
The FarmElizabeth M. WilliamsEDUC 550August 8, 2014Daily Activity #1: Circle TimeTheme: Chickens, the letter “B”Grade Level: Pre-K (4-5 year olds) Estimated length: 30 minutesRationale: To begin each day with a predictable morning routine that includes reviewing the monthly calendar, days of the week, months of the year, class rules, and letter of the week. This is also a time to prepare the students for what will be happening the rest of the day. Standards:Conventions of Standard English: HYPERLINK "" CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.K.1Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. HYPERLINK "" CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.K.1.aPrint many upper- and lowercase letters. HYPERLINK "" CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.K.1.bUse frequently occurring nouns and verbs. HYPERLINK "" CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.K.1.dUnderstand and use question words (interrogatives) (e.g., who, what, where, when, why, how). HYPERLINK "" CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.K.1.fProduce and expand complete sentences in shared language activities.Vocabulary Acquisition and Use: HYPERLINK "" CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.K.4Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on kindergarten reading and content. HYPERLINK "" CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.K.5With guidance and support from adults, explore word relationships and nuances in word SS.ELA-Literacy.L.K.5.aSort common objects into categories (e.g., shapes, foods) to gain a sense of the concepts the categories represent. HYPERLINK "" CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.K.5.cIdentify real-life connections between words and their use (e.g., note places at school that are colorful). HYPERLINK "" CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.K.6Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, and responding to texts.Assessment Plan:I will assess the student’s knowledge by observing their participation in circle-time activities, and making mental notes about their progress (or improvements that need to be made) that will later be documented in a journal. Materials Needed:Smart-boardWhite boardDry-erase markers and eraserMonthly Calendar“Class Rules” posterA small poster with the letter “Bb” in large printMagnetsMonths of the Year PosterTape recorderC.D.’s of themed musicPreparation: I will review my curriculum plan to make sure that I have all of the materials that I need on hand. I will also make sure that the smart-board is working, and that the programs that I will be using have a short-cut on the main screen for easy access.Integration of Technology:I will use the smart-board to bring up the words to the Pledge of Allegiance both in English and the language of the ESL students that I have in the class. Adaptations for ESOL or at-risk students:I will have and ESL teacher present to help my ELL students during circle time activities. She will translate (if necessary) what I am saying to their first language, and then help bridge the gap between their primary language and English.I will use the smart-board to display things, such as the Pledge of Allegiance, both in English and my ELL student’s first language.Lesson Plan Procedure:The children will gather on the circle time carpet, each on one shape. The National Anthem is played over the school loud speaker, and we all stand with hands over our hearts to join in the singing. Immediately afterwards, we say the Pledge of Allegiance. The children then sit on their shape, and we start with the calendar, identifying what day today is, what day yesterday was, and what day tomorrow will be. We then sing the Days of the Week song, followed by the Months of the Year song. We then talk about the letter of the week, “B”. We sing the letter of the week song “Bubbles”. The students then provide words they know that being with the letter “B”, and I write them on a white board. Afterward, we say them together as a class. We then review the class rules, with the students repeating them after I say them. Lastly, the students are informed of what the day’s activities will be, and there will be time allowed for the students to ask questions. Introduction (Verbatim): Okay boys and girls, I would like everybody to come and have a seat in the circle time area on your carpet shape. Today we will be talking about things that we might find on a farm! But first, let’s all stand, put your hand over your heart, and sing the National Anthem (Anthem is sung). Now keep your hand over your heart, and let’s say the Pledge of Allegiance (Pledge is said). Now, everybody have a seat back down on your carpet shapes. First, let’s talk about month it is (go over the months of the year). Very good every one! Now, what are the days of the week? (sing the days of the week song). Very good everybody!! You are all so smart! Now, who can tell