SDP-21 Training Requirements Document Template

[Insert Project Name]



Business Owner - [Insert Name]

Project Manager – [Insert Name]

Original Plan Date: [Insert Date, Spelled Out]

Revision Date: [Insert Date, Spelled Out]

Revision: [Insert Number]

Revision History

|Revision Number |Date |Comment |

|1.0 |August 14, 2007 |Original DoIT PMO Document |

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Table of Contents

Revision History 2

Table of Contents 3

1 Introduction 4

2 Training Audience 5

2.1 Expected User Audience 5

2.2 Expected Support Staff Audience 5

2.3 Training Locations 5

2.4 Estimated Student Load 5

3 Training Scope 5

3.1 Scope of Changes in Business Processes 5

3.2 Training Time Span 6

3.3 Constraints 6

4 Performance Objectives 6

4.1 High Level User Performance Objectives 6

4.2 High Level Operations Support Staff Performance Objectives 6

1 Introduction

Two major audiences are addressed in these training requirements:

1. Individuals who will use the product

2. Individuals who will install and provide operations support for the product.

This Training Requirements document describes the basic training resource and timing requirements, and a high level description of the performance objectives to be achieved through training of the users and the operations support staff for the product under development.

This training requirements document is completed during the Define Phase As such, the training requirements are based on the following information, which is available during the Define Phase:

1. [the overall deployment schedule and the number of groups that will receive the deployed product

2. a documented project plan including a description of changes to the business process, if any, that will accompany the product when it is deployed.

3. documented system requirements, including one or more of the following:

a. description or model of functional requirements

b. use cases capturing representative user scenarios and system behavior

c. data usage description or logical data model for the applications to be supported

d. descriptions of data, system, and user interfaces

e. high level description or model of system architecture]

The training plan and curriculum are defined during the Design Phase. Training materials are developed during the Build Phase as the technical content of the product being developed emerges.

2 Training Audience

2.1 Expected User Audience

Describe the types of users of the product. (e.g., what are their roles in the receiving organization? What is their anticipated experience with similar products?)

2.2 Expected Support Staff Audience

Describe important characteristics of the expected installation and operations support staff in terms of their experience at installing and supporting similar products or systems

2.3 Training Locations

Specify or estimate the number of Sites where training will be provided. List the names of candidate Sites if known.

2.4 Estimated Student Load

Estimate the approximate number of users to be trained and the number of operations support staff to be trained.

3 Training Scope

3.1 Scope of Changes in Business Processes

Refer to the Organizational Impact Document: Identify general areas of change in the business process that potentially could require new user skills to perform them successfully.

3.2 Training Time Span

State the approximate time span over which training must take place.

3.3 Constraints

Identify factors that may limit training options and that must be subsequently accounted for in the training plan. (Examples are: a predefined budget, a constrained time frame, time limits on availability of students, etc.

4 Performance Objectives

4.1 High Level User Performance Objectives

Based on the expected changes in the business process and operating characteristics of the new system, identify new tasks that may need to be performed and additional skills or knowledge required to perform them.

From this information, derive high level performance objectives to be met by the users of the new system and business processes. These objectives provide a part of the foundation for the training program to be developed in subsequent Phases.

4.2 High Level Operations Support Staff Performance Objectives

Based on the expected changes in the functionality, data structures, user interface, or other characteristics of the new system, identify new tasks or support that may be needed or additional skills or knowledge that may be required to install and support the new system in the users’ environment.

From this information, derive high level performance objectives to be met by the installation and operations staff for installing and supporting the new system. Include high level performance objective for recovery of the system in event of a disaster. These objectives provide a part of the foundation for the training program to be developed in subsequent Phases.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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