Round 1Middle Grades – 2016-17 Governor’s Cup Practice Questions"Abnormal," "abstain," "absent," and "abstract" all contain the Latin root "ab-." What does it mean in English? AWAY (FROM) "Thrombocyte" [THROM-buh-site] is an alternative name for these small, round cytoplasmic bodies. Found in mammals' blood, they have no nucleus, DNA, or hemoglobin. What are these cell fragments, which cling together at the site of blood vessel damage to aid the clotting process?(BLOOD) PLATELET(S) A circle has an area of 25 pi square cm. In cm, find the circumference of the circle 10 PI (CENTIMETERS) A noted architect designed a stable, horse training ring, and gatehouses nicknamed the "Pavilions" for this aristocratic Spanish family. In addition, he oversaw the construction of bodegas [boh-DAY-guz], a church, a park and a mansion for them. Identify this family whose head, tycoon Eusebi [oh-SEB-ee], was a prominent patron of Antoni Gaudí.GUELL [GWAY] Though he was born with the name Octavian, the Senate gave the adopted son of Julius Caesar this title, meaning respected or holy one. The many accomplishments during his 40-year reign included nearly doubling the size of the empire, expanding the Roman network of roads, and founding the Praetorian [pree-TORE-ee-un] Guard and the postal service. Who was this first emperor of Rome?(CAESAR) AUGUSTUS This dance company, co-founded in 1969 by Karel Shook, disbanded from 2004 to 2012 because of excessive debt. It calls its education and community outreach program Dancing Through Barriers, and continues its commitment to a racially diverse ballet company. Name this New York City-based school and company co-founded by Arthur Mitchell.DANCE THEATRE OF HARLEM This transaction cost the United States 10 million dollars, and was prompted by advocates of a southern transcontinental railroad. It transferred nearly 30,000 square miles of Mexican territory to the United States. Identify this transaction, named for the U.S. minister to Mexico who negotiated it, which added what is now southern Arizona and New Mexico to the United States.GADSDEN PURCHASE Herlegend gave rise to the story of Peeping Tom in the 1700s. The historical figure of the same name was married to Leofric[lee-OF-rick], who promised to reduce Coventry's taxes if she performed a certain daring feat. Name this woman, who supposedly rode naked through Coventry's streets.(LADY) GODIVA While this part of the Earth is rigid enough to transmit seismic waves, it is also fluid enough to flow vertically and horizontally. About 75 miles thick, it is the upper part of the mantle, located below the lithosphere. In what sphere do scientists believe that magma is generated?ASTHENOSPHERE [as-THEN-uh-sfeer] Y varies inversely as x, and y = 6 when x = 8. What is y when x = 4? 12 A football field is 120 yards long. How many feet long is the football field? 360 A person who oversees this portion of a theater supervises ushers, works with the box office and stage managers, and ensures that the theater is clean. The "front of" it is the portion of a theater open to the public. What word refers to the part of a theater in which the audience sits?HOUSE Although he is the main character in the novella on which it is based, he is the only character in a one-man, holiday-themed play. Fred's uncle, he reforms his stingy ways after nighttime visits from a quartet of ghosts. Who is this miser from Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol?(EBENEZER) SCROOGE An uprising led by this man in western Massachusetts convinced some that a stronger national government was needed during the time of the Articles of Confederation. Bands of armed men forced courts to close, preventing foreclosures and debt processes. Name this man, who led the rebellion that attacked the federal arsenal at Springfield, Massachusetts, in 1787.(DANIEL) SHAYS In addition to his work in electronics, this man helped found acoustics. His namesake law states that resistance is equal to the ratio of volts to amps. Who also lent his name to the unit of electrical resistance?(GEORG) OHM A prism has a volume of sixty cubic feet. A pyramid with a congruent base has height one-half of that of the prism. In cubic feet, what is the volume of the pyramid?10 (CUBIC FEET) A top hatted man in a brown cloak leans against a low table in this painter's first major work, The Absinthe Drinker. A crowded music hall can be seen in the mirror of his Bar at the Folies-Bergère [foh-LEE bayr-ZHAYR]. Who scandalized Parisian society by including a nude woman in his contemporary scene Luncheon on the Grass?