

Name: Adina Ogden Section: 1

Subject: Math Grade Level: Kindergarten

Title of Lesson: Addition

Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI) Elementary Education Standards

Please check the appropriate strand.


_____ Number and Operations and Algebra _____ Physical _____ Integrated study of history

_____ Measurement and Geometry _____ Life _____ Geography

_____ Data Analysis and Probability _____ Earth/Space _____ Social Sciences


Establishing the Lesson Framework

Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills:

K(4) Number, operation, and quantitative reasoning. The student models addition (joining) and subtraction (separating). The student is expected to model and create addition and subtraction problems in real situations with concrete objects.

Objective(s): The kindergarten students will model and create addition problems using concrete objects.

Rationale for teaching this lesson: The students need to be able to add numbers and concrete objects in order to advance in life. As the students get older they will use addition in most all real situations.

Content Area Literacy Strategy/Rationale for choosing a specific strategy:

Use brainstorming to introduce the new vocabulary of addition and for the students who will have a hard time with learning addition. This strategy will allow for students to get an idea of what each vocabulary word means as well as an example of each. I will also use real world scenarios to demonstrate addition to the students. This will allow the kids to understand that math is not only used in the classroom, but outside the classroom also. I have also included manipulative aides into my lesson for the students. We will be using fruit loops to practice addition. This makes the kids interested in what we are doing and they will be able to eat the fruit loops after the lesson.

English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS):

1) Learning Strategies

(c) use strategy learning techniques (concept maps, draw, memorize, compare, contrast, review)

Evaluation Strategies

Pre- Assessment: Have students close their eyes and think about what the definition of addition is. Then ask a few students to define what addition is and ask the other students to give thumb up if they agree or thumb down if they don’t agree. Then have the students act out word problems given by the teacher. Example: 2 students (2 students come to the front of the class) got hurt on the playground so I needed 2 more students (2 more students come to the front of the class) to take them to the nurse. How many students in all went to the nurse (4)? Have one student raise their hand and answer and the rest of the students use thumbs up or thumbs down.

Formative Assessment(s):

• Students will use fruit loops to demonstrate addition. The teacher will say a math equation (2 +2). The students will put 2 fruit loops in the first square and 2 fruit loops in the second square and then will put the total number fruit loops in the equals square to show how many in all (4).

+ =

Summative/Post Assessment: The students will demonstrate what they have learned by creating a math lady bug. The students will put dots on the right wing of the lady bug and dots on the left wing of the lady bug then write an equation to match the dots given the total of dots on both wings of the lady bug.


Designing Supportive Learning Environments


|Materials |Book-The Mission of Addition by Brian P. Cleary |Glue |

| |10 pieces of card stock cut in half (1 half for each student) |Pencils |

| |Goggle eyes (2 for each student) |Crayons |

| |40 wings cut out on red construction paper (2 per student) |scissors |

| |20 bodies, and 20 heads cut out on black construction paper | |

| |Index cards | |

| |Stickers | |

| |Fruit loops | |

| |Scissors | |

| |Square sheets (1 sheet per student) | |

| |Smart board | |

| |Internet | |

|Resources | |

| |13:35:00-08:00&max-results=7&start=7&by-date=false | |

| | | |

|Technology |Internet to show a youtube video that will help explain addition to | |

|(justify why needed or not |the students. The video consist of a song which is great for young | |

|needed) |students learning. | |

| |Smart board to write vocabulary words on and to show example of lady| |

| |bug. | |


|Classroom Arrangement |The students will be on the carpet during the reading of the book, defining addition, brainstorming vocabulary words, |

| |watching the video, and during the pre-assessment. |

| |The students will be at their desk during the formative assessment using the fruit loops. |

| |The students will work at their desk with their offices up during post assessment (ladybug activity). |

|Materials Management |The square sheets and the fruit loops will be passed out while the students are watching the video. |

| |One student will pass out white piece of card stock, one student will pass out the bodies, one student will pass out |

| |heads, and the teacher will administer passing out the dots for each wing. |

|Student Grouping |The students will be working as a class on this activity so the teacher can observe understanding and then the students |

| |will be working individually during post assessment. |

|Technology Needs |Smart board |

| |Internet |

|Safety Concerns |Having the students help pass out materials. |

| |Using the fruit loops as a manipulative. |

Student Needs/Adaptations


|Student A |ADHD |Have this student help pass out materials so he/she is moving around the |

| | |class while things are getting setup for the activity. |

| | |Have this student sit close to you while on the carpet so you can keep |

| | |him/her on task. |

| | |Make sure the classroom is quite during the assessment so the student |

| | |does not get distracted by anything. |

|Student B |Physical Challenging (seizures) |Make sure the student is kept in eye range the whole time or that she has|

| | |an assistant with her at all times. |

Content Knowledge

• What content do you (the teacher) need to know in order to teach this lesson?

