
School Profile?????? ???????CycleGender????? (????? ???? – ????)?????? ????????KGMixedEnrollmentGrade Levels??????? ?????? ??????????? ??????300KG 1 and KG 2Subjects Offered?????? ????????English and Arabic Literacy and Numeracy, Islam, PE, Music, ArtExtra Curricula Activities Offered??????? ????????NoneSpecial Programs??????? ??????Integrated Bilingual Play-based Program, Gross Motor ProgramNumber of TeachersNumber of Support Staff??? ???????? ?? ??? ??????????? ????????37 Teachers projected1 Secretary1 Accountant1 Teacher Assistant1 NursePlanning Process???? ??????? ????????June 23rd, the Administration Team met with the Cluster Manager. Monday, June 27th, the LT’s and Specialist teachers contributed their thoughts regarding school improvement at computer centers. Tuesday the 28th the AR teachers met with Khadija, VP and Lisa, Head of Faculty, to address the same topic in Arabic. At the same time, the LT’s reviewed their collated thoughts with Deborah, the Principal. Later that day, the entire school united to address the strategies, targets, and concerns surfaced thus far. Lisa, Head of Faculty, then produced a draft SIP reflective of all contributions. This document was revised at a meeting with the Arabic teachers, lead by Khadija and Deborah. LT’s provided their final comments by paper. Lisa then produced this copy for submission on July 3rd, 2011. Deborah revised it adding some teacher suggestions. Deborah & Khadija met on July 5, 2011 to insert the budget figures. Deborah produced the second draft taking into account all feedback. The Admin. Team revised it. It was approved and signed by a parent representative on July 6, 2011.Review Process???? ????????The SIP is to be reviewed at 4 Staff Meetings throughout the year. SIP Progress reports are to be produced by Administration following those meetings. Presentation to Parent Body????? ??? ???? ??????This document is to be presented to the Parent Body at the first parent meeting, scheduled for the last Thursday of September. Notes thereof are to be posted on the school website. Approvals????????? ?????????Parent RepresentativeNameSignatureDatePrincipalNameSignatureDateCluster ManagerNameSignatureDateLead Cluster ManagerPat HeenanNameSignatureDate??????? ???????????? ????? ???????School Improvement Plan2011 - 2012??? ???????Al Ghadeer KG SchoolSchool Vision Statement???? ???????Insert school vision statement (Arabic)-(This will be reviewed in Fall 2011 with the teachers)Educators , along with parents and the community will prepare Al Ghadeer children for success in the 21st century while maintaining an appreciation of their cultural heritage. The educational process will be designed to be inclusive of differences while focusing on the belief that all children are capable learners. All children will be educated in a safe, secure, and stimulating environment that promotes leadership through responsibility, respect for others, self-esteem, communication, and the joy of life-long learning.Modifications recommended: Change: Educators, parents, and the community will each have an important role in this process. To: Educators, parents and the community will work together ... And say how: break people into Task Teams with documented goals and plans of action, which are regularly monitored. Statement of Purpose????? ???? ???????Insert school statement of purpose (Arabic)- (To be reviewed in Fall 2011 with teachers)Present: The Mission of Al Ghadeer School is to prepare children for Cycle 1 in a nurturing environment, with trained staff who will ensure that each child achieves his or her maximum potential.School Context?????? ???????? (???? ??? ???????)Insert school context (Arabic)Describes the environment in which the school operates, or is likely to operate in the foreseeable future. This context should be in line with the direction presented within the ADEC Strategic Plan.Insert school context.(English)Describes the environment in which the school operates, or is likely to operate in the foreseeable future. This context should be in line with the direction presented within the ADEC Strategic Plan.STUDENT OUTCOMESImprovement in Student Academic Results ATL Results ?????? ???????OutcomeKey Strategies for Plan PeriodBudgetOfficerPerformance IndicatorsSchool TargetEvidence SourceATLAll 2011-2012 Approaches to Learning are included in Year Outline. 