Clinical Laboratory

ARUP Laboratories

500 Chipeta Way ? Salt Lake City, UT 84108 (800)522-2787 - Julio C. Delgado, M.D. M.S., Director of Laboratories

***Example Report***

Patient Age/Gender: 8 years Male Printed: 15-Mar-19 09:05:09

Procedure RVP Source Influenza A, PCR Influenza B, PCR Respiratory Syncytial Virus, PCR Parainfluenza virus 1, PCR Parainfluenza virus 2, PCR Parainfluenza virus 3, PCR Parainfluenza virus 4, PCR Human Metapneumovirus, PCR Human Rhinovirus, PCR Adenovirus, PCR

Clinical Laboratory




Detected *

Not Detected

Not Detected

Not Detected

Not Detected

Not Detected

Not Detected

Not Detected

Not Detected

Not Detected

Ref Interval


Accession Collected Received Verified

19-074-900087 15-Mar-19 15-Mar-19 15-Mar-19 09:03:00 09:03:00 09:04:17

19-074-900087 15-Mar-19 15-Mar-19 15-Mar-19 09:03:00 09:03:00 09:04:17

19-074-900087 15-Mar-19 15-Mar-19 15-Mar-19 09:03:00 09:03:00 09:04:17

19-074-900087 15-Mar-19 15-Mar-19 15-Mar-19 09:03:00 09:03:00 09:04:17

19-074-900087 15-Mar-19 15-Mar-19 15-Mar-19 09:03:00 09:03:00 09:04:17

19-074-900087 15-Mar-19 15-Mar-19 15-Mar-19 09:03:00 09:03:00 09:04:17

19-074-900087 15-Mar-19 15-Mar-19 15-Mar-19 09:03:00 09:03:00 09:04:17

19-074-900087 15-Mar-19 15-Mar-19 15-Mar-19 09:03:00 09:03:00 09:04:17

19-074-900087 15-Mar-19 15-Mar-19 15-Mar-19 09:03:00 09:03:00 09:04:17

19-074-900087 15-Mar-19 15-Mar-19 15-Mar-19 09:03:00 09:03:00 09:04:17

19-074-900087 15-Mar-19 15-Mar-19 15-Mar-19 09:03:00 09:03:00 09:04:17

15-Mar-19 09:03:00 Adenovirus, PCR: INTERPRETIVE INFORMATION: Respiratory Viral Panel by PCR

A negative result does not rule out the presence of PCR inhibitors in the patient specimen or assay specific nucleic acid in concentrations below the level of detection by the assay.

* Abnormal, # = Corrected, C = Critical, f = Footnote, H = High, L = Low, t = Interpretive Text, @ = Reference Lab Chart ID: 13329776

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