Vocabulary words that kindergarteners need to know to relate with introducing addition. Know grade level situations to make word problems that the students will understand when demonstrating how addition works.

What other connections do you need to know?

Need to make sure it is okay to use fruit loops as a manipulative in the classroom. Know how to transfer material from the computer on to the smart board so the students can see the example, the video and write the vocabulary words.

How will you make the content clear and meaningful to the students?

I plan on reading a book to define addition. I plan on having the students act out different word problems to show how addition is performed and how it can be used in real life situation. I plan on using a manipulative to demonstrate that addition is always increasing. I also plan on showing a video that recites a song that will help the students catch on to the definition of addition.

• What are some student content responses to be anticipated?

Getting confused on all the different ways you can say add.

What possible errors or misconceptions could the students make?

The students can get confused that addition is all about increasing and how the total will always be larger than the numbers in the equation.

How can you correct these errors and misconceptions?

Refer back to the background information and have them see the example of the word problems and using the fruit loops.

• What are some student behaviors to be anticipated?

-Students needing help counting the manipulative.

-Students wanting to eat the fruit loops.

-Students wanting to help pass out assignments.

-Students getting overly excited about the song on the video.

How can you be prepared?

-Make sure the students are understand that addition is all about increasing before giving the post assessment.

-Tell the students beforehand that if they do not follow the rules of not eating the fruit loops during the activity that they will have to use counters instead.

-Know who you are going to use as teacher helpers before you begin lesson.

-Let the students know before the video begins that it is okay to sing, but they are not allowed to dance because they could accidently hurt their neighbor.

Instructional Strategies

The instructional model(s) utilized in this lesson is (are):

_____ Inquiry _____ Direct Instruction _____ Cooperative Learning

_____Discovery Learning _____ Simulations _____ Other /specify_________________


|The teacher will… |Begin by asking the students if they know what addition is and if they can give an example of adding. After hearing a few|

| |suggestions then begin to read the book The Mission of Addition. Once you have finished the book ask the students to then|

| |close their eyes and think about what they heard in the book and ask them to again define addition. Choose a student and |

| |then ask the other students to respond if they agree or disagree by showing thumbs up or thumbs down. |

| |After discussion with the students then begin brainstorming on writing all the words that mean the same as add on the |

| |smart board. Allow for the students to give the words if they know some. Also make sure to define that addition is always|

| |increasing. |

| |Make up short word problems on grade level for the students to act out to demonstrate how adding works. |

| |Will play a video to help explain addition. |

|The student will… |Sit on the carpet and listen to the book The Mission of Addition. |

| |The students will answer questions by raising their hands. |

| |The students will use thumbs up and thumbs down to agree with new vocabulary words and with the definition of addition. |

| |The students will help out in acting out word problems. Start with volunteers. |

| |Students will watch the video and will be able to sing along with the video. If the students would like they may answer |

| |the questions on the video. |

|Type of formative Assessment |Thumbs up and thumbs down |

| |discussion |

|Approximate time |20 minutes |


|Be sure to include Content Area Literacy Strategies and ESL Strategies |

|The teacher will… |Tell the students it is time to practice a little addition on their own. Explain that the students will use fruit loops |

| |to complete the equations and find out the total of fruit loops. |

| |Write the equation and say the equation that you want the students to complete. (Example 2+2=) |

| |Do enough equation that you can observe that the students understand the concept of adding. |

| |Make sure to use numbers 1-10 so the students are getting practice with all numbers. |

| |For post assessment explain that to the students that they will create a ladybug and an equation that matches how many |

| |dots are on the ladybugs wings. |

| |Pass out the dots for the wings. Giving each student a different amount of dots, but giving the student the opportunity |

| |to create how they arrange the dots on the wings. |

|The student will… |Students will use their square sheets and the fruit loops to complete the equations that the teacher has written on the |

| |white board and has called out. |

| |The students will raise their hand when they have an answer and the rest of the class will either agree or disagree by |

| |showing thumbs up or thumbs down. |

| |Students will put up their offices for the post assessment so the teacher will be able to observe if they understand |

| |addition. |

| |The student will create a ladybug and an equation on their own using the dots provided to them by the teacher. |

| |The students will be able to place as many dots as they want on each wing as long as the equation matches the dots. |

|Type of formative assessment |Modeling |

| |Observe |

| |Thumbs up/thumbs down |

|Approximate time |20 minutes |


|The teacher will… |Bring students back the carpet to summarize what addition is. Will ask the students to name one thing they learned today |

| |that they did not know before and give an example of an addition equation. |

| |Tell the teacher one new thing he/she has learned today and an example of an addition equation. |

|The student will… | |

|Type of formative assessment |discussion |

|Approximate time |3 minutes |


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