700Lisa HoF & AR HoF with support of Principal, & VPN/AApproaches to Learning are addressed in weekly planning. Year Outline. Reflective Plans (indicated what was planned with reflections), continuous assessments Student Learning Outcomes Improvement in Arabic#1 The level of Arabic language has improved. All students will demonstrate measureable progress.Student Learning Outcomes Improvement in English#2 The level of English language has improved.Student Learning Outcomes Improvement in Mathematics#3 The level of Mathematics has improved.Student Learning Outcomes Improvement in Science N/A N/A#4 The level of science has improved.N/A in KGN/A in KGStudent Services?????? ???????OutcomeKey Strategies for Plan PeriodBudgetOfficerPerformance IndicatorsSchool TargetEvidence SourceStudent Learning Outcomes. Special Needs Education, Gifted EducationDifferentiation for learning activitiesLST have weekly meetings scheduled by the end of October. LST is charged with establishing and implementing a RTI and IEP protocol.Identification of the Administration person responsible for IEP’s by the first week of October.Assigned Teacher Assistants will follow the direction of the classroom teachers and the IEP.At least one school bulletin board seen by children be dedicated to encouraging, recognizing, and supporting positive behavior. These will be changed at least 4 times during the year. The LST will manage these boards. The school-wide store continues with clear guidelines for behavioral expectations/levels needed to earn AED. Use of a screening assessment to assess special needs. The LST to discuss the issues around and develop a protocol regarding gifts and public recognition. There is a Safety Plan, including fire procedures and evacuation, on record. Staff was trained in First Aid (June 2011). Emergency information will be taught to children (such as their full name, phone number, and #999)A “No Junk-Food Policy” will be communicated to teachers and parents through the Parent Handbook and in school newsletters. A Dental presentation on tooth brushing and check-up will be given to students.The school Lice Policy will be shared with parents. 4,000Special Education Teacher, School Psychologist & LST# 5 There is a Special Educational Needs (SEN) action plan that includes use of a Learning Support Team (LST) to identify and support students with special or specific needs as per ADEC policy.# 6 Individual Education Plans (IEP) are created to help guide learning and teaching processes for students that have special or specific needs.# 7 A system is in place to support positive student behavior as consistent with ADEC policies.# 8 A system is in place to ensure the health and safety of students.Students referred to LST to by Dec 10th, 2011. Weekly LST meetings are scheduled for the entire year. The LST monitors interventions. IEPs be developed for all students referred by school psychologist as needing one.80% of teachers complete a First Aid course. Emergency evacuation is practiced twice per term (6 total).Once shared and accessible LST data base which includes records of LST action, referrals, calendar of weekly meetings, meeting minutes, results of intervention, IEP referrals, schedule and documents, etc. Safety Committee meeting notes. School DefinedCURRICULUM IMPLEMENTATIONTeachers Implement Curriculum & Pedagogy?????? ???????OutcomeKey Strategies for Plan PeriodBudgetOfficerPerformance IndicatorsSchool TargetEvidence SourceTeachers Implement NSM/Curriculum And PedagogyTeachers will collaboratively draft a Bilingual Year Outline to plan and guide the implementation of NSM key elements and approaches. Teachers will collaboratively create and standardize assessments to be implemented once/month. A PD session will be dedicated the implementation of continuous formative assessment while teaching. 10,000Lisa HoF, AR HoF with support of Principal & VP# 9 There is an annual school operational plan/curricula which guides collaboratively constructed implementation process.# 10 The key pedagogical approaches of the NSM/EPA programmes are evident in the school learning environments.#11 Staff use formative assessments to support learning and teaching.There is a school year outline which is collaboratively written, addresses all the key elements of the NSM, and which guides NSM implementation. Standardized formative assessments are conducted monthly. The Year Outline document. The standardized formative assessments. Notes of changes to planning as a result of the assessment results are indicated in Year Outline School DefinedIntegration of Teaching & Learning?????? ???????OutcomeKey Strategies for Plan PeriodBudgetOfficerPerformance IndicatorsSchool TargetEvidence SourceIntegration of Teaching and LearningsTeachers contribute to the Year Outline and make revisions throughout the year as needed. Teachers lead committees.ICT is integrated into to the Year Outline and listed as a criteria for observation during Formal Observations.Teachers document use of technology in their classes on reflective plan. -0-Principal & VP with support of the HoFs# 12 Arabic and English teachers cooperate in implementing the curriculum and participating in school operations.