
NAV 2 Curriculum DocumentOriginal Development: Spring 2013; Revised Summer 2017Unit:Money B4esoSubject/Course:Din4 Language and CultureGrade Level:Eleventh through Twelfth GradesSchool Year:2017-18This section completed once per whole unit. (Its purpose is to clarify the unit’s big idea and connecting standards.)Big Ideas: Why is this learning important? What generalization or principle do you want to know/do? The big idea resides at the heart of the discipline, and has value beyond classroom. These may come from the cluster deconstructing process.-Learn how to count money up to $1,000,000 in Din4-Learn how to count coins and dollar bills in Din4-Translate English money value to Din4 money value with fluency-Explain the ways people manage their money -Research how counting money terms were borrowed from the Spanish language-Compare and contrast currency system from the past to today (i.e., barter system, pawning, cash, loan, credit, debit, checking, and savings)Common Core Standards / State StandardsContent Standard:including CODE + (Rigor)S3CF2PO9 Explain and demonstrate the value and role of money in everyday lifeS3CE2PO2 Identify and describe both current and historical examples of the interaction and interdependency of science, technology and society in a variety of cultural settings (i.e., direct deposit and bank cards usage for social security recipients)FL-SC-CnPN7Compare information in written advertisementsAzeez7 naaltssos biyi’ 0’ool[h22h a[‘aan 1daat’4igo daasdzoh7g77 yaadaha[ne’4g77 a[h22h ndaa’nil doolee[Integration of Reading & Writing and /or Mathematical Practices including CODECollege and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading 2. Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize the key supporting details and ideas.Craft and Structure4. Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a text, including determining technical, connotative, and figurative meanings, and analyze how specific word choices shape meaning or tone. Integration of Knowledge and Ideas7. Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse formats and media, including visually and quantitatively, as well as in words.*Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity10. Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently. College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Math Mathematical Practices1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.4. Model with mathematics.5. Use appropriate tools strategically.6. Attend to precision.7. Look for and make use of structure.8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoningFunctions (F)Define, evaluate, and compare functions.Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.Statistics and Probability (SP)Use random sampling to draw inferences about a population.College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for WritingResearch to Build and Present Knowledge 7. Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects based on focused questions, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation. TechnologyStandard:including CODEET07/08S1C1PO1 Predict the most effective keywords and phrases for use in information searches. ET07/08S3C2PO1& PO2 PO 2. Evaluate and use authoritative primary and/or secondary sources. PO 1. Locate and synthesize information utilizing advanced search strategies.ELP Standard:including CODEClarifications of Content StandardAcademic Vocabulary: What academic vocabulary does the student need to know?b4eso, y11l, b4eso y1zh7, b4eso naaltsoos7g77, sind1o, [ichii’ [itsoh, doot[’izh, g7insi, naakiy11l, d88’y11l, hast33y11l, t’11[a’7 b4eso, naaki b4eso, ashdla’ b4eso, neezn11 b4eso, naadiin b4eso, ashdladiin b4eso, neezn1diin b4eso, d00 bi’aan, m77l y1zh7, m77ltsoh, naaltsoos nit[’iz7, naaltsoos hahad=s7, 7n10lt2’7, b22h 7l9, na’iini’, nahaniih, doo 7l7n7g77, 7l7n7g77, o’oolk22h, dahid4dlo’, d7kw77 b22h 7l9?, ch’iy11n bib4eso, s3 bib4eso, W11shindoond66’ b4eso bee ak1’an1’1wo’7, naaltsoos doot[’izh7, naanish woozb3 bib4eso, b4eso 1ch’22h naa’nil7, b4eso a’7’n77[, b4eso b1hooghan, b4eso biyi’d66 haha’n7l7, b4eso bee ha’a’n7[7, b4eso hasht’e’ sinil, ni’ii[ch77h, noos44[, b4eso baa’1h1y3, b4eso naadzoh, ach’8’ni’7ly4, 1n4elt’e’ w0lta’, 1din, haash n4el33’, haash n4elt’e’, d7kw77shDeclarative Knowledge: What concepts (facts, ideas, cause/effect) does the student need to KNOW?Students will need to know: -Academic vocabulary-How to count coins and dollar bills in Din4-How