
Name: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________ Block: _________This test covers learning targets related to Comparing and Ordering Integers, Absolute Value, Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, and Dividing Integers, Modeling Addition, Subtractions, Multiplication Division, and Order of Operations.Know how to:Order integers from least to greatest or ascending order or greatest to least or descending order. An inequality symbol (≤, ≥, <, >,) can be used to compare numbers. Example 7>2, -9<0, 13≤13, or 13 =13Absolute value means a numbers distance from zero. The Absolute Value bars (AV bars) say take the absolute value of the number inside. Example: a) |-2|= 2 ;The Absolute Value of opposite numbers are the same (that is two units away from zero) because they are the same distance from zero. |-2|=|2|=2 .01234567-1-2-3-4-5-6-7 AV bars act like grouping symbols too. First evaluate the math inside the bars. Then, take the absolute value.Example: b) |-2-6|=|-8|=8 c) 2|-2-6|+7 2|-8|+72(8) + 7; 16 + 7; 23Adding Integers: Same signs: add numbers and keep the sign. Example: 12 + 13 = 5; -12 + (-13) = -25; -9 + (-5) = 14KEY= Negative = PositiveAdding Integers with Different Signs: Subtract and keep the sign of the larger absolute value. The number that has more wins.Example: 5+ (-3) = 2; 12 + (-30)= -18; -13+26 = 13Modeling Addition: Draw chips for both numbers. Cross out any zero pairs.4 + 3= 7-4+5-4 + (-2)Modeling Addition on a numberline: Graph the first number, move to the right for positive numbers or move to the left for negative numbers.37852352705100035560342900005 + 2 b) -5+ (-3)Subtracting Integers: Keep Change Change (KCC). Change subtraction to addition. Then follow the addition rules:Example: a) 5 – 3; 5 + (-3)= 2b) -5 – 7; -5 + (-7)= -12Modeling Subtraction with Chips and Numberlines. Remember, modeling with chips requires us to THINK: TAKE AWAY. Draw chips for the first number. Then, say can I take the second number from the first. If yes, then cross out the chips you are taking away. If you do not have the chips, add the second numbers value in zero pairs. Then take away the second number and any remaining zero pairs.Column A: Evaluate. Use KCCColumn B: Model with Chips. THINK: Take AwayColumn C: Model on the numberline. Do KCC. Graph first number. Move to the right for a positive number, left for a negative number.5- 35 take 3 away-65405176530005- (-3)5 take (-3) away-660407620000-5 - 35 take 3 away-660409525000Multiply and Divide Integers: -95251181100031572208128000-13906515811500Division Example: 6÷2 or 6÷3 -8÷4 or -8÷2Order of Operations: Follow GEMDAS or PEMDAS. Parentheses or Grouping symbols like ( ), [ ], of the absolute value symbol acts as parentheses when there are operations in it. Exponents; Multiplication and Division from left to right; addition and subtraction from left to right. Watch the signs of numbers as you are operating. Practice showing all work on a piece of scratch paper, since you must show all work on quizzes and tests to receive full credit.Practice managing your time when working on the study guide. Answer the questions you know first, then go back and work on the ones you need to think about more. You want to use the same strategy on the test!Practice questions:Use the order of operations to evaluate the expressions:36 ÷ 32 + 4 · 2 – 16(11 - 7) - 4(2 + 1) (-3)2 + 6?(3 – 5)18 – [3? 2 + 2(6 ÷ 3 + 2)] -32 + 6?3 - 55?8 + 6 ÷ 6 - 12?2(4 – (-2)3?+ (-3)2) ÷ 6 ÷ 2(1 + 2) 75 – [6(8 - 6) + 3] 36 + 4[1 + (12 - 8) ? 2] ................

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