Vista and Inputting Final Grades

Vista and Inputting Final Grades (Three page instructions)

Login into Flashline

Select My Courses tab

Go to upper left of your screen and click on Vista single sign on

(you do not have to re-enter your login code)

Once in Vista notice all the courses you are teaching and/or taking.

Click on the course you are teaching (It will end in 200880 for Fall 08)

Click on Start

Go to the Teach Tab

Select Grade Book

All the students on your roster should be there (especially by the fifth week of school)

If not email: or Carol A Moore:

There maybe “extra students” leave blank or input “???”

Input a grade for the demo student (Sometimes found on the last page of roster)

Input Final Grades (numeric value is the default-input final percent)

To scroll more than 10 students, change Edit Paging (right) to 35

Input grades one at a time and click save per student (slow) or

Click on Final Column header, then select Edit Values and input grades at a glance!

Be sure to Save (at the bottom left)

See next page **to create a new column of letter grades or modify the value of the existing Final Column (from calculated grade to alphanumeric grade)

(Ignore midterm grade column)

Before we change the values in the grade book, students need to see their grade book. Please do the following so students can see their grades on Vista:

For students to see their grades you have to add “My Grades” to the student toolbar

Go to Build Tab

Go to Add to Course Tool Bar Select My Grades click on [pic] to add My Grades to the course tool bar

If you are successful your basic view home page course toolbar will look like this:

(but more horizontal on your screen)

|Course Toolbar:  | |[pic][pic]Mail[pic][pic] |

| (tools always visible) | |[pic][pic]Remove  Move  [pic][pic]Go to Mail tool [pic] |

|[pic] | |[pic]Assignments[pic][pic] |

| [pic]Toolbar Settings  | |[pic][pic]Remove [pic] Move  [pic][pic]Go to Assignments tool [pic] |

| | |[pic]My Grades[pic][pic] |

| | |[pic][pic]Remove [pic] Move  |

Now select Student View Tab

Your tool bar should now look like this: (Far right)

[pic]Mail [pic][pic]Assignments [pic][pic]My Grades

Click on My Grades- Notice if your demo student has a grade… You may enter a grade for the demo student. (Teach Tab, Select Grade Book)

~~See next page to check student view of grades, (after inputting your student and demo student grades)

**If you want to edit the final column and change it from calculated to alphanumeric:

Go to the Teach View Tab, then Grade Book, then select Column Settings, go to Final Column, then click on Calc, a window pops up to convert column type, you will see something like this:

|Convert Column Type |

|  |

|Column: |Midterm |

|  |

|Setting: |Type |

|  |

|Current Value: |Calculated |

|  |

|New Value: |[pic] |

|Comment: |[pic] |

Change the Calculated Value to Alphanumeric, click save , then a new screen comes up showing your original column value and the new column value, click on apply, and you are ready to input letter grades!

~~See next page to check student view of grades, (after inputting your student and demo student grades)

**If you want to create a new column of letter grades please do the following:

In Teach View (tab):

Go to Create Column ( Create column: [pic][pic] ) (Or select alphanumeric)

Select Type ( letter grade (use drop arrow)

Select [pic] (go button)

The following appears: Fill in the boxes as show below:

|Letter Grade Column |

|* Column label: |

|[pic] |

| |

|Alignment: |

|[pic] |

| |

|[pic] |

|Grade-related column |

| |

|  |

|If selected, the column will appear on the Grades tab. |

| |

| |

| |

|    |

|[pic] |

|Released to Student |

| |

|  |

|  |

|If Grade-related column and Released to Student are selected, |

|this column will appear to students in their My Grades tool. |

| |

| |

| |

|Based on numeric/calculated column |

|[pic] |

| |

|[pic] |

| |

|[pic]Save  Cancel |

| |

Be sure to Save!!!

Poof, a new column is created for letter grades… Type in letter grades, ignore the ^ sign. It will not appear in the student view. Be sure to give a grade to the demo student.

~~See below to check student view of grades, (after inputting your student and demo student grades)

~~To check the Student View (for your demo student)

Go to Student View Tab

Select My Grades (far right) It will display the letter grade or numeric grade

You may input/output grades from excel… See Mary Lou Britton for instructions.

There might be other ways to input letter grades, but creating a column or editing the Final Column seems to work well!

You can use Vista to upload any course documents like your syllabus, daily calendar, worksheets, etc. All this can be done sing the Build tab (Basic View) then the Add to Home Page

(See left column: Assessments, Assignments, Chat and Whiteboard, etc…)

Any issues with vista (like my roster is incomplete) email:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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