in the development of the P.T.E.?

24. Briefly outline Newland’s contribution to the development of the P.T.E.

25. Give an example of a triad.

26. What are the 2 conditions that a group of three elements must satisfy in order to be regarded as a triad?

27. Briefly outline Dobereiner’s contribution to the development of the P.T.E.

28. Who is credited with the idea of Octaves in the development of the P.T.E.?

29. Briefly outline Mendeleev’s contribution to the development of the P.T.E.

30. State 3 differences between Mendeleev’s form of the P.T.E. and the modern form of the P.T.E.

31. The P.T.E. we use today is base on atomic numbers. What scientist is credited with this development?

2. Electronic Configuration

32. Write out the electronic configuration of the first 36 elements of the P.T.E.


|No. | |

|1st |661 |

|2nd |1313 |

|3rd |2658 |

|4th |4185 |

|5th |9659 |

With reference to the electronic configuration of Titanium state,

i. The reason why the increase in the ionisation energy is relatively small for the first four electrons removed?

ii. There is a much greater increase from the fourth to the fifth electron removed?

33. The first four ionisation energy values of element number 5 are

|Electron removed |Iononisation energy |

|1st |799 |

|2nd |2,421 |

|3rd |3,650 |

|4th |24,962 |

With reference to the electronic configuration why is,

i. The second ionisation energy is greater than the first?

ii. The increase is relatively small for the third electron but very large for the fourth?

34. The first four ionisation energy values Sc and Ti are as follows,

|Electron removed |Sc |Ti |

|1st |633 |661 |

|2nd |1239 |1313 |

|3rd |2395 |2658 |

|4th |7152 |4185 |

With reference to the electronic configuration of Titanium why is

i. The values of the first three ionisation energies are greater in the case of Ti than they are in the case of Sc?

ii. Why the value of the fourth ionisation value is much greater in the case of Sc than in the case of Ti?

35. What does the following equation represent, X(g) ( X+(g) + e-?

36. What does the following equation represent, X+(g) ( X2+(g) + e-?

37. What does the following equation represent, X2+(g) ( X3+(g) + e-?

38. How does the definition of second ionisation energy differ from that of the first

ionisation energy?

39. Define the electronegativity of an element.

40. Explain why electronegativity values generally increase across the P.T.E.

(2 reasons)

41. Explain why the first ionisation energy values generally increase across the P.T.E. (2 reasons)

42. Explain why electronegativity values generally decrease down a group in the P.T.E. (2 reasons)

43. Explain why the first ionisation energy values generally decrease down a group in the P.T.E. (2 reasons)

44. Write equations to show how the alkali metal, Li, Na, & K, react with water.

45. What do the observations of these reactions tell us about these alkali metals?

5. Line Spectra

46. What did Neils Bohr study?

47. What is the series of lines emitted from the hydrogen spectrum called?

48. Explain how line emission spectra occur. (See 2002 Q. 10 (b))

49. What evidence do line emission spectra provide for the existence of

energy levels in atoms? (See 2002 Q. 10 (b))

50. Why is it possible for line emission spectra to be used to distinguish

between different elements? (See 2002 Q. 10 (b))

51. Why was Bohr’s Theory later updated?

52. What colour flame is produced when the following metal are burned?

(a) Lithium (b) Sodium (c) Potassium

(d) Barium (e) Copper (f) Strontium

53. What elements give the following colours in a flame test,

(a) Crimson (b) Yellow (c) Lilac

(d) Green (e) Blue/Green (f) Red

54. What is the Atomic Absorption Spectrum?

55. What is the Atomic Absorption Spectrum used for?

7. Radioactivity

56. Define radioactivity.

57. What are the 3 types of radioactivity?

58. Give an example of an element that emits alpha particles (().

59. Write an equation to show how this element emits these particles

60. Give a use of alpha particles (().

61. What will stop alpha particles (()?

62. Give an example of an element that emits beta particles (().

63. Write an equation to show how this element emits these particles.

64. Give a use of beta particles (().

65. What will stop beta particles (()?

66. Give two properties of beta particles.

67. Give an example of an element that emits gamma particles (().

68. Give two uses of gamma radiation (().

69. What will stop gamma radiation (()?

70. What are radioisotopes?

71. What are the differences between nuclear reactions and chemical


72. What does the term “half life” mean?

73. Give two examples of natural radiation.

74. Henri Becquerel worked with uranium salts. What did he discover?

75. Pierre and Marie Curie also worked with uranium salts and their work

led to the discovery of what elements?


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