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Accredited Holistic Therapy Courses

We are pleased to offer the following courses which involve on line theoretical study followed by practical sessions, case studies and an assessment. Class sizes are very small where students get individual attention and training times are often flexible so that they fit in with your other commitments. Providing the course you take is Guild Accredited, you will be able to apply for insurance and membership with the Guild once you have completed it. This will allow you start work on members of the public straight away and charge for the treatments you provide. Many therapists start off in business by offering one or two popular treatments and then take further courses which can be added to their treatment list later on. Providing that the all the courses you take are accredited by the Guild you can add them to your insurance cover during the year at no extra cost. More details on the courses can be seen on but will need to be booked directly with ourselves on 0777 1915141 or

Guild Membership Benefits At A Glance

Guild Membership shows your clients you are a true professional and includes insurance plus a host of additional valuable membership services. The key benefits are:

• Insurance cover for up to £6 million

• Recognition as a Beauty Professional

• Entry on one of the Professional Registers

• Guild Gazette Magazine Subscription

• Training Accreditation

• Business & Marketing Support

• Guild Training International courses

• Free Classified and Recruitment Advertising

• Professional & Business Support Hotline

• National Salon Gift Voucher Scheme

• Free Continuing Professional Development (CPD) training

• Discounted Credit and Debit Card Rates With Chip and Pin Solutions

Aromatherapy £165

In general is the use of aromatic plant extracts (essential oils) to improve health and emotional well-being and restore balance to the body. Most aromatherapists will select a small number of essential oils whose properties will be of particular benefit to the client, and incorporate these into a full body massage. Clients may also be advised to use certain essential oils in the bath or a diffuser/vaporizer at home.

Hopi Ear Candles £95

Also referred to as 'hopi ear candling' this treatment involves inserting and lighting hollow candles (made primarily from linen, honey and herbs) into the client's ears. When the candles have extinguished naturally, the client's outer ear is massaged. Thermal auricular therapy is said to benefit a number of conditions affecting the ears, head and sinuses.

Indian Head Massage £195

Both a stimulating and relaxing treatment, Indian Head massage concentrates on the face, scalp, shoulders, upper back and upper arms. Traditionally, oils are used to condition the hair, scalp and skin, but many clients in the west prefer to have a 'dry' treatment. Clients usually remain fully clothed. Therapists may include some 'chakra' energy work towards the end of the treatment.

Body Massage £245

Also known as holistic or swedish massage is both a relaxing and stimulating treatment. With the use of oil or other massage medium, the therapist manipulates the client's soft body tissue, helping to; improve skin and muscle tone; rid the body of toxins; and improve circulation. This treatment, like many other holistic treatments is particularly effective at tackling stress.

Reflexology £245

Is based on the principle that reflex points on the feet are connected to corresponding areas throughout the body. In this way, the feet can be seen as a 'map' of the body. Reflexologists work on the reflexes with their thumbs and fingers us in specialised massage techniques, said to help correct imbalances throughout the body and release blocked qi (energy).

Accredited On Line Courses

Anatomy and Physiology £199

An understanding of Anatomy and Physiology is required as the basis of all practical training courses in beauty and holistic therapy. The GTi Anatomy and Physiology Certificate is accredited by the Guild of Beauty Therapists, the UK’s leading professional beauty trade body. The course covers all the Anatomy and Physiology required for the Level 2 and Level 3 National Occupational Standards (NOS) for beauty, nails and holistic therapy treatments.

Professional Standards for Therapists £49

Professional Therapists are required to comply with all relevant legislation affecting their businesses and must act professionally at all times towards clients and fellow practitioners. Professional Therapists are responsible for the health and safely of their clients and themselves. They must also abide by a strict code of ethics as laid down by the Guild of Professional Beauty Therapists.

The GTi course in Professional Standards for Therapists covers all the essential legislation and professional ethics required for working in the industry as specified in the National Occupation Standards for level 2 and 3 treatments in beauty, nails and holistic therapy. This course is a pre-requisite for many practical treatment courses and is highly recommended in support of professional membership and development through the Guild of Professional Beauty Therapists.

