CURRICULUM VITAE (January 2020)Diane CrockerPhone: 902-420-5875Department of Sociology and CriminologyFax: 902-420-5121Saint Mary's University Halifax, N.S. B3H 3C3Email: diane.crocker@smu.caWebsite: EDUCATIONPh.D., Sociology, York University, 2002Thesis Title: Regulating Intimacy: Judicial Decision Making in Cases of Wife AssaultSupervisory Committee: Desmond Ellis, Richard Weisman, Kathy BischopingExternal Reviewer: Walter DeKeseredyM.A., Sociology, York University, 1997M.R.P Title: Workplace Sexual Harassment: Experiences of Canadian WomenSupervisory Committee: Michael Ornstein, Penni StewartHonour's Equivalency, Sociology, Dalhousie University, 1997B.A., Anthropology, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1992CURRENT POSITIONS/APPOINTMENTSChairDepartment of Criminology Saint Mary’s University (2019 to present)Acting Graduate Program CoordinatorCriminology, Saint Mary’s University (2019-2020)ProfessorCriminology, Saint Mary’s University (2015 to present)Research FellowMuriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence Research, University of New Brunswick (appointed in 2018)PREVIOUS POSITIONS/APPOINTMENTS2017-2018Acting Char, Department of Criminology, Saint Mary’s University2013-2018Associate DeanFaculty of Graduate Studies and Research, Saint Mary’s University2005-2015Associate Professor, Sociology and Criminology, Saint Mary’s University (tenure granted 2007)2007-2013External Scholar, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Dalhousie University2006-2012Graduate Program Co-ordinator, Criminology, Saint Mary's University2002-2007Assistant Professor, Saint Mary’s University, Department of Sociology and Criminology2000-2002Lecturer, Saint Mary's University, Department of Sociology and Criminology1999-2000Co-Course Director, York University, Department of SociologyAWARDS, HONOURS, SCHOLARSHIPS2018President’s Award for Exemplary Service (Saint Mary’s University)2006Named one of SMU’s “popular profs” by MacLean’s Magazine2005 Named one of SMU’s “popular profs” by MacLean’s Magazine2001Student Paper Award, Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association1999Doctoral Fellowship SSHRC ($16,620 per year for 3 years)1998Dean’s Excellence Scholarship, York University ($2,000)1998Patricia Allen Memorial Fund Scholarship ($3,000)1997York University Entrance Scholarship ($3,000)RESEARCHResearch in Progress Evaluation of the policies and programs aimed at addressing campus sexual violence (funded by the Department of Labour and Advanced Education)Evaluation of Standing Together a provincial government initiative related to domestic violence (funded by the NS Advisory Council on the Status of Women)Evaluation of the CoSA National Demonstration ProjectContract to evaluate this national project using circles of support and accountability to support sex offenders released from prison to successfully re-integrate (funded by Public Safety Canada)Engaging (In)Justice StoriesCLARI and SSHRC-funded Partnership Engage Grant related to the “justice values” of victims of gender-based violenceiMPACTS: Collaborations to Address Campus Sexual ViolenceSSHRC-funded Partnership GrantCanadian Domestic Homicide Prevention InitiativeSSHRC-funded Partnership GrantManuscripts in PreparationCrocker, Diane and Marcus Silbey (2020) Making Sense of Campus Rape Culture in Collaborating for change: Transforming cultures to end gender based violence in higher education edited by Ruth Lewis and Susan Marine for Oxford University PressCrocker, Diane and Erin Dej and Home for Good (submitted) “A system is hard to get to know”: A Gender-Based Analysis of Women’s Housing Insecurity This paper is drawn from research completed last year with the YWCAGosse, Meghan and Crocker, Diane (in progress) “Safety Planning: A Call for and Intersectional Approach”This paper is drawn from research completed with the Canadian Domestic Homicide Prevention Initiative Livingston, J., & Crocker, D. (in progress).?“I totally empathize with the victim, but I’m here to deal with the accused”: Forensic mental health practitioners’ views about working with victims.Publications (* Peer Reviewed)Non Academic“Regulating Campus “Rape Culture;” Lessons from Complexity Theory” March 1, 2018 on Inherently Human: Critical Perspectives on Law, Gender and Sexuality Articles*Crocker, Diane (2016) Balancing justice goals: Restorative justice practitioners’ views Contemporary Justice Review 19(4): 462-478 DOI: 10.1080/10282580.2016.1226815*Russell, Scott and Diane Crocker (2016) The Institutionalization of Restorative Justice in Schools: A Critical Sensemaking Account Restorative Justice: An International Journal 4(2):195-213.DOI: 10.1080/20504721.2016.1197524*Crocker, Diane (2015) Implementing and Evaluating Restorative Justice Projects in Prison Criminal Justice Policy Review 26(1) 45-64.*Crocker, Diane (2013) The Effects of Regulated Discretion on Police Referrals to Restorative Justice Dalhousie Law Journal 36(2): 393-418.*Jennifer J. Llewellyn, Bruce P. Archibald, Donald Clairmont and Diane Crocker (2013) “Imagining Success for a Restorative Approach to Justice: Implications for Measurement and Evaluation” Dalhousie Law Journal 36(2): 282-316.*Byers, Michele and Diane Crocker (2012) Feminist Cohorts and Waves: Attitudes of Junior Female Academics Women's Studies International Forum 1-11.*Crocker, Diane (2010) Counting Woman Abuse: A Cautionary Tale of Two Surveys. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 13(3): 265-275.Reprinted in Hughes, C. and Cohen, R. (2010) Feminism Counts: Quantitative Methods and Researching Gender Oxford, Routledge. *Byers, Michele and Diane Crocker (2009) A Place at the Table and Voice in the Hall: Third Wave Feminism in the Canadian Academy Atlantis: A Women's Studies Journal 33(2):19-31.*Crocker, Diane (2008) Criminal Harassment and Law’s Transformative Potential. Canadian Journal of Women and the Law 20(1):87-110.*Crocker, Diane (2005) Regulating Intimacy: Judicial Discourse in Cases of Wife Assault (1970- 2000). Violence Against Women: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal. 11(2):197-226.*Crocker, Diane and Valéry Kalemba (1999) The Incidence and Impact of Women’s Experience of Sexual Harassment. Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology. 36(4):541-559. *Crocker, Diane (1996) Innovative Models for Rural Child Protection Teams. The International Journal of Child Abuse and Neglect. 20(3):205-211. Manuscripts (*peer reviewed)Crocker, Diane; Minaker, Joanne; Nelund, Amanda, Eds. (2020) Violence Interrupted: Confronting Sexual Violence on University Campuses. Crocker, Diane; Minaker, Joanne; Nelund, Amanda, Eds. Montreal: McGill University Press.Crocker, Diane (2012) Crime In Canada Toronto: Oxford University Press. Crocker, Diane and Val Marie Johnson, Eds. (2010) Poverty, Regulation and Social Justice:Readings on the Criminalization of Poverty. Halifax: Fernwood Press. *Crocker, Diane; Alexandra Dobrowolsky, Edna Keeble, Carmen Celina Moncayo and Evie Tastsoglou (2007) Security and Immigration, Changes and Challenges: Immigrant and Ethnic Communities in Atlantic Canada, Presumed Guilty? Ottawa: Status of Women Canada.Book Chapters (*peer reviewed)*Crocker, Diane (2020) “Telling Stories and Making Sense of Campus Culture” in Violence Interrupted: Confronting Sexual Violence on University Campuses.Crocker, Diane; Minaker, Joanne; Nelund, Amanda, Eds. Montreal: McGill University Press.