Name _____________________________________________ Group ___ Date ______________________________Evidence: Forensic Toxicology—PoisonsWarm UpObjective: Scientists will describe forensic toxicology by taking notes and creating a product of choice.What is the topic?What will you be doing?Why is this important?How will you know if you have done well?Forensic Toxicology--PoisonsToxicologyToxicology—the study of the adverse effects of chemicals or physical agents on ??? ???____________ ??? organisms. Types: ??? ??? ___________________??? ??? —air, water, soil??? ??_____________________? ??? — foods, cosmetics, drugsMedical, clinical, forensicPoison vs VenomPoisons are ??? ???________________________ ??? that can injure or impair body functions. Venoms are substances ??? ?_______________________?? ??? ??? by one species into another. Toxins are mostly described as ??? ??___________________? ??? produced by ??? ???____________________ ??? ??? ??? . Venoms and toxins are mostly proteins or polypeptides. Many are ??? ??? ??_____________? (drugs of plant origin)History of PoisonPoison has been used for over ?____________________?? ??? years starting with early huntersFavorite method of ??? ?__________________________?? ??? ??? in Roman EmpireIn the modern era, intentional poisoning is ???_______________________ ??? commonNow seen more often with ??? ??? ?___________________________?? assassinationsAcute vs Chronic PoisonAcute- the adverse effects of a substance that result either from a ?______________________?? ??? ??? exposure or from multiple exposures in a ??? ?_________________________-?? ??? period of timeChronic- the ??? ___________________??? -term repeated or continuous exposure to a poison?where symptoms don’t occur immediately. The patient ??__________________? ??? ??? becomes ill, or becomes ill after a ???______________________________ ??? latent periodFactors Affecting Poison1) ?_____________________________? ??? 2) Concentration3) Rate of administration4) ??_____________________________??? ??? 5) ???_____________________________________ ??? 6) Route of absorption/administration7) State 8) ??? ___________________________________??? ??? 9) Idiosyncrasy10) ??? ___________________________________??? ??? 11) Cumulative effectToxicologyToxic substances may:??? *Be a ??? ?______________________________???????????of death??? *Contribute to death *Cause ???____________________________________ ??? ??? *Explain ???? ____________________________________ General Classes of Poison?_______________________________?? ??? Inorganic Poisons?_____________________?? ??? ??___________________? ??? ?? ??? ?___________________________________?? ??? ??? _________________________________??? ??? PoisonsNon-alkaloidal PoisonsCarbon MonoxideOccurs when you ??? ?______________________?? too much carbon ??? ??___________________________? ??? being ??_________________? ??? ??? , ??? ??_______________? ??? , ???__________________ ??? ??? , it is very difficult for people to detect1% concentration in air leads to death in ??____? minLeadLead interferes with a ??? ??______________? ??? of body processes and is toxic to many ???______ ??? ??? and tissues It interferes with the development of the ??? _______________??? system and is therefore particularly toxic to children, causing potentially permanent ??? ??? ??_________________? ??? ?and ??? ?_________________?? ??? disordersMercurySymptoms typically include ??? ???________________ ??? impairment (vision, hearing, speech), disturbed sensation and a lack of ??? ?_________________________?? ??? ??? ??? Can be caused by ??________________________? ??? ingestionInhalation extremely dangerousArsenic?A medical condition caused by ??? ?__________________?? ??? levels of AsUsually from ??? _________________________??? ??? ??? ?that naturally contains high concentrationsAs the poisoning develops, convulsions and changes in ??? ??_____________________? ??? pigmentation occurThallium & PoloniumBoth Tl and Po are ??? ??__________________________? ??? ??? elementsCause ??? ?______________________________?? ??? ??? ??? poisoningMarked by vomiting, nausea, hair falling out, burns, seizures, dizziness, severe painCyanidevery ???_______________________ ??? ??? Can enter by inhalation, ingestion, or direct skin contact Used for ??____________________________? ??? ??? ??? Damages internal workings of the cell ME will notice a ??? ???______________________ ??? cherry ?________________?? ??? color to the victim’s blood. StrychninePlant based ??? ___________________??? poison Extremely ?______________________?? ??? taste: hard to disguiseCauses a LOT of pain: Not typical in ??? ?______________________________?? ??? Causes ??? ??? ______________________________??? ??? Death is caused by ??? ?____________________________?? ??? Rigor ??? ???_____________________________ ??? ??? is quickRicinA highly?toxic, ??? ____________________??? ??? occurring?protein produced in the ??___________________? ??? of the castor oil plantA dose of a ??? ___________________??? grains can kill an ??? ??