55956221330His Highness Shaikh Rashid Al Maktoum Pakistan School, DubaiUnited Arab EmiratesSchool Safeguarding Policy2018-1900His Highness Shaikh Rashid Al Maktoum Pakistan School, DubaiUnited Arab EmiratesSchool Safeguarding Policy2018-19ContentsSchool Health Introduction Policy on Administration of Medication Physical Examination Medical Forms Accidents and EmergencyImmunization Sickness Policy Contagious illness EXCLUSION FROM SCHOOL (AS PER DHA GUIDELINES) Inclusive Education - SENDVision Declaration of Policy Goal Definitions of TermsTypes of NeedGeneral Learning Difficulties Duties and Responsibilities Responsibility of the school. Duties and responsibility of the inclusion support team. Duties and responsibility of inclusion champion. Duties and responsibility of Governor for inclusion education. Duties and responsibility of learning support assistant. Duties and responsibility of class/subject teacher. Duties and responsibility of parent. Duties and responsibility of student. Organization ChartChild Protection Declaration of Policy.Goal Definition of term. Duties and responsibilities of school. Function of child protection team.Reporting process. Procedures in handling students under child protection case. Preventative measures. Emergency OPERATION Declaration of Policy Goal Purpose of the Plan Scope of the Plan Definition of Term Used Types of HazardsPlan Emergency Resonance Team (ERT)Duties and Responsibilities of the SchoolFunction of Emergency Response Team (ERT) Health, Accident and Safety Procedures Upon discovery of Fire Upon discovery of Fire Alarm Procedures to call Emergency Contact Number 997Communication with Parents Communication with Media Communication Tools Standard Telephone Cyber Security School cyber security policyControls and data protection Network security firewall Security control No use of social mediaMalware protection Administrative & privileged access Monitoring system Removal of media control Backup data Anti-BullyingDefinition Strategies Reporting Responding to bullying School DisciplineOverview Disciplinary Action Suspension Expulsion Specific Prohibited Behaviour Classroom MisconductHallway or Common Area Misconduct Cafeteria Misconduct Physical Dangerous Behaviour HarassmentFood, Drink and Gum Rules Improper Dress Possessing Inappropriate Item at School School Maintenance Policy Statement Maintenance and Business as Usual Accountabilities Routine Maintenance Preventive Maintenance Planned Maintenance Classrooms and Corridors Painting Programmes Classrooms Furniture’s and Fitting (Recurrent Expenditure) Annual RenewalPrioritization Maintenance Procedures Maintenance Team and Organization Chart School Transport IntroductionPolicy Statement Roles and Responsibilities Bus Safety StandardBus FeeOwn Transport School Health IntroductionThe health and safety of students at H.H. Sheikh Rashid Al Maktoum Pakistani School-Dubai is of great importance. The school clinic is well staffed with a part time medical doctor and a full time nurses registered and licensed with the Dubai Health Authority (DHA).If children are unwell while at School, they will be cared for at the clinic until collected by a parent or guardian. The clinic team provides first aid to sick and injured pupils during school hours. The clinic administers medicines and refers pupils for follow up with medical practitioners or to emergency services if needed. The clinic is well equipped with an automated electric defibrillator, a nebulizer and oxygen apparatus, which all help provide appropriate medical first aid response.Our aim is that we abide by the guidelines in this policy which is used for the prevention of infection within the school. We endeavor to work in partnership with our parents to meet the aims set out in this policy and the best interest of the child is considered at all times.The aims of this policy are:For parents to be aware of how to notify the school if children, who normally attend the School, have been unwell and will not be attending on that day. For staff to know what to do if they suspect a child is unwell or has an infectious disease. To give guidelines for communicable diseases and illnesses within the School and the actions to be taken. How to notify the School if children, who normally attend the School, have been unwell and will not be attending on that day:If your child is unwell and will not be attending School please contact the School reception (971) (4)2988303, extn 14 for School Clinic.If your child has been unwell the previous day or night please inform the teacher when dropping off your child or visit the nurse in the clinic. SCHOOL CLINIC POLICYIf your child has had any medicine (e.g. Adol) before coming to school, it is of vital importance that the Teacher/School nurse is informed of the time and dose given. If the Nurse feels the child requires another dose during their day at school. We will recommend that they are taken home. If your child has been sent home with a suspected infectious disease (e.g. chicken pox) it is important to update the Teacher and School nurse after any doctor’s appointments so that we can monitor the situation within the school. The following are a few helpful School clinic policies which are in line with the Dubai Health Authority School Health Guidelines:Policy on Administration of MedicationPrior to admission the parents are required to submit a signed consent form that stating which medicines can be administered from by the clinic staff. The form can be acquired from the school reception. The clinic is well stocked with necessary medicines which will be dispensed to those in need after parents have been contacted. If the parents are not reachable, the school doctor will administer appropriate treatment. If a medication has to be given during School hours, a doctor’s prescription is required with the medicine in original packaging, well labelled with the name and class of the child, the dosage and the timing. The parent/guardian should deliver the medicine to the clinic and sign the consent form available in the clinic. Children who have been prescribed a course of anti-biotic will not be allowed to attend School until 24 hours after commencing the course. This is to allow time for the anti-biotic to take effect and to ensure there is no adverse reaction to the medication. Staff must check the prescription date on the medication when accepting it. If your child has a condition such as allergies, asthma, epilepsy or diabetes, please provide labeled emergency medicine (Epi-pen, inhalers, anti-epileptic, Insulin, etc.) to the school clinic. Children are not allowed to carry medicines (with the exception for asthma inhalers) in their bag with their name on it and should only take medicine in supervision of a school nurse. SCHOOL CLINIC POLICYPhysical ExaminationAs part of the Dubai Health Authority’s regulations the school doctor is required to conduct a non-invasive medical examination that includes screening of vision and hearing and head to foot examination of Pupils.The results of the examinations are documented in the School Health Record. Any findings requiring additional follow up or referrals will be reported to the parents using the referral form or via email.Medical FormsPrior to your child’s admission to the School you will be required to complete the medical forms. It is important that the Nursery/School is made aware of any medical condition that your child has or if they are receiving any medication.Please update the clinic of any change in your child’s medical/surgical history or any recent allergies discovered and of any change in your contact details.Accidents and EmergencyIn case your child requires emergency treatment efforts will be made to contact you. If contact is not possible, the school doctor will administer appropriate emergency treatment and if needed an ambulance will be called to transfer your child to the hospital.ImmunizationParents are required to submit updated vaccination documents to the clinic for record purposes prior to the start of Nursery/School. The nurse will check the vaccination record and let parents know if any vaccination of your child is due.Sickness PolicyFever: Children with a temperature above 37.5 C (99.5F) should be rested at home. A sick child is not able to function effectively in Nursey/School and should rest at home until fully recovered. If a child develops a fever during school hours, parents will be contacted and requested to take the child home. Students may return to school if they are Afebrile for 24 hours without using fever-reducing medications such as Calpol, Panadol, and Advil etc.SCHOOL CLINIC POLICYContagious illnessThe DHA has clearly documented guidelines for those conditions which require exclusion from the School. The conditions commonly seen are: Conjunctivitis, Chicken pox, Gastroenteritis, Hand Foot and Mouth Disease, Measles, Mumps etc. However, the list is not limited to the above mentioned conditions. If a student develops vomiting and/or diarrhea, he/she should be seen by a doctor and rest at home for the duration of illness or if necessary admitted to the hospital. Children with conditions that require exclusion from the Nursery/School like chicken pox, measles, mumps, and conjunctivitis should be rested and cared for at home and may only return when they are no longer contagious. The infectivity period for each condition varies. Upon returning a medical certificate from the attending physician must be provided or the child must first be assessed by the school doctor. If the child is still considered to be a possible source of infection, parents will be asked to take them home.To further reduce the spread of infection please do not send your child to School if they have:A suspected contagious rash Heavy nasal discharge Red, sticky eyes Persistent cough Vomiting and diarrhea (return to school only when symptom free for at least 24 hours EXCLUSION FROM SCHOOL (AS PER DHA GUIDELINES)Disease or conditionIncubation periodExclusion of casesChickenpoxFrom two to threeExclude from school untilweeks; usuallyvesicles become dry, or 1013-17 daysDays from appearance of rash.ConjunctivitisUntil discharge from eyes hasCeased.Giardiasis(Diarrhea)Usually 1-3weeks longer; orUntil diarrhea ceases.Average 7-10 days.Measles(Rube olla)Approximately 10 days butUntil at least 5 days from thevaries 7-10 days and mayappearance of rash, or untilbe as long as 14 days untilreceipt of medical certificateThe rash appears.Of recovery from infection.MumpsUsually 12-25 days;Exclusion from school, childCommonly 18 or workplace