
Type of ReferenceIn-text Reference ExamplesBook with 1 author (this can include a person or an authoring body, e.g. a sponsoring organisation)Chabon (2008, p. 108) discusses......was discussed in the study (Chabon, 2008, p. 108)....a better world (Deni Green Consulting Services, 2008, p. 5).Book with 2 or 3 authorsCampbell, Fox and de Zwart (2010, p. 46) argue… ...alternatives are preferable (Campbell, Fox & de Zwart, 2010, p. 46).Book with 4 or more authorsAs suggested by Henkin et al. (2006, p. 14)… ...has been suggested (Henkin et al., 2006, p. 14).Single page on a website...viable options (Department of Immigration and Citizenship, 2012).Journal article accessed via a library databaseBoon (2011) examines... ...potent subtext (Boon, 2011, p. 181).PDF version of a print journal article accessed via the internet (e.g. Google, Google Scholar, Muse, JSTOR)Werstine (1999, p. 311) laments... ...inherently flawed (Werstine, 1999, p. 311).Article on a news websiteDay (2012) suggests... ...marked trends (Day, 2012).Primary Contact (this could include email, telephone conversation, face to face interview)Bishop (2019) reasons that…..….dogs are better than cats (Bishop, 2019).A Brief In- Text Referencing GuideCommon QuestionsWhere exactly do I put the full stop when quoting and/or referencing? Full stops must always be placed at the very end of a sentence, after the quotation and/or in-text reference.center86360Research indicates that ‘over a thousand autobiographies of childhood have been published in roughly the past fifteen years’ (Douglas 2010, p. 1). According to Barnett (2009, p. 219), several authors see technology as providing ‘new and exciting ways of being and expressing the human in the face of co-evolution with technology.’020000Research indicates that ‘over a thousand autobiographies of childhood have been published in roughly the past fifteen years’ (Douglas 2010, p. 1). According to Barnett (2009, p. 219), several authors see technology as providing ‘new and exciting ways of being and expressing the human in the face of co-evolution with technology.’center642620Shakespeare’s play ‘uses the technique of externalisation to anatomise an inner emotional struggle’ (Smith, E, 2007, p. 17).Lacan’s work grounds ‘personal identity and its discontents in language’ (Smith, B, 2010, p. 6).020000Shakespeare’s play ‘uses the technique of externalisation to anatomise an inner emotional struggle’ (Smith, E, 2007, p. 17).Lacan’s work grounds ‘personal identity and its discontents in language’ (Smith, B, 2010, p. 6).What if there are two authors with the same family name? Occasionally you will need to reference two different authors who share the same family name. To avoid ambiguity, include the authors’ first initials after their family names in the in-text references.How do I reference when there is no author and/or no year? When no person is mentioned, include the title of the source or the authoring/sponsoring organisation in place of the author. When no year of publication is given, use the abbreviation n.d. which stands for ‘no date’ in place of a year.center30480Oral presentations, like written assessment tasks, should contain an introduction, body, and conclusion (Learning and Teaching Unit, n.d.).00Oral presentations, like written assessment tasks, should contain an introduction, body, and conclusion (Learning and Teaching Unit, n.d.).Using Quotes<Note: Quotes should not be used as standalone sentences. They should have some context or introduction prior to incorporating them.>Using Short Quotations: Short quotations of fewer than thirty words should be enclosed in single quotation marks (‘...’) and be accompanied by an in-text reference. center4445Research indicates that ‘over a thousand autobiographies of childhood have been published in roughly the past fifteen years’ (Douglas, 2010, p. 1).00Research indicates that ‘over a thousand autobiographies of childhood have been published in roughly the past fifteen years’ (Douglas, 2010, p. 1).Using Long Quotations: Longer quotations of more than thirty words should be presented without quotation marks and indented on both sides. A font one size smaller should be used.center11430According to Barnett (2009, p. 219): While some authors respond to the rise of technologies in the lives of humans by articulating anxieties through figures such as the mad scientist, or tropes such as the destruction of civilisation, others see in technology a promise ... of new and exciting ways of being and expressing the human in the face of co-evolution with technology.00According to Barnett (2009, p. 219): While some authors respond to the rise of technologies in the lives of humans by articulating anxieties through figures such as the mad scientist, or tropes such as the destruction of civilisation, others see in technology a promise ... of new and exciting ways of being and expressing the human in the face of co-evolution with mon QuestionsWhat do the three dots represent in quotes? The three dots (called an ellipsis) after the word ‘promise’ in the above example show that a word or words have been left out. These words may not have been necessary to demonstrate your point, or as a means of shortening the quote. There should still be a natural and logical flow to the quote.center826135Through his multiple studies, Horton determined that ‘the rate of pigment loss [in teenage subjects] is attributable to the liver’s toxicity’ (2017).00Through his multiple studies, Horton determined that ‘the rate of pigment loss [in teenage subjects] is attributable to the liver’s toxicity’ (2017).What do square brackets [] in quotes mean? When writers insert or alter words in a direct quotation, square brackets—[ ]—are placed around the change. The brackets, always used in pairs, enclose words intended to clarify meaning, provide a brief explanation, or to help integrate the quote into the writer's sentence.How to reference An Image, Chart, Graphs OR Table383603525844500Figures are any images that you include in your Outcome, ie. illustrations, diagrams, graphs, photographs, images of artworks etc.RULE 1: Each Figure should be clearly LABELLED with 3 key elements:The Figure Number: Each Figure should be labelled in numerical order. Ie. Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3 etc.Description: A short description of what the Figure is showing (Keep this short as it contributes towards your word count)Reference: An in-text reference showing where this Figure came from.371475083820Figure 1: The Biological Pump Process (NASA Earth Observatory, 2010)00Figure 1: The Biological Pump Process (NASA Earth Observatory, 2010)*These features should be placed near the Figure being referenced.*right276225RULE 2: All Figures MUST be referenced in the flow of your text.For Instance: Torn ACLs are one of the most common injuries associated with professional basketball players (Orthoinfo, 2020: Mayo Clinic 2019) due to the high instance of “pivoting and cutting” associated with the sport (Okoroha, Haunchild & Cole, 2020). As shown in Figure 2, tears occur between the tibia and femur when…Some other ways to incorporate Figures include:Figure 1 demonstrates….4591050147955Figure 2: Torn ACL (Mayo Clinic, 2020)00Figure 2: Torn ACL (Mayo Clinic, 2020)Figures 3 and 4 highlight that….Other Important Facts:Any text which features in the images contributes towards your word count. Figures must be relevant to your topic of conversation USING APPENDICES<NOTE: Your Outcome does not have to have an Appendix>The word Appendices is the plural form of Appendix. An Appendix contains information which is NOT ESSENTIAL to your Outcome, but supports comprehension, analysis and validates your conclusions.An Appendix DOES NOT contribute to your word count. Appendices appear after the Reference ListAppendices could contain the following:Definitions of key words that you have mentioned in body paragraphsExpanded details of survey results.Extended evidence of Practical ResearchAppendices are usually lettered, not numbered – Appendix A, Appendix B and so on. All Appendices MUST be referenced in the flow of your text. Ie. In 2015, Naylor and Parsons distributed an online survey to investigate public attitudes and perceptions toward key cetacean (whale, dolphin, and porpoise) conservation (See Appendix A). ................

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