L2Qi t;RIC:Jlt i½onster·NClKes ·it·

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t;RIC:J1l~t ,_


Atlant,:lc City: r;. J'er~ Oct~ 3---Ron I..aird easi l y 1~aced to his ~ixth Sem ior

1-htiOi ltel, 1Valid.J18title of 'J.965 in the 15 kilo olw,mpio:nahip here today.. turd

!ia:, be0n beaten in only two national l"aces

lt:Uo~ ar,d. did not~ co!)1ptte in t.hG /.,,.0or 50.

--'~h:i.ya eai:tt1


oneJ m.le

and the


'l'i:1e:t~tc(~wa1:1rwld una_e~ clear old.es ?,d.th tr..e tempe1~atu..re in the mid-s;brl.ies,.

A b~isk \?Jincl hm~per.t;:clthe waJ.karS- in the fu?st, halt or thG ~ace but they then had. it at th0i1.? back en the :t'etm"n tri.p.

L.,"1.:i.mw2.s i;-1 't;:~ lsa.d b-.f ths i1a.lf r.1i.J.e tu>...~ .... and only Ron Daniel stayed with

h.i..lli e,3 11es-ta1...,i.;et.sheld on Atlantic City 1s me.in at;t'l"tet.,

AtJ.a.11tie Avenue.. The 1:1'?..lkfirshad to croes in excess :>f 100 :1.nt-err;ections durir,g t ?,a race with tlO one to stop tl"~i"fie, but SUl"l)riaingl;r t,hio aern:1.edto eauee

p1:oactica,lJ...yno trouble e.nd no one had COO!ylaint::,. The cou:i:?r.;efoJ.~,)t,e,d the centm." J.ane of ?the sti"'C3etzr;eserved for left tu.rue:1 anii thG only Di.-.;.-i'ffo :ont:rol.


'IO~ "" pei.U.ce e.sc~t with-the lead~.

PJI~2 '.t'he rqee WES take:n t-t'OOilts ti"ad.itiotial



cite~ th~ Boar:;o; i' 5-(?nm~.u. :triGc1"0st . Th9 t.i~ip -r,:,-ad.srop?Gd this y ear iu.o to a le.ck

of fund!;;,. r{(n,;c,?v?c?:::.hr:: feel~ we a.t lcwt had the e....,_~riencc of piek.i.ng a taara.

lett i ng poo ~1l,3kw.) 1,; e.i:.0.1:t it arid. me.ki.r.g sort o.f a dry xun. A.lso, thel:'e are r:o:.;?ne go,.,rJ.lot?.rls :f-:i;.?i\~'~1.1::redonat ions, inc1.uding -cl1e Lli. ?:I.r.1esGll&i?ities., Sponoora

of the LA Ind oo!' t and the US-:L'U0SRr.:l(Je.t, So tl:.er~ :ia a much crtrong~r chance d' ou'.l:~b&irig :::?-:'JcPw::onte-.1 i.n the 1967 co;;r,ceti t:l.on. And re:r?hapr. lry-t1u,:t ti:ne some or~e 'lfil l :,:i~ 1 t.l:

1ai-Ki1.tt.:ht?-epar.-e2s..t.i1g.e:::oeo~iwJ','.zt,~:>Z1J,tg',h.a\13";1i 'wt:ir.a-Jc...k..!,:.DJn?.r_bt,3.O..:i1.',;,"n;H!"*'1{-~'f-JH~"n!-1M-:--{r~+~f;-;t--~?iP~,s}

The Ohio Ra,ch ti?illtel' is pu;;lioh.ecl montrJJr in CoJ.mnl1UL scme .fa.ts e..nd.'f.)roteins are always

co1-1suiried. M.1en' ~e~s? ~';\f bur1'led it ia interesting to notG that more ox;rgen is

1?cCj1.1iredthan rta~n ~IW~Ji i6 derived fa?ooi carbolJJ,rdi>atGs. Tharefore an cl.tblete

130.2.f.orm.i.ng on a high fat diet requirea rao:i"'eo~gen and ?will f.!l,lt mor'-3 strain on

his rcm::>il'ato1"Y :system..



A clasaic study of the Boston mai?athoners has mhownthat those who trail'ied on a

high co.rbohydl"tiG-G dj.et!I 11thoate ~.r..dy or auga.1~f3efore and during 'i:.herace plaaed

h.in?her 6


'l.ho :t?ace and ?w-0~~?t(;? L"l better

conU-i;ion a.f'tel" ?the i?ace. .


H01-mver.,.:U; lrn.c aleo be_en found tha.t thel'e is no pe1?cer.1,.t.agFiJll tald.llg sugar

t-efo~e a ahm?t, ~:a,ce s:i.nce -~he body ca1"!'ie~ ample stcn?ate of ca.:?bobydra.te-up to

3500 caloi':teo 1?ro1th.:.- This resei"'V'e ;is ccu?~ied 2.s glc.ogen tu tho liver Md is

:.,;-el.easedon de~'!!~D.to !JecomGblood suga.I? which in turn can be utilized 1!,y-the

Il.fll.5-Cle 6 ?

