South West District United Methodist WomenUnit Vice President 2020____________________________________________________________________Roles and ResponsibilitiesStand in for the President at meetings in the President’s absence.Assist the President as needed. Work closely with the President in understanding and interpreting ALL aspects of the work of United Methodist Women.Help to implement the Purpose and programs of United Methodist Women.Guide the Mission Team (leadership team) in planning and achieving the Unit’s goals for programming, study, and action.Create the annual program calendar for you Unit’s yearbook if one exists.Serve on the Executive Committee and the Finance Committees where one exists.Ensure programs for Unit meetings for the coming year; inspire exciting programs!Coordinate programs to ensure programs go smoothly, speakers are introduced, arrangements are made for special AV needs or handouts, and thank you notes are written. Engage other team members to assist if needed.Attend training opportunities and District events if at all possible.Address communications from the District Vice President in a timely manner.Read Response magazine.Always be alert to identifying potential future leaders.Program/Event Planning TipsPlan with the Purpose and vision in mind. Emphasize at least one of the UMW channels for mission, spiritual growth, mission giving, mission studies, social justice issues, membership, goals, ….Plan around a specific calendar. Your planner should also consider non-Unit events, such as District and Conference events, holidays, and major community events. Make sure UMW events get on your calendar. Make sure your Unit events are on the church calendar.Plan around a budget. When seeking a speaker, always ask if a honorarium is expected. Often, a gift to mission is a sufficient form of payment, particularly if the speaker is a UMW member.Plan with the end in mind. If hosting an event, always have an evaluation. It is important to receive feedback to plan for and improve future events. The evaluation does not always need to be written. You may ask Unit members to ask questions of participants during or at the end of the event and report back.Offer childcare at every event as needed. Observe the “Safe Sanctuary” policy. Children who grow up in UMW are more likely to become members, supporters, and leaders. Parents with small children are more likely to attend events if they know their children are welcomed and cared for.Provide for a registration table at each event, large enough for nametags, pens, registration forms, and whatever is needed to quickly process people when they arrive.Effective Planning:Goal Setting: Consider the goals of the unit as a whole when planning programs for the year. Remember the Purpose and ask questions like, “How will this improve our support for, action for, and participation in mission?”Calendaring: Meet with the Unit’s Mission Team (leadership team) to look at the “givens” in the annual calendar, such as Call to Prayer and Self-Denial, World Thank Offering, pledge services, District and Conference dates, and ecumenical and community events. Programs for the Year: Good programs build membership! Develop a list of possible programs for the year Tie programs to a local, national, or international mission. Assign a program topic and persons who will be facilitators for developing the program for each meeting or event. Consider which resources will enhance the program. Look at the resources a available through and the United Methodist Women Mission Resources .United Methodist Women Program Book: Look to the program book for specific program ideas. Consider tying specific programs to a Theme (pledging in January, for example; World Thank Offering; Prayer and Self Denial).Sojourner: Consider submitting an article/pictures for publication in the Sojourner.United Methodist Women Handbook: Access the Programming Planning Guidelines on p. 63 in the United Methodist Women Handbook.Program Calendar: Develop the Unit calendar to include your Unit’s programs, District events, affiliated organization events (Church Women United); training opportunities (Mission U); Conference events….Hosting a District Event: If you are hosting a District event, the District Vice President be meeting with you ahead of time to work out the details of planning for the event and to help in any way.Resources:United Methodist Women Handbook 2017-2020South West District Polices/Standing Rules 2019-Pamela Freeland, South West District Vice PresidentPamelafreeland.umw@701-361-7973 ................

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