Cell Phone & PDA Policy - Spiceworks

Cell Phone Policy

Cellular telephones and Smart phones enable fast communications, remote wireless network connectivity and more productive mobile employees. However, such devices add significant operating expenses and create additional security concerns for the organization. As such, the organization maintains and enforces this Cell Phone Policy to help the organization maximize security while also managing costs.


The organization’s Cell Phone Policy exists to control costs, secure organization data and protect mobile devices from theft.


Every officer, manager, employee, contractor, temporary worker, authorized agent and volunteer is subject to the terms of the organization’s Cell Phone Policy.

Acceptable Use

The organization will provide cellular telephones (complete with features and monthly voice and data service – Android Phone) for all employees at the discretion of Executive Management. Managers may request organization-provided cellular telephones (without features – Standard Phone) and monthly voice and text service with the written consent and approval of Executive Management.

When circumstances require, managers may request cellular telephones with features and monthly voice and data service for employees. In such cases the manager must identify the business justification for the purchase and service requirements in a written request to the Information Technology department manager.

The Information Technology department manager is only responsible for identifying compatible platforms, purchasing equipment and supporting organization-provided cellular telephones. The Information Technology department manager is not responsible for determining employee eligibility or allocating funds to pay for cellular telephones, accessories and/or service fees; the requesting manager must allocate funds from his/her department’s operating budget to cover costs arising from the cellular telephone/ request.

Organization-provided cellular telephones are only to be used for fulfilling business responsibilities. No organization-provided cellular telephone or devices are to be used for personal reasons; employees are prohibited from incurring any fees or charges as a result of personal or unauthorized use of organization-provided cellular telephone and subsequently billing those fees and charges to the organization. If cellular telephone, accessory and/or service fees or charges result from personal or unauthorized use of organization-provided equipment, the employee is responsible for making payment for those fees and charges and any related billing costs.

Employees are prohibited from installing unapproved and unauthorized software on organization-provided cellular telephones. Employees shall refrain from downloading additional software and services, including distinctive ring tones, games and other messaging services, to organization-provided cellular telephones.

No employee may connect, dock or otherwise synchronize any unapproved cellular telephone or other device, whether owned personally by the employee or provided by the organization, with any organization computer, laptop, server, system or network, without the prior written consent of the Information Technology department manager. Modified devices may be wiped and set to the default configuration at the discretion of IT.

Employees awarded organization-provided cellular telephones are responsible for the security of those devices. Employees are required to lock their cellular telephones and to have automatic locking enabled on the device. Employees are to keep the devices on their person at all times when traveling. Employees are responsible for replacing lost or stolen cellular telephones. You may opt in for a replacement insurance program at your own expense. All organization-provided cellular telephones and accessories remain the property of the organization.

No sensitive, proprietary or confidential information is to be stored on cellular telephones at any time. In the event an organization-provided cellular telephone or is lost, stolen or misplaced, the Information Technology department manager should be notified immediately (regardless of time of day) so that appropriate steps can be taken to remotely trigger the timely deletion of all data contained on the cellular telephone.

Violations and Penalties

Any violation of the Cell Phone Policy must be immediately reported to the Information Technology department manager.

Violating the Cell Phone Policy, or any of its tenets, could result in disciplinary action leading up to and including termination of employment and civil and/or criminal prosecution under local, state and federal laws.

Acknowledgment of Cell Phone Policy

This form is used to acknowledge receipt of, and compliance with, the Cell Phone Policy.


Complete the following steps:

1. Read the Cell Phone Policy.

2. Sign and date in the spaces provided below.

3. Return a copy of this signed document to the Information Technology department manager.


Your signature attests that you agree to the following terms:

i) I have received and read a copy of the Cell Phone Policy and understand and agree to the same;

ii) I understand and agree that I will not use any organization-provided cellular telephone or for any activities other than those necessary for fulfilling the organization’s business activities;

iii) I understand and agree that I will not incur any costs or charges resulting from personal use of organization-provided cellular telephones without reimbursing the organization for those costs;

iv) I understand and agree that no cellular telephones are to be connected to organization-provided computers, laptops, servers, systems or networks without the prior written authorization of the Information Technology department manager;

v) I understand and agree that no sensitive, proprietary or confidential data is to be stored on cellular telephones at any time;

vi) I understand and agree that the security and replacement of any organization-provided cellular telephone awarded to me becomes my responsibility and that organization-provided cellular telephones and accessories remain the property of the organization;

vii) I understand and agree that any violation of the Cell Phone & Policy could result in termination of my employment and civil and criminal penalties.


Employee Signature


Employee Name


Employee Title






In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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