____________? ??? humanPoisonous if???? _____________??? ??? ,???? ???__________________ ??? , or????______________________ ??? ??? Pesticidestoxic substances released ?_____________?? ??? ??? into our environment to ??_________________? living thingsIncludes substances that kill??? ??? ???________________________________ ??? (herbicides)??? ??? ?_______________________________?? ??? (insecticides) ??? ??? ???________________________________ ??? (fungicides)??? ??? ??________________________________? ??? (rodenticides)Poisoning occurs when pesticide interferes with organisms ??_____________________________? targetedCommon Household Items???_____________________________________ ??? ??? ??? ??_____________________________________ ??? Drain openersOven cleanersPain relieversDish soapLaundry ??? ???_______________________________ ??? ?Fatal Poisonous Plants/Fungi??? ??? ?_____________________________________?? ??? ??? _____________________________________??? __________________________________________??? ???_____________________________________ ??? ???_____________________________________ ??? ??? ??? ?_______________________________________?? ??? _____________________________________??? ??? Toxicity ClassificationCORRELATION TO INGESTION BY 150-LB ADULT HUMANTOXICITYa taste to a ?????_______________________??????????h ????????????_______________????????to a ??????????????_______________________????????i ??____________________???????to an ?????????__________________????????i ???????_____________????????????????to a pintslightto a quartpractically nontoxicmore than 1 quartrelatively harmlessTo Prove A CaseProve a crime was committed??? ??________________________________________? ??? ??? ??_________________________________________? ??? Access to ??________________________________? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?______________________________________to victimDeath was ??? _________________________________??? ??? ??? Death was ??__________________________? ??? ??? by poison?? ???Forensic Toxic TalesOverview: ?What do Sleeping Beauty, Snow White and Enchanted all have in common? ?They are all fairy tales in which the heroine, a princess, is poisoned by the evil witch. ?Her only chance of survival is a kiss from her one true love, a prince. These fantasies have captured the hearts of children and adults alike for many years. ?For this assignment, you will create a fairy tale that will no doubt capture the hearts of your peers, as well.Description:For this assignment, you will choose a toxin on which you will need to conduct research. ?You will write a fairy tale that incorporates your assigned toxin (as it will be the villain’s weapon of choice). ?You have the choice of either writing a storybook with a partner OR creating a story board poster with a partner.In writing your “toxic” fairy tale, you must adhere to the following guidelines:Narrative/script is typed/neatly handwritten & includes original title and picturesStory is original, created by you (and your partner, as applicable)Story includes at least the following characters: a heroine (e.g., princess), hero (e.g., prince), and villain (e.g., evil witch)During the rising action of the story, the heroine or hero is poisoned (with your toxin) by the villain Story in some way includes a description of the poison, where it comes from, how it’s generally used (e.g., medicinally or in certain products), etc.Mode of toxin’s entry into heroine’s or hero’s body is included (e.g., ingested, inhaled, absorbed through skin; based on your research) The symptoms experienced by the heroine or hero are explained or portrayed in some way (based on your research)In the end, the heroine or hero is rescued by the hero or heroine who treats her/him for her/his symptoms (include the type of treatment, based on your research)For a few bonus points include modern day heroine or hero that has died by the same poison in your storyToxins: Anthrax ???????????? Strychnine ??? ?? ? Cyanide??? Ricin??? ??? Mistletoe Arsenic ????????????? Belladonna ??? ??? Lead??? ????????? ?Mold??? ??? Oleander???????????Botulinum ? Carbon monoxide??? ??? Thallium/Polonium ??? ?MercuryPoisons ProjectResearch an infamous poisoning/drug death or event. Choose your option (PowerPoint, Poster, Brochure, Booklet, student created/teacher approved) for presenting the following information:Title: What: ?Brief description of case Who: victim, suspect, & their relationship Any other key players (witnesses, lawyers, experts)When/ Where:Year, geographic location (ex: San Diego, CA, or Chicago, IL)Physical location/ time of dayEvidence:Forensic evidence - Poison or Drugs involved, how they were identified, forensic tests involved, etc.Witness testimonyHow did the suspect become a suspect?Did suspect have a motive? Explain.Outcome:Legal outcome (who was charged? What were they charged with? Did they go to prison?)Reflections:Why do you think this case is famous?Be sure to include a list of your resources and pictures related to the case. Color will enhance your project. ................

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