*Crocker, Diane (2017) The Domestic Violence Court Pilot Project: Lessons from and Evaluation. In Innovations in Interventions to Address Intimate Partner Violence: Research and Practice Tod Austusta-Scott, Katreena Scott, and Leslie Tutty (eds.)*Crocker, Diane and Vicki Chartrand (2015) “Prisoner Subjectivity and Resistance Through Restorative Justice” in Experiencing Prison edited by Rose Ricciardelli and Katharina Maier, London: Interdisciplinary Press. Crocker, Diane (2001) Researching Nineteenth Century Domestic Violence: Two Case Studies. Feminism(s) on the Edge of the Millennium: Rethinking Foundations and Future Debates. Krista Hunt and Christine Saulnier (eds.) Toronto: Inana Publications.Schuller, Regina, A. and Diane Crocker (1998) The Scientific Status of Research on the Sexual and Physical Abuse of Children. Modern Scientific Evidence, the Law and Science of Expert Testimony. David L. Faigman, David H. Kaye, Michael J. Saks and Joseph Saunders (eds.) St. Paul, Minn: West Pub. Co. Crocker, Diane (1997) Trials Tribulations and Truth: Researching Nineteenth Century Spousal Homicide. In Policing the New Millennium: Critical Essays on Social Control. York University Critical Criminology Association (eds.) Toronto: Centre for Police and Security Studies, Atkinson College, York University.Other PublicationsRuddell R. and Crocker D. (2017) Exploring Criminal Justice in Nova Scotia Supplementary Chapter in Exploring Criminal Justice in Canada by Rick Ruddell, Toronto: Oxford University Press. Crocker, Diane (2003) The Accidental Sociologist: Fragmented Identities in the 21st Century. Sociology On-Line, July-August. , Diane (2003) Active Learning and Teaching in University and College. Teaching and Learning at Saint Mary’s. 14(1):6.Crocker, Diane (2003) Referencing Sources: Teaching by Example. Teaching and Learning at Saint Mary’s. 13(2):2.Book ReviewsCrocker, Diane (2010) Review of Imaginary Penalties Pat Carlen (ed.) Canadian Journal of Law and Society, pp. 107-108.Crocker, Diane (2008) Review of Feminism, Law, Inclusion: Intersectionality in Action edited by Gayle MacDonald, Rachel L. Osborne and Charles C. Smith Atlantis: A Women's Studies Journal. 32(2) , Diane (2002) Review of Who Owns Domestic Violence? by Ruth Mann Violence Against Women. 8(5):625-628.Crocker, Diane (2001) Review of Women, Crime and Criminal Justice: Original Feminist Readings edited by Claire M. Renzetti and Lynne Goodstein. American Society of Criminology-Division of Women and Crime Newsletter. Summer 2001.Reports2020Standing Together Evaluation and Learning Report Prepared for the Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women (31pp)Evaluation Report Year Two Prepared for CoSA Canada (131 pp.)Evaluation and Learning Framework for “Creating Communities of Care” Prepared for the Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women (31pp.)2019Resotrative Conversations: Talking about Restorative Approaches and Gender-Based Violence in Nova Scotia (with Sue Bookchin and Verona Singer) submitted to the Metro Interagency Committee on Family Violence (55 pp)Domestic Violence Court Evaluation Report (with Jessica Burke) submitted to the NS Department of Justice. 35 pp. CoSA Canada Evaluation Report: Year 2 (with Larissa Doran, Jay Healey and Bob Crocker, 111pp (Submitted to Public Safety Canada)Evaluation Report: Waves of Change: Bystander Intervention Training Program for Nova Scotia Universities 33pp. (Marlee Jordan as first author)2018Evaluation Report: Circles of Support and Accountably (Year One) 110 pp.“The system is hard to get to know” Home for Good Research Report Produced for the YWCA Halifax and the Home for Good partnership, 59pp.2017Evaluation Framework: Circles of Support and Accountability Demonstration Project 2016Final Report: Church Council on Justice and Corrections Enhancing Empathy by Understanding Victim Impact Project (Phase II) Public Safety Canada’s Effective Corrections ProgramFinal Report: Domestic Violence Court Pilot Project, Sydney, Nova Scotia Court Services, Nova Scotia Department of Justice (119 pp.) (2016)2015Evaluation Report: Church Council on Justice and Corrections Enhancing Empathy by Understanding Victim Impact Project, Public Safety Canada’s Effective Corrections Program (16 pp.) 2014Preliminary Report: Domestic Violence Court Pilot Project, Sydney, Nova Scotia Court Services, Nova Scotia Department of Justice (68 pp.)2013Methodology Report: Domestic Violence Court Pilot Project, Sydney, Nova Scotia Court Services, Nova Scotia Department of Justice (62pp.)Results-Based Management and Accountability Framework: Domestic Violence Court Pilot Project, Sydney, Nova Scotia Court Services, Nova Scotia Department of Justice (27pp.)Final Report on the Partners in Healing Project John Howard Society of Southeastern New Brunswick (49 pp).2012Preliminary Report on the Partners in Healing Initiative John Howard Society of Southeastern New Brunswick (55 pp.)Decision-Making about Restorative Justice: Report on a Survey of HRP Officers Nova Scotia Restorative Justice-Community University Research Alliance(30 pp.)Evaluation Framework: Pathways to Education Submitted to Pathways to Education/Chebucto Connections (18 pp.)2011Results from a survey of Staff, Volunteers and Board of the Nova Scotia Restorative Justice Program (2011) prepared with R. Craig for the Nova Scotia Restorative Justice-Community University Research Alliance. (48pp).Evaluation of the Restorative Options for Youth in Care Project Report Submitted to the Community Justice Society, (24pp.) 2011Evaluation Proposal: Partners in Healing Initiative Reported Submitted to the John Howard Society of New Brunswick (24 pp.) 2010Evaluation of the Restorative Options for Youth in Care (ROYC) Pilot ProjectReport Submitted to the Community Justice Society, Halifax, NS2008Evaluation Report (2008) prepared with D. Proudfoot for the Nova Scotia Restorative Justice-Community University Research Alliance (11pp).Policies and Procedures on Research Ethics and Protection of Privacy (2008) prepared for the Nova Scotia Restorative Justice-Community University Research Alliance (33pp).Designing Questionnaires: An Information Briefing (2008) prepared with Jennifer Webber for the Nova Scotia Restorative Justice-Community University Research Alliance (7pp).2007Evaluation Framework (2007) prepared for the Nova Scotia Restorative Justice-Community University Research Alliance (16pp).Results-Based Accountability Framework (RMAF) for the NSRJ-CURAI (2007) prepared for the Nova Scotia Restorative Justice-Community University Research Alliance (17pp).2005Report from The Working Group on Student Success, (68pp.) Co-authored with M-A Bennett, P. Bernard, J. Cameron, L. Van Esch, K. Lingley. Presented to the Vice-President Academic and Research Saint Mary’s University2004Criminal Harassment: Understanding Criminal Justice Outcomes for Victims, Department of Justice Canada, (61pp.)Funding (P=peer reviewed; C= Community/Government Partnership)2020Evaluation of the Domestic Violence Offender Navigator Program Halifax Regional Police (Principal Investigator) $5000Evaluation of Waves of Change: Bystander Training Program Antigonish Women's Resource Centre & Sexual Assault Services Association?