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032385000gENERAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING (get) English First Additional Language (FAL)Curriculum coverage toolSenior PhaseENGLISH FIRST ADDITIONAL: Curriculum coverage tool GRADE 7 TERM 1WEEKSTEXTSKILLDATE COMPLETEDWEEKSTEXTDATE COMPLETED1 – 2 Short storyIntroduction3 – 4 Poem WORD LEVEL: nouns – compound, complex, verbs – finite,Listeningpronouns – personal, possessive, articlesRetellingWORD MEANING: rhymes, borrowed words, idioms, Readingproverbs, alliteration, simile, metaphor, interjective, Reading comprehensionideophone, synonyms, antonymsWriting: narrative paragraphPUNCTUATION: full stop, comma storyVocabulary in contextWORD LEVEL: nouns – common, proper, countable, Remedial grammaruncountable, concrete, abstract5 – 6Drama, poemConversationSENTENCE LEVEL: statements, simple sentences, simple Dialoguepresent, past tenseReadingPUNCTUATION: full stop, comma, colon, semi-colon, capital,Poetrysmall lettersReading comprehensionSPELLING, dictionary use, spelling rules Writing: Dialogue/dramaVocabulary in contextWORD LEVEL: nouns – common, proper, complex, collectiveRemedial grammarpossessive, finite verbs, pronouns3 – 4 Poem ListeningSENTENCE LEVEL: statement, sentence – simple, simple Discussionpast/ present tense, subject, subject – verb agreementPrepared reading aloudWORD MEANING: synonym, antonym, proverb, idiomReadingPUNCTUATION: colon, open and closed inverted commas, Poetryexclamation mark, question markWriting: PoemVocabulary in contextRemedial grammarENGLISH FIRST ADDITIONAL: Curriculum coverage tool GRADE 7 TERM 1WEEKSTEXTSKILLDATE COMPLETEDWEEKSTEXTSKILLDATE COMPLETED7 – 8Short story/ folkloreListening comprehension9- 10Short story, PoemListeningGroup/panel discussionDiscussionReadingReadingPoetryPoetryReading comprehensionReading comprehensionWriting: Review/LetterWriting: Descriptive essayWORD LEVEL: singular, plural, adjectives, degrees ofWORD LEVEL: prefix, suffix, roots, auxiliary, finite verbscomparison, superlativesSENTENCE LEVEL: subject, predicate, subject-verb SENTENCE LEVEL: simple present, simple past tenseagreement, main, dependent clausesWORD MEANING: homophones, homonymy, polysemy, WORD MEANING: synonyms, antonymsriddles, proverbs, idiomsSpelling: dictionary use, spelling patterns, rulesVocabulary in contextVocabulary in contextRemedial grammarRemedial grammarAssessmentENGLISH FIRST ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE: Curriculum coverage tool GRADE 7 TERM 2WEEKSTEXTSKILLDATE COMPLETEDWEEKSTEXTSKILLDATE COMPLETED1 -2 Novel or drama, poemListening comprehension5 – 6Information text, poemGive/follow procedureStory tellingPrepared/unprepared speakingReadingReadingReading comprehensionPoetryWriting: Narrative essayWriting: instructional textWORD LEVEL: nouns – complex, dual use, predicate, WORD LEVEL: adverbs, adjectives – numerical, prepositions: object, finite verbs, adjectives: comparative, superlativetime, place, movementSENTENCE LEVEL: subject, predicate, subject – verb SENTENCE LEVEL: active, passive voiceagreement, WORD MEANING: idioms, proverbsmain and dependent clauses PUNCTUATION: hyphen, apostropheWORD MEANING: synonym, antonym, literal, figurative, Vocabulary in contextemotive languageRemedial grammarPUNCTUATION: full stop, comma, exclamation, question 7 – 8 Drama, novelRole playmarkInvestigationVocabulary in contextReadingRemedial grammarWriting: Drama review3 – 4Information text, novelListening comprehensionWORD LEVEL: verbs – transitive, intransitiveDebateSENTENCE LEVEL: passive, present