Vocab- Metabolism

|activation energy |cooperativity |heat |

|active site |endergonic reaction |induced fit |

|allosteric regulation |energy |kinetic energy |

|anabolic pathway |energy coupling |metabolic pathway |

|ATP (adenosine triphosphate) |entropy |metabolism |

|bioenergetics |enzyme |noncompetitive inhibitor |

|catabolic pathway |enzyme-substrate complex |phosphorylated |

|catalyst |exergonic reaction |potential energy |

|chemical energy |feedback inhibition |second law of thermodynamics |

|coenzyme |first law of thermodynamics |substrate |

|cofactor |free energy |thermal energy |

|competitive inhibitor |free energy of activation |thermodynamics |


allo- different (allosteric site: a specific receptor site on some part of an enzyme molecule remote from the active site)

ana-up (anabolic pathway: a metabolic pathway that consumes energy to build complex molecules from simpler ones)

bio- life (bioenergetics: the study of how organisms manage their energy resources)

cata- down (catabolic pathway: a metabolic pathway that releases energy by breaking down complex molecules into simpler ones)

endo- within (endergonic reaction: a reaction that absorbs free energy from its surroundings)

ex- out (exergonic reaction: a reaction that proceeds with a net release of free energy)

kinet- movement (kinetic energy: the energy of motion)

therm- heat (thermodynamics: the study of the energy transformations that occur in a collection of matter)

Cellular Respiration

|acetyl CoA |citric acid cycle |oxidation |

|aerobic |cytochrome |oxidative phosphorylation |

|alcohol fermentation |electron transport chain |oxidizing agent |

|anaerobic |facultative anaerobe |proton-motive force |

|ATP synthase |fermentation |redox reaction |

|beta oxidation |glycolysis |reducing agent |

|cellular respiration |lactic acid fermentation |reduction |

|chemiosmosis |NAD+ |substrate-level phosphorylation |

Word Roots

aero- air (aerobic: chemical reaction using oxygen)

an- not (anaerobic: chemical reaction not using oxygen)

chemi- chemical (chemiosmosis: the production of ATP using the energy of hydrogen ion gradients across

membranes to phosphorylate ADP)

glyco- sweet; -lysis split (glycolysis: the splitting of glucose into pyruvate)


|Accesory pigment |crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) |photorespiration |

|Absorption spectrum |cyclic electron flow |photosynthesis |

|action spectrum |electromagnetic spectrum |photosystem I (PS I vs. PSII) |

|autotroph |glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P) (aka-PGAL) |primary pigment |

|bundle-sheath cell |heterotroph |primary electron acceptor |

|C3 plant |light reactions |reaction center |

|C4 plant |light-harvesting complex (aka- photosystem) |rubisco |

|Calvin cycle |mesophyll |spectrophotometer |

|CAM plant |mesophyll cell (spongy vs palisade) |stomata (stoma) |

|carbon fixation |NADP+ |stroma |

|carotenoid |noncyclic electron flow |thylakoid |

|chlorophyll |PEP carboxylase |visible light |

|chlorophyll a |photon |wavelength |

|chlorophyll b |photophosphorylation | |


auto- self; -troph food (autotroph: an organism that obtains organic food molecules without eating other organisms)

chloro- green; -phyll leaf (chlorophyll: photosynthetic pigment in chloroplasts)

electro- electricity; magnet- magnetic (electromagnetic spectrum: the entire spectrum of radiation)

hetero- other (heterotroph: an organism that obtains organic food molecules by eating other organisms or their by-products)

meso- middle (mesophyll: the green tissue in the middle, inside of a leaf)

photo- light (photosystem: cluster of pigment molecules)

Cellular Respiration

|mitochondria |

|matrix |

|cristae |

|anaerobic |

|aerobic |

|cellular respiration (aerobic respiration) |

|glycolysis |

|acetyl CoA |

|citric acid cycle (Kreb’s Cycle) |

|substrate-level phosphorylation |

|oxidative phosphorylation |

|chemiosmosis |

|electron transport chain |

|cytochrome |

|ATP synthase |

|proton-motive force |

|NAD+ |

|FADH2 |

|facultative anaerobe |

|fermentation (anaerobic respiration) |

|alcohol fermentation |

|lactic acid fermentation |

|reduction |

|oxidation |

|reducing agent |

|oxidizing agent |


|heterotroph |

|autotroph |

|electromagnetic spectrum |

|absorption spectrum |

|action spectrum |

|visible light |

|wavelength |

|photon |

|spectrophotometer |

|stomata |

|chloroplast |

|stroma |

|thylakoid |

|grana (and granum) |

|primary pigment |

|assessory pigment |

|chlorophyll a (680) |

|chlorophyll a (700) |

|carotenoid and xanthophylls |

|light-harvesting complex |

|reaction center |

|photosystem I/ photosystem II |

|light reactions |

|photophosphorylation |

|primary electron acceptor |


|non-cyclic electron flow |

|cyclic electron flow |

|calvin cycle |

|carbon fixation |

|rubisco |

|glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P) |

|photorespiration |

|C3 plant |

|C4 plant |

|CAM plant |

|PEP carboxylase |

|bundle-sheath cell |

|mesophyll cell |


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