me what the letter of the week is? (Call on a student) “Bb”!! You are right…the letter of the week is “Bb”! Let’s sing a song about the letter “Bb” (sing the Bubbles song). Whew!! That was fun! Now, we all know that “Bubbles” start with “Bb” from the song. Let’s think of other words that begin with the letter “Bb” (Call on students until the entire white board is filled with words that begin with “Bb”). Wow…I am very impressed! Look at all of the words that you all know that begin with the letter “Bb”! Let’s say them all together. I will say them first, and then you repeat what I say. As we are saying each word, concentrate on the sound that the letter “Bb” makes in the word. (go over each word on the white board). Activity (activities) Sequence:Students sit on their individual shape carpetsStand and sing the National AnthemRemain standing to say the Pledge of AllegianceStudents sit back down on their carpetsCalendar ActivitiesSing the song “Bubbles”Students think about words that begin with the letter “Bb”, which I write on a whiteboard. We then say all of the words together (me first, then they repeat what I say)Review the class rules. I point to each word as I say it, then the students repeat what I say.The students and I review what the daily activities will be.Question and answer sessionDetails of lesson:center0The Pledge of AllegianceI Pledge Allegianceto the flagof the United States of America.And to the Republicfor which it stands,one Nation, under Godindivisible,with liberty and justice for all.00The Pledge of AllegianceI Pledge Allegianceto the flagof the United States of America.And to the Republicfor which it stands,one Nation, under Godindivisible,with liberty and justice for all.center0Days of the Week(Sung to the tune of O’ my Darling Clementine)Sunday, Monday, Tuesday,Wednesday, Thursday,Friday, Saturday.Sunday, Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday, Friday, Saturday..00Days of the Week(Sung to the tune of O’ my Darling Clementine)Sunday, Monday, Tuesday,Wednesday, Thursday,Friday, Saturday.Sunday, Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday, Friday, Saturday..center0Day Identification SongSung to Frere Jacque tuneFirst Second Third Today is ______________ Yesterday was ______________ Tomorrow will be_____________ Today is ______________ Yesterday was ______________ Tomorrow will be _____________ Today is _____all day long Yesterday was ___ all day long Tomorrow will be ____ all day long Today is ______________ Yesterday was ________________ Tomorrow will be _____________ Today is ______________ Yesterday was ________________ Tomorrow will be _____________ Today is ____all day long Yesterday was ____all day long Tomorrow will be ____all day long00Day Identification SongSung to Frere Jacque tuneFirst Second Third Today is ______________ Yesterday was ______________ Tomorrow will be_____________ Today is ______________ Yesterday was ______________ Tomorrow will be _____________ Today is _____all day long Yesterday was ___ all day long Tomorrow will be ____ all day long Today is ______________ Yesterday was ________________ Tomorrow will be _____________ Today is ______________ Yesterday was ________________ Tomorrow will be _____________ Today is ____all day long Yesterday was ____all day long Tomorrow will be ____all day longcenter0Months of the YearJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberThese are the months of the year!00Months of the YearJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberThese are the months of the year!center0Class RulesUse Your Walking FeetUse Your Soft HandsUse Your Inside VoicesBe Kind to Our Friends00Class RulesUse Your Walking FeetUse Your Soft HandsUse Your Inside VoicesBe Kind to Our Friendscenter0Letter of the Week Song: “Bubble”Sung to the tune of: “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” Bubbles floating all around (pretend to catch bubbles) Bubbles fat and bubbles round (make a big circle w/arms) Bubbles on my toes and nose (point to toes; point to nose) Blow a bubble. ..up it goes! (pretend to blow bubble; point up) Bubbles floating all around. (pretend to catch bubbles) Bubbles falling to...the...ground. (sing slowly & sink to ground)00Letter of the Week Song: “Bubble”Sung to the tune of: “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” Bubbles floating all around (pretend to catch bubbles) Bubbles fat and bubbles round (make a big circle w/arms) Bubbles on my toes and nose (point to toes; point to nose) Blow a bubble. ..up it goes! (pretend to blow bubble; point up) Bubbles floating all around. (pretend to catch bubbles) Bubbles falling to...the...ground. (sing slowly & sink to ground)Closure: Verbatim: Before we start today’s activities, let’s refer to our class rules (bring up the rules chart, and read each one aloud with the students). Does anyone have any questions about the class rules? Great! Now let’s move on to what we will be doing