progressive, direct, Reading/ viewing written/ visual textindirect speechReading: NovelWORD MEANING: synonyms, antonyms, literal, figurative Writing: advert/posterPUNCTUATION: colon, quotation, question marks, commaWORD LEVEL: proper nouns, gender, plural, singular,full stopadjectives – demonstrative, relativeVocabulary in contextSENTENCE LEVEL: direct, indirect speech, sentences – Remedial grammarsimple, compound9-10Summative assessmentWORD MEANING: synonym, antonym, literal, figurative meaningPUNCTUATION, SPELLING: colon, semi-colonVocabulary in contextRemedial grammarENGLISH FIRST ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE: Curriculum coverage tool GRADE 7 TERM 3WEEKSTEXTSKILLDATE COMPLETEDWEEKSTEXTSKILLDATE COMPLETED1 – 2Information text, poemListening comprehension5 – 6Notice, agenda and minutes Role playForum/panel discussion Listening comprehensionReadingReading: notice/agenda and minutesReading/viewing for comprehensionReading comprehensionWriting: Filling in questionnaire/formsWriting: notice/agenda and minutesWORD LEVEL: nouns – common, collective, adjectivesWORD LEVEL: pronouns – personal, demonstrative, adverbs – manner, timepossessiveSENTENCE LEVEL: clauses – noun, adjectival, adverbial, SENTENCE LEVEL: simple present, simple past tense, direct, sentences – compound, complexindirect speech, active, passive voiceWORD MEANING: synonyms, antonyms, homonymsWORD MEANING: verbal extensions (derivatives)PUNCTUATION: question mark, ellipsis, capitalisation, PUNCTUATION: apostrophe, capital letters, comma, full hyphenstop, colonABBREVIATIONS: initialism, acronym, clipped, truncationVocabulary in contextVocabulary in contextRemedial grammarRemedial grammar7 – 8 Newspaper / magazine articleListening3 – 4Drama, poemListeningPrepared/unprepared readingDramatisationReading/viewingReadingComprehension testPoetryWriting: newspaper articleWriting: dialogue/interviewWORD LEVEL: nouns – abstract, concrete, prepositionsWORD LEVEL: nouns – proper, singular, pluraladjectives – comparative, superlativeadjectives – comparative, superlativeSENTENCE LEVEL: sequential order, order of importance, SENTENCE LEVEL: complex with relative clauses, direct, description paragraph emotive, persuasive language, bias, indirect speechprejudice, stereotypes, rhetoric devicesWORD MEANING: roots of wordsWORD MEANING: synonym, antonym, literal, figurative PUNCTUATION: colon, quotation, question marks, PUNCTUATION: quotation, exclamation, question marks,comma, full stop, apostrophecomma, full stop, ellipsisVocabulary in contextVocabulary in contextRemedial grammarRemedial grammarENGLISH FIRST ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE: Curriculum coverage tool GRADE 7 TERM 3WEEKSTEXTSKILLDATE COMPLETEDWEEKSTEXTSKILLDATE COMPLETED9 – 10Information textListening comprehensionGiving direction/ instructionsReadingPoetryReading /viewing – comprehensionWriting: Narrative/descriptive essayWORD LEVEL: complex nouns, pronouns – personal, relative, reflexive, articles – definite, indefinite articlesadjectives – comparative, superlativeSENTENCE LEVEL: subject, predicate, subject – verb agreement statement, main and dependent clausesWORD MEANING: synonym, antonym, literal figurative PUNCTUATION: full stop, comma, colon, semi-colonVocabulary in contextRemedial grammarAssessmentENGLISH FIRST ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE: Curriculum coverage tool GRADE 7 TERM 4WEEKSTEXTSKILLDATE COMPLETEDWEEKS TEXT SKILLDATE COMPLETED1 – 2Novel/short story /dramaUnprepared speech3 - 4PUNCTUATION: quotation, exclamation, question marks, Reading