# 13 ICT is integrated into school learning and teaching operationsWeekly AR and EN medium teacher co-planning PD sessions are programmed. Committees meet their targets. ICT is integrated into the year plan. It is observed in formal teacher observations. PD Calendar on Year Outline, Lesson PlansReflective Plans (including what was planned and reflection following implementation)Committees have shared and accessible folders whereby all their records are kept bilingual and up-to-date.ICT /Promethean Board components of Year Outline. Teacher Observation reports. Availability of NSM / Curriculum?????? ???????OutcomeKey Strategies for Plan PeriodBudgetOfficerPerformance IndicatorsSchool TargetEvidence SourceAvailability of NSM/Curriculum DocumentsTeachers be provided a copy of pertinent NSM documents for easy reference in their Class Binders. Central NSM Binders be available for teachers to use in the Head of Faculty office. The NSM Teacher Guidebook be posted on a shared site (such as Al Ghadeer Ed Web community) for reference outside of the Head of Faculty office.Key elements of the NSM be posted on static bulletin boards dedicated for this purpose. -0-Principal, VP, and HoFs# 14 All current learning frameworks, outcomes, standards and requirements are readily available for teaching staff.All staff have ready access at school or home to the NSM. Class BindersNSM Binders in Head of Faculty officePictures of bulletin boards (as evidence that they were posted)Link to electronically available NSM material. School DefinedUse of Instructional Materials?????? ???????OutcomeKey Strategies for Plan PeriodBudgetOfficerPerformance IndicatorsSchool TargetEvidence SourceUse of Instructional MaterialsA materials and resources committee is charged with assisting with mobilization, distribution, organization, and distribution of resources.Teachers be allocated 4000AED/KG1- 4000AED/KG2 to be spent for prioritized needs of materials to develop a rich learning environment. 25,000 5,500 for KG 1 6,000 for KG 2 Both HoFs# 15 Resources are available and used to develop rich learning environments.# 16 Teachers use age appropriate resources to support teaching and learning.ADEC supplied resources are distributed into classrooms. Receipts, delivery slips from companiesPhotographs, formal assessmentsAssessments and Data Entry?????? ???????OutcomeKey Strategies for Plan PeriodBudgetOfficerPerformance IndicatorsSchool TargetEvidence SourceAssessments and Data EntryTimeline and materials required for assessment will be included in Year Outline. A PD session for revision and accuracy of data entry will be included before eSIS deadline. 10,000 Both HoFs# 17 All required data in eSIS is entered accurately and on time.All required data in eSIS is entered accurately and on time. Deadline met on eSIS.School DefinedPIPS testing will be included on the Year Outline. Specialists teachers will be trained to implement it. Implementation will be supervised & testing time will be monitored. A PD on Assessment of PIPs data will be provided to teachers.PIPS testing provide accurate data on time. Confirmation from PIPS of data received. School Level Professional Development?????? ???????OutcomeKey Strategies for Plan PeriodBudgetOfficerPerformance IndicatorsSchool TargetEvidence SourceSchool level professional developmentAll teachers will be required to facilitate a PD session at least once/year. Administration will advise teachers via classroom walk-through notes on skills, strategies, and activities used effectively in class. A star would indicate a request to share the same at the next Staff Meeting. A PD Calendar will be established by the beginning of the school year, reflective of the SIP. A PD session on cultural sensitivity will be provided the week of September the 4th. A “Staff Strength” bulletin board in the Admin wing where staff may self-report strengths and where others my note strengths of their colleagues so that they may consult them for further learning those areas. “Established” & “High Performing” targets will also be posted & linked to PD sessions and PDPs. 13,000Administrative Team# 18 A professional development process is available which supports teaching and learning practices.# 19 The professional development process has a positive impact on school community-building and classroom practices.100% of teachers participating in leading a PD sessionQuarterly teacher survey results indicate that 75% of teachers think that PD process has a positive impact on their teaching and student learning.Play-based learningA committee will be dedicated to play-based learning. 