
Test one: theory McBride—unit 6 & 9 Unit 6: the nursing process Chapter 33: introduction to the nursing processChapter 34: nursing assessment Chapter 35: nursing diagnosis and planningChapter 36: implementing and evaluating care Chapter 37: documenting and reporting Unit 9: pharmacology and administration of medicationsChapter 60: review of mathematics Chapter 61: introduction to pharmacologyChapter 62: classification of medications (will not be on this test, McGehee is going over this later)Chapter 63: administration of noninjectable medicationsChapter 64: administration of injectable medicationsUnit 6 chapter 33 _____________________ is the basic skill of identifying a problem and taking steps to resolve it.The _____________________ process is the method used by the nurse to identify and treat client care problems._____________________ nurses are more likely to develop nursing diagnoses, set overall goals, and plan care.The _____________________ step in the nursing process involves measurement of the effectiveness of nursing care. The nursing process provides measurable _____________________ indicating the effectiveness of the nursing care given in any setting.When thinking critically, the nurse examines _____________________ and compaures them with available information. Match Based on previously proven factsMix of inquiry knowledge, intuition, logic, experience, and common sense Experimental approach to problem-solving_____ trail and error _____ scientific problem-solving_____ critical thinking Put the following in order for the stages of problem solving Test solution Formulate another tentative solution Identify the problemFormulate tentative solutions; describe possible solutions; choose preferred solution Gather information relative to the problem Plan action to test suggested solution Evaluate the solution; evaluate the results ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____What is the primary goal of nursing? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What is critical thinking? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Briefly describe the nurse’s role in each step of the nursing process Explain how and why the nursing process can be dynamic in nature. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What is a nursing care plan? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________A nurse is assigned to care for a client in a healthcare facility who has acute diarrhea. The nurse is expected to apply critical thinking skills when providing care.What does critical thinking in problem-solving involve? How does it help the nurse? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What are the advantages of critical thinking? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________A client under going treatment for diabetes in a healthcare facility will soon be going home. The nurse prepares a client-oriented nursing care plan to meet the long-term goals. What are the advantages of using the nursing care plan?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________How can the nurse ensure that the client will meet the long-term goals?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________A clent with severe dehydration has been admitted to the healthcare facility. The nurse is to follow a nursing care plan in caring for the client.How does the nursing process help the nurse to take charge of the situation? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Explain the actions of the nurse at each step of the nursing process.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The nurse is asked to monitor the vital signs of a client recovering from surgery every 2 hours. Why should the nurse document the measurements of vital signs?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________How will such documentation help in the course of the treatment?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________A nurse is assigned to assess the condition of a client with hypertension. Which step of the nursing process should the nurse perform before she develops goals for care and possible activities to meet them?EvaluationPlanningDiagnosisImplementation When caring for a client with pneumonia, a nurse follows the nursing care plan; however, the client is not progressing according to the plan. Which is the most appropriate nursing intervention in this situation?Reassess, reevaluate, and revise the nursing care plan Use of the trial and error method with another planCare for the client symptomatically without a care planExperiment and observe the results As part of the care for a client in a healthcare facility, the nurse needs to obtain the client’s medical history. This activity comparises which step in the nursing process?Nursing diagnosis ImplementationNursing assessmentEvaluation A nurse develops nursing care plans for two clients diagnosed with diabetes. One client has a medical history of hypertension. Which is the single most appropriate reason for the nurse to prepare two different nursing care plans?The nursing care plan is client-orientedThe nursing care plan identifies potential problems The nursing care plan averts complicationsThe nursing care plan is dynamic A client is brought to the community health center in an emergency. Using the nursing process, the nurse has to perform an intervention while evaluating its effect and at the same time assessing another factor and planning priorities of what to do next. This method of functioning indicates which aspect of the nursing process?Its dynamic natureIts continuous natureIts systematic natureIts experimental nature When caring for a client, the nurse analyzes the client’s responses. This action of scientific problem-solving is related to which step in the nursing process?Implementation Nursing diagnosis Evaluation Planning A nurse who is caring for a particular client in a healthcare facility is leaving for the day. She is confident that the nurse on the next shift will