

Class Act 2021-22

School Interest Form

Please return this form to Payal Swami at PSwami@ no later than July 16, 2021


• This is a form for new schools to indicate their interest in the Class Act program for 2021-22. Providing your interest here assists us in planning for the coming school year and ensures that you will receive an email notification when official applications become available in August.

• Participation fees for this year will be based on a “pay what you can” model. (Suggested donation amounts will be provided at a later date to those schools that are interested in applying.)

• We hope to return to in-person events and be on a normal Class Act timeline for 2021-22, with elements spread throughout the school year. Whether we can have events in-person will be determined by government health guidance, school and district policies, and our own agreement with the musicians’ union.

• We are also considering the possibility of continuing to offer a digital-only or hybrid option for schools that may prefer that. However, we would like more information from schools about their interest before finalizing our plans for next year.

School Name:      

School Plans 2021-22: and

Please answer the following questions regarding your plans for 2021-22:

• Would your school be interested in a fully digital program, fully in-person program, or a hybrid model? Why?      

• Will your school be back to in-person learning for all students/staff in the fall?      

• Please share any known pandemic safety restrictions regarding visitors, assemblies, and on-site events for next year:      

• Summer Contact:

o Name:      

o Email:      

o Phone Number:      

• Office close/open dates for summer:     

Please complete the table below, providing information on the number of classes, students, and teachers in each grade at your school.

Grade |TK* |K |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |Total | |Number of Classes |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      | |Number of Students |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      | |Number of Teachers |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      | |

*Please include TK (Transitional Kindergarten) info ONLY if TK classes are separate from K classes and not already included in your Kindergarten counts above.

Please provide any clarifying comments (if combo or non-traditional classes are included above, use of decimals when noting number of classes or teacher, etc) that will help us understand the full scope of your class, student and teacher totals:      

Any additional information you would like to share at this time:      


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