Accelerated Reader

Accelerated Reader

Information Packet


Endhaven Elementary


AR Website:

Initial Teacher Login:

Username: name before @ in email

Initial Password: EES17 – will be prompted to reset on your first login

Student Login:

Username: Student ID#

Password: cmsxYYYY (YYYY = Graduation Year)

AR Highlights

• Teachers will set quarterly goals for each of their students based on the independent reading level. Quarterly goals will be entered in the computer by the teacher.

• 85% or above average is expected. Plan interventions to help those not working at 85% correct. See Mrs. Alexander for intervention ideas.

• When a student receives 100% on an AR test, the teacher will give them a 100% ticket. Students will drop off these tickets into a container in the Media Center. Weekly, Mr. Slattery will draw names from the container for prizes.

• Teachers should try to meet with students daily to review their progress and make recommendation for the students. This should be a quick check-in.

• Students may use their books when taking an AR test. Please be mindful of student abusing this privilege.

• Please utilize Morning Work, WIN, as well as Independent Reading time to promote AR reading.

Setting up AR for your class

1. Determine the child’s independent reading level.

a. Identify the number of points per quarter for 30 Min. of daily practice using the AR Goal Setting Chart.

2. Input the goals into the computer.

a. Go to Accelerated Reader Website – I’m a Teacher/Administrator

b. Log in

c. Click on Orange Accelerated Reader Icon

d. Select Record Books and Goals

e. Select Reading Practice Goals

f. Click on the link called Select Marking Periods (at top…under class name)

g. Choose the current quarter you are setting the goals for and then hit save

h. Make sure 85% is selected for all as the Average % Correct

i. Select 30 minutes as the Daily Reading Time and update for all the students

j. Enter the quarterly Point Goal for each student based on the AR Goal Setting Chart

k. Enter the Average ATOS level using the chart below:

| |Quarter 1 |Quarter 2 |Quarter 3 |Quarter 4 |

|2nd Grade |2.1 |2.4 |2.7 |2.9 |

|3rd Grade |3.1 |3.4 |3.7 |3.9 |

|4th Grade |4.1 |4.4 |4.7 |4.9 |

|5th Grade |5.1 |5.4 |5.7 |5.9 |

(2.1 = second grade and 1 month – this way you can get an idea of who may be reading books way above or way below the expectation for the grade level)

l. Make sure all students have goals and then click Save

Diagnostic Reports

(Your progress monitoring tools)

1. What is a Diagnostic report?

a. This report summarizes student performance on Reading Practice quizzes.

b. It will note each student’s progress toward goals.

c. It will alert you to problems students may be having.

2. How do I access a Diagnostic report?

a. Click Orange Accelerated Reader Icon on the main Accelerated Reader Management screen.

b. Select the [Reports] link.

c. Select [Reading Practice]

d. Select [Diagnostic – Reading Practice] report.

e. On the left is a button called [Date]. Click it and choose [include data from a specific marking period] for Quarterly Data or choose [include data from a custom date range] for Weekly Data. Note: If you do not choose the [Date], you will get cumulative yearly data.

f. You can sort the data by the students’ names or by their Average Percent Correct.

g. Click on [View Report] to make sure that you have the report you want.

h. Click [Print] if you want a report.

Monitor Password: admin

Are you ready for a quiz?


Answer these questions to see if you are ready for a quiz…

1. Who or what is the story mostly about?

2. Where did the story take place?

3. What happens in the beginning, middle, and end?

4. What is the main event or problem in the story?

5. How was the problem solved?

Are you ready for a quiz?


Answer these questions to see if you are ready for a quiz…

1. Who or what is the book mostly about?

2. What are at least 3 facts you learned from the book?

3. Why is the book important?

4. Why did the author write the book?



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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