? "? ,t


l.fost physiologists agree that a.n athlGto~ befo1?e a limg distance run or 111,lJlk shculd 1--est 36 to l;.13hourfk p;r1or to the re.Cthlnat Tac~ hae been bOl"n a walking program. The m1u>athonet-nls a.

am child of b~"ing and an &?gument between s t,)QX{?l ..

distance l'"u.nners &bout -who

could run the .g:-:eat.est d5.S".:;ar,ce~. . t Natu:r-ally the am:ners -.:re.m. So: in a !'OUnd about

,~y, boxing is thG father of wJ:-.at1-10i'e~l is a f.in e progra:11 foi? di~tnc'\ce l?il.."1.l.U.l'Jg

and race ?walkii'lg hG::eeil'l Colu1:1bia??? ~-..Take a look at the l:'ssul ?c$ of the national

1-aoo~. I?Jonc had bette:i:' nt:.i:tio:i1al participation. than ou1"S oxcept i~ybe t,he 20.,

Cht\~k Hema!.'1 in ?ittsbu1,."gh seI'!~ us a ~o?iy of .,, letto:r 1::ont t,o many in the s?.01..t '!aoostil'.lg .r'5.tts1,1J.1yr,h;.:s;. t.he site of the 20 Kilo fer the 11ex?~three yea.1.~,s culmipat,ing

:Lu thG>1968 OJ._ymp~.1c:l'.i.aJ..s,. An Atlantie Ci?by ha.o be(m sort of established as the

:ai.te of t,h!:) 15, sdo they hope ?t.o .b. eccme esta.bl.it3hed :bi. tho 20. Per sonally-., w1:1

.feel thoy did an e:r.x.c~llent job with the 164- T:i:-:i.i'..if.a In 1Joo~:ra..J,\.?e don't like courses on city atreet:i.~ bu'G they- d:Ld an e=ceel..1.etnr- ,jo'h>, vdth t1~af;?:ic ..cntl.>oalnd in kea 1tll1g

e-ie:ryone on the cc:ur-oo.. .iJriaes were ~$l'Y good:- and thlS'".fprorrd.se tlu.s will co1ttinue . The 20 kilo in UcKee~pol"t las?t s:1ring was also handled :i.n an cui:.standir.g mannei'. So wa feel that &!~ far as :,1Utting on a. race~ I1i~taburgh would m'obn.bly be as f'lne a home a.::i the 20 ld;.l.o could fine~ The only th.'tng we wouJ-d question is wnethet? the

20 should have a perm.anent hane., be:i.x:ieone or th0 most impo~nt nationals, if not

?r.hemoot inrr...ortant. As nm.ch. as I would hate to aea it in wt.w:l:.is 7.(\ mee the allnost

:i.essiblo Far. \':est ir1ith so r.,,aey good walkei~s out thet."e nt,w it 1? ? _. ? he unfair to

. keei, it i'rarA them on a y.,ermar1enbt asis., unJ.ees soiJ1ee.x1'1snge ~rra.1,gt~netrt.acan be made. .

-(,''' .. I

) ortPJ-bT~oeort 2

Ji:'t,eeyc,new..?nt~ 3uO know ?wh2t... l'.R..!:>penotDo. tho US Tl?ack 1rearn. in Ruouia and maa;r 1:-mople hav-o set n.ovmopinions . Aud unfor-t;una.tely Li.e..ny of these.: ~O}'lle 'l.?rar,e not a.?~a.lI close t~ t.he sHua.tion., Wel~e ~eroly !l~oculating: anci really had no businesc opei!~lOOth0:lr Utouths;.; In a-ay caoQ~ I too w:i.Jl. open my mouth c,n the

eubjr..i-ct.a1.:e.-,1t,lcarr1:. :r wao t here .

I de 1.w?i:,fool th~ JJ_;,U-~HCAfeAud lit-Id.an.y app1?ec :lii,ble af f.e' c t on t !10 out cane

of the merYt. I do:n:-;:.?bhittlc the ma"lceupof the t.eam uould have \1een much different had a.1.1 -;;he NCtu1 a?~:1lc':...cs ca11DOted i.'1 tbc .!LU r.ieet airl in tho oaoes where it WOUld

have beer. '\l!C1..l.ldjel'Oi:-,.1.bJ.hy~"T0 111.:1.d1o10 1.iii'e 1?ence in the out,eor.:ie of the Russian

meet, I-os:::ibl.e we coul&-

neat tC?.i.?S a.1,0 gocd O.:.'bad; !:~,.;,-.t:,:-,t0~".ii:et ~-t~?i; ................

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