-933126035008887623952500Learning at Home during School Closures for P7Week beginning: 15/02/21Week 5Hello P7 & families,Welcome to Week 5We hope you all had a relaxing half term and that you managed to get out and enjoy some fresh air! We are continuing with our WW2 work this term and we have lots of exciting tasks coming up for you, including spy training! We are looking forward to seeing you all during our daily 9:30 check-in where we will continue to discuss any issues, answer questions and most importantly chat to you about how you are getting on with your learning. Hope you all have a wonderful week!The P7 TeachersDAILY ACTIVITIES (New activities every week)Literacy and English: SpellingThis week, we are focusing on words with ie and ei. In the spelling folder you will find the sheet containing the word lists (which are also below), the worksheets for each of the lists and a voice recording of each list so you can test yourself. Remember, you can work between two lists, if you prefer.receipt weighted sleight proteincaffeine mischievous sovereign hieroglyphics deity freight feisty perceived conceited counterfeit leisurely seizure besieged unhygienic retrieval neighbourlyforeign chieftain reprieve cashierpiercing sieve lieutenant briefest aggrieved deceitful hierarchy beige frontier seismic wieldybelief relief achievement believeceiling foreign weird deceive chiefleisure brief hygiene pierce field eighty yielded sleigh neighbour pieces species veil friendly mischief either vein reign thieving siege pierced tried niecerelieved neither priest neighedties flies piece chief field veinreins weird eight heir their believe pie skies grief diesel priest cried fried die friend lie shield seize thiefTasks for spelling this week.ActivitiesMondayDo a pre-test yourself from the recordings.TuesdayWednesdaySpelling grid – Choose an activity from the spelling grid or make up your own activity.Thursday ASSIGNMENT TASKComplete the worksheet for your list. LI – to show I can use the words in context/ understand the meanings as well as spell the words accurately.FridayCheck-up – use the voice recordings of the words to test yourself at the end of the week. How many did you get correct? Any corrections, practise again a few times. Literacy and EnglishPersonal reading dailyChoose a book you enjoy reading at home, try to continue with the good habits we have formed at school by reading for at least 30 mins a day. It would be great if, during our ‘check in’ sessions each day you could share what you are reading personally. It’s always good to get recommendations from your friends and good for your teachers to find out which types of books you are most interested in. Also have a look at this Thinglink virtual library which has links to audio books, read yourself books and author live sessions. ComprehensionHot activity – Read the passage on the sheet entitled Reading Comp Bombing Hot and answer the attached questions.Spicy activity - WritingASSIGNMENT TASKLearning Intention: To write a set of instructions on what to do in an air raid.Success Criteria: I can…For writing this week can you turn the government advice about what to do in an air raid into clearer instructions for children to follow. Read the old instruction leaflet that is in the files and break into small easy to follow steps. You can add pictures/diagrams to make it more child friendly. You can do as a list or in the style of a storyboard, you can choose. Listening & TalkingClass NovelStory time with your teacher!! We will continue to read our class novels to you so grab a snack, get comfy and listen carefully. There will be an opportunity to discuss the novel – your teacher will let you know when.Listening ComprehensionWatch and listen to these BBC Teach videos. Living through the air raids - BBC TeachThe first is a girl discussing air raids with her grandfather, who was a child in wartime. The second is a wartime report during an air raid. When you have done so, answer the questions.Maths and NumeracyAnderson Shelters AreasThis week the task is for you all to try. It is an area task. Remember to work out the area of a shape times A = lxb (Area =length x breadth). There are some areas to work out and some problems to be solved. Super Hot to extend you can see if there is any way you can create room to plant even more vegetables in the final question? Think about how you lay out the vegetables. How much space do you have left? What else could you plant? Or Design your own. ______________ASSIGNMENTYou will also get your daily maths activities set by your teacher Tuesday through to Friday. Your teacher will tell you which day your assignment is due on.Mental Maths Games Continue to use Sumdog for Maths and Numeracy practice. will continue to review your results for setting future challenges.Problem Solving Transum a look at the ‘Starters of the Day’ for February and choose a problem a day to solve. They can be tricky so look through them all to find one at your level. Optional Extra Problem Solving The Daily Rigour and WellbeingPE If you can access the BBC iPlayer we would like you this week to do the activities done by the celebrity supply teachers – Marcus Rashford and Darcy Bussell! Practise your football and dance