until nineDays after the onset of swelling.Until fully recovered.Pediculosis (Head lice)Until appropriate treatmenthas commenced.Hepatitis AUsually 15-50 days; theExclude from school or work forAverage 28-30 days.1 week after the onset of illnessor jaundice. Until receipt of amedical certificate of recoveryfrom infection or onsubsidence of infection.Rubella(GermanUsually 16-18 daysExclude from school for at leastmeasles)5 days after onset of rash.Shigellosis (Diarrhea)From 12 hours-4 daysUntil diarrhea ceasesStreptococcalUsually 1-3 daysExclude from schools andinfection includingchildren’s settings until aScarlet fevermedical certificate of recoveryfrom infection has been obtained. TuberculosisFrom infection to primaryUntil receipt of a medicallesion or significantcertificate from a health officertuberculin reaction; aboutof the department that child is 4-12 weeksnot considered to be infectious. Typhoid fever &Usually 1-3Until receipt of a medicalPara Typhoid feverweeks(Depending on thecertificate of recovery from infective dose from threeinfection.days to three months)Inclusive Education - SENDVISION:To protect and ensure success of holistic development of STUDENTS OF DETERMINATION (SEND).DECLARATION OF POLICY:This policy will help teachers to improve the Students of Determination during their course of education In SRAMPS by providing right support through accommodation and modification in the teaching and learning process, so that, they can successfully participate and be engaged in the school curriculum, activities and programs. GOAL:To provide an inclusive educational system that imparts high quality learning opportunities with positive educational outcomes for Students of Determination that is geared towards holistic development as an individual.DEFINITION OF TERMSStudents of Determination are different from those of the majority of the students. Their needs arises from the impact of disability, therefore the students require specialist support, specific curriculum modification and accommodation to ensure progress.In order to implement the policy effectively, the following terms are defined:Inclusive Education refers to access, support for learning and equal opportunities given for all students, whatever their age, gender, ethnicity, attainment and background.Disability refers to a long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairment which, in interaction with various attitudinal and environmental barriers, hinders a person’s full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others.Specialist Support refers to an expert advice or support provided by a professional to meet a student’s needs eg. Psychologist, physiotherapist, speech and language therapist.Inclusion Champion leads cultural transformation in order to achieve fully inclusive provision.Types of NeedBehavioral, Social, Emotional needs are a behavior that presents a barrier to learning. Emotional problems such as depression, eating disorders, attention deficit disorder or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADD/ADHD), Oppossional Defiant Disorder (ODD), Conduct Disorder (CD), childhood psychoses; and syndromes such as Tourette’s.Sensory Visual Impairment – Is when a person has sight loss that cannot be fully corrected using glasses or contact lenses. Hearing Impairment – Deafness or hearing loss refers to the inability to hear things, either totally or partially.Physical Disability – Disabilities arising from conditions such as congenital deformities, spina bifida and or hydrocephalus, muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy, brittle bones, hemophilia, cystic fibrosis or severe accidental injury. Medical Conditions or Health Related Disability a conditions that may lead to an associated ‘special need’. These conditions may be temporary but are more likely to be ongoing and include such illnesses as asthma, diabetes and allergies.Speech and Language Disorders Expressive Language Disorder – problems using oral language or talking. A student understanding of language is likely to exceed their ability to communicate with the spoken word.Expressive Language Disorder – problems using oral language or other expressive language.Receptive Language Disorder – problems understanding oral language or listening.Global Language Disorder - difficulties with both receptive and expressive language. Global language disorders affect both the understanding and use of munication and Interaction inability to speak well enough to be understood, stuttering or a speech impediment such as a lisp. Difficulty in responding to language and in following simple instructions, or to be understood. Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) – are neurological disorders that are characterized by difficulties with social communication, social interaction, social imagination and flexible thinking.Aspergers Syndrome – is thought to fall within the spectrum of autism, but with enough distinct features to warrant its own label. It is characterized by subtle impairments in the areas of development. There is no significant delay in cognitive language acquisition. However, students with Asperger’s syndrome often have communication difficulties. G. General Learning DifficultiesLearning Difficulties 1 – Below average general intellectual functioning often reflected in a slow rate of maturation, reduced learning capacity and inadequate social adjustment.Learning Difficulties 2 – Significant learning difficulties which have a major effect on participation in the mainstream curriculum, without support.Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulty (PMLD) – Complex learning needs resulting in severely impaired functioning in respect of a basic awareness of themselves, the people and the world around them. They may include physical disabilities or a sensory impairment. A high level of support is likely to be required.Assessed Syndrome – a syndrome usually refers to a medical condition where the underlying genetic cause has been identified, and the collection of symptoms is genetically related. Examples of syndromes include: Down syndromes, Stickler Syndrome and Williams Syndrome.H. Specific Learning DifficultiesDyslexia (Reading) – is a specific difficulty with learning to read fluently and with accurate comprehension despite normal or above average intelligence. This includes difficulty with phonological awareness, phonological decoding, processing speed, orthographic coding, auditory short-term memory and language skills/verbal comprehension.Dysgraphia (Writing/spelling) – is a specific learning difficulty that affects expression. Dysgraphia can appear as difficulties with spelling, poor handwriting and trouble putting thoughts in paper. Dysgraphia can be a language-based and/or non-language-based disorder.Dyscalculia (Using number) – is a specific learning difficulty that affects the ability to acquire arithmetical skills. Learners with dyscalculia may have difficulty understanding simple number concepts, lack an intuitive grasps of numbers and have problems learning number facts and procedures.Dypraxia (fine and gross motor skills) – Dyspraxia goes by many names; developmental coordination disorder, motor learning difficulty, motor planning difficulty and apraxia of speech. It can also affect fine motors skills or speech. Dyspraxia is not a sign of muscle weakness. It is a brain-based condition that makes it hard to plan and coordinate physical movement.Gifted Students – are those with academic ability or potential which places them significantly above average for their year group in one or more areas of academic achievement. These students would demonstrate performance which is distinct from their peers. Talented Students – are those who demonstrated outstanding ability in creative achievement, such as art, music, dance or sport, and whose performance in these aspects is significantly average.Disabled any permanent or temporary condition resulting from illness or congenital disorder. A disability would impact on a student’s ability to carry out everyday tasks such as speaking, hearing or moving like other individuals.Inclusive Education Action Team (IEAT) a group formed to develop, implement and monitor the impact of strategic inclusive education plan.DUTIES AND REPONSIBILITIES OF THE SCHOOL:Establish IST to monitor the educational progress of students with additional needs;Ensure the school’s effective policy and procedures are monitored;Make sure the staffs are familiar with, understand and address their obligations under this policy, and other relevant legislation like UAE Federal Law on Students with Special Educational Needs and Disability;Conducts the capacity building activities for the members of the IST and teachers;Create and maintain a supportive school environment for students; Involve parental support in the educational process;Ensures that the rights of children are respected and upheld in all matters and procedures affecting their welfare; Coordinates with appropriate government departments and other support agencies for appropriate intervention, if deemed necessary. Ensure the school has a student friendly IST; andGuarantee that assessments are being done properly by the multi-disciplinary team.(IEAT)MEMBERS OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION ACTION TEAMInclusion Champion – Head of Inclusion (SENDCo)Governor for Inclusive Education - Should come from the nomination of the governing body Learning Support AssistantHead of AdmissionHead of Health and SafetyMedical StaffSection HeadsSubject HeadsClass/Subject TeachersParentsStudentsDUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF INCLUSION SUPPORT TEAMEstablishes a system for identifying Students of Determination (SEND);Monitors the implementation of procedures in providing the necessary support for the students; Ensures that the students’ right are heard, respected and upheld in all matters and procedures affecting their welfare;Ensures that teachers and staffs are aware of the school’s IST;Maintains the portfolio of Students of Determination for documentations ; Keeps the records and information’s gathered with utmost confidentiality;Makes follow-up on students status and progress regularly; Gives feedback on the status/performance of the students to parents; andDevelop, implement and monitor the impact of the strategic inclusive education improvement plan.DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF INCLUSION CHAMPIONPromotes inclusive ideas and modelling approaches that support the development of inclusive attitudes and methods. