You have indicated a desire to be married by the church. This means more than merely being married

in the church building. It means that you desire that certain convictions and understandings be expressed

in your wedding ceremony. What follows is an articulation of those beliefs, that United Methodist Christians

hold regarding marriage and, thus, about the service within which the marriage covenant is made.

The wedding ceremony is a public pronouncement of the covenant that institutes the Christian

marriage. Vows are made which are viewed as lifetime commitments. There are three parties involved in a

Christian wedding service: God, who enables the uniting of a man and woman so that they may become one;

families, friends, and the community of faith, who assume an investment in the welfare of the marriage; and,

of course, the couple.

The Church views the wedding ceremony, then, as a worship service. God is the author of the drama

that is being performed. The service should be conducted with the reverence and respect characteristic of all

worship services. All that is done within the wedding service is to give glory to God.

Several practical implications follow from this understanding of Christian marriage and the Christian


The Marriage Ritual

The official rituals of The United Methodist Church will be used. One of them is included in The United Methodist Hymnal, No. 864. Any revisions to these services or alternative services must be approved by the Pastor.


It is appropriate to make Holy Communion a part of your marriage service. A Scripture reading and a message on marriage will be delivered by the Pastor.

An outline of the wedding service will be provided by the Pastor(s) to help guide preparations such as music selections, hymns, special music, scripture options, unity candle, etc.


Since this is a Christian worship service, music from the Church’s Traditional or Contemporary services is to be used. All items related to music (hymn and song selections, musicians and vocalists) in the service must be in approved by the Pastor(s). A copy of the United Methodist Hymnal is available for your use.

Please use the wedding service outline provided by the Pastor(s) when making musical selections, if necessary. If a printed wedding bulletin is to be used, a tentative copy must be provided to the Pastor(s) for

Wedding Policy

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editing/corrections before the final copy goes to print. A copy must be provided for the Pastor(s), musicians, and wedding party at the rehearsal, if one is to be used. A time for pre-service music, seating of family members and candle lighting shall be provided to the Pastor(s) at the time of the rehearsal.

If you are using the church pianist, you may also consult with him/her to select music and to arrange rehearsal times. The Director of Worship & Music can also provide a list of available musicians in the area who provide music for weddings. All fees must be paid to these individuals, directly, at the time of the wedding, unless otherwise negotiated. If checks are to be used, make them out to the individuals who provide the service.


The worship space is to maintain its appearance as a place of worship. The symbols of our Christian faith are not to be removed. This includes but is not limited to the pulpit, representing God’s Word read and

Proclaimed: the lectern representing the ministry of the laity; the baptismal font, representing our initiation

into the Christian family by God’s grace; and, the Communion table, representing our constant dependence

upon God’s grace through the life of Christ.

Decorations are not to distract from these central symbols. Flowers and candles are normally a part of

our worship setting for Sunday worship. However, since Christians are called to be wise stewards of their

financial resources, persons are encouraged to use discretion and self-restraint regarding the use of lavish candle

and flower decorations. Simplicity is a virtue and nonetheless beautiful. Nothing may be placed in front of the altar table, i.e., flowers, arch, candles, etc.

Nails, tacks or tape which pull off paint and varnish are prohibited. The communion railing which

signifies our regular gathering to be fed at Christ’s table is to be left exposed. Candles are not to drip on the


Bibles, hymnals, offering envelopes, pencils, etc. are not to be removed from the pews racks. There is

no need to rent an arch. An arch is in the architecture above the chancel area, i.e., built in. Requests to remove anything from the sanctuary or to attach anything within or out of the building must be asked for in advance in consultation with the Pastor.


Before your marriage service can be performed, the prospective bride and groom must meet with the officiating pastor for a minimum of four hours. These sessions are designed not so much to screen a couple’s readiness for marriage, as it is to insure that they are aware of the various elements that contribute to a mature, Christian marriage. These sessions by St. Paul’s Pastor are of no cost to those desiring to be married. Counseling sessions should be scheduled with the Pastor and must begin at least two months prior to the service.

Wedding Policy

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By calling the Church office at 387-0007, you will be directed to the Pastor. The Pastor will take your request or arrange for a visit, check all calendars concerning the availability of space, clergy, lighting, sound technicians, and musicians. The Pastor will appoint a person in the church to work with the bride and groom’s wedding co-ordinator. The wedding couple should contact the minister as soon as possible to schedule the required premarital counseling sessions. Please note these other scheduling considerations:

* A damage/breach of contract deposit is due before a wedding can be finalized.

* If you are not using St. Paul’s Pastor, you must provide the name and address of your preferred minister at the time your wedding date is being considered so the Pastor of St. Paul may or may not approve them. Upon acceptance by St. Paul’s Pastor, a letter of invitation will be issued to your minister.

* No wedding may be scheduled for Holy Week including Easter weekend, the Saturday after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, or Christmas Day.

