Supplemental Table 1. Baseline characteristics of study patients: unmatched ProbenecidAllopurinolN9,722303,936Demographics Age (mean, SD), years76.0 (7.4)76.4 (7.5)Male (%)54.050.8Race –White (%)78.879.0Region- Midwest (%)24.224.3- Northeast (%)*11.916.3- South (%)*47.741.8- West (%)16.017.3Cardiovascular Comorbidities Atrial fibrillation (%)22.624.2Cardiovascular disease (%)28.429.5Coronary artery disease (%)21.322.1Stroke (%)6.57.4Transient ischemic attach (%)4.64.6Heart failure (%)27.030.7Venous thromboembolism (%)7.17.2Recent coronary artery disease a (%) 0.40.6Recent heart failure a (%) * 3.25.6Recent stroke a (%) 0.20.4Hypertension (%)91.293.1Peripheral vascular disease (%)15.516.9Other Comorbidities Hyperlipidemia (%)76.279.5Chronic kidney disease (%) *28.439.0Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (%)30.030.6Diabetes (%)45.749.4Alcoholism (%)0.50.5Malignancy (%)19.721.8Renal stone (%)3.95.1Liver disease (%)5.35.9Obesity (%)13.215.7Sleep apnea (%)6.67.9Smoking (%)6.66.2Comorbidity score (mean, SD)2.4 (3.0)3.0 (3.2)Gout-related Medications Colchicine (%) *71.231.8NSAID (%)44.343.5Opioids (%)48.146.7Cumulative prednisone-equivalent dose, milligrams (mean, SD)225.9 (699.6)218.1 (661.3)Oral steroids (%)35.035.9Recent oral steroid use (%)23.825.9Other Medications ACEI/ARB (%)61.565.7Beta blockers (%)43.446.5Calcium channel blockers (%)36.738.7Diuretics (%) *68.473.3Nitrates (%)14.315.0Noninsulin anti-diabetic drugs (%)26.428.1Insulin (%)9.711.8Anticoagulants (%)19.119.0Antiplatelets (%)14.515.1Phosphate binders (%)0.20.5Other lipid lowering drugs (%)13.514.1Statins (%)53.657.8Health Care Utilization No. of ED visits (mean, SD)1.0 (1.6)1.0 (1.7)No. of outpatient visits (mean, SD)13.1 (10.3)13.5 (10.4)No. of prescription drugs (mean, SD)13.8 (6.8)13.9 (6.8)Hospitalization (%)28.832.7No. of cardiology visits (mean, SD)1.2 (2.6)1.3 (2.6)No. of rheumatology visits (mean, SD)0.2 (1.1)0.2 (1.0)C-reactive protein test ordered (%)15.216.4Electrocardiogram ordered (%)57.960.6Echocardiogram ordered (%)1.51.9Cardiac stress test ordered (%)14.615.0HbA1c ordered (%)43.948.8Cholesterol test ordered (%)74.778.1Uric acid test ordered (%) *64.574.8Serum creatinine test ordered (%)93.395.5* Standardized differences were >0.01. a Recent event was defined as within 60 days from the index date. SD=standard deviation, NSAID= non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, ACEI=angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, ARB= angiotensin II receptor blocker, ED=emergency department ................

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