ACT vs - Alamance-Burlington School System


The ACT and SAT are both nationally administered standardized tests, and most colleges or universities will accept either test for admissions purposes. Use this chart to help determine which test might be best for you.

ACT: Tests a student’s knowledge of the subjects covered in high school

SAT: Measures a student’s reasoning or critical thinking skills

| |ACT |SAT |

|Length |3 hours, 25 minutes |3 hours, 45 minutes |

|Sections |English, Math, Reading, Science and Writing|Critical Reading, Math, Writing |

| |(optional) | |

|Reading/Critical Reading |4 Reading Comprehension Passages, 10 |Reading comprehension passages and |

| |questions per passage |questions plus sentence completion |

| | |questions |

|Science |Analysis, interpretation, evaluation, basic|No science included |

| |content and problem solving | |

|Math |Math accounts for ¼ of overall score |Math accounts for 1/3 of overall score |

| |Topics covered: Arithmetic, Algebra, |Topics covered: Arithmetic, Algebra, |

| |Geometry and Trigonometry |Geometry and Algebra II |

|Essay |Last section of the test; optional, 30 |First section of the test; required, 25 |

| |minutes |minutes |

|Scoring |Total score of 1-36 (based on average of 4 |Total score out of 2400, 3 scores of |

| |tests) |200-800 for each section |

| |Score of 0-12 for optional essay |Score of 0-12 for the essay |

|Wrong Answer Penalty |No wrong answer penalty (this means it’s OK|¼ point subtracted per wrong answer (this |

| |to guess!) |means only guess if you can eliminate 1 or |

| | |2 choices, if not, leave the question |

| | |blank) |


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