As a Professional Therapist, you will need to comply with any new legislation that is introduced, and be aware of any changes that are made to existing legislation. Once you have completed the Professional Standards for Therapists course, you will continue to receive updates of any changes to UK legislation that will affect your business.

Health and Safety £39

Health & Safety is an essential part of any business. It protects the owners, the staff

and the customers, and is something that everyone should be aware of.

Whatever your role, you need to know what health and safety legislation you are

governed by, as well as understanding a safe way to conduct your tasks.

In any walk of life, prevention is better than cure, and so a good understanding of

health and safety will help to keep problems and incidents to a minimum.

Marketing your Business £39

This course has been developed for beauty and holistic therapists and nail technicians who already have their own business and are looking for effective ways to promote it. It is suitable for any beauty business owner, whether at home, mobile or in a salon.

The course covers all the essentials of marketing the business including an evaluation of different advertising methods and a detailed explanation of the marketing mix.

The course has been written by leading industry experts and contains voiceovers and images as well as online examinations to guarantee you get the best learning experience. All modules and examinations are completed online with full online support available. Once you have completed the course, you will receive a downloadable manual of all the information from the course.

Starting your Business £39

This course has been developed for beauty and holistic therapists and nail technicians who are wanting to start their own business, whether it be home-based, mobile or in a salon.

The course covers all the essential information which you will need to know when setting up in business including an overview of the different types of beauty businesses and modules on business accountancy and administration.

The course has been written by leading industry experts and contains voiceovers and images as well as online examinations to guarantee you get the best learning experience. All modules and examinations are completed online with full online support available. Once you have completed the course, you will receive a downloadable manual of all the information from the course.

Starting and Marketing your Business £59

Both the above courses combined

Successful Retailing £39

Retailing in a salon is something which many therapists tend to find difficult. This means that it often gets neglected in favour of promoting treatments. The result is that many therapists and salons miss out on a valuable opportunity to increase their income and profits.

The course is completed entirely online in your own time including a workbook which will assess your understanding of the course. This means that GTi gives you flexible learning designed to fit in around your lifestyle. Full tutorial support is available throughout your learning experience.

CPD Holistic Therapy Courses

Fire Cupping £70

Fire Cupping is the method of using glass cups to create localized circulation by a vacuum, and forcing blood and lymph flow where the area is blocked or deficient. The Chinese have been doing this since ancient times by using heat to create the suction action of the glass or bamboo cups. This vacuum effect causes the blood to flow to the area in need of help and healing. The course is completed in half a day.

Hot and Cold Stones £70

Stone therapy is an exceptionally relaxing treatment, rooted in ancient therapy practices and used to create balance within the body. Hot basalt and cold marble stones are used by most therapists, with the positioning and temperature of the stones tailored to the individual client.

A stone therapy treatment provides a deep massage to the whole body as well as concentrated areas. Stone therapy is based upon geothermal therapy, which is the application of either heated or chilled stone to the body for the purpose of changing physiological responses.

Cold stones are also useful for muscle ache as they have a soothing effect. The course is completed in half a day.

On Site Massage £70

This refers to a form of massage that is carried out in a specially constructed chair, usually in the office environment. It is said to be particularly useful for those suffering from pain and tension in the back, neck and shoulder regions. As the client remains clothed, pressure-point techniques - which involve applying pressure to concentrated areas - usually form a major part of the treatment .The course is completed in half a day.

Reiki £70,£90,£300

Is said to accelerate the body's own natural ability to heal itself, on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. It involves the reiki practitioner placing both hands on or above the client in specific positions, which 'opens' up the body's energy channels and helps to clear any blockages that may be affecting the flow of ki (or qi/energy). There are 3 courses – 1,2 and 3 which are all 1 day. Reiki 1 course concentrates on self healing and costs £70, Reiki 2 introduces symbols and working on others and costs £90 and Reiki 3 – Masters Level costs £300 and covers teaching and extra symbols.


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