6,000Administrative TeamPlay-based learning evident weeklyOnly play-based learning is observed in formal observations. KG 1 planning excludes specific reference to letters-based lessons. (*to be confirmed by ADEC)English LearningA committee will be tasked to the research & guidance of ESL best practices. 4,000Administrative TeamPrint displays and photographs of all initiativesReflective plans note at least 4 modifications to plans based on research findings.CAPACITY BUILDINGSchool Leadership Improvement?????? ???????OutcomeKey Strategies for Plan PeriodBudgetOfficerPerformance IndicatorsSchool TargetEvidence SourceSchool Leadership ImprovementLeadership opportunities will be distributed among teachers in various ways. Leaders will document their contributions. SIP will be reviewed at four staff meetings during the year in addition to the end of the year in preparation for 2012-2013.Weekly staff meetings will be held for sharing info. 3,000Administrative Team#20 Structures and processes are in place to enable distributive leadership among school staff.#21 A School Improvement Plan (SIP) is co-developed, communicated and implemented.#22 Principal and Vice Principals allocate financial resources effectively to advance strategic priorities in the SIP, and demonstrate effective financial control.100% of Teachers participatingDocumentation from leaders, minutes of meetings.The writing and reviews of the SIP will be in complete participate with all the teachers.The principal and VP allocated financial resources for the SIP on July 6, 2011.School DefinedImprovement in Level of English?????? ???????OutcomeKey Strategies for Plan PeriodBudgetOfficerPerformance IndicatorsSchool TargetEvidence SourceImprovement of Level of EnglishTime will be allocated for teachers to teach each other their respective languages. -0- Both HoFsA reported gain in language skills by teachers. Teachers will report a satisfactory gain in language skills on a survey.School DefinedParent Involvement?????? ???????OutcomeKey Strategies for Plan PeriodBudgetOfficerPerformance IndicatorsSchool TargetEvidence SourceHome School RelationsParent meetings will be held once per month with quarterly Fathers’ Meetings. The meetings be noted on the Year Outline and include a pedagogical component. A Parent Council will be formed.Parents be invited to participate in Parent/Teacher Conferences twice per year.A Parent-Relations Committee will be formed. 7,000Administrative Team#23 Schools regularly initiate engagement with parents and careers to nurture home-school relationships.#24 Parents display a high rate of satisfaction in their relationship with the school.90% of parents attend Parent/Teacher ConferencesWeekly contact with parents through diaries, SMS, newsletters, calls, and notes home.Attendance of parents at parent meetings.Term survey results indicated 80% parent satisfaction with their relationship with the community. Percentage of parents attending Parent/Teacher ConferencesDaily student diaries, newsletters, SMS, website, Teacher Logs of parent contacts.A Parent-Student Handbook will be developed.KG1 student interviews held June 2011.School DefinedOTHERSchool Priority?????? ???????OutcomeKey Strategies for Plan PeriodBudgetOfficerPerformance IndicatorsSchool TargetEvidence SourceSchool DefinedIslam and Culture and Heritage will be explored during a PD session will be held in September. EN teachers know the “big idea of the week” for Islam. Qu’ran competition preparation will be supported by administration. -0-Administrative TeamN/AStudents participate in Qu’ran competition.Islam “big idea” will be included in the Year Outline.Students will participate in the Qu’ran competition.School Priority?????? ???????OutcomeKey Strategies for Plan PeriodBudgetOfficerPerformance IndicatorsSchool TargetEvidence SourceSchool DefinedA “School Moral” will be chosen for each week.A goal will be to increase positive relations between teachers and administrators. This will aided by weekly staff meetings on Sundays. Also, a Sunshine Committee will be created to provide monthly social events, monthly birthday celebrations, etc. -0-Assigned to one lead teacher of the weekSunshine Committee ChairpersonN/AOne per weekThe weekly school moral will be displayed prominently and it will be reinforced during the daily Tabour. (Weekly Morals will be listed as well as photos of some of them.)Monthly events and birthdays will be noted in the Staff Meeting minutes. ................

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