Kindra Zuberbuehler B.S. ChemEd, ACS Cert.

 CHEMISTRY COURSE INFORMATIONKindra Zuberbuehler B.S. ChemEd, ACS Cert. COURSE DESCRIPTION: The main objective of this class is to apply the content of chemistry to solving complex problems by critical thinking and problem solving. This will be done through a variety of labs, group and research activities. Participation is an absolute essential part of learning and asking questions is expected. OUTLINE OF TOPICS: Measurement & MatterAtomic StructurePeriodic TableBondingChemical ReactionsThe MoleStoichiometryThermodynamicsProperties of GasesSolutionsAcids & BasesEquilibriumNuclear Chemistry3187700152400 QR code: Mrs. ZClassroom Website3187700152400WEBSITE: On the class website you will find a schedule for each unit which contains daily activities, homework assignments, lecture and pre-lab videos, and due dates for all assignments. In addition Google Classroom is utilized. Codes to access the specific classroom for this course can be found on the weebly website.MATERIALS:Scientific calculator Large 3-ring binder or Durable FolderNotebookCLASSROOM RULES:All students are expected to adhere to the following rules in addition to school policy.Be respectful to your teacher either myself of the teacher in the room.Be respectful to your peers.Be respectful to yourself.At some point you most likely fail but we will work together to overcome.All students will follow safety and clean up rules or will receive consequences.NOTE: This is a laboratory class. All students will follow safety and clean up rules or will receive consequences.GRADING PROCEDURE: All grades will be out of 100 points and then multiplied by the following scale:Percent of QuarterTests50Labs25Quizzes15Classwork/Homework10You will be expected to access your grades online and double-check your grades!!!CHEMISTRY CLASS FORMAT:This class is set up in a “flipped” format where students will get their direct instruction through YouTube videos on my YouTube channel “MrsZChemistryClass” and do traditional practice problems and labs during class time. You are strongly encouraged to “subscribe” to the channel to access videos easier. This will be walked through on the first day of class. At the beginning of each unit you will receive a packet with all unit materials. At the front of the packet are the guided notes that go along with each video followed by class activities, practice worksheets, labs and extra credit opportunities. It is imperative that you watch your videos AND take notes as they are assigned. HOMEWORK POLICY: The class is set up in a “flipped” format where your homework will mostly be to watch and take notes on the assigned lecture video and to complete any class work that was not completed in class. LATE WORK:Any work turned in after the given deadline is considered late and an automatic 10% deduction to the grade earned will be applied. The only exception is if you have discussed an alternative plan prior to the deadline with Mrs. Z and she has approved it.EXTRA HELP:Mrs. Z’s resource period is during 4th hour. In addition students can sign up to attend her ARP sessions during the week. EXAM:There will be a final exam which will count for 20% of your final grade. No exemptions allowed.ABSENCES/MAKE-UP WORK:It is YOUR responsibility to make up missed work. There is a make-up work crate and it is YOUR responsibility to check. All handouts will be in the crate. You have 2 days for each day absent to make up your work. For example, if you are absent on Tuesday and return on Wednesday your make up work is due on Friday. In addition, please write ABSENT ON DATE ____ on top of all absent work to receive absent credit. Any work that was due on the day you were absent will be due the day you return. If you have questions, you will need to see me BEFORE or AFTER school NOT at the moment it is being collected.PARENT-TEACHER CONTACT:Please detach this page and return to me. The previous page is for you to keep as a reference.This paper needs to be signed by the student and the parent/guardian to acknowledge the material has been read and understood. _____________________________________ _____________________________________Student-printed Parent/guardian-printed_____________________________________ _____________________________________Student-signature Parent/guardian-signatureFor Parents: One of my goals this semester is to increase parent communication. That means that I would like to be proactive in letting parents/guardians know when their student’s grade is dropping or if they’re acting out. I would also like to let parents/guardians know when students have been making a good effort in class and encouraging and supporting others.I have found in the past that I am more likely to communicate with parents if I have a good email address for them. Emails are easiest because I can send them at any point during the day. Mother/Guardian Email: _________________________________________________________________________________Father/Guardian Email: __________________________________________________________________________________Please check all that apply:□ I would like to be included in weekly class updates□ I would like to receive an email if my child _____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________Mother/Guardian Name and Phone: _________________________________________________________________________Father/Guardian Name and Phone: _________________________________________________________________________Expect an email after the first week of class, if you don’t receive it please email me right away.Reach me at: kindra.zuberbuehler@ ................

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