Number Program Addition & Subtraction - Early Stage 1 - Term

Number Program Addition & Subtraction - Early Stage 1 - Term 2 -

|Week |

|Outcomes |Whole Numbers NES1.1 |Addition & Subtraction |Multiplication & |Fractions & Decimals |Chance |

| | |NES1.2 |Division NES1.3 |NES1.4 |NES1.5 |

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| | |addition | | | |

| |Counts to 30, and |Combines, separates & compares |Groups, shares and counts |Describes halves, |No Outcome |

| |orders, reads and |collections of objects, |collections of objects, |encountered in everyday | |

| |represents numbers in |describes in everyday language |describes in everyday |contexts, as two equal | |

| |the range 0 to 20 |and records informally |language & records |parts of an object | |

| | | |informally | | |

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|Working Mathematically |Questioning |Applying Strategies |Communicating |Reasoning |Reflecting |

|Processes | | | | | |

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|Additional |NES1.4 Describes halves, encountered in everyday contexts, as two equal parts of an object |

|Outcomes | |

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|Orientation. Focus: Counting patterns - oral counting to 20; forwards and backwards to and from 20; identifying numerals for 20 using flashcards; |

|sequencing numbers to 20; identifying the number before/after a given number |

|Whole-class Modelling. Focus: Combines, separates and compares collections of objects; describes and records informally |

|All tasks below will be modeled before children attempt them |

|Learning Experiences: |Indicators: (Related syllabus content on p 46) |

| |combines two or more groups of objects to model addition |

|Children will work with a partner or in a small group |separates and takes part of a group of objects away to model subtraction |

|BOS Units p.30 Peg Cards |compares two groups of objects and describes ‘how many more’ |

|Dio Units – Bike Activity 1 Combinations to 20 |joins two groups of objects and states the number altogether |

|BOS Units p.10 Race to 10 |uses concrete materials to model different combinations to 10 eg using a |

|DENS p.30 Handful of Teddies |ten-frame and counters |

|Dio Units – Bike Activity 2 Subtraction from 20 |describes the action of combining using everyday language such as ‘makes’, |

|Dio Units – Bike Activity 3 Combinations to 20 |‘join’ and ‘together’ |

|Dio Units – Bike Activity 4 Combinations to 20 |takes part of a group of objects away and states the number of objects |

|Dio Units – Bike Activity 5 Identifying halves |remaining |

|Dio Units – Bike Activity 6 Identifying halves |describes the action of subtraction using everyday language such as ‘take away’|

|Dio Units – Bike Activity 7 Identifying halves |uses concrete materials, including fingers, to solve simple addition and |

|DENS p.26 Ten Pegs |subtraction problems |

|BOS Units p.15 Teddy Bear Race |records addition and subtraction informally using drawings, numerals and words |

| |Foundation Statements |

| |Students manipulate objects to model addition and subtraction |

| |Students ask questions and explore mathematical problems |

| |Students use everyday language, materials and informal recordings to |

| |demonstrate understanding and link mathematical ideas |

|Planned Assessment: |Differentiation/Adjustments |

|Assessment task included in Diocesan Unit of Work | |

|Language: add, plus, altogether, makes, equals, is equal to, same as, more, less, |Evaluation |

|fewer, and, join, take away, move them away, take out, leaves, enough, not enough, | |

|too many, get how many more, together, took, left, not as many, how many?, cover | |

|them up | |


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