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF GOVERNOR FOR INCLUSIVE EDUCATIONHolds the school leaders to account for the improvements of provision and outcomes for student of determination. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF LEARNING SUPPORT ASSISTANT (LSA)Support the students of determination and will participate in targeted training, mentoring and monitoring. Work in partnership with classroom teacher to ensure the students of determination are successfully included in the classroom environment alongside their peers. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF CLASS/SUBJECT TEACHERSAccept and embrace all students and provide them with the full opportunities to learn;Create a child friendly classroom environment;Refer Students Determination observable characteristics to the IST for internal assessment; Ensure that lessons are differentiated to address the learning needs of the students;Tailor workable classroom management plan that best suit with diverse students; Modify teaching strategies and materials and evaluation methods as necessary to the needs of students according to the IEP;Cooperate with the special education teacher in providing special education services to the students with special needs; Assessed and evaluate students regularly; Maintain records of students for documentation; Participate in the preparation and effective implementation of IEP and ALP;Collaborate with parents of students with special needs to strengthen the home and school partnership; Give feedback to IST, parents and students as well; andEngage in ongoing professional development to enhance knowledge and skills in the field of special education. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF PARENTSRequired to attend meetings or assessments related to the education of their children with the need to focus on their involvement in the decision-making process; Effective communication and correspondence with school administration with respect to their child and accept their role in the implementation of educational plans; Be honest and open in giving any information relating to the student (such as matters related to academics, behaviour and health or psychology, etc.) to the IST; Meet deadlines as specified with regard to registration, evaluation, submitting progress reports and other documents needed from time to time and attending meetings as need arises; Acceptance of the behaviour and academic capacity of the students and not setting expectations which are not commensurate with their abilities; Communicate with the school in the event of any emergency or to inquire about their child. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF STUDENTSThe Student with Determination is obliged to follow the program prepared for him according to his educational plan to demonstrate his interest in his educational progress. INCLUSION CHAMPIONMs. Nerrissa Lourdes Agana-Villacete, RGC,RPmSCHOOL PRINCIPAL Mr. Imran WaheedMr. Jamal HassanGOVERNOR FOR INCLUSIVE EDUCATIONMr. Shabbir AhmedJenny BaudinLEARNING SUPPORT ASSISTANT (Level 2)HEAD OF ADMISSIONMs. Tasneem Mrs. RasheelaDr. HiraMs. MarissaMEDICAL STAFFMs. MarissaMr. IlyasMs. Nerrissa HEALTH & SAFETY Mr. Kabir ShahSUBJECT HEADsMr. AshrafMr. Gohar Ms. IshratMs. Etimad Mr. IqbalMs. AdeelaMs. SaimaMs. Sara Ms. MahjabeenTeachers:Ms. FaiqaMr. Raza ShahMeharMuhammadparentAemon NaseemGates garveySTUDENTSOrganizational Structure of Inclusion Support Team (IST)10LEARNING SUPPORT ASSISTANTS (Level 1)Section Head Ms. MehmoodaMs. SarwatMs. Qurat Ul AInMr. Rashid INCLUSION CHAMPIONMs. Nerrissa Lourdes Agana-Villacete, RGC,RPmSCHOOL PRINCIPAL Mr. Imran WaheedMr. Jamal HassanGOVERNOR FOR INCLUSIVE EDUCATIONMr. Shabbir AhmedJenny BaudinLEARNING SUPPORT ASSISTANT (Level 2)HEAD OF ADMISSIONMs. Tasneem Mrs. RasheelaDr. HiraMs. MarissaMEDICAL STAFFMs. MarissaMr. IlyasMs. Nerrissa HEALTH & SAFETY Mr. Kabir ShahSUBJECT HEADsMr. AshrafMr. Gohar Ms. IshratMs. Etimad Mr. IqbalMs. AdeelaMs. SaimaMs. Sara Ms. MahjabeenTeachers:Ms. FaiqaMr. Raza ShahMeharMuhammadparentAemon NaseemGates garveySTUDENTSOrganizational Structure of Inclusion Support Team (IST)10LEARNING SUPPORT ASSISTANTS (Level 1)Section Head Ms. MehmoodaMs. SarwatMs. Qurat Ul AInMr. Rashid EVALUATION AND FEEDBACK ANALYSIS1. The school is committed to regular and systematic evaluation of the progress and achievement of the students through a variety of methods to gather data for analysis such as but not limited to progress report, observations, co-curricular engagement and used of assessments tools;2. The teacher is accountable in monitoring the progress of the students and reported directly to the SENDCo; and3. A regular parent engagement is scheduled for feed backing/monitoring.REFERRAL: In the event that the IEAT assessed the student needs further diagnosis and intervention is required, a student will be referred to the community-based centre for diagnosis and intervention.Child Protection DECLARATION OF POLICYConsistent to our mission, and in compliance with the KHDA’s policy on child protection and support, we at the SRAMPS are responsible for the care, protection, safety and welfare of our students. We are duty-bound to provide our students a safe and a child friendly atmosphere, and to develop students’ confidence, talents and abilities within the bounds and dictates of the school multicultural environment. SRAMPS shall ensure that our school is conducive to the education of children. The best interest of the child shall be the paramount consideration in all decisions and actions involving children. Teachers are their substitute parents and are expected to discharge their functions and duties with this in mind. SRAMPS shall promulgate a zero tolerance policy for any act of child abuse, exploitation, violence, discrimination, bullying and other forms of abuse.GOALEffective implementation of a zero tolerance policy for any act of child abuse, exploitation, violence, discrimination, bullying and other forms of abuse.DEFINITION OF TERMS USED In order to facilitate properly this policy the following terms are defined for reference:Child Protection refers to the activity which is undertaken to protect specific children who are suffering or at risk of suffering from harm.Violence against children refers to a single act or a series of acts committed by school administrators, academic and non-academic personnel against children which result in or is likely to result in physical, sexual, psychological harm threats of such acts, battery, assault, coercion, harassment or arbitrary deprivation of liberty. It includes, but is not limited to the following acts:Physical abuse- A deliberate physical injury either inflicted to a student or intentionally such as: hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning, suffocating or any acts that cause physical harm to the student. There are possible indicators or physical evidences of these acts that can be easily be seen such as: bruises, cuts, burns, breaks, puncture marks (i.e. repeated in an unusual form and on the same place, inconsistent explanation of the same, etc.).Emotional Abuse – persistent rejection and maltreatment affecting on the total behavioral development of a student, physical and otherwise. Indicators of which are the following: continuously validating that the child is worthless through verbal abuse; witness to a domestic violence; manifesting and unhappy/unloved disposition that may result to a withdrawn personality personality; low self-esteem and motivation; fear or overreacting in showing their talents and emotions; and usually manifesting disturbed behavior. Sexual abuse – Enticing, forcing or exploiting a student to participate in sexual activities either the child is aware of what is happening for the benefit of another person’s sexual gratification/ acts. Such activities are as follows: reading, watching and listening to pornographic either from the internet, print materials and broadcast; behave in sexually inappropriate manners. The manifestations are as follows: too much interest in sexual matters; distressed; and withdrawn.Neglect- Constant failure to meet the student’s basic needs such as physical and or psychological needs, such as: failure to provide food, clothing and shelter as the basic need of a child; supervision is minimal or none at all; no medical treatment that may result to any forms of child health related issues; no emotional support. As such the child could also manifest the following: malnourish (indication of starvation), wearing dirty clothes, no clean food or no food at all.Other acts of violence which is harmful to the child.Bullying refers to willful aggressive behavior that is directed towards a particular victim who may be out-numbered, younger, and weak, with disability, less confident, or otherwise vulnerable, more particularly bullying and cyber-bullying. Ex. Hitting, kicking, theft, verbal abuse/inappropriate remarks/racism, threats, emotional trauma (seclusion/isolation, fear of rejection) etc. Child Protection Team – a specialized group of professionals or individuals created to help identify, investigate and prevent cases of child abuse/maltreatment/violence and neglect.Reporting Procedure a protocol for identifying a victim of violence/abuse/maltreatment and neglect. They are involved in establishing and gathering evidences, recording of facts of the case and giving information of the case to the authorities.DUTIES AND REPONSIBILITIES OF SCHOOLEnsure the institution of effective child protection policies and procedures and monitor compliance thereofEnsure that the school adopts a child protection policy, organize and convene Child Protection Team (CPT) Conduct capacity building activities for the members of the CPT and teachersEnsure that the participatory and other rights of children are respected and upheld in all matters and procedures affecting their welfareCoordinate with appropriate offices and other agencies or institutions for appropriate intervention, as may be required in the performance of its functionsFUNCTIONS OF CHILD PROTECTION TEAMInitiate information dissemination programs and organize activities for the protection of children.Establish a system for identifying students who may be suffering from significant harm based on any physical, emotional or behavioral signs.Monitor the implementation of positive measures and effective procedures in providing the necessary support for the child and for those who care for the child.Ensure that the children’s right to be heard are respected and upheld in all matters and procedures