* Members will be given priority in the event that two brides request the same date and location, otherwise the wedding party completing all requirements first will be awarded priority.

* The wedding party may arrive at the sanctuary no more than 3 hours before the wedding. This time limit

does not include florist set-up time.


1. St. Paul United Methodist Church (SPUMC) Pastor will go over the wedding policy with the bride and groom.

2. The Pastor will appoint a member of the church to work with the bride and groom’s wedding co-ordinator.

3. The Pastor will coordinate church calendars. A wedding director will give direction at the wedding

and the wedding rehearsal. The director’s decisions regarding those policies will be considered final.

4. Access to the church for florists and photographers must be made through the Church office.

5. The bride and her attendants will be assigned a room for the purpose of dressing. It is suggested that

hair and make-up be done before arrival at the church due to lighting and time restrictions.

6. The groom and groomsmen may meet in the choir practice room or another room assigned in the

church facilities.

7. No member of the wedding party will be under the influence of alcohol at the rehearsal, wedding

ceremony, or reception (if held in the church).

8. Smoking is not permitted inside any church building.

9. The wedding license will be given to the Pastor at the rehearsal.

10. The wedding couple will be responsible for their own arrangements for photographers and florists.

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Two copies of the Floral Rules and Regulations regarding decorations will be given to the bride at the time arrangements are made for the use of the sanctuary. The bride should give one copy to her florist and keep one copy for her own reference. The florist must return the signed agreement to the Pastor and Wedding Director at least one (1) month before the wedding to confirm agreed times and conditions. Plans should be made with the florist to remove the floral arrangements and all wedding décor no later than one hour after the wedding ceremony. Set-up and take down times must be communicated to and agreed upon by the appointed person and florist at least one month prior to the wedding date.


The wedding ceremony is a service of worship and neither a photographer, videographer, nor any assistants may move around the church, walk the aisles, or enter the chancel area for wedding photos.

There are assigned locations in the sanctuary that the photographers may use. The photographer and

videographer must be instructed by the bride that NO flash pictures may be taken during the ceremony

and no bright lights may be used on video cameras. Non-flash pictures during the ceremony must be taken

from a stationary point. Please inform ushers, family members, and guests that flash photography is not

permitted. Please make arrangements so that pictures may not begin any earlier than 2 ½ hours prior to the

wedding and must conclude 30 minutes prior to the scheduled starting time. This will allow the bridal party

30 minutes to dress upon arrival at the sanctuary. All camera equipment must be removed within one hour

after the conclusion of the wedding. No photos are to be taken once the service has begun. Cameras and their operators are to be as inconspicuous as possible and stationary. It is the wedding couples responsibility to communicate this to the professionals they engage.


If a party requests the use of the Gym or Fellowship Hall for a reception, this should be indicated at the time the wedding date is set. The wedding director is not responsible for the reception in any way other than allowing access to the building on the day of the wedding and informing the bride of church policies regarding use of the building and its fees. A caterer or responsible group of people from the bride’s party must prepare well in advance of the wedding since it is their sole responsibility to set up and take down all tables, chairs and any other special items needed for the reception. St. Paul United Methodist Church is not liable for any accidents that may occur in the kitchen or Fellowship Hall. The reception must end by 10:00 p.m. so that clean-up can be completed by midnight. The wedding party is responsible for cleanup, however, a custodian may be hired through the church. The custodians will be responsible for cleaning the floors and disposal of garbage.

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Facilities are available subject to the payment of fees, which are due 30 days prior to the wedding. Please note the schedule below. No wedding will be considered scheduled until the deposit is received with the

Request For Use of Church Facilities Form. We require the use of the St. Paul custodian at all weddings. Your fee will include the extra time and labor incurred by the custodian. Use of some support is optional; therefore the fee for each is posted separately. Once the selection is made, total payment is to be to SPUMC, who will in turn pay the support personnel. If the sound system is to be utilized for participants, soloists, musicians, the church sound technician must be used. Likewise, if use of the production lighting system is desired, a person trained on the system must be used.

Deposit $250

Hourly Rate Member Non-Member

Gym with Kitchen $35 $75

Gym without Kitchen $25 $60

Fellowship Hall or Classroom with Kitchen $25 $50

Fellowship Hall or Classroom without Kitchen $20 $45

Wedding, Reception, Rehearsal Dinner,

Other Events

Worship Area $250 $500

Fellowship Hall with Kitchen $25 per hour $50 per hour

Custodial Staff $100 $200

Pianist $150 $150

Sound/audio Technicians $150 $150

Pastor Discretionary $500



BRIDE:____________________________ GROOM:___________________________

DATE OF WEDDING:_________________________ TIME:____________________


The undersigned Florist agrees to all of the following terms and conditions:

1. Decorations must be confined to the chancel areas and aisles at the front pews. No decorations will be placed upon the altar table, or in front of the cross or altar table. No rice or confetti may be thrown in the church building or outside. Birdseed is acceptable outside only. All furnishings will remain in the proper position.