not overlook any detail in the care of the client. Which factor makes the nurse so confident?Nurses rely on the healthcare provider when caring for a patientNurses seek advice from the team leaderNurses refer to the same care plan when providing careNurses care for clients symptomatically Which of the following are advantages of adopting a nursing care plan? Select all that apply.Helps the nurse avert painful complications for the client Allows the nurse to develop critical thinking skillsAllows the nurse to have a single care plan that applies to all clientsHelps the nurse evaluate the nursing care provided Provides the nurse with beneficial results for related problems Why is critical thinking important in healthcare? Select all that apply.It helps the nurse grasp the meaning of multiple clues.It helps the nurse examine and compare facts with available information.It provides an experimental approach to help the nurse solve problemsIt helps the nurse find quick answers when facing difficult problemsIt helps the nurse test ideas to decide which methods work and which do not Which step from the scientific problem-solving method relate to planning?Analyze the client’s responses Formulate tentative solutionsGather problem-related information Identify the problem unit 6: chapter 34 Nursing _____________________ is the systematic and continuous collection and analysis of information about the client.Listening to the heart, lung, or bowel sounds with a stethoscope is known as __________________________________________ observation refers to the use of the sense of smell to identify odors.Data that are similar or have a pattern can be grouped together to form a __________________________________________ is an assessment tool that relies on the use of the five senses to discover information about the client.Effective communication is a key component in obtaining subjective data about the client. What must the nurse take into consideration in obtaining subjective data about the client? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Match Symptoms of recent diseaseSexual relationshipsName, age, birth dateFamily history of disease Involves how well the client is able to meet basic needs ____ biographical data____ recent health history ____ important medical history ____ pertinent psychosocial information ____ activities of daily living Put the following in order Analyze data to reach conclusionsRecognize significant dataCollect data about the client Recognize patterns or clustersIdentify assessment priorities related to the purpose of the interview Identify strengths and problems Validate observations ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____What is the purpose of the nursing assessment? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What are methods used for data collection when assessing a client? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What are the skills a nurse should have to obtain subjective data from a client? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What are the elements of visual observation that a nurse should use to collect data when assessing a client? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What are the ways in which a nurse can validate observations? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________A client has just arrived at a healthcare center complaining of a sharp pain the area near the kidneys. The nurse is preparing for the admission interview of the client.When collecting data, what information should the nurse classify as objective data? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What information will the nurse classify as subjective data? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________A nurse is preparing to interview a client. What are the components of the nursing history that the nurse should obtain from the client?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________A nurse is caring for a client in a healthcare facility. What are the types of observations that a nurse must use when collecting data on the basis of observation?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________A nurse has conducted the admission interview of a client and has analyzed the data in the nursing history. What are the four possible conclusions that the nurse may arrive at?During the nursing assessment, the client complains of a lower abdominal pain. Which is the most appropriate nursing action in this situation?Determine whether the client has the necessary strength to cope with the problem Base assessment questions on a predefined formatIgnore any possible risk factors and concentrate on the actual problemsConceal the true extent of the problems form the client A nurse is collecting data on a client’s health history. The client’s family members are also present. Which intervention should the nurse perform when collecting data regarding the client’s medical history?Concentrate on obtaining only objective data regarding the condition Do not ask questions of family members, because they may give conflicting answersConfirm the information obtained from the client with family members Consult other members of the healthcare team for their analysis of client data A client arrives at a community healthcare center with a wound on his leg as a result of an accident. Which information about the client’s condition should the nurse classify as objective data?Anxiety felt by the client Size and color of the woundPain felt by the client Client’s complaint of feeling nauseated A nurse is monitoring the progress of an Asian client on drug therapy. Which point should the nurse consider when collecting subjective data regarding the client and her response to the therapy?Assess the client’s body language and gesturesIgnore the presence of any charms or amulets Avoid asking the client any direct question Insist on the presence of a family member A nurse is assessing a client who has undergone surgery. During