Accounting System Applications

Accounting System Applications

ACCT 2380

Instructions for Downloading, Creating and Submitting Files

Refer to the instructions below for downloading files, creating image files, and uploading exercise files for grading. Print these instructions and refer to them as necessary for each lesson.

Downloading Files

The QuickBooks files necessary for each lesson can be downloaded from the Student Data Disk that accompanied your textbook. The disk you need is pictured below.


When you load the Student Data disk, the following page will display.


If the contents of the Student Disk do not automatically display, open your My Computer folder. Then double-click the McGraw-Hill icon.

Click the Student Data Files link in the dark blue box on the left. The following screen will display.


Click on the link for the chapter you want to download. Depending on your version of Windows, the file may go to your Downloads folder or you may see the following window. If the File Download dialog box appears, click Save.


Save or move your data file to the location where you will store your exercise files. I recommend creating a special Exercise folder for QuickBooks where you will download and restore all your exercise files.

Note that you cannot open files directly from the Student Data Disk. The QuickBooks files on the Student Data Disk are backup files and must be restored before you can open and use them. After copying these files to your exercise folder, see pages 1.10-1.14 of your text for a review of instructions on restoring backup files in QuickBooks. When restoring a backup file from the Student Data disk, be sure to enter your name in the file name and update the chapter for the current lesson.

Password Protected Files

Starting with the exercise files for Chapter 3, when you attempt to open a file downloaded from the Student Data Disk, you will see the QuickBooks Login screen shown below.


If you are using a file downloaded from the Student Data Disk, DO NOT attempt to place an entry in the Password field. Simply click OK. The next screen you see will be a screen indicating you are using a sample file and you will click OK again. The file should now be restored and open for use.

Other Files

Many lessons have additional files from your instructor. These files may be Excel, Word, or QuickBooks files and are found on the Lesson page. . When downloading files from Lessons, click the link for the file then be sure to select the option to Save your files.


Specify a location for your files then click Save again. If the file is a QuickBooks file, follow the instructions on pages 1.10-1.14 of your QuickBooks text for instructions on restoring backup files in QuickBooks.

Creating an Image File

Since many of the exercises assigned in this course involve assessing your ability to locate and generate (print) accounting documents, you must have some way of submitting your “printouts” through the web. To do this, we will use the CutePDF Writer to create uploadable PDF files. A link to the free CutePDF utility can be found in the Course Orientation.

To submit your exercise “printouts”, follow the exercise instructions to complete the exercise requirements. When asked to “print” an item, display your screen as instructed in the exercise. Next, from the File menu, select Print or click the Print command button found in the dialog box you are currently working in. When the Print dialog box appears, click the drop-down arrow next to the Printer Name textbox. You will have an option for CutePDF Writer. Click the CutePDF Writer option as shown in the graphic below.


Next, click the Print command button. The next screen that appears will be a Save As dialog box as shown below. Note that the Save as type will indicate a PDF file type.


Naming Your Files

The file name you assign is the name that appears on your Exercise Checklist (see the checklist you printed from NS Online, not the checklist in the textbook.). For example, the file names for Exercise 1.1 are:

Profit and Loss 1-1.pdf

Balance Sheet 1-1.pdf

Select the location in which to save your file, and click the Save command button. This will create an image file that you can later upload to NS Online Assignments.

I recommend saving your documents on the Desktop or a dedicated QuickBooks folder because it will be easy to locate your files when you are ready to upload them.

Submitting Your Files

When you have completed all exercises and created the image files for a given lesson, go to NS Online Assignments. Click the folder for the Lesson you are submitting. To upload a file, click the Add a File button. Click Choose File to locate and select the first file to upload (refer to your Exercise Checklist) and click Open. If you have another file to upload, click the Add Another File button. Complete the steps above to select and upload the next file. Repeat this process for each exercise file you need to submit. Use your Exercise Checklist to help in this process and mark each checkbox as you upload the exercise file.

Once you have uploaded all the required files for the lesson, click the Upload button at the bottom right of the screen. Your work will be graded as soon as possible after receipt.

NOTE: Please wait until all work is completed before submitting homework for a lesson. Make sure the work you submit is your best effort. Once your lesson has been submitted, the files you have submitted will be graded and the grades received on those files will be the final grades for that lesson.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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