(EDOUARD) MANET Although this word of foreign origin ends with an "a," it can refer to a person of either sex. It designates a person who is specially trained in the preparation of espresso and other coffee drinks. What is this title, which Starbucks gives to its employees?BARISTA Another name for these imaginary vertical lines on a map is meridians. What are these lines that measure location east or west of the Prime Meridian? (LINES OF) LONGITUDE In Kenya, a library service uses these animals to transport books across the desert. With fewer than 1,000 living wild in the Gobi desert, the Bactrian species is critically endangered. Identify this "ship of the desert," a ruminant, humped mammal.CAMEL(S) Along with the flugelhorn, this instrument inspired the development of the althorn and baritone. It has a conical, as opposed to cylindrical, bore, and its tubing is coiled more tightly than that of its closest relative. Identify this first instrument of Louis Armstrong, which has largely been replaced by the trumpet.CORNET Christopher Columbus salvaged the lumber from his ship the Santa Maria to build a small fort on this island in the West Indies. Inhabited by the Taino [TAY-noh] Indians at the present-day location of Santo Domingo, it became the site of the first New World colony settled by the Spanish. What island did Columbus name La Isla Espa?ol [lah EES-lah ess-pan-YOHL]?HISPANIOLA Consider the graph of the quadratic equation y equals the quantity x minus five, close quantity, squared, plus four. What are the coordinates of the vertex of this parabola? (5, 4) Dr. Seuss explored this literary genre with Yertle the Turtle, a parallel of Hitler's rise and fall, and The Sneetches, an illustration of racism. One of the best known examples features the characters of Boxer, Napoleon, and Snowball. Give the term for a work, such as George Orwell's Animal Farm, whose characters represent an event or idea.ALLEGORY In the mid-1450's, concave lenses were prescribed to remedy this condition, whose name begins with "M." Because images are focused in front of the retina, its sufferers are unable to see distant objects clearly. Give the medical term for nearsightedness.MYOPIA At age 17, this performer became the youngest person to write and sing a number-one country single, "Our Song." Besides acting in The Lorax and The Giver, she recorded "Safe and Sound" for The Hunger Games soundtrack. Who is this country-pop superstar, known as much for her brief romances as for her singles "Blank Space" and "Shake It Off"?(TAYLOR) SWIFT Examples of this noun class include "love," "sleep," and "power." It includes all intangible emotions or ideas. Name the opposite of a concrete noun.ABSTRACT (NOUN) For a brief time in 2013, this man worked as an infrastructure analyst at the National Security Agency. Charged with theft of government property and violation of the Espionage Act, he now lives in exile in Russia. What computer programmer revealed secret documents about the surveillance programs of the NSA?(EDWARD) SNOWDEN In right triangle XYZ with right angle at X, the sine of angle Z is 2/3. If XY = 10 units, what is the length in units of side YZ? 15 (UNITS) The pernicious type of this disease can be treated with a dose of vitamin B12. If the body's red blood cells aren't replaced at the same rate they are destroyed, this condition results. What is this deficiency of hemoglobin?ANEMIA Beethoven included a funeral one in his Eroica Symphony, and Edward Elgar's most famous example is performed at graduation ceremonies. It is a composition in 2/4 or 6/8 time whose emphasis on the first beat lent itself to the genre's original military function. Identify this genre, of which John Philip Sousa [SOO-zuh] was the "king."MARCH Founded by King Menes [MEE-neez], this city was one of the most important of ancient Egypt, serving as the nation’s capital during the Old Kingdom. Situated where the Nile splits into different branches forming the Nile Delta, it retained its importance into the 18th dynasty serving as home to Tutankhamen [too-tahng-KAH-mun]. For what Egyptian city was the largest city in Tennessee named?MEMPHIS Highlights of this novel include a Daughters of the American Revolution Valentine's party, an Armistice Day turkey shoot, and a school Halloween party. Mary Alice Dowdel moves from Chicago to southern Illinois, where she spends twelve months with her eccentric grandmother. What is this Newbery-winning Richard Peck novel?(A) YEAR DOWN YONDER Janice lists all integers whose absolute value is less than four. What is the product of the numbers in Janice's list? 0 This plant was once considered part of the lily family, but now has a family classification of its own. It is a succulent plant, growing thick, spiky leaves, and tubular flowers in the summertime. The leaves of what plant can be cut to release a thick gel, used for thousands of years to soothe burns and skin irritation?ALOE (VERA) Early in his career, this musician performed with Charlie Parker and Dizzy Gillespie, and included John Coltrane in his permanent band. The first jazz artist to appear on Rolling Stone's cover, he feuded with Wynton Marsalis and contributed to the development of bebop and jazz fusion. Name this trumpeter, remembered for his albums Birth of the Cool and Kind of Blue.