2. All candles must be of the “dripless” variety (preferably metal cartridge candles) and secured in such a way to protect the church premises from damaging wax. All candles located on the altar table must be left in place, and lit during the wedding ceremony.

3. No nails, tacks, tape or wire may be attached to any part of the church building, furniture, fixtures, pews, or altar rail, or any church equipment for any purpose. Aisle runners are not acceptable.

4. The florist must access the church facilities thru the appointed church person and the wedding co-ordinator.

5. The florist agrees to remove all floral (other than altar arrangements which have been previously designated for Sunday services) and other decorations immediately following the wedding. The staff of St. Paul United Methodist Church will not be responsible for any removal of decorations.

The undersigned florist agrees and is held responsible for any and all damage to the church property incurred by the use of flowers, greenery, candles, and other decorations and materials named in this agreement.

The wedding deposit made by the bride will be held in case of damage incurred.

Florist signature:_________________________________________________


Telephone:________________________ FAX:_________________________

Bride’s Signature:________________________________________________

The undersigned (responsible party) acknowledges that they have read and agree to the terms of polices and procedures listed here and will be responsible for any damage incurred as a result of the usage of St. Paul United Methodist Church facilities.

Responsible Party (Parties) signature(s):____________________________________________________________________


Some suggestions for music are below. All music selections must be approved by the Pastor.


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Processional – Recessional

“Psalm XIV” – B Marcella

“Trumpet Voluntary in D” – J. Stanley

All Creatures of Our God and King

“Rigaudon” – A. Campra

All People That on Earth Do Dwell

“Trumpet Tune” – H. Purcel

Christ Is Made The Sure Foundation

“The Prince of Denmark’s March” (Trumpet Voluntery) – J. Clark

Come Thou Almighty King

“Allegro Vivace” (Water Music) – G.F. Handel

Great Is Thy Faithfulness

“Allegro Maestoso” (Water Music) – G.F. Handel

If Thou But Suffer God Guide Thee

“Fanfare and Processional” – D. Wagner

Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee

“Grand Processional - M. Shaw/arr. D. Wood

The King of Love My Shepard Is

“Hymn of Joy” (Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee) – L. Beethoven

The Lord is My Shepard

“In Thee is Gladness” – J.S. Bach

Love Divine, All Loves Excelling

Now Thank We All Our God – S. Karg-Elert

Praise to The Lord – P. Manz

O God, Our Help in Ages Past

“Prelude to a Te Deum – M. Charpentier/arr. D. Johnson

O Perfect Love

“Trumpet Tune in D Major” – D. Johnson

Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven

Bridal Chorus (“Lohengrinn”) – R. Wagner

Praise to the Lord the King of Heaven

Praise the Lord! Ye Heavens Adore Him

“Cortege” – G. Young

Praise to the Lord, The Almighty

Now Thank We All Our God – J.S. Bach

Rejoice, the Lord is King

“Wedding March” – F. Mendelssohn


Page 2


Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart

“Toccata – G. Martin

Savior, Like a Shepard Lead Us

Processional - Recessional

“Toccata – D. Hegarty

To God Be The Glory

“Grand Chorus Dialogue” – Gigot

A Mighty Fortress is Our God

“God of Grace” – P. Manz

“Little Prelude and Vogue in C Major” – J.S. Bach

“Prelude in G. Major” – J.S. Bach

“Roseau” – Mouret

“Fanfair” – Lemmens


“Adoge” from Sonata I – Mendelssohn

“Aris” (Bist du bei mir) – J.S. Bach

“Air” – J.S. Bach

“ArJante Tranquillo” from Sora W III – Mendelawhri

“Anoso” – J. S. Bach

“Can Filena” –J. Rhoinberger

“In Thee is Gladness” – J.S. Bach

“Joy, Joy of Men’s Desiring” – J.S. Bach

“Now Thank We All Our God” – J.S. Elech

Prelude on “Rhosymedre” – Vaughn Wiffisme

“Uliano” – J.S. Bach

Vater Music Suite W – G.F. Handel

“Prelude in Classic Style” – G. Yout

“Solemn Me” – W.W. Devise

“Atrumpel “ – A. Hollins

“Rigiiudon” – A. Campre

“Tube Tune in D Major” - C.S. Lang

“Hymn to Joy (Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee) – L. Beethoven

Now Thank We All Our God

“The Prince of Denmark’s March” (Trumpel Voluntary) – J. Clarke

“Trumpet Tune in D Major” – D. Johnson

“Trumpet Tune” – H. Purcell

“Trumpet Tune in D” – J. Stanley

“God of Grace” – P. Manz

“Fanfare” - Lammens


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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