($25,000)2019(P) Award in Aid of Scholarly Publication ($8000) Federation for the Humanities and Social SciencesEvaluation of Standing Together: A Provincial Plan to Prevent Domestic Violence (Principal Investigator) $250,000 from the NS Advisory Council on the Status of Women (2019-2020)Evaluation of Campus Sexual Violence Policies and Campus Culture Change (Principal Investigator) $26,000 from NS Department of Labour and Advanced Education (2019-2020)(C)Developing a Culturally Appropriate Approach to Evaluation (with the NS Advisory Council on the Status of Women) $7500 SMU Community and Student Engagement. Committee on Community Engaged Research(P) Examining victims’ needs in the forensic mental health context, NSHRF Development and Innovative (Co-Investigator, PI Jamie Livingston) $14,994Domestic Violence Court Evaluation Project (Principal Investigator) $3000 Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research(C) Standing Together Evaluation Framework (Principal Investigator) $25, 000 Government of Nova Scotia (NS Advisory Council on the Status of Women)2018Evaluation of Waves of Change: Nova Scotia Bystander Training Program (Principal Investigator), $3000(PC) Harm and Harm Reduction: Connecting Critical Criminological Scholars with Criminal/Social Justice Practitioners $23,030 (Co-Applicant, Principal Investigator Jamie Livingston) (PC) Engaging (In)Justice Stories $24,682, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. Connections Grant (Principal Investigator)(C) Voices of Women - Experiences of Justice Project in partnership with Be the Peace Institute and the Association of Black Social Workers $7,000 from the Change Lab Action Research Institute, Nova Scotia(C) Restorative Conversations: Expanding the Dialogue $75,000 funded by the Department of Justice Canada (Research Partner) (P) IMPACTS: Collaborations to Address Sexual Violence on Campus $2,000,000 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. Partnership Grant (Co-Applicant; Principal Investigator Shareen Sharriff)2017(C)Evaluation of the Circles of Support and Accountably (COSA) Program (2017-2021)$267,400 (Research Contract, Principal Investigator)(C) Home for Good: Advancing Women’s Housing Through System Change YWCA Halifax, $22,000 (Research Contract, Principal Investigator)(P) Colloquium on Sexual Violence and Rape Culture on University Campuses $25,000 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. Connections Grant (Applicant)2015(C) Making Sense of Rape Culture on University Campuses Department of Community Services, Sexual Violence Strategy $15, 000 (Principal Investigator)(P) *Methods Matter: Integrating Complexity into Research On Rape Culture $51,088 (Principal Investigator) SSHRC Insight Development Grant (P) *Stories of ‘Success” in the Forensic Mental Health System $149,932 (Co-Applicant; Principal Investigator Dr. Jamie Livingston) Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation (PC) *Canadian Domestic Homicide Prevention Initiative for Vulnerable Populations $2.1 million (Co-Applicant, Peter Jaffee and Myrna Dawson Co-Principal Investigators) SSHRC Partnership GrantSaint Mary’s University Internal Research Grant, $3,000 (Co-Investigator)2014Saint Mary’s University Internal Research Grant, $3,000 (Principal Investigator)2013(C) Evaluation of the Domestic Violence Court Pilot Project, Sydney Nova Scotia, Department of Justice, $50, 000 (Principal Investigator)Saint Mary’s University Internal Research Grant, $2,000 (Principal Investigator)2012The Status of Women in Nova Scotia Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women, $3,100; Strategic Co-operative Education Initiative, Minister of Economic and Rural Development, $3,1692011Saint Mary’s University Internal Research Grant, $2,000 (Principal Investigator)(C) Evaluation of the Restorative Options for Youth in Care Project Community Justice Society, Halifax, $6,000 (Principal Investigator)(PC) *Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Partnership Grant Letter of Intent, $20,000 An International Collaborative Study of the Justice System’s Response to Intimate Partner Violence (Co-Applicant; Principal Investigator Carmen Gill)2011(C) Evaluation of the Partners in Healing Project John Howard Society of Moncton, $20,000 (Principal Investigator)2009(C) Evaluation of the Restorative Options for Youth in Care (ROYC) Pilot Project Community Justice Society, Halifax, $6,000 (Principal Investigator)Saint Mary’s University Internal Research Grant, $1,600 (Principal Investigator)2007(PC)*Canadian Observatory on the Justice System Response to Intimate Partner Violence SSHRC- Strategic Knowledge Cluster Program, $2, 500, 000 (Co-Applicant; Principal Investigator: C. Gill)2006(PC) *Beyond Theory: Restorative Justice in Practice SSHRC- Community University Research Alliance, $1,000,000 (Co-Applicant; Principal Investigator: J. Llewellyn)2006Saint Mary’s University Internal Research Grant, $1,9002005(PC) *Beyond Theory: Restorative Justice in Practice, SSHRC- Community University Research Alliance Letter of Intent, $20,000 (Co-Applicant; Principal Investigator: J. Llewellyn)Victims’ Stories of Criminal Harassment, Department of Justice Canada, $25,000 (Principal Investigator)(C) Child Protection Workers Survey Gander Women’s Centre/Status of Women Canada, $9,500 (Research Consultant)Letter of Intent accepted, Saint Mary’s Strategic Initiatives Fund: Innovation in Teaching (declined invitation to apply for a grant due to timing of maternity leave)2004(C)*Citizenship, Equality and Freedom: Gendered Dimensions of Human SecurityGender/Immigrant Women Domain, The Atlantic Metropolis Centre, $3,260 (Principal Investigator) (declined due to funding available to me in another project)Criminalizing Poverty: Is Being Poor A Crime? (A Public Colloquium)Law Commission of Canada, $2,000; Saint Mary's University, $3,000Student Employment Experience Program $2,490 (Co-organizer with V. Johnson and The Community Action on Homelessness)Student Employment Experience Program, $2,4902003*Human Security, Immigration, Citizenship and the Profile of Terror:Immigrant and Ethnic Minorities Presumed Guilty? Status of Women Canada, Policy Research Fund, $85, 000 (Co-investigator with A. Dobrowolsky, E. Keeble and E. Tastsoglou with the Metropolitan Immigrant Settlement Association) Parent Abuse in Immigrant Communities Department of Justice Canada, $17, 600(Collaborator; Principal investigator: M. VanderPlaat Co-applicant with J. Karabanow, N. Sharif and E. Tastsoglou)What is Criminal Harassment? Legal, Public and Political Discourses SSHRC, Standard Research Grant, deemed fundable but not fundedStudent Employment Experience Program, $2,4902002Saint Mary’s University Internal Research Grant, $2,000Saint Mary’s University Internal Research Grant, $2,000 (with Michele Byers)2001Start Up Grant, Saint Mary’s University, $4,700Conference and Other Presentations/Workshops (I=Invited; P=Peer Reviewed) 2020DVC(P) The Criminalization of Domestic Violence: Lessons Learned for the Development of Campus Anti-Violence Policies National Conference on Critical Perspectives in Criminology and Social Justice, Quebec City, June 18-19.2019(I) “Evaluating Domestic Violence Court Programs” Atlantic Problem-Solving Courts Conference: Sharing What Works September 28(P) “The Criminalization of Domestic Violence: Lessons Learned for the Development of Campus Anti-Violence Policies” Third European Conference on Domestic Violence, 1-4 September 2019, Oslo, Norway(I) “Understanding University Rape Culture through Narrative and Complexity.” Workshop presented to faculty and staff at NSCAD (June 7)(I) “Understanding University Rape Culture through Narrative and Complexity.” Workshop presented to faculty and staff at Dalhousie (May 30)Livingston, J., & Crocker, D. (2019, June).?“I totally empathize with the victim, but I’m here to deal with the accused”: Forensic mental health practitioners’ views about working with victims. Paper presented at the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services annual conference. Montreal, Canada.(I) “Understanding University Rape Culture through Narrative and Complexity.” Workshop presented to faculty and staff at St. Francis Xavier University (April 8)2018(I) “Understanding University Rape Culture through Narrative and Complexity” Workshop presented to faculty and staff at the University of Windsor (October 31)(I) “Understanding University Rape Culture through Narrative and Complexity.” Workshop presented to faculty and staff at Mount Saint Vincent University (October 26)(I) “Transforming Research Outcomes to Public Policy” Guest talk in APSC 7610 at Saint Mary’s University (Course Instructors Kevin Vessey and Kevin Buchan) October 18(I) Workshop: “Learning about Campus Rape Culture Through Student Narratives” presented for Sexual Violence Awareness Week at Saint Mary’s University , September 18“Understanding Rape Culture Through Narrative and Complexity” Presented at Narrative Matters 2018, University of Twente, Netherlands, July 2“Engaging (In)Justice Stories” presented at the 8th National Conference on Critical Perspectives: Harm and Harm Reduction in the Criminal Justice System, June 21“Home for Good: Research and Advocacy for Women’s Housing” presented at the national meeting of YWCA’s June 9, 2018(I) Understanding University Rape Culture through Narrative and Complexity presented at the Canadian Bilingual Symposium on Sexual Violence in Post-Secondary Education Institutions, Montreal (May 31) (I) “Evaluating Change in Complex Context” presented to the Provincial Sexual Violence Prevention Committee (May 15)(I) Panelist “Sexual Assault: Presenting the Full Picture) at Media and the Law: Working Together to Improve Public Access and Trust organized by Nova Scotia Courts (May 12)(I) Workshop on campus sexual violence for 15 participants at MacEwan University (March 30)(I) Closing Plenary Panel, Canadian Domestic Homicide Conference (March 21) (I) Panelist #MeToo Panel at Dalhousie, March 16Workshop on campus sexual violence for 45 participants from across Nova Scotia including university staff, community agencies, students and faculty (February 9)2017(I) Workshop on Narrative Research for the “Beyond the Book” Project (Co-Investigators DeNel Rehberg Sedeo, Mount Saint Vincent University and Danielle Fuller, Notingham University) (December 6) (I) Panelist: Ending Violence Against Women: An Online Town hall organized by the Canadian Association of University Teachers (December 6)Stakeholder story workshop for “Home for Good” including 20 housing stakeholders from Halifax as part of the research project completed for Home for Good (December 4) (I) Dialogue Circle on How Do We Evaluate Restorative Justice More Effectively at the National Restorative Justice Symposium, Ottawa (November 20)(I) Workshop on developing novel interventions to address campus sexual violence and rape culture and a presentation on Understanding University Rape Culture through Narrative and Complexity at Acadia University, Wolfville (NS) for student services and related staff (November 15)(I) Regulating Campus “Rape Culture”: Lessons from Complexity Theory presented at the University of Manchester, School of Law (November 8)(I) Presentation on Theory-Driven Evaluation to the Evaluation Sub-Committee of the Working Group for the Domestic Violence Court in Halifax (October 27)(I) Understanding University Rape Culture through Narrative and Complexity presented at the Annual General Meeting of the Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence Research (September 21)(I) Workshop on research methodology (developing narrative story prompts) for Be The Peace and their project on “A Restorative Approach to Justice for Women Experiencing Gendered Violence” (June 15)(I) Panel on Specialized Domestic Violence Courts at the Nova Scotia Criminal Justice Association Conference “Criminal Justice in Canada: Beyond ‘One Size Fits All’ (June 9)(I) Workshop on options for a restorative specialized domestic violence court for the Halifax Interagency Committee on Family Violence (May 25) “Understanding University Rape Culture through Narrative and Complexity” Critical Criminology/Representing Justice Conference, Ottawa (May 5)(I) Roundtable on “rape culture” at the Critical Criminology/Representing Justice Conference, Ottawa (May 5)(I) Presentation to the Minister of Justice (Nova Scotia) on Domestic Violence Courts (March 28)(P) “Understanding University Rape Culture through Narrative and Complexity” Conference on Tackling Gender-Based Violence in Universities, Newcastle, UK (March 14)(I) Criminal Justice System Roundtable, with the Provincial Minister of Justice, Wolfville, March 3 (participant)(I) Presentation on the specialized domestic violence report to the Public Prosecution Committee, Department of Justice (Nova Scotia), Halifax, February 82016(I) Presentation on the specialized domestic violence report to the Metro Interagency Committee on Family Violence, Halifax, November 10(I) Criminal Justice System Review?Roundtable, with the Minister of Justice (Canada) and various federal government representatives, October 14 (participant)(I) Panel member on law and sexual violence at the Nova Scotia Criminal Lawyers’ Association, October 28Rape Culture on Campus: University Student Perspectives Poster Presentation with Mariana Ines Pauldi (as presenter) Canadian Association of College and University Student Services, Winnipeg, June 20, 2016. Rape Culture on Campus: University Students’ Perspectives with Mariana Ines Paludi (as presenter) Atlantic Association of College and University Student Services, Fredericton, May 26, 2016.Integrating Complexity into Research on Rape Culture on University Campuses International Sociology Association: Forum of Sociology, Vienna, July 2016(I) Panel member for public panel on The Jian Ghomeshi Trail: Fifty Ways to Discredit Your Complainant, Dalhousie University March 8(I) Panel member at the International Society for the Reform of Criminal Law Young Justice Professionals Program – Sexual Assault Law in a Post-Ghomeshi World: Competing Realities and an Exploration of Possible Reforms, July 26, 2016.