to count small to large amount of money in Din4-How to create a budget using various scenarios- Coins by Din4 names (i.e., b4eso y1zh7, sind1o, [ichii’, [itsoh, doot[‘izh, g7insi, naakiy11l, d88’y11l, d00 hast33y11l, y11l)-The history of how money terms were borrowed from the Spanish Language-The history of trade and barter system to receive goods and servicesProcedural Skills: What procedures (steps, algorithms, tactics) does the student need to know HOW to DOStudents will:-Be introduced to Din4 money system-Practice rote memory counting Din4 money-Pronounce the coins and bills accurately and with fluency-Spell the numbers in expanded notation, numeral, and written form in Din4 -Create a poster or booklet using money-Use play money to learn to count coins -Create number cards using numerals and written form- Estimate the cost of trip to a grocery store, out of town trip, a sport events, and watching a movie-Apply numbers to basic math (Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division)Prerequisites: Use Hess’s Cognitive Rigor Matrix to “map” pre-requisite conceptual & procedure knowledgeConceptual Knowledge: What concepts does the student need prior to engaging in this standard?Students should know:-How to count in Din4 and English 0 to 1,000,000-Read and write the numbers in expanded notation-Add, subtract, multiply, and divide up to 3 digits-Number patterns-Place values-the decimal, percentage, and rounding off system-making predictions and estimationProcedural Knowledge: What procedures does the student need prior to engaging in this standard?Students will:-Interview an elder about where money came from or where he/she gets it from-Interview the elders about trade and barter system-Research the history of money -Research the history of trade and barter system to receive goods and services -Demonstrate counting money 1 to 99,000AssessmentsProvide one assessment item for each content standard (one standard per box). For each assessment include: 1) standard + descriptive title + (Rigor) 2) an actual assessment item or quality description of the assessment 3) connection to Rdg, Wrtg, or Math Practice (if appropriate)(Reading) -Students will read a story with fluency, take Cornell notes, and summarize for comprehension-Group activities in organizing a family trip to an event with a set budget of money-Group activity to make estimates on the cost of a trip to various places and events (Math) -Students will accurately count coins and bills in Din4-Students will learn to add, subtract, multiply, and divide money-Students will demonstrate counting $100,000 to $1,000,000 (Writing) -Students will practice Cornell note-taking and summarizing-Students will interview and research the barter and trade system-Students will research how money terms were borrowed from the Spanish Language(Oral Language Development) Present information in the Din4 language on counting money-Oral presentation on their interview and research-Use the high frequency words heard to build on their Din4 language speaking ability - Students will use the academic vocabulary to increase their receptive and expressive speaking abilityThis section completed per whole unit. (Its purpose is to focus on integrating the standards through resources & instructional strategies that focus on unit big ideas.)UNIT Resources & InstructionSupplemental Text Connections: List other school-purchased curriculum resources.Other materials available: List other useful resources, teacher-created, online, etc.Din4 Bizaad B7n1hoo’aah textbook and workbookDin4 Bizaad: Speak, Read, Write NavajoDin4 DictionaryHotel couponsPlay moneyInternet web searchInterview with eldersNewspaper, magazines Articles from Navajo TimesFlashcardsLeading The WayTeacher Instructional Strategies: Research-based strategies that “fit.”-TAP strategies-Total Physical Response-Accountable Talk-Vocabulary: Building Academic Vocabulary, Robert Marzano, pg.14-30 (six steps process of introducing terms.Integration of Reading & Writing Anchor Standards and/or Mathematics PracticesIntegration of Technology: Specific examples that apply the technology standards in the content.Integration of ELP Strategies: (Language, Grammar, etc)Completed by SEI/ELP teachers (later)Exemplary Learning Activities (Optional): List one exemplary strategy per box.Exemplary Scaffolding Strategy (Optional): List one exemplary strategy per box. ................

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