See milk formula chart below: - Georgia

Milk formula chart:

Calculate the # of children per age group, times (X) the required serving sizes, times (X) the meal service (breakfast, lunch, and/or supper), times (X) the # of operation days for the month. Add all totals of ounces needed. Then take the total of ounces needed and divide by 128 ounces (= 1 gal of milk) or divide by 8 ounces (= ½ pint) to receive the # of gallons or ½ pints needed for the next month.

Example #1:

(Formula calculated with after school children during breakfast meal service)

|Age Group |# of Children |Age Serving |Meal Services |# of Operation Days |Total oz. Needed |Total Gallons Needed |Total ½ Pints Needed|

| | |Sizes | | | | | |

|1 – 2 |20 X |4 ounces X |B & L (X 2) |X 21 |= 3360 oz. | | |

|3 – 5 |20 X |6 ounces X |B & L (X 2) |X 21 |= 5040 oz. | | |

| 6 - 12 |10 X |8 ounces X | B-only (X 1) |X 21 |= 1680 oz. | | |

| | | | | | 10,080 oz. |Total: | |

| | | | | |÷ 128oz. = |78.7 gallons* |Total: |

| | | | | |÷ 8oz. = | |1,260 |

| | | | | | | |½ pints |

*Round the number of gallons to whole number B= means Breakfast L= means Lunch

Example #2:

(Formula calculated with after school children during breakfast and p.m. snack meal services)

|Age Group |# of Children |Age Serving |Meal Services |# of Operation Days |Total oz. Needed |Total Gallons Needed |Total of ½ Pints |

| | |Sizes | | | | |Needed |

|1 – 2 |20 X |4 ounces X |B, L, & PM Snack (X 3) |X 21 |= 5040 oz. | | |

|3 – 5 |20 X |6 ounces X |B, L, & PM Snack (X 3) |X 21 |= 7560 oz. | | |

|6 – 12 |10 X |8 ounces X |B & PM Snack |X 21 |= 3360 oz. | | |

| | | |(X 2) | | | | |

| | | | | | 15,960 oz. |Total: |Total: |

| | | | | |÷ 128oz. = |124. gallons* |1,995 |

| | | | | |÷ 8oz. = | |1/2 pints |

*Round the number of gallons to whole number B= means Breakfast L= means Lunch PM Snack = afternoon


**Center is serving milk for breakfast, lunch, and p.m. snack (every day)

Example #3:

(Formula calculated without any after school children)

|Age Group |# of Children |Age Serving |Meal Services |# of Operation Days |Total oz. Needed |Total Gallons Needed |Total ½ Pints Needed|

| | |Sizes | | | | | |

|1 – 2 |20 X |4 ounces X |B & L (X 2) |X 21 |= 3360 oz. | | |

|3 – 5 |20 X |6 ounces X |B & L (X 2) |X 21 |= 5040 oz. | | |

| | | | | | 8,400 oz. |Total: |Total: |

| | | | | |÷ 128oz. = |65.6 gallons* |1,050 |

| | | | | |÷ 8oz. = | |½ pints |

*Round the number of gallons to whole number B= means Breakfast L= means Lunch

Example #4:

(Formula calculated for all children during non-school session)

|Age Group |# of Children |Age Serving |Meal Services |# of Operation Days |Total oz. Needed |Total Gallons Needed |Total ½ Pints Needed|

| | |Sizes | | | | | |

|1 – 2 |20 X |4 ounces X |B & L (X 2) |X 21 |= 3360 oz. | | |

|3 – 5 |20 X |6 ounces X |B & L (X 2) |X 21 |= 5040 oz. | | |

| 6 - 12 |10 X |8 ounces X |B & L (X 2) |X 21 |= 3360 oz. | | |

| | | | | | 11,760 oz. |Total: |Total: |

| | | | | |÷ 128oz. = |91.8 gallons* |1,470 |

| | | | | |÷ 8oz. = | |½ pints |

*Round the number of gallons to whole number B= means Breakfast L= means Lunch


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