(I) Panel member at “The Jian Ghomeshi Trial: Fifty Ways to Discredit Your Complainant” A Panel Discussion on the Sexual Politics of Credibility, Halifax, March 8, 2016(I) Panel member at a public presentation of The Hunting Ground, Halifax, January 12. 2016Presentation about rape culture to Women and Gender Studies students at Mount St. Vincent University, September 22, 20152015The Institutionalization of Restorative Justice in Schools National Restorative Justice Symposium, Quebec City, November 2015Evaluating Domestic Violence Courts Using Theory-Driven Evaluation, Canadian Domestic Violence Conference, Toronto, June 20152014(I) Researching Restorative Justice in Prison presented to members of the Department of Sociology, Memorial University, October 2014.(I) Sexualized Violence: Innovative Approaches in Increasing Our Understanding (panellist) Promising Practices and Innovative Approaches: Women and Men Stopping Gendered Violence, Halifax, December 2014. Measuring the Success of Restorative Justice: Expanding the Evaluator’s Toolbox National Restorative Justice Symposium, Banff, November 2014.(I) Workshop on Evaluation and Measuring Success, Nova Scotia Restorative Justice Program, December 15, 20142013(I) Honoring Diverse Attitudes Towards Crime presented at the Community Justice Society Conference, November 2013(I) Reporting Crime. Presented to the journalism class at King’s College, Halifax, September 2013.Stories of Restorative Justice in Canadian Prisons: Dilemmas for Evaluators and Programme Designers Presented at the 4th Global Conference Experiencing Prisons, , Prague, May, 2013.Forgiveness Behind the Walls: Stories of Restorative Justice in Prison Presented at the Critical Criminology Conference, Ottawa, June 2013. 2012(I) Reporting Crime. Presented to the journalism class at King’s College, Halifax, October 2012.(I) Crime Statistics in the Media. Presented to the journalism class at King’s College, Halifax, February 2012.2011Measuring the Success of Restorative Justice. Presented at the Critical Criminology Conference, Ottawa, June 2012. Institutionalizing Restorative Justice in Nova Scotia. Presented at the CanadianCriminal Justice Association, Quebec City, October 2011. The Values of Restorative Justice Practitioners Presented at Institutionalizing Restorative Practices, a conference of the International Institute for Restorative Practices and the Nova Scotia Restorative Justice-Community University Research Alliance, Halifax, June 2011.The Reception of Restorative Justice by the Criminal Justice SystemPresented with Don Clairmont at the Institutionalizing Restorative Practices, A conference of the International Institute for Restorative Practices and the Nova Scotia Restorative Justice-Community University Research Alliance, Halifax, June 2011.Measuring Success: Research on Restorative Justice Plenary Presentation with Bruce Archibald, Don Clairmont and Jennifer Llewellyn at Institutionalizing Restorative Practices, A conference of the International Institute for Restorative Practices and the Nova Scotia Restorative Justice-Community University Research Alliance, Halifax, June 2011.Retribution, Punishment and Restoration: The Values of Restorative Justice Practitioners Presented at Critical Perspectives: Criminology and Social Justice, Ottawa, April 2011.2009Practicing Critical Criminology Presented at the Canadian Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, May 2009.Roundtable on Socio-Legal Research in Atlantic Canada Canadian Law and Society Association, Mid Winter Meeting, Halifax, January, 2009. 2008Roundtable on Socio-Legal Research: Ethical Dilemmas Canadian Law and Society Association, Mid Winter Meeting, Ottawa, January, 2008. 2007A Place at the Table and a Voice in the Hall: Third Wave Feminism in the Canadian Academy Educating Women/Women's Education in the Post-Secondary Context, Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, 2007.2006Criminal Harassment and the Transformative Potential of Law Canadian Law and Society Association, York University, 2006.2005(I) Researching The New Human Security Agenda Atlantic Metropolis Centre, Annual Meeting, Saint Mary’s University, 2005.(I) Gendered Dimensions of the New Human Security Agenda Gender/Immigrant Women Domain, Atlantic Metropolis Centre, Annual Meeting, Saint Mary's University(I) Beyond Retention: An Academic Recovery Program in the Faculty of ArtsScholars’ Work in Progress Series, Faculty of Arts (with Peter Cody-Cox, Anthony Farrell and Don Naulls)(I) What You Want to Know But Were Afraid to Ask About Your FacultyAssociation New Faculty Orientation, Saint Mary’s UniversityBeyond Retention: Can We Enable Academic Recovery for Failing Students? Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, U.P.E.I. (with Esther Enns, Anthony Farrell, Janet Hill and Don Naulls).(I) Reinventing the Course—A Panel Dicsussion Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, U.P.E.I. (organized by Pierre Zundel).What Would A Third-Wave Feminist, Sociolegal Scholarship look like Anyways? Canadian Law & Society Association, Annual Meeting, Harrison Hot Springs, BC.2004Encouraging Positive Transitions: The ESP Program AAU Teaching Showcase, Dalhousie University, Halifax (with Esther Enns, Anthony Farrell and Don Naulls).Gender Neutral Law, Gender Neutral Judgements? Canadian Law and Society Association, University of Manitoba.What Do We Know About Criminal Harassment? Canadian Law and Society Association, Université de Montreal.Representing Stalking in Law: Constructions of Victims and Offenders Crime in Canada: Law and Dis/Order, Two Days of Canada,Brock University, St. Catherine's.2003Yes That's Plagiarism! Refocusing the Debate Around Academic Integrity(with Michele Byers) Dalhousie Conference on University Learning and Teaching, Halifax.2002The Canadian Anti-Stalking Law: Emerging Issues in Cases Involving Intimates (with Jan Cavicchi) Canadian Law and Society Association, Halifax.The Social Construction of Wife Abuse as a Crime: 19th Century Lessons for 20th Century Activists Canadian Women’s Studies Association, Toronto.Who Are We Teaching? (with Michele Byers) Dalhousie Conference on University Learning and Teaching, Halifax.A Genealogical Study of Wife Abuse as a Crime Canadian Law and Society Association, Vancouver.Regulating Intimacy: Judicial Discourse in Cases