affecting their welfare.Ensure that students and school personnel’s are aware of the school’s CPT.Disseminate information/guidelines on the role and responsibilities of the CPT through but not limited to schools’ newsletter/bulletins and advisories for parents and staff.Keep written records (cases filed, action taken, etc.) of cases for future references and following up of cases. Follow-up reported cases.REPORTING PROCESSAny concerned individual of the school (students, teaching and non-teaching personnel) prepares a written report or discuss the suspected case of abuse/maltreatment/violence or neglect and sends to the Child Protection Team through the chairperson or the vice-chairperson, as soon as possible and within the time of school session.The victim will be assessed immediately by the CPT Chairperson. The chairperson immediately convenes the CPT to determine the appropriate action on the report.An investigation will be conducted by the CPT through the Student Affairs Coordinator (SAC) on the foregoing complaint.Decision will be based upon the recommendation of the CPT and with the approval of the consultant/advisor. PROCEDURES IN HANDLING STUDENTS UNDER CHILD PROTECTION CASEAny concerned individual of the school (students, teaching and non-teaching personnel) shall inform the Chairperson (Principal) or the vice-chairperson (School Guidance Counselor) of the suspected abuse/maltreatment/violence and neglect through oral or written report immediately, as soon as possible and within the time of school session.Chairperson or the vice-chairperson shall issue an order for the conduct of investigation immediately upon the submission of the report.If the student needs to undergo medical procedure based on the assessment of the chairperson or vice-chairperson. Student will be referred to the school clinic. School clinic procedure will then be applied. If the perpetrator is a student, the Rules of Procedures for Student shall apply based on the Policy on Handling of Student Cases. If the perpetrator is an employee an administrative case will be filed against him.The Rules of Procedure for Employees in Administrative Cases shall apply in all other aspects for incident no.5.The identity or other information that may reasonably identify student shall remain confidential.The identity of a respondent shall likewise be kept confidential. PREVENTIVE MEASURESThe school will follow strict policy in recruiting highly qualified professional school personnel’s.Establish and maintain an environment conducive to study, by way of providing the student with safe school facilities, equipment such as computers, clean and safe classrooms.Provide the employees necessary trainings to enhance their teaching skills/performance and equipped them with updated technology to address the issues and concerns affecting the student. Provide guidelines/procedures in identifying cases of child abuse, and provide assistance to the victims by way of follow ups, reporting and filing of cases if necessary upon the recommendation of the Head of Discipline.Provide assistance to students who have been victims of any forms of child abuse in accordance with the guidelines set forth by the CPT.Establish a safe environment where students can learn and develop their potentials, skills and knowledge. Each student will be given a handbook indicating there the policies and procedures on the safety of students in school (i.e. bus pick up and drop off policy, etc. Conduct capacity building of school personnel’s, parents and students on such as but not limited to the following: Child Protection Policy(Students & Personnel’s)School Rules & Regulations (Parents and Students)Classroom Management (Faculty)Conflict Resolution (Students)Anti-bullying (Students)Conducts individual/group counseling.Provide information campaign through newsletters/ bulletins and advisories. Establish linkages/networks with relevant government agencies and non-government organizations that handle child protection matters and conducts conferences and trainings.Emergency Operation DECLARATION OF POLICYIn order to ensure the safety of the students and staff, SRAMPS are duty bound to adhere to strictly follow and implement emergency operation policy in case of an emergency. GOALThe purpose of the Emergency Operation Policy is to identify and respond to incidents by outlining the responsibilities and duties of the school and its employees. Further, to develop, maintain, and exercise the plan if need arises and empowers employees to act quickly, knowledgeably and with presence of mind in all cases of incident. PURPOSE OF THE PLAN The purpose of the SRAMPS Emergency Operation Policy (EOP) is to identify and respond to incidents by outlining the responsibilities and duties of SRMPS and its employees. The plan educates staff, faculty, students, and other key stakeholders on their roles and responsibilities before, during, and after an incident. This plan provides parents and other members of the community with assurances that SRAMPS has established guidelines and procedures to respond to incidents/hazards in an effective way.The developed guidelines and procedures for dealing with existing and potential student and school incidents are defined in the plan below. Faculty and staff have been trained to assess the seriousness of incidents and respond according to these established procedures and guidelines. SRAMPS regularly schedules the training for faculty and staff to deal with emergency situation.SCOPE OF THE PLAN SRAMPS Emergency Operation policy outlines the expectations of staff/faculty; roles and responsibilities; direction and control systems; internal and external communications plans; training and sustainability plans; and ensure implementation of specialized procedures and rules promulgated by Civil Defense Department of the State of Dubai.DEFINITION OF TERMS USED In order to facilitate properly this policy, the following terms are defined for reference:Incident is an occurrence – natural, technological, or man-made that requires a response to protect life or property. Hazards include situations involving threats of human to students, personnel, and/ or facilities. Hazards include but are not limited to natural, technological, and man-made caused incidents. Hazards may require an interagency on the size and scope of the incident. Types of HazardsFloodStormFireChemicalIntruderCivil DisturbanceTerrorism PLANPREPAREDNESSIt is achieved and maintained through a continuous cycle of planning, organizing, training, equipping, exercising, evaluating, and taking corrective action. Ongoing preparedness efforts require coordination among all those involved in emergency management and incident response activities. SRAMPS fosters preparedness at all levels including students, parents, teachers, and staff. Examples of preparedness actions include maintaining this policy, conducting training, planning and implementing drills and exercises, etc.PREVENTIONIncludes actions to avoid an incident or to intervene to stop an incident from occurring. SRAMPS is committed to taking proactive prevention measures whenever possible to protect the safety and security of students and staff. Our policies include zero tolerance for bullying and other actions that undermine the safe haven of our school. Recent upgrades to security systems like additional camera are in place across the school which offer greater protection to the students and staff. In addition, SRAMPS requires all students and staff to wear school ID for identification. All guests and visitors are held in the lobby and are not allowed to enter in the school premises. INITIAL RESPONSESchool safety personnel are taking charge of the overall plan of action if an incident happened. Risk assessment is being conducted like regular checking of the school including classroom, service centers, toilet, bus area, grounds to determine what plan of action should be executed. After which, implementation of the plan is being executed through the help of the ERT until the incident is resolved. EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM (ERT)Overall In-charge -Mr. Jama Hassan Safety In-charge-Mr. Ilyas Khan / Mr. M. AleemCoordinators -Mr. Saqib Dar / Ms. Noreen TabbasumMedics -Dr. Hira / Marissa MartinSEND Coordinator-Ms. Nerrissa Lourdes Agana-VillaceteMembers (Teachers) -Mr. Rashid Hussain, Mr. Inam Ul Haq, Mr. Ashraf, Mr. Iqbal, Ms. Sarwat ShafiMs. Mehmooda, Ms. Sarwat Ms. Batool, Ms. Sara Tahir, Ms. Faraha Naseem(Non-teaching personnel)- Mr. Abdulla, Mr. Saif Ur Rehman,Ms. Rania, Mr. Yousaf, Mr. RashidDUTIES AND REPONSIBILITIES OF SCHOOLEnsure the institution of effective policies and procedures on emergency response; Ensure that the school organize and convene Emergency Response Team (ERT); Conduct capacity building activities for the members of the ERT and teachers;Ensure that the safety of students and staff should be prioritize at all times;Coordinate with appropriate offices and other agencies or institutions if deemed necessary.FUNCTIONS OF EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM (ERT)Initiate information dissemination programs and safety of students;Developed guidelines and procedures in dealing with existing and potential student and school incidents;Monitor the implementation of positive measures and effective procedures in providing the emergency plan if an incident happens;Ensure that students and school personnel’s are aware of the school’s EOP.Disseminate information/guidelines on the role and responsibilities of the ERT through but not limited to schools’ newsletter/bulletins and advisories for parents and staff.PROCEDURES FOR REPORTING OF EMERGENCIESReporting emergencies is a critical part of incident management. This section outlines SRAMPS reporting procedures that support its mission to provide clear, effective internal and external communication between the school, staff, students, parents, responders, and media. Communicating with the larger school community begins before an incident occurs. In the event of an incident, parents, media and first responders will require clear and concise messages from SRAMPS about the incident, what is being done about it, and the safety of the students and staff. UPON DISCOVERY OF FIRE: Remain Calm! Leave fire area immediately while shouting to alert people in your area. Close all doors behind you to confine the fire. Leave via closest exit and activate the nearest fire alarm pull station. Call the Fire Department by dialing 997 from a safe location (By PRO or Admin Officer)Meet at the designated assembly area.Do