
1 Read the text and match the names of the British regional foods (1–3) to the photos (a–c).

1 Uncle Joe's mint balls 2 Cornish pasty 3 Parmo

(See Venture Tests and Resource Book A2 p.40 for photos.)

|What’s good to eat in…? |

|Do you have a special local dish? Here are some of our readers’ choices. |

|Parmo |

|I live in Middlesbrough, in the north-east of England. It’s not well-known for many things, but it’s home to a dish called Parmo. That’s right, Parmo, short |

|for ‘Escalope Parmesan’. It sounds Italian, but the first person to make it in Britain was an American chef. He came to Middlesbrough during World War II. He|

|opened a restaurant and he put Parmo on the menu in 1958. |

|Parmo is a little like Parmigiana. To make the dish you cover pork or chicken with egg and breadcrumbs and fry it. Then you cover the meat with a béchamel |

|sauce and cheese before you put it in the oven. You usually eat the dish with some chips and a bit of salad. It’s delicious, but it’s got lots of calories, |

|so I don’t eat it very often. |

|Archie |

|Cornish pasty |

|Homemade Cornish pasties are my favourite lunch. Today, you can buy pasties all over the UK and they are very popular, but real Cornish pasties only come |

|from Cornwall. Some people say the original recipe is over 700 years old. I live in Truro in Cornwall and my mum’s pasties are delicious. |

|The pasties are little D-shaped pastry parcels. They look a bit like little calzones, but they contain beef, and vegetables, like onions and potatoes. You |

|cook them slowly. This helps them get their flavour. |

|In the past, people took them to work for lunch or dinner. I like them very fresh from the oven. They’re great to eat on a cold day. |

|Ava |

| |

|Uncle Joe’s Mint Balls |

|What’s good to eat in Wigan? Well, Uncle Joe’s mint balls of course. They are old-fashioned sweets. The recipe for them is over 100 years old. We usually buy|

|them in special cans, but you can get packets, too. I prefer them to chocolate. They are hard and it takes a long time to eat them. |

|Uncle Joe’s make other sweets, too. Some have got unusual flavours such as rosy apple, cloudy lemonade and English strawberries. You don’t find them all over|

|the UK. It’s a pity because they are really good. |

|Jake |

| |

| |

1 For questions 1–5 choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D.

1 What are the people doing in these texts?

A recommending local food to readers

B describing how to make their favourite foods

C giving the history of local foods

D describing a favourite food

2 All the dishes

A are the inventions of local people.

B are not found in other parts of the UK.

C have got a connection to a town or region.

D have all got a very long history.

3 Parmo is

A a traditional Italian dish.

B a recipe that the writer’s grandmother created.

C a recipe from an American cook.

D a very old Middlesbrough recipe.

4 Cornish pasties are

A popular all over the UK.

B originally from Truro.

C great for breakfast.

D a type of sandwich.

5 Jake says

A Uncle Joe’s mints are easy to eat.

B the mints have got an unusual flavour.

C he buys prefers mints in cans.

D the mints are a traditional type of sweet.

1 Look at the title. What kind of programme do you think the article is about? Match it to one of the programme types, a, b, or c.

a soap opera b current affairs programme c historical drama

Why is Hollyoaks so popular?

Hollyoaks is a popular soap opera for young people about the lives of characters in a fictional suburb of Chester, a real historic town in the north-west of England. The cast is large, with around 60 characters. The main characters are students at a Chester college and their families. A lot of the actors in the programme are young – between the ages of 16 and 35. This attracts a young audience; most Hollyoaks fans are under 25 years old.

In Hollyoaks, many of the stories are about normal problems that young people have, such as problems in relationships. But Hollyoaks also has some dramatic plots involving serious problems, like car accidents, illnesses and murder. In 2013, seven characters died in one week. The show has also got one or two ‘comedy’ characters. These characters stop the problems in the stories becoming too depressing.

With such gripping and difficult plots, the show needs to have good actors and actresses, and it does. Hollyoaks regularly wins awards for its actors and its stories. Lots of the actors in the show are also celebrities in the UK.

Hollyoaks is different from other soaps in two ways. Firstly, British soaps don’t usually use music in the programme, but Hollyoaks uses lots of modern music. Every day a list of the music from the last programme appears on the Hollyoaks website. You can click on the list and hear the music again. Secondly, the programmes aren’t always in chronological order. Sometimes you see events from the future or the past. The directors say this keeps people interested. They ask: how did that happen? And they want to watch the next episode to see the answer.

2 Read the text. True or false? Write T or F. Correct the false sentences.

1 There aren’t many actors in the programme.

2 There aren’t any actors over 25 years old in the programme.

3 A large part of the audience is the under 25 years old.

4 Hollyoaks only has plots about typical teenage problems.

5 Hollyoaks is never funny.

6 The programme sometimes gets prizes for its plots.

7 Not many UK soaps use modern music during the programme.

8 Hollyoaks uses unusual techniques to attract its audience.


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