aloudfont, commaReadingVocabulary in contextReading/viewing for comprehensionRemedial grammarWriting: transactional text: giving direction5 – 6Novel/short story /dramaListening comprehensionWORD LEVEL: complex noun, adjectives – superlative, Prepared speechcomparative, prepositions- simple, compound, complexReadingSENTENCE LEVEL: sentences – simple, compound, Poetrycomplex, clauses – adverbial, adjectivalWriting: Revision: essayWORD MEANING: synonym, antonym, adjective, adverbWORD LEVEL: verbs - auxiliary, finite, literal, contextual, figurativeadjectives -comparative superlativePUNCTUATION: semi-colon, inverted commas, full stop, SENTENCE LEVEL: bias, stereotype, prejudice, emotive, apostrophemanipulative statements, rhetoric questionsVocabulary in contextWORD MEANING: synonym, antonym, contextualRemedial grammarPUNCTUATION: full stop, comma, exclamation, question 3 – 4Information textListening comprehensionmarksDebate/ group discussionVocabulary in contextRemedial grammarRevision: SpeakingReading7 – 8ListeningPoemReadingWriting: e-mail/poster/diary entry/ flyerWriting: transactional textsWORD LEVEL: pronouns – interrogative, demonstrative,WORD LEVEL: pronouns – collective, reflexive, stems,nouns – collective, indefinite, finite verbs, prefix, suffix, SENTENCE LEVEL: Sentences: simple, compound, complexroots adjectives- comparative, superlativestatement, subject-verb agreement, question form, SENTENCE LEVEL: direct speech, questions, prompts, negationsubject-verb agreement, abbreviated statements, WORD MEANING: synonym, antonym, literal, figurativerhetoric questionsPUNCTUATIONWORD MEANING: antonyms, literal, figurative, Vocabulary in contextcontextualRemedial grammar9-10Summative assessmentENGLISH FIRST ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE: Curriculum coverage tool GRADE 8 TERM 1WEEKSTEXTSKILLDATE COMPLETEDWEEKSTEXTSKILLDATE COMPLETED1 – 2Short story SGroup discussion3 - 4SENTENCE LEVEL: verb – phrase, clause, topic, Listening comprehensionsupporting sentence, noun phrase, clauses: adjectival, Readingadverbial, adverbial conjunctions, emotive, manipulative Writing: narrative/reflective essaylanguageWORD LEVEL: adverbs – place, degree, pronouns – WORD MEANING: synonym, antonym, literal, figurativepersonal, relative, reflexive, possessivePUNCTUATION: full stop, comma, exclamation, question SENTENCE LEVEL: subject, predicate, subject-verb marks, abbreviations – initialism, acronym, clipped, agreement, sentence structure, phrases, truncation, aphesis, portmanteaumain and dependent clausesVocabulary in contextWORD MEANING: synonym, antonym, literal, figurativeRemedial grammarPUNCTUATION: full stop, comma, exclamation, question 5 – 6 Novel, Drama, short story Group discussionmarksListening comprehensionVocabulary in contextRole playRemedial grammarReading3 – 4 Information text ListeningPoetry ORPrepared speechReading viewing for comprehensionReadingWriting: Friendly letterReading/viewing for comprehension WORD LEVEL: adverb – manner, time, articles – definite, Writing: speechindefinite, infinite verbs, gerund WORD LEVEL: noun – compound, gerund, diminutives,adjectives – comparatives, superlativesaugmentatives, verbs – finite, non-finite, prepositions,SENTENCE LEVEL: sentence structure, adjectival and adjectives – comparatives, superlativesadverbial clauses and phrases, negation, statementWORD MEANING: synonym, antonym, literal, figurativePUNCTUATION: full stop, commaVocabulary in contextRemedial grammarENGLISH FIRST ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE: Curriculum coverage tool GRADE 8 TERM 1 WEEKSTEXTSKILLDATE