not return to the building until declared safe to do so by the Fire Department. UPON HEARING THE FIRE ALARM: Remain Calm. Before opening doors feel doors for heat. If door is hot stay in room, seal cracks around door and any vents, and proceed to a window to be seen. If door is not hot, open slowly, and if safe to do so leave building via nearest exit. If smoke is encountered upon exit, stay low, use alternate exit, and if escape is not possible. Seek refuge in smoke free room, close the door. Call the Fire Department by dialing 997 from a safe location (PRO and Admin Officer) Activate water sprinkling system.Proceed to designated assembly area.Do not return to the building until declared safe to do so by the Fire Department. CAUTION! Use portable fire extinguishers according to the instruction attached.If smoke is heavy in the corridor, it may be safer to stay in your area. Close door and attempt to seal the base of the door with a wide roll of tape or alternate method. If you encounter smoke in the stairway, use alternative exit. Meet outside at a pre-determined location. ROCEDURE TO CALL 997 (To be done by PRO / Admin Officer)State your emergency.Stay Calm.Give your name and address.Listen. Allow 997 employee to direct conversation.Be prepared to answer questions in a clear, calm manner.Remain on the telephone. DO NOT hang up until the dispatcher says to do so.Prepare to answer the following Where is the emergency? What is your emergency? How did it happen? Who are you? (Give your name) Communication with ParentsIn the event of an incident SRAMPS will: Disseminate information phone calls and emails to inform parents about exactly what is the incident. Implement the plan to manage phone calls and parents who arrive at school. Describe how the school and government authorities are handling the situation. Provide information regarding possible reactions of their students and ways to talk with them. Provide a phone number, Web site address, or hotline where parents can receive updated incident information. Inform parents and students when and where school will resume. Communication with the Media In the event of an incident, the Overall In-charge (Vice Principal) will: Establish an off-campus briefing area for media representatives. Coordinate messages with the Principal All employees are to refer all requests for information and questions to the designated spokesperson. Overall In-charge Media contacts at the major television, internet, and radio stations are maintained by the munication Tools Some common internal and external communication tools that SRAMPS may use include the following:Standard telephone: SRAMPS has designated school telephone number for parents to call for information during incidents. Cellular telephones: These phones may be the only tool working when electric service is out; they are useful to faculty/staff.Megaphones: A battery-powered bullhorn is part of the school’s emergency to-go kit to address students and staff who are assembling outside the school.Alarm Systems: Bells or buzzers are in place and sound in different ways to signal different types of incidents – for example, fire, lockdown, or special alert (with instructions to follow). All staff/faculty, support staff and students will be trained on what the sounds mean and how to respond to them. Whistles:Whistles should be included in crisis kits in order to signal a need for immediate attention or assistance. OCCUPANT & STAFF RESPONSE TO EMERGENCIES This section establishes the operational organization that will be relied on to manage any fire or emergency incident, and includes task to be performed by key personnel.The Principal, Vice Principal and other key posts holders are not able to manage all the aspects associated with an incident without assistance. The school relies on other key school personnel to perform tasks that will ensure the safety of students and staff during a crisis or critical incident. At SRAMPS, roles are pre-assigned based on training and qualifications. Each staff member and is familiar with his or her role and responsibilities before an incident occurs. School staff is required to remain at school to assist in an incident. In the event that this School EOP is implemented, staff will be assigned to cope up with the situation based on their expertise and training and the needs of the incident. Specific Evacuation Building occupants are required by law to evacuate the building when the alarm sounds. Evacuation directions (floor plans with routes) shall be posted on all floors, at stairs and in common areas. Posted evacuation floor plans shall include information on the location of manual fire alarm pull stations, exits, Emergency Assembly Points, first aid kits, spill kits, phones, and fire extinguishers.Following occupants are required to respond in the prescribed way to handle emergencies at SRAMPS.A. Principal The Principal may serve as the Incident Commander or delegate that authority to a qualified individual. At all times, the Principal still retains the overall responsibility for the overall safety of students and staff. However, delegating the authority to manage the incident allows the principal to focus on policy-level activities and interfacing with other agencies and parents. The principal shall coordinate between Vice Principal. Admin Officer, and Civil Defense Department during the emergency. Inform media or other agencies about official report of the incident. B. Vice PrincipalThe Vice Principals shall:Appoint staff members to check all washrooms, locker rooms, ancillary spaces, and ensure that PRO or Admin Office has called the fire department; Determine that all doors are kept unlocked and unobstructedAssign staff to assist students who are incapable of walking out with the class including physically/developmentally challenged students to a safe stairway if they are unable to leave the building Ensure occasional staff and visitors are aware of evacuation procedures.Ensure that all persons evacuate the building. Assign the shortest route from classrooms and alternate routes in case of obstruction. Provide for clearance of all vehicular approaches for firefighting crews. C. Admin Officer The Admin Officer responsibilities include: Assume overall direction of all incident management procedures based on actions and procedures outlined in this EOP. Take steps deemed necessary to ensure the safety of students, staff, and other individuals. Determine whether to implement incident management protocols (e.g., Evacuation, assembly point, etc.) Arrange for transfer of students, staff, and other individuals when safety is threatened by a disaster or fire incident.Activate fire-fighting system and initiate to extinguish fire.Secure the people and assets of the school.Guide civil defense department to the area of emergency.Keep the principal and other officials informed of the situation. D. PROInform Civil defense system after the declaration of Emergency by the Principal.Work with emergency services personnel. (Depending on the incident, community agencies such as law enforcement or fire department may have jurisdiction for investigations, rescue procedures, etc.) Ensure that all buses are moved to a safe area.E. Teachers Teachers shall be responsible for the supervision of students and shall remain with students until directed otherwise. Their responsibilities include: Supervise students under their charge. Take steps to ensure the safety of students, staff, and other individuals in the implementation of incident management protocols. Direct students in their charge to inside or outside assembly areas, in accordance with signals, warning, written notification, or orders according to established incident management procedures. Give appropriate action command during an incident. Take attendance when class relocates to an outside or inside assembly area or evacuates to another location. Report missing students to the Vice Principal / CoordinatorExecute assignments as directed by the Vice Principal / Coordinator Obtain first aid services for injured students from Medics (the school doctor and/or nurse) for first aid. Arrange for first aid for those unable to be moved. F. School Nurses/ Doctor Responsibilities include: Administer first aid or emergency treatment as needed. Supervise administration of first aid by those trained to provide it. Organize first aid and medical supplies. G. School Receptionist/Office Staff Responsibilities include: Answer phones and assist in receiving and providing consistent information to callers. Provide for the safety of essential school records and documents. Execute assignments as directed by the Principal / Vice PrincipalAssist with health incidents as needed, acting as messengers, etc. H. Bus Drivers Responsibilities include: Supervise the care of students if disaster occurs while students are in the bus. Transfer students to new location when directed by Transportation In-charge / Admin OfficerTransport individuals in need of medical attention. J. Students Responsibilities include: Cooperate during emergency drills and exercises, and during an incident. Learn to be responsible for themselves and others in an incident. Understand the importance of not being a bystander by reporting situations of concern. Develop an awareness of natural, technological, and human-caused hazards and associated prevention, preparedness, and mitigation measures. Take an active part in school incident response/recovery activities, as age appropriate. K. Parents/Guardians Responsibilities include: Encourage and support school safety and incident preparedness programs within the school. Participate in volunteer service projects for promoting school incident preparedness. Practice incident management preparedness in the home to reinforce school training and ensure family safety. Understanding their roles during a school emergencyGeneral InstructionsEvacuate anyone in immediate danger.PULL FIRE ALARM or call out “FIRE, EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY!” if alarm does not work. Megaphone or whistles can be used as other alternatives.As soon as the alarm sounds, the teachers should prepare the children to exit the building single pile, performing a head count before leaving the building.The Principal / Vice Principal should ensure via cell phone that 997 has been notified by PRO /Admin Officer. Use a portable fire extinguisher if it is safe to do so.Evacuate all students and all staff through the nearest, safest exit away from the fire to an area well away from the building. The designated ERT