
Technical RequirementsStudents must bring their own laptop and a charging cable, as the sessions will go over the whole day. (We’re mostly Windows and have no Apple/Linux experience, but we’ve been assured everything should work fine). Internet.Internet access will be provided through Eduroam, so you will need your computer configured for offsite Eduroam. (Contact your university’s tech support team if you’re unsure about this).MatlabAll interactive workshop elements will be conducted in MATLAB, so you will need a working installation of Matlab on your machine. (If your university provides the license, make sure you can use Matlab offsite.)For those ideologically opposed to anything that’s not #opensource then you can try Octave. I believe everything works in Octave, but we have not tried it ourselves... so buyer beware. Psychtoolbox (PTB): You can find the full instructions to download PTB-3 here: Windows users, note that step #7 (involving downloading and installing GStreamer) can sometimes be a bit tricky. Some pointers:The download speed is highly variable and sometimes quite slow. If it’s not downloading, try again later. Make sure you install ALL offered packages (this is not always the default option).Note that it’s really important that you do steps #7 and #8 in order. If you skip over these and come back later you’ll need to start at #1 again. Yes, this really is worth emphasizing. Test out your installation:Type this in the command box (after the “>>” in the lower centre region of the screen; near the lower blue circle): KBStrokeWait;Press “Enter” once.Matlab should be busy. Look for the word “busy” in the lower left corner (red circle in the picture). Press “Enter” (or any key) again. And now Matlab should not be busy any more. Instead should produce an “ans” variable that you can see in the two blue-ringed locations.After the workshop, you can test if your GStreamer install worked properly. The best way to test it out is to run a video file using Screen(‘OpenMovie’) and Screen(‘PlayMovie’) commands. If GStreamer is not installed properly, these commands will fail, but you’ll learn how to do this later. LetsWave (LW-6): You can download LW-6 from here: (LetsWave 7 is under development so we’ll stick with version 6 for the workshop). If you click on the download button, you’ll download a zipped directory. The instructions here are a fairly thorough. minor tips:You already have a copy of the “Letswave toolbox” on your computer (that’s what you just downloaded), so you don’t need to go to GitHub to get the toolbox.You can put the LetsWave folder anywhere, but it makes sense to have it somewhere you can access it later. I put mine next to my PTB and EEGlab installation here:C:\toolboxTo set the path on Matlab, look at the top ribbon. The option to set the path is circled in red in the figure below. If you can’t see it, make sure you are looking at the “Home” ribbon (the Home, Plots, Apps tabs are shown in the top-left, so make sure you’re at “Home”). BioSemiSerialPort() This is a simple plug-in that make it easy to send triggers via Matlab serial port to BioSemi devices. (If you have a different EEG device, this specific command may not be helpful but the .m file will act as a useful template about how to manage ports in Matlab). Instructions:Navigate to this repo site: [link]Download (or clone) the files. Put them somewhere on your computer that you’ll remember (I put mine here: C:\toolbox ). Add that path to Matlab (like you did for LetsWave). Finally, no course on ERP analysis would be complete without mentioning EEGlab/ERPlab and the FieldTrip toolboxes. These will not be used in the course (except hidden below LW functions), but we will occasionally mention them along the way. You can download them here:EEGlab: : : ................

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