Follow up ActivitiesMeet Them Where They’re At – OutcomesDuring the training, you were asked to think about past experiences with customers, good or bad, then record “characteristics”. You were also asked to include under “influences” potential reasons for which customers might have displayed those characteristics. Now, in the “outcomes” column, you want to look at the characteristic and the influence and think about how you might address that with a customer to get the desired outcome. For example, if the characteristic displayed was “bad attitude” and the potential influence you considered is “stress”, how might you work with the customer to reduce their stress, hopefully eliminating the “bad attitude” so that they can reach their goals. Your response might be to do a stress reduction exercise with them, like mindful breathing. Do this for each of the characteristics and influences you noted during the training. Use these suggestions with future customers who display similar characteristics to help them improve outcomes. the above article about good questions and consider what you learned in training and what you already know about asking questions. Then make a list of 5-10 “good” questions that you will ask every customer in an effort to learn more about them. Remember that Traitify has personality-based questions (you can find these under Resources) that might be useful. For this activity, you will need to think about your “follow-up plan” that you spent time considering during the training. Write out the plan and keep it handy while you get into the routine of following it. It may be helpful to create alarms or appointments in your calendar to keep you on track. Remember that follow-up is the key to building and maintaining relationships. And those relationships are the key to successful outcomes for your customers, yourself and your career center. Small Group DiscussionWith each person having completed at least one IAT (Implicit Association Test), discuss with your colleagues anything that you found surprising in your results and after reflection, why it showed up that way. For example, I had a bias towards females in science. I spend a lot of time thinking about equity and how to increase the number of females (and people of color, 1st generation students, people with disabilities, justice-involved people, etc.) in careers where they are not traditionally well-represented. Also considering that my educational background is in Sociology, where we spend time studying and evaluating gender roles in society, it makes sense that I might be biased towards females in science where most people are biased towards males in science. Having small group discussions about topics like implicit bias can help people become more comfortable with the idea that we ALL have biases, and that sometimes we are not aware of them. The important thing is to become aware of our biases so that we can overcome them. Pulled from FAQ:What can I do about an implicit preference that I don’t want?We encourage people to focus on strategies that deny implicit biases the chance to operate. One strategy is ensuring that implicit biases don’t leak out in the first place. To do that, you can “blind” yourself from learning a person’s gender, race, etc. when you’re making a decision about them (e.g., having their name removed from the top of a resume). If you only evaluate a person on the things that matter for a decision, then you can’t be swayed by demographic factors. Another strategy is to compensate for your implicit preferences. For example, if you have an implicit preference for young people you can try to be friendlier toward elderly people. Although it has not been well-studied outside of the lab, based on what we know about how implicit biases form we also recommend that people consider what gets into their minds in the first place. For example, this could mean going out of your way to watch television programs and movies that portray women and minority group members in positive or counter-stereotypical ways. ................

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