of Wife AssaultCanadian Sociology and Anthropology Association, University of Toronto.2001Conceptualizing Violence Against Women as a Gendered Crime: Directions for Future Theory Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association, Université Laval(I) What I Know Now That I Wish I’d Known Then—Surviving the First Year of Teaching New Faculty Orientation Saint Mary’s University.2000Gendering Criminology: Implications for Research on Violence Against WomenLaMarsh Graduate Student Symposium, York University, Toronto.2000Conceptualizing Violence Against Women as a Gendered Crime: Directions for Future Theory Interdisciplinary Feminist Colloquium, York University, Toronto.1999 and beforeThe Social Construction of Wife Abuse as a Crime: 19th Century Lessons for 20th Century Activists American Society of Criminology, Toronto, 1999.Blood in the Archives: Spousal Homicide in 19th Century Ontario York Sociology Graduate Association Conference, York University, Toronto, 1999.Predicting Sexual Harassment: Results from a National Telephone SurveyCanadian Sociology and Anthropology Association, Carleton University, Ottawa, 1999.A Short History of Wife Abuse: Tales from the Archives Graduate Student’s Criminology Association Conference, University of Toronto, 1998.Researching Sexual Harassment in the Workplace LaMarsh Graduate Student Symposium, York University, Toronto, 1998.Trials, Tribulations and Truth: Researching Nineteenth Century Spousal Homicide, York University Interdisciplinary Feminist Colloquium, Toronto, 1998.Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: The Experiences of Canadian Women Sociologists Against Sexual Harassment, Toronto, 1997.Innovative Models for Rural Child Protection Teams Conflict Resolution and Violence: Causes and Consequences,Interaction '94, Halifax, 1994.TEACHINGStudent SupervisionPrimary Supervisor- M.A. StudentsAndrea Boucher, MA Criminology (graduated 2019) A gender-based analysis of the Good Lives Model’s primary goods : exploring women’s reintegrative experiencesStephanie Nieman, MA Criminology (graduated 2019) ?Institutionalizing restorative justice : a case study of the Nova Scotia Restorative Justice ProgramRachelle Cloward, MA Criminology (Graduated 2017)Kate Blackman, MA International Development Studies, (Graduated 2014) Gangs and development in El SalvadorScott Russell, MA Criminology, (2014) The Institutionalization of Restorative Justice in Schools: A Critical Sensemaking ApproachKathryn Bliss MA Criminology (2013) Restorative Justice and Public Opinion: The Role of Citizen, Community and the State in JusticeAmanda Nelund, (2010) The Power of Resistance: Women's Organizations and Institutionalized Restorative Justice in Nova ScotiaMarc Diagle, Graduate Diploma, Criminology, Saint Mary’s (2007)Primary Supervisor- Honours Students Jessica Burke (2018-2019) Exploring experiences of peer campus sexual violence educators through participatory photographyLarissa Doran (2017-2018) Finding Common Ground on a Journey from Pain to Hope: CoSA as Restorative JusticeMeagan Lawrence (2016-2017) Are You Satisfied? An analysis of victim satisfaction with justiceChloe Gagnon, Batterer Intervention Program Approaches: are they considered? Criminology, Saint Mary’s (2012)Renee Tonge Intersectionality and Canadian Law Criminology, Saint Mary’s (2012)Jody Wasserman Power, Confinement, Resistance: The case of Ashley Smith Criminology, Saint Mary’s (2011)Adrian Lake Circles of Support and Accountability: Community Formation in a Liquid Modern Environment Criminology, Saint Mary’s (2010)Suzanne Johnson "Whoever controls the Media Controls the Mind": Social Construction, the Punishable Young Offender and the Maritime Media Criminology, Saint Mary’s (2008)Amy Hum Restorative Justice: Exploring Repeat Offenders Criminology, Saint Mary’s (2008)Jennifer Webber Police Officers' Understanding and Opinions of the Halifax Regional Police Victim Services Mobile Response Unit Criminology, Saint Mary’s (2007)Ian Mingo Recognizing Harm: From Rape to Sexual Assault in the Canadian Criminal Justice System Criminology, Saint Mary’s (2005)Tiffany Silver The Characteristics of Women at Risk of Victimization, Criminology, Saint Mary’s (2004)Sonia Bigg Does Expert Testimony Influence Judicial Decisions? BA Hons, Criminology, Saint Mary’s (2003)Emily Snyder Detecting "Demons" and "Drooling Deviants": Media Portrayals of Sex Offenders and the Culture of Fear BA Hons, Criminology, Saint Mary’s (2003)Jan Cavicchi Criminal Harassment: Redefining Crime and Changing Ideologies, Criminology, Saint Mary’s (2002)Committee Member PhDVerona Singer, PhD. Tensions in the Dominant Discourse and the High Risk Case Coordination Protocol Interdisciplinary Studies, Dalhousie University (2013) Ph.D. Interdisciplinary Studies, DalhousieCommittee Member- MastersDee Dooley, Constructing Nicole: Gender, Discourse and Victimization/Criminalization in R. v. Ryan Criminology, Saint Mary’s (2013)Melissa Tatlock, From Titanic to Star Wars: A Derridean Desconstructive Analysis of the Minimization of Violence in the 25 Top Grossing Films of All Times Criminology, Saint Mary’s (2009)Laure LaFrance Femicide and the Politics of Acknowledgement: A Feminist Analysis of New Representations of Lethal Male Violence Against Women Inter-University Program in Women’s Studies (2005)External ReviewerBrittany Levy Perception of Youth with Mental Disorders in the Criminal Justice System M.A. Department of Sociology, Acadia University (2017) Supervisor: Barbara Moore. Jennifer Fraser, Claims-Making in Context: Forty Years of Canadian Feminist Activism on Violence Against Women Ph.D. Department of Criminology, University of Ottawa (2013) Supervisor: Holly JohnsonTammy Superle, “I Just Really Like Walking, To Tell You The Truth:” Gendered Discouses of Safety and Danger in Urban Public Spaces Ph.D. Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Carleton University (2013) Supervisors: Aaron Doyle and Andrea DoucetLisa McDougall, Restorative Justice and Sexual Assault in Nova Scotia: Why is the Door Ajar M.A. Department of Sociology, Acadia University (2009) Supervisor: Tony ThompsonSERVICEService to the Community (including media appearances)2019Member of a national Community of Practice related to Complaints Processes, Community of Practice with Courage to Act, a national initiative to address and prevent gender-based violence on post-secondary campuses in Canada funded by Women and Gender Equity (Government of Canada).Senate testimonyThe Standing Senate Committee on National Security and Defence, to which was referred Bill C-77, An Act to amend the National Defence Act and to make related and consequential amendments to other Acts, met this day at 11 a.m. t May 272019Research Consultant: Nova Scotia Home for Coloured Children Public InquiryResearch Consultant: Access to Justice & Law Reform Institute (Talk Justice project)Board Member: Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence Research, University of New BrunswickBoard Member, Avalon Sexual Assault