members will check all bathrooms and any other room or area where students or staff may be.All teachers will take attendance log, first aid kit, emergency files, and any other record easily carried.Teachers will close doors as they leave the building.Teachers will account for all students by checking attendance log and all staff by checking staffing schedule. Teachers will report to the Principal / Vice Principal as soon as possible. Everyone should remain in designated area until permission is given by Fire Officials. Teachers will account for all students by checking attendance log and staff by checking staffing schedule.If needed notify parents to pick up students as soon as safety permits.AREA IN CHARGES FOR EMERGENCY OPERATIONSAreaIn-chargeAsst. In-chargeKinder Garten SectionMs. Qurat Ul Ain Ms. Mehwish Girls Section downstairsMs. MehmoodaMs. Noreen Tabbasum Girls Section UpstairsMs. Faraha Naseem Ms. Hira Qureshi Boys Section downstairsMr. Inam Ul HaqMr. Ashraf Ahmed Boys Section UpstairsMr. Saqib Dar Mr. Shahzad LobbyMr. Saif Ur Rehman Mr. Abdullah Shah Ground (Girls Wing)Mr. Farkhanda Ms. Sarwat Shafi Ground (Boys Wing)Mr. Ilyas Khan Mr. M Aleem SCHOOL CLINICThe school qualified nurse will manage medical / first aid room. All students or staff members who fell sick or get injured during the school hours, will be referred to the school clinic. The nurse will examine and give the medicines which are allowed Dubai Health Authority. Any emergency case will be referred to the nearest clinic or hospital.For extreme emergencies, ambulance may also be called but prior permission should be sought from VP or Principal.FIRST AID BOXFirst aid box will be kept in school Clinic, Laboratory, Busses. It must be carried while going on out door excursion trips and sports competitions.ACCIDENTSIn the event of an accident the following procedures must be observed:Never leave the student aloneDo not attempt to move an unconscious student or one with a suspected fracture, before the doctor or a paramedic arrives.Contact the parents immediatelyContact qualified medical assistance at onceDo not, under any circumstances give anything at all, by mouth, until the doctor has given consentKeep the patient calm and warmHave all students, other than the patient, return to their activities as quickly as possibleRefuse to take advice from different people and wait for authorized medical helpDoctor/nurse must stay involved, giving full attention to the student and parentsThe nurse/doctor working for school clinic room, should attend the patient for first aidSubmit a clear, concise report immediatelyREFERRALIn case a need for referral to government or non-government institution as assessed by the ERT, parents should be informed by following the protocols of the school.Cyber Security Cyber Security Policy Protect network by installing firewall, manage network security by filtering out unauthorized access Monitor and test security controls. Ensure the security configuration for all the ICT systems is maintained. Ensure there is no use of social media websites and unwanted web contents Protect the systems with anti-malware defenses. Control Administrative and Privileged Access, Establish users’ accounts and limit user privileges and monitor their activities Continuously monitoring all ICT systems, servers and network, monitoring CCTV to report unusual activities Control all accessible removable media. Limit media type and uses. Scan all media for malware before importing on the system Backing up data and preventing loss of data Dubai Government is very keen and wants to provide a secure and safe cyber space and to make Dubai the safest electronic city in the world. KHDA is focused this to make sure pupil are learning in secure environment and this stems from Dubai’s domains regarding cyber security. “Putting controls in places to protect confidentiality, integrity and availability as well as data privacy for Dubai’s public, private sectors and individuals”. Providing easy Internet access means students have a wealth of valuable information at their fingertips, the Internet also delivers material and unwanted agents that can harm both students and school’s networks. Social media sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, have changed the landscape of education forever. Our aim is to provide a safe and secure environment for our pupils. School’s ability is to protect students, maintain regulatory compliance and protect the schools’ networks depends on having the right technology in place. Our cyber security policies ensure that we have in place effective procedures that enable us to achieve this work Security Firewall: Our school is providing a secure network connection and access to everyone. Our IT department team is working towards implementing a secure and safe cyber space by establishing better connections that makes sure it isn’t being used unproductively Web-filtering functionality is enabling us to enforce the school's individual online access policy. Security Control: Monitor and test security controls by ensuring the security configuration for all the ICT systems is maintained. Conducting regular tests and maintenance to make sure it is running efficiently and providing any updates needed to keep it relevant. No use of social media: Social Media and Cyberbullying is one of the biggest challenges facing schools. The negative impact of social media harms the self-esteem of students and has led to physical and emotional harm to students. Web browsing blockage of social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter etc. have been ensured and implemented.Malware protection: Protect the systems with anti-malware defenses through the installations of various software to protect the confidentiality, integrity, availability as well as data privacy for students and other individuals. Administrative and privileged access: Controlling the Administrative and Privileged Access to only relevant staff involved. Segmented accounts for established users are made and limits are placed on the user’s privileges and activities are being monitored. Monitoring Systems: Regular supervision of all ICT systems, servers and network as well as monitoring CCTV to report any unusual activities to ensure the safety of the publicRemovable Media Control: Control all accessible removable media. Limit media type and uses. Scan all media for malware before importing on the systemBack up data: Backing up data that has been recorded or inserted and to provide measures to ensure prevention of its loss.Anti-Bullying Anti-Bullying PolicyAt Sheikh Rashid Maktoum Pakistan school, we believe that all children and young people have the right to an Educational environment where they feel safe and which is free from harassment and bullying.This policy is implemented in partnership with the school’s behavior policies and serves the entire school from Foundation 1 to Year 12.1. DefinitionBullying is any behavior which is deliberately intended to hurt, threaten, frighten or discriminate against another individual or group. It is usually unprovoked, happens again and again as part of a pattern of behavior and can continue for a long period of time.Bullying includes:Physical:Pushing, kicking, hitting, pinching, hair-pulling and other forms of violence or threats of violenceVerbal:Name-calling and sarcasmEmotional:Excluding, ridicule, humiliationIntrusive:Email, text messaging, use of Facebook and other social media, designed to upset or abuse.Racist:Racial taunts, graffiti, gesturesSexual:Unwanted physical contact or abusive comments2. AimsTo inform students and parents of our expectations in order to ensure a productive partnership,Where each and everyone has a role to play in eradicating bullying.To maintain a community in which everyone feels valued and safe and where individual differences are appreciated, understood and accepted.To promote a secure and happy, caring environment where kindness and helpfulness are expected and respected;To praise and reward positive behavior which benefits others and the community as a whole.To teach students to respect themselves and others, promoting crucial self-esteem.To reduce the emotional and mental distress of any bullying enabling all students the right to enjoy their time at school.3. StrategiesTo have a school wide program regarding anti-bullying, covering assemblies and seminars that informs and educates pupils and students about the issues related to bullying and gives them strategies to deal with situations they might encounterTo help students through advice and counseling, to make the right choices and not succumb to peer pressure.To listen to all parties involved in incidents and always take allegations from victims seriously.To reassure students that the school will do all in its power to protect and support all partiesinvolved while the issues are being resolved;To foster, by example, the values in which we, as a school, believe;To investigate all incidents as fully as possible;To use a range of strategies which challenge bullying behavior;To include within the curriculum, opportunities to discuss and consider bullying and otherforms of anti-social behavior;To identify bullying behavior at the early stages and work towards behavior modificationBefore the problem becomes more serious.4. Reporting BullyingAn Anti-Bullying Committee:This committee will consist of eight members who will help the students.As a school we will:Encourage victims and witnesses to speak up;Treat incidents seriously however trivial they might seem at first;Be alert, as a whole staff, to changes in behavior, attitude and well-being, reporting5. Responding to BullyingAs a school, we will endeavor to:Take all bullying problems with each incident individually and to access the needs of each student separately ;regardAll incidents as potentially serious and investigate them thoroughly.Ensure that bullies and victims are interviewed separately; obtain witness information.keep a written record of the incident, investigation and outcomes which should be recordedAnd copied to the relevant Committee.Ensure that action is taken to prevent further incidents. Such action may include:Imposition of sanctions such as detention and removal of privileges.Obtaining a sincere rming parents of both bully and bullied;Provide support for both victim and bully.School Discipline Overview The Discipline Guideline mentioned below will be communicated to all stakeholders in order to ensure proper understanding and implementation. It has been constructed for all stakeholders to work together