MATH 0300


INSTRUCTOR: Bonnie Blumberg

OFFICE: S729 PHONE: (713) 221-8408 WEBSITE:

OFFICE HOURS: Mon., Tues., Wed. & Thur. 8:00– 8:30 a.m. in S729 EMAIL:

Wednesday 12:15 – 1:00 p.m. in S729, and by appointment

Tuesday 11:00 – 3:00 in the Center for Math & Statistics (N925)

Wednesday 12:30 – 2:30 in the Center for Math & Statistics (N925)

PREREQUISITE: A passing grade in Math 0300, an Accuplacer score of at least 63, a THEA Math score of at least 230, or placement by exam taken at UH-Downtown.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Math 1310 is designed to provide the students with an introduction to contemporary mathematical ideas and problem-solving techniques. It is designed for students requiring one college-level mathematics course. This is a freshman-level mathematics course, which requires a background consisting of two years of high school mathematics or MATH 0300. The course is primarily intended for majors in liberal arts, social and behavioral sciences.

Math 1310 topics include set theory, logic, consumer mathematics and financial management, counting methods and probability theory, and statistics.

TEXTBOOKS: Mathematics: A Practical Odyssey, 7th Edition, by David Johnson and Thomas Mowry, (bundled with WebAssign) Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, Pacific Grove, California, 2007,2012. WebAssign (explained below) online homework system is required!! The textbook is part of the required WebAssign online homework package and does not need to be purchased separately.

RESOURCE MATERIALS: Students enrolled in MATH 1310 at UHD have access to the Center for Math & Statistics (N-925), where they may get additional help in understanding the theory or in improving their skills. This lab is open for free one-on-one walk-in math tutoring Mon-Thurs. 9 am – 9 pm; Fri 9 am – 2 pm; Sat. 11 – 5 pm. It is available for use with small groups or board work. The accompanying online homework component, WebAssign, at provides numerous help resources and an e-book.

CALCULATOR USE: There will be a classroom set of graphing calculators for students’ use in class, but students will need access to a calculator to complete the required online homework.


• Exam 1: Thursday, February 2

• Exam 2: Tuesday, February 21

• Exam 3: Tuesday, April 3

• Exam 4: Tuesday, April 17

• Final Exam: _____________________________________

• MAKE-UP POLICY: There will be absolutely no make-up tests or quizzes. Any missed grades are recorded as zeroes, so attendance counts (See Attendance Policy, a separate handout)! If you miss a test due to an emergency, you must notify me promptly in writing with documented evidence. In such case, the final exam will be counted for the missing test.

ONLINE HOMEWORK: We will be using Enhanced WebAssign as an online homework tool, and you will have an assignment each class day. All assignments are due on the next test day (at the start of the class period). On the due date, you will no longer be able to access the past due assignments! You can access the online homework at You will need a WebAssign student access code to be able to register. You can get this by purchasing your textbook in the bookstore (it is packaged with the text) or purchasing the access code directly from the website using a major credit card. There is also a temporary access (if you will be buying the textbook within 2 weeks from the first class day) offered on the WebAssign website. You will need your instructor’s Class Key when logging in for the first time or obtaining access. You need your own e-mail address in order to complete the registration. This is the email account you check most often. Please put in your UHD ID number when registering (even though it is not required). Don’t forget to record your exact login name and password for future logins. Check the syllabus for further instructions. Please contact me immediately if you have any problems with the website. You may use your home computer or the computers in the 8th Floor Computing Lab or 925N. You may also bring your laptop because UHD is wireless.

WebAssign Online Homework Technical Support: Phone support: (800) 955-8275, then press 1 (8:00am – 7:00 pm) or

Email support: student_help@ Also,see the WebAssign support page at user_support/student/


• There are 600 points in each class, including 100 from WebAssign homework, 300 from tests and 200 points for the final exam. Your course grade is determined by how many points you can accumulate.

• Three (3) of four major in-class exams at 100 points each will be counted.