skills![Discovery_Cards]-[Multi_Site]-[SL07]-[PS_IPLAYER~N~~P_CelebritySupplyTeacher_S1E3] Wicks will be doing workouts Monday/Wednesday and Friday so join in!Just Dance – We know you love a just dance in P7 so have a go of 2 or dances a day.Yoga – if you would like some more mindful exercise, try Adriene’s yoga. there are free sessions from Active schools you can access.Access Free Sport & Physical Activity sessions 4pm daily from Active Schools At: Active Schools Edinburgh YouTube Channel______________CHOICE ACTIVITIES Social Studies LI: I can investigate and I understand how people on the home front protected themselves from the threat of bombs in WW2.This week we are looking at defence and protection on the home front. We are looking at how people protected themselves when there was the threat of a bombing raid and what it was like to live through that.Activity 1 Watch over the PowerPoint on shelters and watch the clips by following the links in the PowerPoint. Task – You are the health and safety inspector for shelters during WW2. Complete the sheet to work out what you think is the safest shelter. We will go over these in one our morning meetings.Further useful information here 2 Barrage Balloons were used to protect people during the bombing raids. Can you draw a picture of a barrage balloon and fill with facts that you have learned. These links might help, Design and TechnologyASSIGNMENTOVER TWO WEEKSLI – to design and build eitherA model of an Anderson shelterORA diorama of a ‘Home Front’ sceneYou should show evidence from planning through to completion. Sketch your design, deciding upon measurements. A shoebox is a perfect size, if you choose to do a diorama. (your parents may not thank you for taking over the house with your model)Make a list of the materials you will need for your project.Build your model and take note of any design problems you came across and how you solved them.Further information and examples are in the Week 5 Technologies folder.DramaWe would like you to build a den, indoors or outdoors, weather permitting. Mind you, if it is a really good den, any horrible weather should stay out! Use whatever materials you can to ensure you can comfortably sit inside and that it will stay up. Once you are happy with your den structure, it is going to double for the purposes of drama, as an air raid shelter. (don’t worry, you don’t have to build it out of corrugated iron cover it with turf)See if you can convince your family to create a likely scene from a night in an air raid shelter in WWII. You can write a script to follow or improvise. (make it up as you go along) Think about who the characters will be and the sorts of things people would do to while away the time – games, singing, reading, eating, storytelling, chatting, arguing, storytelling……………MusicIf you want to have a singalong, inside your den, try, ‘Run Rabbit Run’ or some other popular wartime songs. Run, Rabbit, Run sung by Flanagan and Allen with lyrics - Bing videoPrimary History KS2: WW2 Clips. ‘Run, rabbit, run’ - BBC TeachModern LanguagesFrench Clothes – Les vêtementsWatch and say the little quiz at the end.Play and sing along Draw a picture of yourself with as many clothes on as possible and label those clothes in French. Use the PowerPoint to help you. Extra Activity – If you have a printer there is a clothes fortune teller to print off and play with family members.GermanAgain, Charlotte will send us a pre-recorded lesson and we will post it on Teams when it arrives. Keep practising the vocabulary you have already learned. Science (with Technologies, Art and Design and Social Studies)Keep Scotland Beautiful is running an exciting competition, which some of you might be interested in entering. Whether you decide to go ahead and enter or not, we would like you to create a 2D design of the garden and choose and name the plants you would use. Read the deign brief carefully. -50800195580DESIGN A ONE PLANET PICNIC POCKET GARDEN. opp-pocket-garden-comp-guide-2021-low-res-final101220.pdf ()00DESIGN A ONE PLANET PICNIC POCKET GARDEN. opp-pocket-garden-comp-guide-2021-low-res-final101220.pdf ()“One Planet Picnic A One Planet Picnic is a picnic that is good for you and also good for the planet. That means using local and seasonal ingredients, organic and ethically sourced produce as well as reducing waste. There are lots of edible plants that grow very well in Scotland. Growing your own food is a great way to get local, seasonal produce. There are more edible plants than you find in the shops. Some flowers are edible too! What would you like to grow and eat?”This ties in well with our WWII work and covers experiences and outcomes in TECHNOLOGIES, SOCIAL STUDIES, SCIENCE and ART AND DESIGN. As you know, with rationing, people were very much encouraged to grow their own food and many people grew plants on and around their Anderson Shelters to make good use of all the available space. Flowers too, cheered people up and encouraged wildlife into people’s gardens. The idea is to design a small garden, measuring only 100cm x 120cm. It can be any shape you want but must fit into a rectangle of that size. a a previous winner ................

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