CentreMember Provincial Sexual Violence Prevention Committee. Department of Labour and Advanced Education Volunteer: Citizen’s Advisory Committee, Correctional Services of CanadaAdvisor: Board of the Saint Mary’s University Women’s Centre; Be the Peace; Metro Inter-Agency Committee on Family Violence; Domestic Violence Court Evaluation CommitteeMember of the Working Group for the Metro Domestic Violence Court (Halifax)Member of the Metro Interagency Committee on Family Violence (Halifax)2017Volunteer: Circles of Support and AccountabilityVolunteer: Citizen’s Advisory Committee, Correctional Services of CanadaAdvisor: Board of the Saint Mary’s University Women’s Centre; Be the Peace; Metro Inter-Agency Committee on Family ViolenceMember of the Working Group for the Metro Domestic Violence Court (Halifax)Community Partner:YWCA (Halifax) project on transitioning women out of homelessnessBe the Peace Institute (Mahone Bay, NS) on their project related to restorative justice and domestic violenceInformal consultant to:Labour and Advanced Education (Nova Scotia) on campus sexual violencePolicy, Research and Planning (Department of Justice) on measuring success of the Nova Scotia Restorative Justice program, The Metro Interagency Committee on Family ViolenceInterviewed on CBC Radio Information Morning about outcome of a local sexual assault trial (March 3)Member of the Organizing Committee for the Canadian Domestic Violence Conference 2016Interviewed on CBC Radio Mainstreet about the Jian Ghomeshi trial (March 24, 2016)Interview by CBC News on crime statistics (July 20, 2016)Interviewed on CBC Radio Information morning about sexual assault law reform (July 22, 2016)Interviewed by David MacDonald for The Coast about the justice system and sexual violence (May 12, 2016)2015Church Council on Justice and Corrections, Evaluation Consultant Oversight of evaluations of victim empathy programs run in several prisonsMember, Evaluation Advisory Committee, SNAP program (Stop Now and Plan) 2014Nova Scotia Restorative Justice Program, Program Management Committee (appointed 2012)Member Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics Academic Advisory Committee 2013Interviewed by Christina Harrnett for Maritime Magazine on funding for crime prevention programs (February 6, 2013)2012Quoted by John Moore in The National Post on zero tolerance policies (February 21, 2012)Interviewed by John Moore for Moore in the Morning on Newstalk 1010, Toronto, on my book Crime in Canada (January 23, 2012) 2011Chebucto Connections/Pathway to EducationWrote an Evaluation Framework for their Pathways to Education programQuoted by Stephen Puddicome on CBC Radio and online, about the omnibus crime bill (December 27, 2011)Quoted by Dan Aresnault for The Chronicle Herald on crime in Halifax (December 6, 2011)2009Member, Fundraising Committee, Ecology Action CentreQuoted by Dave McGinn for the Globe and Mail on same sex sexual harassment in the workplace (October 6, 2009)2006Interviewed by Jack Julian for CBC Radio's Information Morning on the Harper government's proposal for a "three strikes you’re out" policy (October 16, 2006)Interviewed by Carol Morris for The Valley Today newspaper on crime statistics (December 15, 2006)2005Consultant, Halifax Regional PoliceHelped write a proposal to the Chief of Police to establish a specialized domestic violence unitBoard Member & Secretary, North End Community Health Association (2002-2005)Research Consultant, Gander Women’s Centre, Gander, NL (2004-2005)Helped them design a research project to measure attitudes of ChildProtection workers2004Interviewed by Brion Robinson, CBC Radio, Information Morning, Moncton on the Anti-Terrorism Act and its impact on immigrants (March 6, 2004)Member, Fundraising Auction Committee, Ecology Action Centre, Halifax (2004-2005)2003Interviewed by Adria Vasil for Fashion 18 Magazine on workplace sexual harassment (January, 2003)2002Interviewed by Rick Howe, CFDR, Halifax, on recent homicides in Halifax (March 13, 2002)Interviewed by Michael Power, Daily News, Halifax, on recent homicides in Halifax (March 13, 2002)2001Interviewed by Mark Rogstad, News Talk Radio, Saskatoon, on Statistics Canada data on crime trends (July 19, 2001)2000Resource Centre Volunteer Metro Action Committee on Violence Against Women and Children, Toronto Service to the Profession2020Manuscript Reviewer Windsor Review of Legal and Social IssuesGrant Assessor SSHRC Insight Grants2019Grant Assessor: Standing Together (an initiative by the NS government to develop innovative responses to domestic violence, overseen by the NS Advisory Council on the Status of Women)Manuscript Reviewer: Feminist Media StudiesMember, national organising committee 9th Annual Critical Perspectives conference2018Manuscript Reviewer: Canadian Journal of Women and the LawManuscript Reviewer: Book manuscript for Fernwood PressManuscript Reviewer: Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice Grant Assessor, Partnership Engage Grants, SSHRCEditorial Board: Canadian Journal of Law and Society Editorial Board Member, Centre for Interdisciplinary Justice StudiesOrganizing Committee- 8th Annual Critical Perspective conferenceManuscript Reviewer: Annual Review of Interdisciplinary Justice Research2017Manuscript Reviewer, Fernwood Press for SSHRC Aid to Scholarly PublicationEditorial Board Member, Centre for Interdisciplinary Justice StudiesReviewer for a promotion to full professor, University of WinnipegManuscript reviewer Canadian Review of SociologyReviewer, SSHRC Selection Committee, National Doctoral AwardsManuscript reviewer, Canadian Journal of Law and SocietyMember, Academic Advisory Committee, Centre for Justice Statistics, Statistics Canada (since 2005)2016Reviewer, Nelson EducationReviewer, MITACS Accelerate Internship programEditorial Board, Centre for Interdisciplinary Justice StudiesEditorial Board, Canadian Journal of Law and SocietyManuscript Reviewer, Centre for Interdisciplinary Justice StudiesManuscript Reviewer, Feminist Criminological Review2015Member, Investigative Panel into Scholarly Misconduct, Dalhousie UniversityExternal Reviewer of the Criminology graduate program at University of Ottawa Editorial Board, Canadian Journal of Law and SocietyManuscript Reviewer: Feminist Media Studies2014Editorial Board, Canadian Journal of Law and SocietyBook Review Editor, Canadian Journal of Law and Society2013Manuscript Reviewer: Charlton Publishing, Canadian Journal of Law and Society (4 reviews); Oxford University Press Board Member, Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence Research, University of New Brunswick Editorial Board, Canadian Journal of Law and SocietyBook Review Editor, Canadian Journal of Law and Society2012Tenure and Promotion Reviewer, Department of Criminology, University of OttawaManuscript Review: Canadian Journal of Women and the LawEditorial Board, Canadian Journal of Law and SocietyBook Review Editor, Canadian Journal of Law and Society2011Editorial Board, Canadian Journal of Law and SocietyBook Review