
1) A study was done on body temperature of men in the table. Assume that the samples are independent simple random samples selected from normally distributed populations, and do not assume that population deviation are equal. Complete (a) and (b) below.

Men Women 

u U 1 U2

n 11 59

x 97.53 97.22

s 0.94 0.66

A) What are the null hypotheses?

Null Hypothesis: H0: µ1 = µ2

Alternate Hypothesis: H1: µ1 > µ2

Let [pic]



df = 11-1=10

P Value = 0.15987

Since p-value is greater than 0.05 so we fail to reject null hypothesis. Thus, there is enough evidence to support that men have higher mean body temperature than woman.

B) Construct a confidence interval suitable for testing claim that men have higher mean body temperature than woman.

df = 11-1=10

critical t-value = 1.81

We will use one sided confidence interval,

Limit will be (97.53-97.22)+ 1.81* [pic]= 0.846

2) Listed below are ages of actress and actors at the time they won an award for categories of best actress and best actor. Use the sample data to test for a difference between the ages of actresses and actors when they won the award. Use a 0.01 significance level. Assume that the paired sample data is simple random sample and that the differences have distribution that is approximately normal. 

Actress’s age 16 26 20 53 22

Actor’s age 45 41 62 55 40

What are the null hypotheses for the hypothesis test ?


Null Hypothesis: H0: µd = 0

Alternate Hypothesis: H1: µd ≠ 0

Identify the test statistics ?

We will use t-statistic.

|Actress’s age |Actor’s age |Difference |

|16 |45 |-29 |

|26 |41 |-15 |

|20 |62 |-42 |

|53 |55 |-2 |

|22 |40 |-18 |

| |Mean difference |-21.2 |

| |Standard deviation |15.09 |

| |(difference) | |


P Value= 0.0348

Since p-value is greater than 0.01 so we fail to reject null hypothesis. Thus there is no difference between their agaes.

3) The data below are yields for two different types of corn seed land. Assume that the data are simple random samples and that the differences have a distribution that is approximately normal. Construct a 95% confidence interval estimate of the difference between type 1 and type 2 yields. 

What does the confidence interval suggest about farmer Joe’s claim that type I seed is better than type 2 seed?

Type 1 2140 2086 2055 2565 2136 1981 2155 1530 

Type 2 2045 1999 2047 2486 2152 1984 2129 1425

In this example u d is the mean value of the differences d for the population of all pairs of data, where individual difference d can is defined as type 1 seed yield minus the type 2 seed yield.

The 95% confidence interval is _________< ud < ________________


|Type 1 |Type 2 |Difference |

|2140 |2045 |95 |

|2086 |1999 |87 |

|2055 |2047 |8 |

|2565 |2486 |79 |

|2136 |2152 |-16 |

|1981 |1984 |-3 |

|2155 |2129 |26 |

|1530 |1425 |105 |

| |Mean difference |47.625 |

| |Standard deviation |48.873 |

| |(difference) | |

df = 8-1 = 7

Critical t-value = 2.365

95% confidence interval is


95% confidence interval is 6.76 < ud < 88.49.

4) Use the given data to complete (a) through (c)below.

X 10 8 13 9 11 14 6 4 12 7 5 

Y 9.15 8.14 8.75 8.78 9.26 8.09 6.13 3.09 9.14 7.26 4.74 

A) Construct a scatter plot?



B) Find the linear correlation coefficient r, then determine whether there is sufficient evidence to support the claim of linear correlation between the two variables?


| |X |Y |XY |X^2 |Y^2 |

| |10 |9.15 |91.5 |100 |83.7225 |

| |8 |8.14 |65.12 |64 |66.2596 |

| |13 |8.75 |113.75 |169 |76.5625 |

| |9 |8.78 |79.02 |81 |77.0884 |

| |11 |9.26 |101.86 |121 |85.7476 |

| |14 |8.09 |113.26 |196 |65.4481 |

| |6 |6.13 |36.78 |36 |37.5769 |

| |4 |3.09 |12.36 |16 |9.5481 |

| |12 |9.14 |109.68 |144 |83.5396 |

| |7 |7.26 |50.82 |49 |52.7076 |

| |5 |4.74 |23.7 |25 |22.4676 |

|SUM |99 |82.53 |797.85 |1001 |660.6685 |

Correlation(r) = NΣXY - (ΣX)(ΣY) / Sqrt([NΣX2 - (ΣX)2][NΣY2 - (ΣY)2]) 

r = (11*797.85 – 99*82.53)/sqrt((11*1001-99^2)*(11*660.6685-82.53^2)

r = 0.8155

n = 11

Critical value = ±0.602

Therefore r = 0.816 indicates a significant (positive) linear correlation. Yes; there is sufficient evidence to support the claim that there is a linear correlation between the 2 variables.

C) Identify the feature of the data that would be missed if part (b) was completed without constructing the scatter plot ? 

The scatterplot indicates that the relationship between the variables is quadratic, not linear.

5) The data show the time intervals after an eruption (to the next eruption) of a certain geyser. Find the regression equation, letting the first variable be the independent (x) variable. Find the best predicted time of the interval after an eruption given that the current eruption has a height of 98 feet. Use a significance level 0.05.

Height (ft) 71 57 73 61 91 57 96 87

Interval after (min) 71 68 67 65 81 64 72 76


|X |Y |XY |X^2 |Y^2 |

|71 |71 |5041 |5041 |5041 |

|57 |68 |3876 |3249 |4624 |

|73 |67 |4891 |5329 |4489 |

|61 |65 |3965 |3721 |4225 |

|91 |81 |7371 |8281 |6561 |

|57 |64 |3648 |3249 |4096 |

|96 |72 |6912 |9216 |5184 |

|87 |76 |6612 |7569 |5776 |

|SUM=593 |SUM=564 |SUM=42316 |SUM=45655 |SUM=39996 |

Slope(b) = (NΣXY - (ΣX)(ΣY)) / (NΣX2 - (ΣX)2)

b = (8*42316-593*564)/(8*45655-593^2) = 0.2999

Intercept(a) = (ΣY - b(ΣX)) / N

a = (564-0.2999*593)/8 = 48.2699

Regression Equation(Y) = a + bX

Y = 48.2699 + 0.2999X

Put X = 98 feet

Y = 48.2699 + 0.2999*98 = 77.66 min.


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