the assessment, the nurse observes that the client’s skin feels warm; therefore, the nurse measures the client’s body temperature. Which type of observation did the nurse make before taking the client’s temperature with a thermometer?Visual observation Tactile observation Auditory observation Olfactory observation A nurse is caring for a client who appears to have responded well to the treatment but is looking pale as a result of being confined indoors for the duration of the treatment. When the nurse asked the client how she feels, the client grimaces slightly and responds with an “OK.” On further questioning, the nurse finds out that the client is feeling nauseated and has abdominal pain. Which aspect of visual observation did the nurse employ in this case?Body movementsGeneral appearance Facial expression Skin color Which is a responsibility of the registered nurse during the admission interview of a client being admitted to a healthcare facility?Assign a nursing student to take an admission interview Avoid questions on the medical condition of client, which will be covered by the healthcare providerWork with the team to formulate a nursing diagnosis and plan of careConduct the interview only in the presence of a healthcare provider A nurse is collecting data about a client who has been admitted with an ear infection. Which of the following questions should the nurse ask himself as part of the critical thinking skills used to collect objective data? Select all that apply.What do the client’s vital signs reveal about the client’s condition?What is the client’s psychological state of mind during the assessment?What do the healthcare provider’s history and progress notes indicate about the client’s condition?What do the current and previous laboratory reports reveal about the client’s condition?Does the client believe in the effectiveness of the therapy? A nurse is caring for a client with gastrointestinal problems. Which of the following questions should the nurse ask herself to obtain subjective data about the client? Select all that apply.Do the client’s words and behaviors say the same thing?How did the client’s family react about news of the client?What kind of relationship exists between the client and his or her spouse?How is the client coping with the immediate environment?What does the client say is the reason for coming to the healthcare facility?A nurse has conducted the health interview of a client. Which of the following types of information forms a part of the activities of daily living (ADL) section of the nursing history? Select all that applyTypical diet of the clientEmotional stability of the clientSymptoms of any recent diseasesExercise regimen followed by the clientSleep patterns of the client Unit 6 chapter 35A medical ______________________ provides a basis for prognosis and medical treatment decisions.The ______________________ part of the diagnostic statement mentions the cause of the problem.A ______________________ is a flip-file with card slots, or a notebook, for each client being treated by a unit or nursing care team.A ______________________ objective is an outcome that the client ultimately hopes to achieve but that requires a longer period of time to accomplish A ______________________ problem is one on which the nurses work together with healthcare providers. Match Identifying the nursing care problem based on analysis of dataCollecting data related to client’s condition Formulating necessary arrangements for client care ____ nursing assessment ____ nursing diagnosis ____ planning Put the following in the sequence Etiology ProblemSigns and symptoms____ ____ ____ What is a collaborative problem? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What is NANDA, and what is its contribution to the nursing diagnosis process?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________A nurse has collected data relating to a new client who was admitted 6 hours ago. The nurse has been assigned the task of writing the nursing care plan, what are the points the nurse must keep in mind while writing the nursing care plan?A student nurse is assisting a registered nurse in the process of data collection and formulation of the nursing diagnosis. What are the purposes of the nursing diagnosis that the registered nurse should explain to the nursing student?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________A nurse is planning the care of a client. What factors should the nurse keep in mind when setting priorities for the client by ranking nursing diagnoses in terms of importantce? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________A nurse has been caring for a client in a healthcare facility. The nurse must establish the client’s expected outcome to measure whether the client has achieved the expected benefit of nursing care and how successfully the client’s short-and long-term goals have been met. What are the points the nurse should keep in mind when formulating the expected outcome? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________When caring for a client, a nurse has analyzed data regarding the client’s chief concern. which would the nurse include in the diagnosis?Identification of the disease The medical treatment plan Identification of the nursing care problem The cause of the disease A nurse is preparing a two-part diagnostic statement for a client with renal failure. Which is the most appropriate way of phrasing the problem in the diagnostic statement?Impaired urinary elimination Chronic renal disorder Problems in voiding Caused by diabetes A nurse is formulating the diagnostic statement for a client who had a bicycle accident. The healthcare facility where the nurse works uses a three-part diagnostic statement. The client has multiple lacerations and bruises on her right arm and is unable to make movements using that arm. Which is an example of a correct diagnostic statement? Impaired mobility of right arm R/T multiple