Editor, Canadian Journal of Law and SocietyManuscript Reviewer: Feminist Media Studies; McGraw-Hill RyersonTenure and Promotion Reviewer, Department of Sociology, York University2010Manuscript Reviewer: British Journal of Industrial RelationsCo-Chair, Mid-Winter Meeting, Canadian Law and Society Association (with J. McMillan)2009Manuscript Reviewer: Oxford University Press, Atlantis: A Women’s Studies JournalBoard Member: Canadian Law and Society Association (elected in 2003)Co-Chair, Mid-Winter Meeting, Canadian Law and Society Association2008Grant Reviewer: SSHRC Fund in Aid of Scholarly PublicationsManuscript Reviewer: Canadian Journal of Law and Society2002Co-Chair, Canadian Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, Halifax (with P. Girard)2001Manuscript Reviewer: Paediatrics, Justice Quarterly2000Manuscript Reviewer: Canadian Review of Sociology and AnthropologyService to the University2019-2020Committee Member: SMU Sexual Violence Prevention and Education Advisory CommitteeMember, Research Ethics Board2018-2019Committee Member: SMU Sexual Violence Prevention and Education Advisory Committee2017-2018Senate Committee on Teaching and LearningSenate Representative, Chair/Co-ordinator Nominating Committee Advisor, Career Services, on research student needs and interests2016-2017Senate Committee on Teaching and LearningSenate Committee on Service LearningAdvisor, Student Services on restorative justice and research opportunitiesAdvisor, Career Services, on research student needs and interestsSearch Committee, Dean of Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research2015-2016Senate Committee on Teaching and LearningSenate Committee on Service Learning2013-2014Provided consultations to the Director of Student Services and the Vice President Academic and Research in regards to student disciplinary process (2013-2014)Organized restorative justice circles in response to frosh week incident2010-2011Organized workshop sponsored by the Centre for Academic and Instructional Development, Workshop on supervising graduate studentsMember, Senate (appointed 2007)2009-2010Member: Quality of Teaching Committee2007-2008Member: Global Commons Steering Committee2004-2005Chair: Task Force on Student Success (Chair)Member: Research Ethics Board (appointed 2001)2002-2003Member: Information Technology Working Group2001-2002Member: Research Ethics BoardService to the Faculty of Arts2011-2012Member: Senate Curriculum Committee, Faculty of Arts Representative (appointed 2010)2004-2005Academic mentor for two students on academic probationNominating Committee, Chair of the Department of Sociology and Criminology2003-2004Nominating Committee for Co-ordinator of Women’s StudiesService to the Faculty Union2012-2013Member: Ad Hoc Committee on Conflict ResolutionAuthor: Newsletter article on Conflict ResolutionAuthor: Newsletter article on the Employee Assistance Program2011-2012Developed a new survey of members, leading up to collective bargaining (with D. Leroux)2010-2011Member: Faculty Union Executive 2009-2010Member: Faculty Union Executive2004-2005Member: Faculty Union ExecutiveService to the Department of Sociology and Criminology2016-2017Graduate Program Committee2015-2016Hiring CommitteeGraduate Program Committee2014-2015Hiring Committee Graduate Program CommitteeUndergraduate Curriculum Committee2013-2014Hiring CommitteeGraduate Program Committee2012-2013Hiring Committee Ad Hoc Committee to Design Job Candidate InterviewsAd Hoc Committee to Design Learning Outcome for Methods coursesGraduate Program Committee2011-2012Hiring Committee Graduate Program Committee2010-2011Student AdvisorNewsletter/Open House/Web CommitteeHonours Committee Timetable Committee Hiring Committee Graduate Program Committee2009-2010Hiring Committee Timetable CommitteeGraduate Program Committee2007-2008Teaching Assistant CommitteeGraduate Program Committee2006-2007Graduate Program Committee2005-2006Library CommitteeGraduate Program Committee2004-2005Timetable Committee2003-2004Search Committee, Canada Research ChairTeaching Assistant Committee 2002-2003Hiring CommitteeGraduate Admissions Committee2001–2002Honour's Committee2000-2001Curriculum Committee PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT2020Workshop on doing evaluation research in Indigenous contexts with Andrea Johnstone, Toronto, Jan 22 and 23.2019Attended the Canadian Evaluation Society Annual conferenceFundamentals of OCAP online course offered by First Nations Information Governance Centre 2018Qual-World Interactive Virtual Conference 2018, December 3Intercultural education training -? Mike Manocchi – London Cross Cultural Learners Centre2017Analysis to Action with Sensemaker? Laurie Webster and Zhen Goh (June, Toronto) Art of Hosting Two Day Training with Amanda Hachey, Marguerite Drescher, Tim Merry (April, Prince Edward Island)2015Mixed Methods: Using SenseMaker with Other Information Sources with Laurie Webster2014Difficult Behaviour at Work: Peer Strategies for Positive Engagement with Loraleigh Keashly Basic Restorative Justice Practices International Institute of Restorative Practices, Toronto. Inclusive Restorative Practices Anna Robinson and Cam Stewart, Alberta Restorative Justice Association.Restorative Leadership International Institute of Restorative Practices, Halifax. 2013Ethical Negotiation When Relationships Matter as Much as an Outcome Rick Lewis, Peaceful Schools InternationalSignification Design On –line course presented by Laurie Webster (Cognitive Edge)Introduction to Sensemaker Presented by Laurie Webster (Cognitive Edge) Albany, New York (2 days) 2010How Do I get Students to Read their Assignments Before Class January 2010, webinar presented by the Centre for Academic and Institutional TechnologyTeaching and Learning with Wikis, Workshop presented by Centre for Academic and Institutional Technology2007The How's and Why's of Analyzing Complex Survey DataPresented by David A. Binder and Georgia R. Roberts (Data Analysis Resource Centre, Statistics Canada) for the 2007 Research Data Centre Conference on Life Course Transitions of Children and Youth (Halifax, October 12, 2007)2006Presenting Data and Information: A one day course taught by Edward Tufte(San Francisco, CA, July, 2007) 2004Saint Mary's University, Office of Instructional Development Teaching the Whole Class (Presented by Robert Lapp) Learning, Teaching and Writing (Presented by Julie-Ann Stodolny)2004Faculty Development Summer Institute, University of Prince Edward Island, Active Learning and Teaching in University and College (One week intensive course)2004Saint Mary’s University, Office of Instructional Development Student Outcomes: A Guide to Teaching, Assessment and Grading (Presented by Pierre Zundel)2004Writing Intensive Learning (Presented by Pat Saunders)2000-2001Saint Mary’s University, Office of Instructional Development various workshops1998-1999York University Centre for the Support of TeachingCompleted their teaching certificate ................

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