

Week of February 10, 2014

Dear Student and Parents,

Please complete the following homework and return to school on Friday. Homework for the week will be sent every Monday and is due on Friday. Additional assignments may be added during the week in some instances.


❖ Read for 30 minutes.

❖ Practice multiplication 1-12 for quiz on Friday.

❖ Study for spelling test on Friday

❖ Daily math problems


• Read the article Do Polar Bears Eat Penguins? Three times and record in table below. After answer comprehension questions.

Tuesday: .

• Do Polar Bears Eat Penguins? Vocabulary worksheet. (study vocabulary for quiz on Friday)

• Additional math worksheet will be given in class on Tuesday.


• Focus on Complex text

• Addition math worksheet will be given in class on Wednesday


• Open ended writing response.

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Do Polar Bears Eat Penguins?

Picture a penguin. What comes to mind? Do you imagine a cute little black and white bird, waddling fearlessly across the ice?

Now think quickly: What might want to eat that cute little bird? What predators might want to have it for a meal?

If polar bears are on your list, you might need to think again.

At first, it makes sense to think that polar bears might feast on penguins. Polar bears live in cold places, surrounded by snow. Penguins also live in cold places. It just seems logical to think that the ferocious polar bears would eat the cute little penguins.

Except that it doesn’t happen. Never, never, never.

Why not? The reason is one word—location.

Penguins only live south of the equator, on rocky and snowy islands at the bottom of the world. Some live in the ice and snow of Antarctica. Others make their homes on the sea and on the land around South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand. There are seventeen different kinds of penguins. Not one species of penguin lives north of the equator.

You might be thinking, so what? Polar bears only live in the northern part of the world. Polar bears are found around the Arctic Circle, finding their food and raising young in the northern reaches of places like Canada, the United States, Russia, and Greenland. At least 8,000 miles separate polar bears from penguins. And while polar bears are ferocious predators, even they will not go that distance to catch a meal.

Which means that the cute penguins are safe—from polar bears, at least. They still need to watch out for the cunning water predators like leopard seals, orcas, and sharks. As penguins waddle across the land, however, they don’t have much to fear.

Do Polar Bears Eat Penguins?

Comprehension Questions

1. What is the main reason why polar bears do not eat penguins?

A. Polar bears are ferocious.

B. Polar bears don’t like the way penguins taste.

C. Polar bears live too far away from penguins.

D. Polar bears are not predators.

2. Where do all penguins live?

A. South of the equator

B. North of the equator

C. At the South Pole

D. At the North Pole

3. Which sentence best explains the main idea of the article?

A. There are 33 kinds of penguins in the world.

B. Although people think polar bears might eat penguins, they don’t live anywhere near each other.

C. Most people think that polar bears eat penguins, and they are right.

D. Polar bears live in the northern parts of the world.

4. According to the text, which is NOT a place where polar bears can be found?

A. Greenland

B. The United States

C. Russia

D. New Zealand

5. Which might explain why the author wrote this text?

A. To inform readers about penguins

B. To inform readers about the relationship between penguins and polar bears

C. To describe life in cold, snowy places

D. To entertain readers with a story about penguins

Do Polar Bears Eat Penguins?


predator: An animal that catches and eats other animals

ferocious: fierce

equator: an imaginary line running around the middle of the Earth

species: a specific kind of plant or animal

cunning: skillful, clever, sly

Writing Sentences: Write complete sentences to answer each question. Use the underlined word in your answer.

1. What kinds of predators live in your area?

2. What might a cunning preschooler do to get cookies?

3. What species of plants or animals would you like to see?

4. Would you like to care for a ferocious beast?

Draw a picture of a cunning predator. Label the picture with at least three details to show how the predator is cunning!

Put the correct word in each sentence.

1. The thief planned the bank robbery to the last detail.

2. No one would like to be in a cage with a


3. No penguins naturally live north of the


4. There are 33 of seals in the world, including leopard seals, crabeater seals, and Weddell seals.

5. Leopard seals are of penguins.

In this text, the author supports the claim that polar bears do not eat penguins by explaining some facts about geography. As readers, we can draw a diagram to help us visualize an author’s claims more clearly.

The circle below represents Earth. Based on details from the text, show:

-where penguins live

-where polar bears live

-the location of the equator

-why polar bears don’t eat penguins


In the passage “Do Polar Bears Eat Penguins?”, the author claims that polars bears don’t eat penguins. Analyze the evidence that the author cites to support this claim.


In the passage “Do Polar Bears Eat Penguins?”, the author claims that polars bears don’t eat penguins. Analyze the evidence that the author cites to support this claim.

The author supports the claim that by explaining where the creatures live. The author states that penguins live . In fact, no penguin can be found naturally .

Polar bears, on the other hand, live . There is a distance of at least between where polar bears live and where penguins live. As a result, .

The author cites these details to show that . This evidence convinces the reader that .

Name: Weekly Homework Sheet (1) Date:

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |

|What is the VALUE of the underlined |Write 2,000,947 in each form. |Round 543,829 to the nearest… |Compare the numbers using >, , ................

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