(MILES) DAVIS He was a submarine officer when he resigned his commission and returned to Georgia to manage the family peanut farm. As governor of Georgia, he won the Democratic nomination for president in 1976. Name this president, whose post-administration career of diplomacy earned him the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002.(JIMMY) CARTER In a National Book Award Finalist by this author, Lonnie writes poetry to cope with his grief about his parents' death in a fire. She explores Frannie's methods of finding hope in one novel, and Neeka's friendship with a foster child who also likes a popular rapper in another. Who wrote Locomotion, Feathers, and After Tupac & D Foster?(JACQUELINE) WOODSON Solve the following equation for x: 5 plus the square root of x equals 11. (X =) 36 This process is found in organisms that do not use fermentation. It can be aerobic or anaerobic, and results in the production of ATP. What process releases energy from the chemical bonds of food molecules, providing energy to cells?(CELLULAR) RESPIRATION End of First Half – Begin Three-Minute Inquiry PeriodRound 1 - Second HalfMiddle Grades – 2016-17 Governor’s Cup Practice QuestionsIn 1725, this composer created a concerto [kon-CHAYR-toh] for an unusual solo instrument: the mandolin. He wrote one setting of the Gloria text for the girls' orphanage where he worked for most of his life. Name this Baroque violin virtuoso, the "red priest," whose most enduring composition is The Four Seasons.(ANTONIO) VIVALDI In 2015, President Obama declared October 9 an annual festival day in honor of this explorer to recognize Norwegian-American relations. Conflicting accounts say this man, an Icelander with Norwegian heritage, either landed in North America after sailing off course on his way to Greenland or sought the region called Vinland after hearing stories of an earlier voyage. Who is this Norse explorer, credited with being the first European to reach North America?(LEIF) ERICSON Like parentheses and quotation marks, these punctuation marks are always paired. In quoted material, they indicate a translation, capitalization change, clarification, or added emphasis. Name these square punctuation marks, whose curly counterparts are known as braces.BRACKETS The first term of a geometric sequence with all positive terms is 16, and the third term of the sequence is 9. What is the common ratio of this sequence? 0.75 (Accept: 3/4)This process that guards against pathogens is regulated by law in many countries. It is used in the production of beer and cheese, but most commonly associated with the packaging of milk. What process, named for a 19th-century French scientist, heats a liquid to kill microorganisms?PASTEURIZATION (Accept word forms)In Greek mythology, this monster was the daughter of Orthus and either Echidna [ih-KID-nuh] or Chimera [kuh-MAYR-uh]. She resided outside Thebes, and committed suicide after Oedipus [EE-duh-pus] correctly answered her riddle. Identify this half-lion, half-woman also depicted in an Ancient Egyptian statue.SPHINX Lying entirely within the tropical zone, this African country borders Benin [beh-NEEN], Niger [NEE-szair], Cameroon, and Chad. With more than 250 different ethnic groups, it has the highest population of all the African nations. Identify this African nation, which lies on the Gulf of Guinea and moved its capital from Lagos [LAH-gohss] to Abuja [uh-BOO-juh] in 1991.(FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF) NIGERIA Subjects of this nonfiction book include Aldrich Ames, Robert Hanssen, and Juan Pujol. Spanning the Revolutionary War to the twenty-first century, it also focuses on code talkers, cryptologists, and various intelligence-gathering techniques. Identify this book of True Spy Stories from Invisible Ink to CIA Moles, by Paul Janeczko [juh-NES-koh].(THE) DARK GAME The mean for a data set of one hundred fifty data values, is fifty-two. The variance for this data set is nine. What is the standard deviation for this data set?3 This psychologist invented the Air Crib, a germ-free way of caring for infants. He was the author of a 1948 book, “Walden Two,” which circulated around the subject of operant conditioning. What behaviorist created a namesake box, which is used to train animals to respond to a stimulus to receive a reward?