today. Today, everything will be centered what goes on around a farm!! (Discuss exactly what will happen during the day). We are going to have so much fun today…so let’s get started!Daily Activity #2: Morning Reading (Group Literacy and Oral Language)Theme: Chickens, the letter “B”Grade Level: Pre-K (4-5 year olds) Estimated length: 30 minutesRationale: To improve the student’s literacy skills by exposure to books, poems, and other forms of quality literature. In this activity, it will include the book: The Little Red Hen by Carol Ottdenghi.Standards:Conventions of Standard English:CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.K.1Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or SS.ELA-Literacy.L.K.1.aPrint many upper- and lowercase SS.ELA-Literacy.L.K.1.bUse frequently occurring nouns and SS.ELA-Literacy.L.K.1.dUnderstand and use question words (interrogatives) (e.g., who, what, where, when, why, how).CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.K.1.fProduce and expand complete sentences in shared language activities.Vocabulary Acquisition and Use:CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.K.4Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on kindergarten reading and SS.ELA-Literacy.L.K.5With guidance and support from adults, explore word relationships and nuances in word SS.ELA-Literacy.L.K.5.aSort common objects into categories (e.g., shapes, foods) to gain a sense of the concepts the categories SS.ELA-Literacy.L.K.5.cIdentify real-life connections between words and their use (e.g., note places at school that are colorful).CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.K.6Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, and responding to texts.Assessment Plan:I will assess the student’s knowledge by observing their participation in class-time activities, and making mental notes about their progress (or improvements that need to be made) that will later be documented in a journal. Materials Needed:The Little Red Hen, by Carol OttdenghiPreparation: I will make sure that the book The Little Red Hen, by Carol Ottdenghi is brought up on my smart board. I will also ensure that a book is available for my ESL students in their primary language. Integration of Technology: For this assignment, I will display The Little Red Hen, by Carol Ottdenghi on the white board. By does this, the illustrations and letters will be large enough for all of the students to see very clearly.Adaptations for ESOL or at-risk students: The adaptation that I will have for this assignment is to provide The Little Red Hen, by Carol Otdenghi in whatever language is my ELL student’s first language. By doing this, he/she will be able to follow along in his first language while I read it in English. The ESL teacher assigned to him/her will be there to help with words he does not understand, and he will be exposed to new vocabulary in his primary and secondary language.Lesson Plan Procedure:-Take a visual walk through the book. - Read the book, making sure to stop and point interesting items out in the illustrations. - Ask comprehension questions throughout the text. - Review the book after reading by asking questions such as “What was your favorite part of the book”? Introduction (Verbatim): Today, we will the reading the book The Little Red Hen, by Carol Otdenghi. I have the book brought up on the smart board so that everyone can see. Is anyone having a problem seeing to smart board? Good. Now, let’s first look at all of the wonderful illustrations in the book. Aren’t the pictures wonderful?! As you look at the pictures, tell me what you think the book is going to be about. What a wonderful imagination that you all have! Now, let’s read the book, and fine out all about this little red hen. Activity (activities) Sequence:I will first go through the book with the children and point out all of the illustrations. I will ask the students periodically what they think the story is about, based on the illustrations in the book.I will then read the book to the students, making sure to point to each word…and putting special emphasis on words that begin with “Bb”I will ask comprehension questions as I read through the book.I will review the book after reading it by asking questions such as “What was your favorite part of the book”?Details of lesson:Closure: Verbatim: What a great book! Did you all like the book? I want you all to raise your hands, and when I call on you…I want you to tell me what your favorite part of the book was. (Call on each student). You all have such wonderful ideas about this book, and yet there are so many differences. Just because they are different, does that make one right and one wrong? Of course not!! There are so many different and wonderful things in this world, and it is the differences that may this world so special.Daily Activity #3: Social SkillsTheme: Chickens, the letter “B”Grade Level: Pre-K (4-5 year olds) Estimated length: 40 minutesRationale: To help the students learn to play with each other nicely, and they are given opportunities to problem solve amongst themselves. This is a time to promote social skills among the students. Standards:Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or SS.ELA-Literacy.L.K.1.aPrint many upper- and lowercase SS.ELA-Literacy.L.K.1.bUse frequently occurring nouns and SS.ELA-Literacy.L.K.1.dUnderstand and use question words (interrogatives) (e.g., who, what, where, when, why, how).CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.K.1.fProduce and expand complete sentences in shared language activities.Vocabulary Acquisition and Use:CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.K.4Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on kindergarten reading and SS.ELA-Literacy.L.K.5With guidance and support from adults, explore word relationships and nuances in word SS.ELA-Literacy.L.K.5.aSort common objects into categories (e.g., shapes, foods) to gain a sense of the concepts the categories SS.ELA-Literacy.L.K.5.cIdentify real-life connections between words and their use (e.g., note places at school that are colorful).CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.K.6Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, and responding to texts.Assessment Plan: I will assess the student’s knowledge by observing their participation in class-time activities, and making mental notes about their progress (or improvements that need to be made) that will later be documented in a journal. Materials Needed: Farm Themed Props In addition to the items already in the dramatic play area, I will also add farmed themed materials to support the theme of the week. Some of these include: overalls, plaid shirts, straw hats, and farm animal costumes. I will also add tractors and other types of farm equipment, a toy barn with farmers and farm animals, and a big box of large plastic farms animals.Preparation: I will make sure that all of the theme-based (and multicultural) material is in safe condition, and placed in the appropriate centers. I will also make sure that the farm-themed games are downloaded and ready in the iPads. I will have an observation journal ready to take observation notes on how the children are progressing in their positive behavior skills. Integration of Technology: There are several 2-4 person games that can be played on an iPad, and students can take turns playing the games. In addition, farm-themed music will be played using the CD player.Adaptations for ESOL or at-risk students: For my ELL students, I will make sure that the play material that I provide is multicultural (such as the farmers), in addition to incorporating multicultural music that will be playing the in the background. I will attempt to let the children bridge the communication barrier themselves, but always observe so that the ESL teacher or myself can intervene and/or help when necessary.Lesson Plan Procedure: To provide multicultural farm themed items in the centers area, and let the children socialize while under observation. This is a time for children to learn how to play nicely, find way to compromise, and attempt to solve problems on their own. The teacher will be readily available to intervene if necessary. Introduction (Verbatim): In just a few minutes, we will be start rotating through our centers. I know, I know…everyone is so excited! I have placed some items in the centers that go with our farm theme that I think you all will like. Before we start our center-time, however, I want to remind all of you about our class rules. Everyone is to play nicely, take turns, share, and use your words to solve any conflicts. If you need any help, I am right here…all you have to do is ask. Okay, I want group #1 to start in the dramatic play area, Group #2 to start in the transportation and building area, and Group #3 to start in the technology area. Activity (activities) Sequence: The children will rotate three times at 20 minute intervals, for a total of 60 minutes.Details of lesson: During the time set aside for social skills, I will let the children (who are separated into three groups) rotate through different centers that will foster and promote positive socialization among class-members. The children will rotate three times at 20 minute intervals, for a total of 60 minutes.Closure: Verbatim: You have all done so well rotating through the centers today. I was very impressed how you used your words to solve problems, and I saw a lot of sharing! That just makes my heart smile. I am so proud of each of you for displaying such good behavior. Now, I would like everyone to line up behind ‘Student A”, so that we can get ready to go outside for recess.ReferencesCox, Karen.(2012). Prekinders, resources for pre-k teachers. Retrieved from . (2011). Farm preschool activities. Retrieved from . (2012). Retrieved from . ................

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