
Microsoft Research Asia Fellowship Application Form [2021] (Application Date: mm/dd/yyyy)UniversityCollege/SchoolDepartmentNameChinese NameGenderCountry/RegionPhD Enrollment Datemm/yyyyExpected PhD Graduation Datemm/yyyyTel.(Mobile)Tel.(Office)Email Address(permanent & frequently used)Personal Home PagePost Address & Zip CodeYour PhD Supervisor’s Information(Name, Title, Email, Tel.(Office), Home Page)Education Background (started from college)(Please structure your education background as follows: “mm/yyyy(start date) – mm/yyyy(end date/ expected end date), university name, major, degree”. For example:09/2014 – 07/2018, XXX University, Computer Science, Bachelor of Engineering; 09/2018 – 07/2023(expected), XXX University, Computer Science, PhD student)Research Interests(Please describe your current research interests and focus.)ResearchExperience(Please describe at most three research projects you have participated in. The description of each project should be in fewer than 80 words, and your contributions should be emphasized.)Publications(Please describe at most three of your major publications, for example, [1] Luwei Cheng and Cho-Li Wang, vBalance: Using Interrupt Load Balance to Improve I/O Performance for SMP Virtual Machines, ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing (SoCC), 2012. (Acceptance Rate 21/163 = 13%))Recent Honors & Awards(Please describe at most three honors or awards you have won in the last three years.)Other Valuable Experiences or Qualifications(Please specify any valuable experiences or qualifications you would like to share with Fellowship Committee.) Notes:Please strictly follow the instructions in grey, and delete them after you complete the form. Please also submit other materials required for the application of Microsoft Research Asia Fellowship thru online application tool. Guidance to application can be found on the homepage of the program. ................

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