Active Performing The Tempest evidence of Teacher notes ...


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evidence of



The Tempest

Teacher notes


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Text extracts from the play have been taken from Cambridge School

Shakespeare, The Tempest, 2nd edition by Rex Gibson,

text ? Cambridge University Press 1995, 2005 reproduced with permission.


First published in March 2010

? Qualifications and Curriculum Authority 2010

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Active Shakespeare: Performing The Tempest

Teaching time: These materials are designed to be integrated into teachers¡¯ existing

plans for the study of Shakespeare and to take approximately 4 one-hour lessons (or


Framework objectives:


Developing and adapting active reading skills and strategies


Understanding and responding to ideas, viewpoints, themes and purposes in texts


Analysing how writers' use of linguistic and literary features shapes and influences



Analysing writers' use of organisation, structure, layout and presentation

Assessment focuses: Reading AF4, AF5 and AF6. During the course of these activities

you may also see evidence of AF2 and AF3.

Synoptic task: To select 15 lines from The Tempest to create ¡®My Interpretation of

Caliban or Ariel in The Tempest¡¯. The lines will reflect the character and his/her journey in

the play.

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Qualifications and Curriculum Authority. ? QCA 2010


Active Shakespeare: Performing The Tempest

Active Shakespeare: Performing The



Pupils will create a class version of The Tempest and explore different performance

techniques before generating their own interpretation of either Caliban or Ariel by

selecting 15 lines which show the character¡¯s journey through the play.

Throughout these lessons, pupils will identify and comment on the structure and

organisation of the text (AF4), explore different ways of understanding and presenting

Shakespeare¡¯s words (AF5) and make decisions about how they would interpret

characters and scenes for an audience (AF6).

Prior learning

Pupils will need a solid understanding of the plot, character and themes of The Tempest

in advance of starting these activities.

The Teacher Guidance shows how you might integrate the materials into your scheme of

work, in order to provide this prior learning.

The Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency is the non-regulatory part of the

Qualifications and Curriculum Authority. ? QCA 2010


Active Shakespeare: Performing The Tempest

Stages and timing

Stage 1: Editing ¡®The Tempest¡¯ (1 hour 15 minutes)

Pupils will edit a reduced version of The Tempest to create a 30-line class version of the


Stage 2: Practical approaches to ¡®The Tempest¡¯ (1 hour 30 minutes)

Pupils will explore rehearsal room techniques to help them understand different ways of

performing and interpreting Shakespeare¡¯s text.

Stage 3: Synoptic task (1 hour 20 minutes)

Pupils will choose 15 lines relating to the character of either Caliban or Ariel to describe

the development of their chosen character. These lines will be chosen from the selection

of lines they have studied during various activities in the materials. They will need to

consider which lines have the most dramatic potential and which lines convey the

character to the audience. They will also need to justify their choice of lines and explain

how the line should be delivered.

The Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency is the non-regulatory part of the

Qualifications and Curriculum Authority. ? QCA 2010



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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