(BURRHUS FREDERIC or B.F.) SKINNER In medieval times, Christians ate pancakes on this day to use dairy, fats, and eggs that would spoil during the following 40-day period. It is an English alternative for France's Mardi Gras, or Fat Tuesday. Give the phrase, whose name refers to the practice of confessing sins and receiving absolution, for the day before Lent.SHROVE TUESDAY The committee recommended a two-week suspension for the violation. Spell the previous sentence's collective noun. C-O-M-M-I-T-T-E-E The probability that Jason will pass his math quiz is 0.8. The probability he will pass his English quiz is 0.7. Assuming these events are independent, what is the probability that he passes both quizzes?0.56 (Accept: 56 PERCENT)The term for this medieval garment derives from the Latin word macula, meaning "mesh of a net." Knights and soldiers wore it over a thick padded undergarment as protection from an opponent’s sword. Name this type of protective armor, consisting of tiny metal rings linked together.(CHAIN) MAIL This rod-shaped parasitic bacteria is often contracted by eating contaminated food. It manifests into sepsis and meningitis, and can also lead to complications from encephalitis. What type of bacteria is named after the British doctor who pioneered sterile surgery?LISTERIA In one work by this artist, an ancient Greek philosopher stares at a sculpture of an epic poet. Others show a physician conducting a public autopsy, and a shooting company with their weapons and musical instruments. Identify this creator of Aristotle Contemplating a Bust of Homer, The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp, and The Night Watch.REMBRANDT (VAN RIJN) The sum of two positive numbers is not more than fourteen. The larger number is three times the smaller number. What is the largest possible integer value for the larger number?9 This character, whose aristocratic family has lost its fortune, makes his living using ratiocination [rash-ee-oh-suh-NAY-shun]. Like Sherlock Holmes, he uses seemingly insignificant details to solve mysteries in "The Purloined Letter" and "The Murders in the Rue Morgue." What character, possibly the world's first fictional detective, was created by Edgar Allan Poe?(C. AUGUSTE [aw-GYOOST]) DUPIN [DOO-pahn] This culture's characteristic stone projectile point had a central groove along both faces, as well as finely worked edges. Archaeologists found that projectile near a New Mexico town that gives the culture its name. Identify the earliest known, well-established human culture in North America, which appeared at the end of the last glacial age.CLOVIS (CULTURE) This scientist held the chair of physical chemistry at the University of Turin for most of his career. He hypothesized that equal volumes of gases at equal temperature and pressure contain equal numbers of molecules. Whose name is associated with the number 6.022 times 10 to the 23rd power?(AMEDEO) AVOGADRO [ah-vuh-GAH-droh] In the 1990s, this performer enjoyed moderate success with her pop singles "Rush Rush," "Opposites Attract" and "Straight Up." A former Los Angeles Lakers cheerleader, she choreographed music videos and tours for the Jacksons. Who is this former American Idol panelist, who currently judges contestants on So You Think You Can Dance?(PAULA) ABDUL This economic term refers to an acute financial shock, such as a bank failure, a market crash or even the anticipation of such events. One such event was caused by President Andrew Jackson's order that payment for public lands be made in gold or silver. What is this term, which refers to a relatively sudden economic crisis often brought on by a climate of fear?PANIC This kind of story is sometimes confused with a parable. While they both teach moral lessons, a parable relies on human characters, while this kind uses inanimate objects and animals. What type of story is exemplified by "Belling the Cat"?FABLE This tree diagram's name comes from the Latin for "crane's foot", due to the way the chart lines are illustrated. The American Kennel Club can certify one of these written records, provided at least three generations of ancestry are supplied. Give the term for any written ancestral line or genealogical table, commonly used to show a purebred animal's family tree.PEDIGREE Triangle A-B-C is obtuse. How many acute angles are in triangle A-B-C? 2 In this musical, an 18-year-old couple long for "One Normal Night" as their vastly different families meet for dinner. Lucas's parents, Mal and Alice, reconcile after a love potion wreaks havoc, and a storm traps everyone in the title family's mansion. Identify this musical about Lurch, Uncle Fester, Pugsley, Wednesday, Gomez and Morticia.(THE) ADDAMS FAMILY This method of governmental economic planning was first seriously applied in the 1936 Flood Control Act. It required that the benefits of projects exceed their costs. What do we call the process used to determine which alternative is the most cost-efficient way to achieve our goal?COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS (ACCEPT: COST ANALYSIS or BENEFIT ANALYSIS)This novel's protagonist earns respect by fixing a leaky fountain, using explosives to destroy his rival's tower, and introducing modern weapons of warfare. Hank Morgan marries Sandy, befriends Clarence, and earns Merlin's wrath when he is transported to sixth-century England. Identify this comic novel by Mark Twain.