COMPLETEDWEEKS TEXTSKILLDATE COMPLETED7 – 8Information textUnprepared speech9 – 10Investigative report, poemGroup discussionForum/group discussionListening comprehensionReadingReadingPoetryPoetryWriting: report/ magazine articleWriting: investigative reportWORD LEVEL: ideophones, interjectivesWORD LEVEL: verbs – regular, irregular, main, auxiliarySENTENCE LEVEL: simple sentence, simple past, present SENTENCE STRUCTURE: statement, sentence structure, tense, adjectives, adverbs, bias, prejudice, stereotypestenses – present, past, bias, prejudice, stereotypesWORD MEANING: proverbs, contextual, literal,WORD MEANING: synonyms, antonyms, contextual, denotative, connotativeliteral, denotative, connotativePUNCTUATION: full stop, comma, exclamation, question PUNCTUATIONmarks, apostrophe, ellipsisVocabulary in contextVocabulary in contextRemedial grammarRemedial grammarAssessmentENGLISH FIRST ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE: Curriculum coverage tool GRADE 8 TERM 2WEEKSTEXTSKILLDATE COMPLETEDWEEKSTEXTSKILLDATE COMPLETED1 -2 Information text, poemListening comprehension5 -6 Information text, poemListening comprehensionGiving directionInterviewReadingReadingPoemPoetryReading/viewingReading comprehensionWriting: Directions/ instructionsWriting: InterviewWORD LEVEL: adjectives – comparative, superlative, WORD LEVEL: adverbs – place, frequencynouns - common, proper, pronouns – personal, relative, SENTENCE LEVEL: correct word order, question forms, reflexive, possessive, conjunctionseuphemisms, sentence structure, mood, voiceSENTENCE LEVEL: topic, supporting sentences, verbWORD MEANING: figurative, literal, contextual, pun phrase and clause, noun phrasePUNCTUATION: full stop, comma, exclamation, question adverbial and adjectival clausemarks, abbreviations WORD MEANING: synonyms, antonyms, contextualListening comprehensionPUNCTUATION: spelling patterns, full stop, commaVocabulary in contextVocabulary in contextRemedial grammarRemedial grammar7 – 8 Story reviewListeningGroup discussion 3 -4 Information text, poemForum/panel discussionReadingDebatePoetryReadingReading/viewing for comprehensionPoetryWriting: reviewReading/viewing for comprehensionWORD LEVEL: prefix, suffixWriting: dialogueSENTENCE LEVEL: subject, predicate, subject-verb WORD LEVEL: finite verbsagreement, main and dependent clausesSENTENCE LEVEL: simple present/ past tense, emotive, WORD MEANING: synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, manipulative use, sentence structure, negation, paronymsquestion form, direct, indirect speechPUNCTUATION: acronymsWORD MEANING: synonyms, antonyms, homophones, Vocabulary in contexthomonyms, literalRemedial grammarPUNCTUATION: spelling rules and conventions9-10Summative assessmentVocabulary in context, Remedial grammarENGLISH FIRST ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE: Curriculum coverage tool GRADE 8 TERM 3WEEKS TEXTSKILLDATE COMPLETEDWEEKS TEXTSKILLDATE COMPLETED1 – 2Drama, poemListening comprehensionGroup discussion/dialogueReading5 – 6 Novel, drama, poemFormal/informal letterUnprepared speech PoetryPrepared speechReading/viewing for comprehensionNovel/short story/drama: ReadingWriting: Dialogue/reviewPoetryWORD LEVEL: adjectives – comparative, superlative Reading/viewing for comprehensionnoun - common, properWriting: Formal/informal letterSENTENCE LEVEL: simple present, past tense, question WORD LEVEL: adjectives, adverbs, roots, abbreviations,forms, statement, discourse markers, direct, reported prefix, suffixspeechSENTENCE LEVEL: Sentences – simple, complex, structure,WORD MEANING: synonyms, antonyms, homophones,tenses – past, future continuous, emotive, manipulative, paronyms, contextual, literalfact, opinion, bias, prejudice, stereotypePUNCTUATION: spelling patterns, full stop, comma, SPELLING: spelling rules, conventionsquotation marksVocabulary in contextVocabulary in contextRemedial grammarRemedial grammar7 – 8Novel, drama, poemStory reviewListening3 – 4Information text, poemListening comprehensionReadingGroup discussionPoetryReadingReading comprehensionPoetry ORWriting: Short storyOne Act PlayWORD LEVEL: nouns – common, proper, prepositionsWriting: Letter to the PressSENTENCE LEVEL: tenses, sentences, proverbs, idiomaticWORD LEVEL: adverbs – time, manner, place, degreeexpressions, clauses – adjectival, adverbialprepositionWORD MEANING: synonyms, homonyms, antonymsSENTENCE LEVEL: sentences – structure, simple, SPELLING: Spelling patternscomplex, emotive, manipulative language, fact and PUNCTUATION: ellipsis, abbreviations, contractionsopinion, bias, prejudice, stereotypeVocabulary in contextWORD MEANING: synonyms, homonyms, paronymsRemedial grammarSPELLING: Spelling patternsPUNCTUATION: comma, full stop, ellipsisENGLISH FIRST ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE: Curriculum coverage tool GRADE 8 TERM 3WEEKSTEXTSKILLDATE COMPLETEDWEEKSTEXTSKILLDATE COMPLETED9 – 10Novel, short story, poemListeningReading aloud- preparedReadingPoetryReading/viewing for comprehensionWriting: Descriptive/ argumentative essayWORD LEVEL: nouns – common, complex, prepositionsSENTENCE LEVEL: paragraph - introductory, definition, concluding, sentence structure, sentence typeWORD MEANING: synonyms, homonyms, antonymsSPELLING: spelling patternsPUNCTUATIONVocabulary in contextRemedial grammarENGLISH FIRST ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE: Curriculum coverage tool GRADE 8 TERM 4WEEKSTEXTSKILLDATE COMPLETEDWEEKSTEXTSKILLDATE COMPLETED1 – 2Information textListening3 – 4PUNCTUATIONConversationVocabulary in contextReadingRemedial grammarPoetry5 – 6 Drama, poem, journalistic reportListeningReading/viewing/summary writingDialogueWriting: newspaper article, magazineReadingWORD LEVEL: singular, plural, gender, diminutivePoetrySENTENCE LEVEL: direct, indirect speech, fact, opinion, Reading comprehensionquestion forms, sentences, sentence structure, Writing: journalistic reportambiguity, gerund, voiceWORD LEVEL: relative pronouns, singular, pluralWORD MEANING: antonym, synonym, homonym, literal,SENTENCE LEVEL: procedure: compare/contrast, speech,figurative language, euphemism paragraph - introductory, definition, concluding, supportingSPELLING: spelling patternssentences, topic sentence, voice, bias, prejudicePUNCTUATION: quotation markWORD MEANING: synonyms, homonyms, antonymsVocabulary in contextSPELLING: spelling patternsRemedial grammarPUNCTUATION: quotation marks3 -4Novel, drama, short story, poemDebateVocabulary in contextGroup discussionRemedial grammarReading7 – 8Examination preparation: Listening and speakingPoetryReadingReading comprehensionWriting: Essay, long and short transactional writingWriting: Diary entryRevision: Word level, sentence level, word meaning,WORD LEVEL: pronouns – personal, relative, moods - PUNCTUATION AND SPELLINGsubjunctive, imperative, potential, indicative, 9 - 10Summative assessmentconditionalSENTENCE LEVEL: tenses, sentence type, structure, voice, question, fact, opinion, ambiguity, gerund, direct, indirect speech, speechWORD MEANING: literal, figurativeSPELLING: spelling patternsENGLISH FIRST ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE: Curriculum coverage tool GRADE 9 TERM 