to review and understand H.H SHEIKH RASHID AL MAKTOU PAKISTAN School’s goals for responsibility and behavior. The principal, counselor, teachers, students, and parents share the responsibility for administering HHSRAMPS Behavior Management and Discipline Plan. In order for every student to have the opportunity to reach his or her highest potential, each student at HHSRAMPS shall: Respect himself/herself and the rights of others. Attend school faithfully, complete his or her assignments on time, and work to his or her highest potential. Behave in a manner that does not disrupt classroom learning or the operation of the school. Obey requests by any adult in the school. Refrain from aggressive or threatening behavior towards fellow students, teachers, and additional staff. Refrain from the possession or use of any illegal item in school. Discipline Actions One of the goals of education is self-discipline. Parents, teachers, and administrators work with students to establish guidelines for acceptable behavior. Students are required to know what is expected of them and the responsibility they share with their parents to maintain a positive education. When inappropriate behavior disrupts the learning and school environment, the teachers and administrators at HHSRAMPS will take appropriate action according to the discipline rubric mentioned in details later in this document. Some students make wrong choices which require the use of the discipline rubric. When the rubric is used, consequences such as detention, suspension, or expulsion may result.Suspension Suspensions from one to ten days require involvement of school Principal. Students and parents will be notified of the reason for the student's suspension. Within one school day of the assigned suspension, teachers will have prepared assignments and placed them in the administration office for pick-up by parents. Assignments will be graded as though the student was in class. Tests, quizzes, and exams given during the suspension must be made up within five days of the student's return from suspension. While on suspension, students may not participate in any school activity. While serving an out of school suspension, students cannot be on campus for any activities. This includes any weekend activity such as sports event etc. Students under suspension are not permitted to go to another school where activities with HHSRAMPS are being conducted unless given written approval from the principal.A formal Discipline Committee hearing must be held in the event that a student is suspended for more than ten consecutive school days in one school year. Parents will be provided written notification of the student’s suspension and the reason(s). Also, a conference with the students’ parents may take place before and/or after the suspension.Expulsion Expulsion is a disciplinary consequence that terminates the student's education at the school. A Discipline committee hearing must be held in the event that the student is expelled. HHSRAMPS administration will inform parents in writing of the expulsion hearings after getting KHDA approval. The notification will tell parents the reasons for the proposed expulsion. This will include the following: a description of the offense(s), the date and time of the hearing, the right to waive a hearing, the right to present witnesses and document evidence, to present evidence to reduce the consequences, the right to appeal with KHDA.Specific Prohibited Behaviors The school expects students to know and follow conduct rules and regulation at HHSRAMPS. This guideline does not include all expected and prohibited behaviors, but rather focuses on school-specific standards. Classroom Misconduct Each teacher will establish classroom rules and enforcement procedures. Students have a responsibility to be appropriate active participants in the learning process.Hallway or Common Area Misconduct Students are to conduct themselves in an orderly manner when moving between classes and across school premises. Students out of class for any reason MUST have a hallway pass signed by a supervisor or teacher. Students should make every effort to use the restroom facilities during the break time. Individual teachers establish policies for allowing students to leave their classroom during class time. Cafeteria Misconduct During lunch students are expected to: ? Take their place at the end of the cafeteria line ? Talk at a normal conversation level ? Deposit all trash in appropriate containers ? Return trays and silverware to appropriate place During lunchtime, students are NOT supposed to: ? Run, chase or engage in physically unsafe activity ? Purchase items for another student ? Hold a position in line for another student Any actions or behaviors that result in bullying or teasing will not be tolerated and will be dealt with according to the discipline rubric. Actions related to gang-like behavior will likewise be handled according to the discipline rubric. Physically Dangerous Behavior Running, wrestling, throwing objects, pushing, shoving, and inappropriate touching on school grounds are not acceptable behaviors. Punching and/or pinching another student will not be tolerated according to the discipline rubricHarassment If a student feels uncomfortable with the actions of another student, he or she should first tell the other that the actions are not appropriate. If the behavior continues, the student must report the harassment to the school supervisor or any administrator. Food, Drink and Gum Rules Students may carry drink containers and wrapped or sealed food in the assigned areas of the school. As a general rule, food, drinks (with the exception of a clear water bottle) and gum are not allowed in classrooms unless the teacher makes specific exceptions. Improper Dress The way students dress reflects the kind of person they are. Cleanliness, good grooming and appropriate attire are important. Students are expected at all times to wear the school uniform. They share responsibility with their parents to follow the dress code. If students violate the rules they will be sent to the office and parents will be contacted. Students’ parents will then be required to either escort the student home to change clothes or to bring appropriate clothing to the student. Students will not be permitted to leave campus on their own. Students may not return to class until appropriately dressed. If a student continues to violate the dress code, he/she may be subject to discipline. Possessing Inappropriate Items at School Students should not bring to school any items that interfere with learning or endangers the health and safety of other students. The following are examples of inappropriate items: Water guns Digital players Hand-held computer games Laser pointers Dice for gambling or playing cards Sports equipment Wheeled objects Mobile Phones Sharp Objects Tobacco Products Please note: This is a partial list and may include other items. Teachers and administrators can determine other items as inappropriate on campus, and they will confiscate them and keep them until a parent comes to pick them up, if the item is otherwise acceptable in the community. If a school- authorized activity requires specific items that would otherwise be inappropriate, Students will receive instructions from their teacher on their authorized and limited usage. If Students are in doubt about whether an item is appropriate, he/she should ask before bringing it. If students are too embarrassed to ask if the item is appropriate at school, it is more than likely inappropriate.School Maintenance Policy Statement The school shall provide and maintain safe, secure and healthy working conditions for all staff, students and visitors.The aim of this policy is to maintain its land and buildings (property) within the context of allocated resources and creating a physical environment that is conducive for learning. The school intention is that property should be maintained in a sustainable, safe and secure condition for all students, staff and visitors.The school administration will identify the techniques and scope of work necessary to meet the targets in order that maintenance costs can be identified, affordability assessed and funding allocated to the correct budget centre and dealt with appropriately. Maintenance and Business as Usual Maintenance in the context of the school, refers to the maintenance, repair and refurbishment of facilities, buildings and grounds to an agreed standard of conditions. These include the following: Regular inspection of the classrooms, washrooms, lighting, electrical equipments and civil defense installation in the school building. Ground maintenance covering gardening and sweeping. External clean up and waste disposal. Accountabilities The maintenance committee, maintenance in charge and concerned floor managers reports to the Principal for the upkeep of grounds, buildings, classrooms and washrooms and other areas of students and faculty. The maintenance work will be carried out as per approved maintenance budget and approving authority. Principal delegate’s responsibility for all type of maintenance activities to the maintenance team and floor managers. This plan is in conjunction with Health & Safety policy/safeguarding policy. Routine Maintenance The school cleaners are responsible for day to day cleaning of the school building and grounds.The school cleaners and maintenance staff will remove rubbish, cut grass, trim trees and upgrading landscaping. The maintenance staff will also perform the following tasks: Repair of doors locks. Supply and fitting of tube lights and other small electrical items. Cleaning of classrooms, labs and office furniture. Regular inspections of gutters and downpipes. Cleaning of drains, silt and other waste traps. Replacement of clock and remote batteries. Minor repair of classrooms fans, ACs, furniture and equipments’. Daily cleaning of washrooms and minor maintenance of doors, basin, showers, tips ceiling and walls. Preventive Maintenance The maintenance in charge and committee shall perform the following tasks to achieve the objective of preventive maintenance. Annual checking of electrical equipment by the approved Civil Defense and Dubai Municipality contractor. Checking of all safety signage’s and fire equipments’. Quarterly pest control treatment and internal pest check. Half yearly checking of smoke detectors. Quarterly filter checks and cleaning of air conditions. Half yearly checking of air conditions by the professional maintenance contractor. Annual inspection of