• Another exam grade: Online homework assignments (WebAssign) and any quizzes will be averaged together for a grade counting 100 points. All online homework is due the day of the test. Those students completing the online homework on or before the test day with an average of 95 or better will receive 10 points extra credit on the test!

• All assigned graded homework problems come from WebAssign, but any student needing extra practice may work problems from the list of “SuggestedTextbook Practice Problems” located in your syllabus..

• The final exam grade is worth 200 points (1/3 of your semester grade) and is a comprehensive final exam


540 points and above A, 480-539 points B, 420-479 points C, and 360-419 points D, and below 359 points F

Students not taking the final exam will receive an “F” for the semester.

DROPPING THE COURSE: Please note that the last day to withdraw from a course with a grade of “W” is March 29 (6:00 pm). If you do not complete the course requirements and do not officially withdraw, you will receive a grade of “F”. You cannot receive the grade of “I” – Incomplete unless you have a documented personal emergency that prevents you from completing the last fraction of the course (no more than 1 test). You must have a passing average on the work you have already completed to receive an “I”.

ATTENDANCE: An attendance policy is enforced for this course. Attendance will be taken on a daily basis, starting with week 3 of long terms or day 4 of summer sessions. If a student misses the equivalent of more than 6 hours of class (2 weeks - 4 classes), the instructor will notify the CMS department office and the student will be automatically assigned a course grade of "F". Also, a "HOLD" will be placed on the student's academic record. The student must subsequently see an academic advisor to have the "HOLD" removed. A student may petition to be reinstated after being assigned an automatic "F" by submitting a Request for Reinstatement form together with documentation explaining his or her absences. This form can be obtained in the CMS department office in 705-S. This request must be delivered to the chair of the CMS department. The student must also notify the instructor and give him or her a copy of the petition. Both the student and the instructor will be notified of the final decision of the chair. The student should continue to come to class and participate in all activities (including quizzes and tests) until a decision is reached. If the student's request is denied, the student may continue attending class at the instructor's discretion; however, the student's final course grade of "F" cannot be altered. If you do not take the final exam you will receive a grade of "F" for the course.

HONESTY CODE: Please remember that as a member of the UHD academic community you are bound to observe the academic honesty code in all your school work. A grade of “0” will be given for any course work where cheating is detected. Failure to report a dishonest act is also categorized as “Academic Dishonesty” in the UHD Student Handbook.

STATEMENT ON REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS: “UHD adheres to all applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations and guidelines with respect to providing accommodations for students with disabilities. Students should register with Disabled Student Services and contact their instructors in a timely manner to arrange appropriate accommodations.”


• Be on time and attend every class session.

• Do all assigned homework problems and review with the textbook problems for each section!!

• Try not to fall behind. In fact, try to stay ahead!

• Ask questions in class whenever you feel yourself starting to get lost!

• Check the online grade book so that you are aware of your average throughout the semester.

• Read the textbook (often more than one time) after I have introduced the lesson and before you start your homework – IT IS VERY HELPFUL! Work through the examples and compare your solutions with the book.

• Get in the habit of first writing the entire problem, and then clearly and legibly write each step in solving the problem and clearly write out the solution. Writing helps catch faulty thinking!

• Sit in the front of the class to avoid distraction.

• Use the Center for Math & Statistics (N-925) for tutoring with all homework.

• Watch the videos for each section of WebAssign for review or additional explanation.

• Become part of a small group (3-4) that meets to do homework together in the math lab and study for exams.

• Obtain the phone number or email address of a classmate in case of absence to keep up with any assigned work or due dates.

• Study for all tests – try preparing study sheets and reviewing with classmates.

• Use my office hours for homework questions or academic questions as they arise.

• Do not get up during class or leave early unless you inform the instructor ahead of time. Plan ahead - use the restroom, get water, etc. before class begins or wait until it is over.

Please make a commitment to: 1) ATTEND class regularly and take complete notes

2) DO ALL online homework @ 95% or better by the test

3) Ask questions

WHY? Because 90% of students who do the above two things PASS the class!!!


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