lacerations, bruises, and swelling AEB biking accident Impaired mobility of right arm R/T biking accident AEB multiple lacerations, bruises, and swellingImpaired mobility of right arm AEB multiple lacerations, bruises, and swelling Impaired movement of the client’s right arm related to a bike accident Which fact must the nurse keep in mind when creating a nursing care plan to meet the requirements of agencies such as the Joint Commission, nursing home regulators, and Medicare?All data relating to clients have to be computerized No changes should be made to the original nursing care planThe nursing care plan should be written only on Kardex filesThe nursing care plan should be available within 12 to 24 hours after admission A nurse is planning the care of a client with severe diarrhea. The nurse knowns that which diagnostic result should assume the highest priority?Significant water lossAbdominal pain Fever Nausea A nurse is caring for a client with multiple fractures in his leg and arms. Which should the nurse plan as the client’s long-term objective?Walk around the room after 2 daysResume playing for college football team Absence of any pain or discomfort after discharge Perform light exercises with the injured limbs A nurse is preparing with care plan for 8-year-old child with asthma. Which nursing intervention should the nurse perform to help the client meet the treatment goals?Interact with client regularly to prevent lonelinessChange dosage if client’s condition worsens Set long-term goals to motivate the client Administer corticosteroids as ordered by the healthcare provider A nurse is preparing the nursing diagnosis for a client who has just been admitted to the healthcare facility. The nurse knows that a nursing diagnosis is prepared for which of the following reasons? Select all that apply.Determining the cause and nature of the disease Identifying the client care problems Stating the prognosis or projected client outcomeDirecting interventions for the client’s priority needs Providing a common platform for the entire healthcare team A nurse is preparing the goal of the nursing plan. Which of the following points should the nurse keep in mind when formulating the expected outcome statements? Select all that apply.Ensure that the outcome is client-orientedGeneralize the statement to include any new outcome The outcome should be within the client’s capacity and abilities The outcome should include whether or not client is feeling better The outcome should be observable and measurable A nurse is required to plan the care of a client. In what order should the following steps be performed when planning care?Establishing expected outcome Setting priorities Writing a nursing care plan Selecting nursing interventions Unit 6 chapter 36 A nurse is responsible for all the actions that he preforms- dependent, interdependent, or independent. This responsibility is also called ____________________________________________ planning is the process by which the client is prepared for continued care outside the healthcare facility or for independent living at home.______________________ is the fourth step in nursing care, after assessment, diagnosis, and planning ______________________ is measuring the effectiveness of assessment, diagnosis, planning, and implementationWhat occurs during evaluation, the last step of the nursing process? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Match Client encounters promoting development of a trusting relationship Administering an injection Basic sciences ____ technical skills____ intellectual skills____ interpersonal skills List the following in order Identifying factors contributing to success or failure related to achievement of goals Analyzing the client’s response Planning future nursing care ____ ____ ____What does the action phrase “share it” in nursing implementation mean?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What are dependent, interdependent, and independent nursing actions? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What are the basic skills required in implementing nursing care? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________How is the client’s response analyzed when evaluating nursing care? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________A nurse is accompanied by a young students as she does her hospital rounds. The students are asked to observe the nurse at work as she provides care to the clients. The nurse has to address the group and educate them on the implementation of nursing care. What information should the nurse provide an adequate communication and documentation in continuity of care? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What information should the nurse provide on dependent, interdependent, and independent nursing actions? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What information should the nurse provide on basic skills used in giving care? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________A nurse is required to care for a client who is admitted in a healthcare facility. The nurse has to prepare a nursing care plan for the client and determine the effectiveness of the plan. The nurse also has to collect adequate data in the continuing care of the client.What factors should a nurse keep in mind when reviewing a care plan? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What nursing interventions should a nurse perform to effectively collect data in the continuing care of the client?A nurse is assigned to care for a client for who the nurse has prepared a nursing care plan. The nurse has to evaluate the care plan by following certain steps. What steps should a nurse follow when evaluating the nursing care? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________How can the nurse analyze the client’s response? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What steps should a nurse take to plan future nursing care? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________A nurse has been caring for a client who is now going to be discharged from the healthcare facility. The nurse is required to prepare a discharge plan for the client.What important steps should a nurse take for discharge planning? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What components of discharge planning should the nurse include in the client’s discharge plan? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Which factor should a nurse keep in mind when reviewing a client’s care plan?Involve the client actively in the plan Develop the plan based only on critical thinking skillsEncourage family participation List nursing orders to meet the nurse’s ability Which of the following steps should nurse take to plan discharge planning? Select all that apply.Suggest revisions for unmet goals Set new goals if earlier goals are met Analyze the responses of the client Note the goals resolved by the client Closely monitor the client’s behavior A nurse has worked on the care plan for client and now must collect relative data his continuing care. Which factor will help the nurse effectively collect data in the continuing care of the client?Refrain from involving the client in planning the activities timetable Gather information from the client’s family during Observe the client carefully when providing care Use logic to determine the effectiveness of nursing orders A nurse caring for a client in a healthcare facility has prepared a client care plan. Which of the following steps should the nurse take to evaluate the nursing care? Select all that applyPlan future nursing care for the client Analyze the responses of the client Assess each client regularly according to time timeline Prepare the client for care outside the healthcare facility Identify factors contributing to the success and failure of goals A nurse is required to document information when caring for a client. The client and the client’s family wish to know how communication and documentation facilitate the provision of care. Which is appropriate explanation a nurse should provide? They help the nurse to analyze the responses of the client They allow the next healthcare provider to act with purpose and understanding They allow the client’s family to actively participate in client careThey help identify factors contributing to success or failure in meeting goals Which of the following components should the nurse include in a client’s discharge plan? Select all that applyFocus on the achievement of short-term goalsSpecial diet with documentation by the dietitian Documentation of supplies needed by the client’s family Appointment for the next visit to the physician Instructing the client to monitor his vital signs The nurse is assisting a client with bathing and getting dressed for a scheduled appointment in an hour. What type of nursing action does this represent? Dependent Interdependent Collaborative Independent The nurse has to administer a daily insulin injection to a client. What type of skill is required for safe and competent performance?Interpersonal Intellectual Critical thinking Technical A nurse is assigned to care for a client for whom the nurse prepared a nursing care plan 2 days ago. The nurse needs the evaluate the nursing care plan. What should the nurse do for unresolved goal?Note on the care plan or care path that it is unresolved and state the reason whyDelete the current goal and write a new goalMake revisions to the nursing care plan Mark what problems are resolved on the care plan The nurse is evaluating the client nursing care plan received during hospitalization. What questions assist the nurse in evaluating the nursing care? Select all that applyWas each goal met by the client?Has nursing care helped the client realize self-care goals?Does this plan protect the client’s safety Is the care plan based on sound medical knowledge Unit 6 chapter 37 _______________________ reporting is a means of exchanging information between the outgoing and incoming staff on each shift A _______________________ sheet is a graph or a form that records large amounts of information collected at intervals over a specified period in brief, concise entries A _______________________ note is entered at regular intervals to summarize the client’s condition or response to treatment _______________________means that conversations with clients, nursing observations, and assessments are shared only with the appropriate caregivers in the proper settingA _______________________ record is a manual or electronic account of a client’s relationship with a healthcare facility In _______________________ rounds, caregivers move from client to client discussing pertinent information Match Handwritten in ink in the manual record Records large amount of information collected at intervals over a specified period in brief, concise entries Lists all the medication that the healthcare provider has ordered for the client ____ medication administration record (MAR)____ flow sheet ____ nursing progress notes What is a health record? What is it used for? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What is the importance of a health record? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________How can a health record be considered a legal document? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What is the advantage of electronic recording over manual recording? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What information do assessment documents record? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What are the different systems for data entry?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________A nurse is assigned to care for a client with a cardiopulmonary disorder in a healthcare facility. The nurse has to prepare the client’s health record.What information should the nurse document in health record of the client?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Should the nurse document every single aspect of care given to the client? If yes, then why? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________A nurse is caring for a client with cancer in a healthcare facility, when preparing the health record, the nurse also has to prepare the assessment documents. In addition, the nurse has to measure the client’s ability to perform activities of daily living.What information should the nurse include in his assessment document? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Which assessment form should the nurse work on to measure the client’s ability to perform activities of daily living? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________A nurse is caring for a client with a pulmonary disorder and has to document the client’s treatment and responses. For this the nurse will have to use progress records.What are the different of data entry systems that can be used in the progress notes? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What are the different types of progress notes that can be maintained? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________A nurse caring for a client is required to “report off” to another nurse when her shift is complete. The nurse has to give information about her client to the incoming nurse through change-of-shift reporting. What guidelines should the outgoing nurse follow under change-of-shift reporting? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________When documenting client information in the electronic health record, a nurse makes an error in documentation. Which step should the nurse take to correct the error and add the relevant information? Correct the error by using “recorded in error.”Delete the error and replace with relevant information Highlight the error and put it in parentheses Correct the error by using “late entries.”The nurse caring for clients in a healthcare facility has to ensure that all the clients are assessed in the same way. Which assessment form should the nurse use to ensure that her clients are similarly assessed?Minimum data setCharting by exceptionMedication administration recordClinical care path A nurse is caring for a client who has undergone organ transplant surgery. Which of the following steps should the nurse implement to facilitate financial accountability for the care given to the client? Select all that apply.Meet the standards of care set by the government Verify care given through quality assurance programsRecord all treatments given to the client Record use of any special equipment for the clientRecord all examinations administered when caring for the client A nurse is caring for a client who is taking longer than expected to achieve the desired outcome. The nurse understands that, because of the client’s specific health problem, it is necessary to perform the best nursing interventions to help the client achieve his goal. Which step should the nurse be aware of that will help determine the best intervention for the client?Conduct research on the client’s health recordClosely monitor the client’s vital signsIncrease interactions with the client Gather client-related information from his family A client who is being discharged from a healthcare facility is required to regularly visit a community-based care center for further care. Which factore should the nurse include in his discharge plan to ensure continuity of care by other caregivers?Importance of the client’s maintaining a flow sheet of vital signsImportance of the client’s maintaining a progress note Teaching plans for the client to followShort-term goals to be achieved by the client A nurse is caring for a client with hypertension. The client’s family observes the nurse diligently maintaining the health record and are curious to know the importance of this record for the client. Which should the nurse tell the family about the importance of a health record for the client?It verifies care through quality assurance programsIt helps in employment and disability applicationsIt helps in providing safe and effective careIt helps in meeting standards of care set by the government An LPN is addressing is a group of unlicensed assistive personnel (UAPs) on the importance of a health record. Which of the following statements correctly reflect the importance of maintaining a health record? Select all that apply It maintains effective communication among all caregiversIt specifies expected outcomes and treatments at specified timesIt helps in research and educational purposes It helps documentation in the medical information system It provides written evidence of accountability A nurse at the end of her shift is required to introduce the nurse coming on duty to the clients before she leaves. Which step should the outgoing nurse take to ensure personalized client care by the incoming nurse and development of a good rapport between the incoming nurse and the clients?Schedule and prioritize the incoming nurse’s time for each client Provide information to the incoming nurse through walking roundsHelp establish a rapport between the incoming nurse and the client’s family Brief the incoming nurse thoroughly on each client’s health recordsA nurse caring for a client in a healthcare facility is required to prepare the client’s health record and to document his observations which step should the nurse implement to ensure that the observations are documented in a clear and concise manner?Avoid using any abbreviationsRecord the date and time for each day Get the healthcare provider’s signature for every observation Sign the health record with the first initial and last name Which of the following factors need to be documented in the client’s manual health record? Select all that applyTreatment plans for the client Weekly progress made by the client Client’s vital signs that are monitored Assessment data of the client Pharmacy orders for the client ................

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