ceiling, floors, paving, plumbing, paintwork, hooks and door locks. Planned Maintenance The planned maintenance is scheduled within the financial year. This maintenance includes the following area. The legislative and necessary maintenance identified by the Dubai Municipality, Civil Defense, DHA, RTA or KHDA Compliance Department shall be carried out without exception or delay. Corrective maintenance that is not legal requirement but ensure that essential activities and school operation may not be affected. School also conduct preventive maintenance based on the condition and requirements of the area. All planned maintenance request will be generated, specified and prioritized by the maintenance committee and floor manager. All planned maintenance works will be procured and schedule by the maintenance and purchase committee. All planned maintenance will be funded from the relevant maintenance budget. Classrooms and Corridor Painting Programme All classrooms and corridor painting will be carried out on a cyclical basis or as needs determined by the maintenance committee and floor managers. Maintenance committee and floor manager will produce an annual painting programme. The maintenance committee will procure and manage annual painting contracts as determined by the painting programme. Maintenance committee and floor managers will be responsible to manage the annual painting budget. Classrooms Furniture and Fitting (Recurrent Expenditure) The school will seeks feedback from the staff regarding their requirements to ensure that we maintain all classrooms updated. As part of this, items such as rugs, fittings and fitting may identified and renewed as part of the ongoing recurrent budget. Annual RenewalsThe school administration will do the following annual renewal regarding the maintenance and safety of the premises and students. Water Tank Cleaning - Performed twice a year, the Dubai Municipality (DM) Lab reports are documented and filed accordingly. In this regard school signed an annual contract with Aiwa Pest Control & Cleaning Services LLC and the same will be expire on 30 April, 2019. Medical Waste Collection – As per the Dubai Health Authority (DHA) requirement, school has signed contracts with ZENATH Recycling and Waste Management LLC for the collection of school clinic medical waste. The same will be expire on 11 January, 2019. Medical Equipments’ – Twice a year checking as per the guidelines of DHA to ensure accuracy of the results.Pest Control: In order to ensure hygienic environments in the premises the school has signed contract with Saqer Al Madeena Pest Control Services (DM Approved) for the control of crawling insects. The contractor will perform Four Time services in a year. The Pest Control contract will be expire 31 December, 2018. Fire Alarm and Safety System – As per the requirement of Dubai Civil Defense the school has signed a Comprehensive Safety and Maintenance Service contract with Stars Fire Fighting Safety & Security Equipment. The contract include the maintenance of all fire alarm & firefighting equipment’s. The same will be expire on 01 March, 2019. Facility Maintenance Services – For the cleaning of washrooms and KG students handling the school has sign the facility maintenance contract with Asma Syed Technical Services LLC. The same will expire on 15 November, 2018. General Waste Collection – To dispose the General Waste of the school the school Averda were awarded contract for the collection and disposal of the general waste. School Vehicle Maintenance Contract – For the maintenance of school as per RTA requirements the school has awarded contract to Emirates Transport and Technical Services. The school administration follows and updates the above mentioned contracts on annual basis. PrioritizationThe annual planned maintenance should be set out in a sequential order and the plan will be prioritized. This process should take account of: Information on condition. Risk assessment including the consequences of not addressing the need. Available resources. As on the availability of budget the following factors will be determine: The level of urgency. Legal requirements including health and safety. The impact on the provision of education of the duration of work. Planning constrains. procedureIn order for a smooth flow of transaction, protocol was in place for maintenance.Requisition form duly filled up by the requesting party for repair;Submit requisition form to the Maintenance In-charge;Assessment by the committee members through the maintenance in-charge;Action to be done; and Check by requesting party for confirmation of action done.Maintenance Team1925955191770Mr. Imran Waheed PrincipalChairman 00Mr. Imran Waheed PrincipalChairman 29834023164390030022803333752101869259118Mr. Abdullah ShahMaintenance In-Charge 00Mr. Abdullah ShahMaintenance In-Charge 1400260147018001400261167489004287388166257003896066154959292451768912003474720126318Floor Managers Ms. MehmoodaMr. RashidMs. Sarwat Ms. Qurat Ul Ain00Floor Managers Ms. MehmoodaMr. RashidMs. Sarwat Ms. Qurat Ul Ain35224871484271Peon /Cleaners Yousaf, Nazir, Arshad Mirza, Khateeb, Rafaqat00Peon /Cleaners Yousaf, Nazir, Arshad Mirza, Khateeb, Rafaqat23277681766286005199231418836Mr. WaleedMaintenance/Electrical Technician00Mr. WaleedMaintenance/Electrical Technician480667135094Committee members Vice-Principal Coordinators Admin00Committee members Vice-Principal Coordinators Admin2911507825500School Transport introduction The core function of the school is Learning and Education and Transport Policy is to meet the statutory requirements in providing home to school transport. The following criteria shall be met while providing transport to the students. High Quality Safe and SecureResponsive to Changing DemandCost Effective Policy Statement The philosophy of the School to provide a safe, courteous, consistent, and efficient transportation service over routes authorized by the principal to the eligible students. In a school the transport operating system, all applicable statutes, rules, and regulations of the Road and the Transport Authority, Dubai shall be strictly adhered to and all recommendations and suggestions from the parents shall be carefully considered as far as possible.Roles and Responsibilities 1- Following is the key responsibilities of the Transport Department Determining and reviewing the policy and eligibility criteria for the use of school transport. Assessing suitability of buses routes in line with safety and RTA rules. Resolving the issues regarding student’s behaviour. Managing the day to day administration of transport services. Monitoring and inspecting compliance of operations as per RTA requirements. Maintaining accurate record of students using the school transport. The general maintenance and upkeep of the school buses. Regularly advising the drivers regarding the continued efficient and economic operation of buses routes. Sees the overall attendance from all the buses. 2- Responsibilities of Bus Driver Transport children to and from school in the mornings and afternoon.Maintain a clean and mechanically sound bus at all times. Wear official uniform while operating the school bus. Obey all traffic laws. Ensure safety of all students. Discipline children when required to maintain a safe and healthy environment Arrive on time and in case of delay immediately inform the transport section. Ensure, at the end of the trip, that the bus is empty and all students have departed the bus, taken their bags, and their personal belongings. Discipline children when required to maintain a safe and healthy environment. Assist students with getting on and off the bus when required.3- Responsibilities of Female Bus Conductors Help students boarding / alighting from the school bus. Maintain safety and usher to their seats. Help students cross the road and ensure they are collected by their families. Ensure, at the end of the trip, that the bus is empty and all students have departed the bus, taken their bags, and their personal belongings. Deal the emergency cases and contact the concerned department for the necessary actions. Bus Safety StandardsThe school transport section will ensure the following safety measures. The speed of the bus shall not exceed 80/KPH and will ensure that the safety controlled is properly working as per RTA standard. Ensure first aid kit and fire extinguisher in each bus. Ensure each bus have emergency exists with clear signs indicating theses exists.Ensure safety belts. Ensure no sharp edges in interior or exterior side of the bus. Bus FeeStudents who wish to ride a different bus for a specific purpose on a particular day may do so provided they present on the school diary a written permission from their parents/guardians to the Transport In Charge and receive approval well in advance. Students shall not be transported to different stops for birthday parties, social events or any program not sponsored by the School. The same policy shall apply to a non-bus student who wishes to ride a school bus to a specific destination. Location wise bus fee are as follows. Location Fee AEDSharjah National Paint 350Sharjah Al Wahda350Sharjah Rolla350Sharjah Nahda300Al Qusais Dubai 300Dubai Muhaisnah 300Dubai Nahda235Bur Dubai 350Deira Dubai 300International City 350Students are expected to adhere to the Bus Behaviour Code. A student whose conduct is objectionable and offensive on the bus will, in the first instance be warned by the Transport In Charge. In the absence of any change in his/her conduct the student may be suspended from using the school transport temporarily or permanently.It has been becoming increasingly difficult to accommodate requests for school transport when parents move to residential areas where our buses do not apply. We regret our inability to meet every need. Parents are advised to check on the availability of the school bus service before they move to a new locality. OWN TRANSPORTARRIVALThe school gates (Gates KG to Grade XII) will open at 06:45 a.m.Parents are expected to be with their children until the gates are opened at 06:45 a.m.Students using their own transport should arrive not later than 07:40 a.m.Parents are not permitted to escort their children to the classroom.DISPERSALParents are expected to pick their children from the following locations.Girls Students – Gate No. 4Boys Students Gate No. 3Students must be picked up before 03:15 p.m.Since all staff leave the school by 03:15 p.m., we have no facility provided for extended stay beyond 03:15 p.m.**** ................

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