(A) CONNECTICUT YANKEE IN KING ARTHUR'S COURT Two-word alliterative answer required. This visual display can sometimes be seen by people on Tasmania. It is predicted using real-time solar wind data from NASA's ACE spacecraft, and data from magnetometers worldwide. Identify the atmospheric light show that is also called the Southern Lights.AURORA AUSTRALIS What is the difference of the largest two-digit prime number, and the smallest three-digit prime number? 4 This architect used the construction of Sommerfeld House, which he built from a scrapped ship's materials, as a teaching aid for his students. Pennsylvania's Aluminum City Terrace, Greece's Porto Carras Resort, and the Masters' Houses show his penchant for soft curves and colorlessness. Who used his own Lincoln, Massachusetts, home as a teaching aid when he worked at Harvard University?(WALTER) GROPIUS This pharaoh was called Khufu [KOO-foo] by the Egyptians. He was the second king of the fourth dynasty of ancient Egypt. Give the Greek name of this pharaoh, who built the Great Pyramid near Giza [GHEE-zah].CHEOPS [KEE-ops] This poet recounts a dismal day brightened by a hilarious mishap in "Daddy Fell into the Pond." He describes a musical instrument in "The Barrel-Organ," but his masterpiece features Bess, the landlord's daughter. Who wrote "The Highwayman"?(ALFRED) NOYES [NOIZ] Two-word answer required. On some cameras, this convergence or divergence of light can be adjusted using a zoom lens. It is the term for the distance from the center of a lens, to the point where light rays that were once parallel come together. What two-word phrase in optics and photography is abbreviated by the letters FL?FOCAL LENGTH What is the y-intercept of the line with equation 3x - 4y = 36? -9 (Accept: (0, -9))This comic villain shares his name with Norse mythology's shapeshifting trickster. In Marvel films such as The Avengers, he is portrayed by Tom Hiddleston. Identify this adopted brother and enemy of Thor.LOKI This revolutionary patriot was a character in the novel titled Johnny Tremain. One of his exploits was immortalized in a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Identify this Boston silversmith, who, legend has it, rode to warn that "the British are coming!"(PAUL) REVERE This type of clause is sometimes called a relative clause because it begins with a relative pronoun. It answers questions such as "which one?" or "how many?" Identify this type of clause, present in the sentence, "Cars that run on electricity are eco-friendly."ADJECTIVAL (CLAUSE) (Accept: ADJECTIVE (CLAUSE))When he died in 1937, radio stations worldwide honored him with two minutes of silence. Heinrich Hertz was first to send and receive radio waves, but this man is considered the first to do so as a practical means of communication. Name the pioneer who first patented his designs for wireless telegraphy in 1896.(GUGLIELMO) MARCONI When the following algebraic fractions are subtracted, what is the numerator of the result? 6 over x minus 5 over quantity 3x close quantity. 13 End of Second Half – Begin Three-Minute Inquiry PeriodExtra QuestionsAH-1This mythological location housed the nine Muses at its base. All the deities could meet at its peak, but only a select twelve lived there full-time. What was this mountain dwelling of Zeus, Hera, and the other supreme Greek gods and goddesses?(MOUNT) OLYMPUS LA-2This writer, whose autobiography was titled Pioneer Girl, published eight autobiographical children's novels in just over a decade. By the Shores of Silver Lake, The Long Winter, and These Happy Golden Years are less famous than On the Banks of Plum Creek and Farmer Boy, her biography of husband Almanzo. Name this author, whose prairie childhood inspired the Little House series.(LAURA INGALLS) WILDER SC-3With Emile Roux [ay-MEEL ROO], this scientist developed a vaccine for rabies. He also discovered that some bacteria are anaerobic, meaning that they live without oxygen. Identify the scientist most famous for his process of heating and cooling food and beverages to sterilize them.(LOUIS) PASTEUR SS-4With more than 10 million visitors in 2014, this is America's most visited national park. It is located in the southern Appalachians. Name this national park, located on the ridges of forest along the border of North Carolina and Tennessee.(GREAT) SMOKY MOUNTAINS (Accept: SMOKIES)M-5You are told that 40 percent of the marbles in a bag are blue, and there are 42 marbles that are NOT blue in the bag. How many blue marbles are in the bag? 28 ................

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