Grade: 9-12

Grade: 9-12

Language Arts

Core Skills


Topic: Core Skills

Standard: Acquires new vocabulary through reading and listening; demonstrates progress through speaking and writing.


Topic: Core Skills

Standard: Defines unfamiliar words by using appropriate structural analysis skills including prefixes, suffixes, root words, and context clues.

Literature and Composition 09


Topic: Critical Thinking

Standard: Solves word analogy problems.


Non-Assessed QCC Standards:

Grade: 9-12

Language Arts

Core Skills


Topic: Core Skills

Standard: Learns that words gather meaning from their context and carry connotation and denotation.



Step:  1 Duration: approx. 10 minutes per list; total 100 minutes

Students may be given the vocabulary lists before the reading of the assigned chapters. The teacher may choose to ask for student volunteers to pronounce each word and/or predict its part of speech and definition.

Step:  2 Duration: approx. 10 minutes per section; total 100 minutes

Students may use a dictionary and the novel to complete the vocabulary activities. The teacher may choose to allow class time for working the vocabulary activities at teacher discretion, or students may use the vocabulary work as part of an active reading process at home. Students may benefit from a brief full group review or discussion of the answers.

Attachments for Step 2

Title: To Kill a Mockingbird Vocabulary Exercises FileName: To Kill a Mockingbird Vocabulary Exercises.doc

Description: These vocabulary lists and accompanying exercises are aligned to individual chapters from the novel.

Step:  3 Duration: at teacher discretion

To supplement the vocabulary enrichment, teachers may wish to use words from these other online sources that suggest vocabulary for the study of this particular novel.

Web Resources for Step 3

Title: To Kill a Mockingbird Vocabulary


Annotation: These 18 words are suggested for the study of this novel.

Title: To Kill a Mockingbird Vocabulary


Annotation: These chapter-by-chapter vocabulary suggestions may be used for enrichment.

Title: Students Survival Guide


Annotation: This resource includes annotations for select words, idioms, or allusions that may trouble students during the reading of the novel.

Title: Vocabulary from To Kill a Mockingbird


Annotation: This vocabulary resource from Vocabulary Classic Texts includes 99 words listed in order of appearance.

Step:  4 Duration: at teacher discretion

The teacher may wish to review students in the techniques of answering analogy questions if necessary.

Attachments for Step 4

Title: Tips for Answering Analogy Questions FileName: Tips for Answering Analogy Questions.doc

Description: This document may be shared with students for independent study or full group point-by-point discussion.



Materials and Equipment

see technology below

Standards (Local and/or National)

National Standard for the Teaching of English #4 - Students adjust their use of spoken, written, and visual language (e.g., conventions, style, vocabulary) to communicate effectively with a variety of audiences and for different purposes. National Standard for Teaching English #9 - Students develop an understanding of and respect for diversity in language use, patterns, and dialects across cultures, ethnic groups, geographic regions, and social roles.

Total Duration

suggested 200 minutes

Technology Connection

teacher computer with Internet access; printer; photocopier



Teachers may choose to evaluate a student's progress by simply calculating the percentage of questions answered correctly. Or, the work may be used for practice only.


Students may be encouraged to select other words from the chapter that they deem challenging. Students may be encouraged to write their own vocabulary questions using these new words or the selected vocabulary. Students may be encouraged to create their own vocabulary activities to accompany the words. Or, teachers may encourage students to memorize the spelling of these words as well as the definitions.


Students who find the vocabulary difficult may benefit from the creation and use of flashcards to reinforce the terms. Students may also benefit from greater exposure to the words as modeled by the teacher or other students.


For students with exceptional needs, what changes can be made in instruction and teaching delivery to enhance student participation and learning? Each area below is a direct link to general classroom accommodations.

Non-readers     Physical Impairments     Sensory Impairments     Attention/Behavior     Gifted

Each disability below is a direct link to general classroom accommodations specific for that disability.


    Deaf - Blind

    Deaf/Hard of Hearing

    Emotional and Behavioral Disorder

    Mild Intellectual Disability

    Orthopedic Impairment

    Other Health Impairments:

        Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

        Tourette Syndrome

    Significant Development Delay

    Specific Learning Disability

    Speech - Language Impairment

    Traumatic Brain Injury

    Visual Impairment


For students with significant disabilities, what changes can be made in instruction and teaching delivery to allow students to participate in classroom instruction while working on IEP objectives and off grade level QCC standards. Below are suggested modifications correlated to the procedures of this lesson plan.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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