1WEEKSTEXTSKILLDATE COMPLETEDWEEKSTEXTSKILLDATE COMPLETED1 – 2 Information text., Novel, drama, short story poem poemGroup discussion/ conversation5 – 6Information textPoetryListening comprehension: advertisementReading /viewing for comprehensionReadingWriting: reportReading/viewing for comprehensionWORD LEVEL: conjunctionsWriting: advert/posterSENTENCE LEVEL: sentence structure, type, indirect, direct WORD LEVEL: Spelling patterns, abbreviationsspeech, question forms, voiceSENTENCE LEVEL: sentence structure, nouns, WORD MEANING: idioms, proverbsadjectives, pronouns, concord, simple tensesPUNCTUATION, SPELLING: spelling patterns, abbreviations- Vocabulary in contextinitialism, acronym, clipped, truncation, aphesis, Remedial grammarportmanteau 3 – 4 Novel/short story /drama, poem ListeningVocabulary in contextPrepared reading aloudRemedial grammarReading 7 – 8 Novel/short story /drama, poem ListeningPoetryUnprepared speechWriting: letter- appreciation/ advice receivedReadingWORD LEVEL: spelling patterns, abbreviations, Poetryacronyms, stems, prefix, suffixReading comprehensionSENTENCE LEVEL: nouns, adjectives, pronouns, Writing: narrative/descriptive/reflective essaytenses, direct, indirect speech, sentence structure, WORD LEVEL: verbs – regular, irregularconcord, idioms, proverbs, euphemismSENTENCE LEVEL: subject, predicate, subject-verb Vocabulary in contextagreement, main and dependent clausesRemedial grammarWORD MEANING: idioms, proverbs 5 – 6ListeningPUNCTUATION, SPELLING: spelling patterns, acronymsRole PlayVocabulary in contextReading: ContractRemedial grammarENGLISH FIRST ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE: Curriculum coverage tool GRADE 9 TERM 1WEEKSKILLDATE COMPLETEDWEEKSKILLDATE COMPLETED9 – 10Information text,poemListening9 – 10Information text,poemWORD MEANING: idioms, proverbs, literal, figurative,PresentationAlliteration, assonance, personificationReadingPUNCTUATION, SPELLING: spelling patterns, quotation Poetrymarks, apostropheReading/viewing for comprehensionVocabulary in contextWRITING: report/interviewRemedial grammarWORD LEVEL: moods – subjunctive, imperative, potential, Indicative, conditionalSENTENCE LEVEL: Sentences – simple, compound, complexENGLISH FIRST ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE: Curriculum coverage tool GRADE 9 TERM 2WEEKS TEXTSKILLDATE COMPLETEDWEEKSTEXTSSKILLDATE COMPLETED1 – 2 Novel/short story /drama, poemfolkloreListening5 – 6 Novel/short story /drama, poemNotice, agenda, minutesListeningForum/group discussionForum/group discussionReadingDrama/short story/folklore: ReadingPoetryPoetryRead/view for information, summary writingRead/view for informationWriting: diary entry/constitution/policyRevise summaryWORD LEVEL: stems, suffix, prefix, pronounsWriting: Notice/agenda and minutesSENTENCE LEVEL: sentence type, generalisation, direct,WORD LEVEL: stems, suffix, prefix, adjectives, prepositionsIndirect speech, voice, tensesSENTENCE LEVEL: paragraph – definition, introductory, WORD MEANING: idioms, proverbs, literal, figurative concluding, tenses, sentence structure, typesmeaningWORD MEANING: idioms, proverbsPUNCTUATION, SPELLING: spelling patterns, PUNCTUATION, SPELLING: spelling patternsabbreviationsVocabulary in contextVocabulary in contextRemedial grammarRemedial grammar7 – 8Information text Listening3 – 4 Novel/short story /drama, poemListening comprehensionPresentationUnprepared readingReadingReadingRevision: summary, literaturePoetryWriting: advertisement reviewRead/view for information, summary writingWORD LEVEL: nouns – concrete, abstract, compound, Writing: text review/ documentarycomplex, pronouns – reflexive, relative, interrogativeWORD LEVEL: verbs- finite, infinite, stems, suffix, prefixindefiniteSENTENCE LEVEL: complex sentences, generalisations,SENTENCE LEVEL: subject, predicate, subject-verb direct, indirect speechagreement, main and dependent clausesWORD MEANING: idioms, proverbsWORD MEANING: paronyms, metonymy, neologism,PUNCTUATION, SPELLING: spelling patterns, synonyms, antonymsabbreviations, quotation marksPUNCTUATION, SPELLING: spelling patterns, abbreviationsVocabulary in contextVocabulary in contextRemedial grammarRemedial grammar9-10Summative assessmentENGLISH FIRST ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE: Curriculum coverage tool GRADE 9 TERM 3WEEKSTEXTSKILLDATE COMPLETEDWEEKSTEXTSKILLDATE COMPLETED1 – 2Information text, poemListening5 – 6 Novel/short story /drama, poemWriting essayListeningDiscussionParticipation: DebateReadingReadingPoetryPoetryReading comprehension: cartoonReading / viewing for comprehensionWriting: Will and testamentSummaryWORD LEVEL: nouns – concrete, abstract, adjectivesWriting: Narrative/descriptive/reflective essayconjunctions, transitionsWORD LEVEL: conjunctions, transitionsSENTENCE LEVEL speech, tenses, sentence types, SENTENCE LEVEL: speech, tenses, sentence structure, paragraph types, voices, clauses, phrasesparagraph types, voiceWORD MEANING: paronyms, polysemes, homonyms, WORD MEANING: Literal, figurative, alliteration, assonance, homophonespersonification, consonance, onomatopoeia, punPUNCTUATION, SPELLING: spelling patternsPUNCTUATION AND SPELLING: spelling patternsVocabulary in contextVocabulary in contextRemedial grammarRemedial grammar3 – 4 Novel/short story /drama, poemwriting covering letter and CVListening7 – 8 Novel/short story /drama, poem Writing invitation card ListeningDiscussion: CVPrepared speechReadingNovel/short story; ReadingPoetryReading / viewing for comprehensionReading comprehensionWriting: invitation card, acceptanceWriting: Covering letter and CVWORD LEVEL: adjectivesWORD LEVEL: adjectivesSENTENCE LEVEL: paragraph – description, choice,SENTENCE LEVEL: speech, tenses, sentence types, classificationparagraph, types, clauses, phrases, voiceWORD MEANING: one word for a phraseWORD MEANING: synonyms, antonyms, polysemy, PUNCTUATION AND SPELLING: spelling patternshomonyms, homophonesVocabulary in contextPUNCTUATION AND SPELLING: spelling patternsRemedial grammarVocabulary in contextRemedial grammarENGLISH FIRST ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE: Curriculum coverage tool GRADE 9 TERM 3WEEKS TEXTSKILLDATE COMPLETEDWEEKS TEXTSKILLDATE COMPLETED9 – 10Drama, writing dialogueStory tellingRole playDrama: ReadingPoetryReading comprehensionWriting: dialogueWORD LEVEL: verbs, pronouns – interrogative, demonstrative, indefiniteSENTENCE LEVEL: procedure, spatial order, order ofimportance, concluding paragraphWORD MEANING: one word for a phrasePUNCTUATION, SPELLING: spelling patternsVocabulary in contextRemedial grammarAssessmentENGLISH FIRST ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE: Curriculum coverage tool GRADE 9 TERM 4WEEKSTEXTSKILLDATE COMPLETEDWEEKS TEXTSKILLDATE COMPLETED1 – 2Novel, short story, writing letter of applicationWrtListening5 – 6Novel, short story, poetry, writingobituary, diary, invitation cardRole playMeeting procedure: role playConversationReadingReadingPoetryPoetryReading comprehensionReading comprehensionWriting: Letter of applicationSummaryWORD LEVEL: verbsWriting: obituary/diary entry/ invitation cardSENTENCE LEVEL: direct, indirect speech, active, passive WORDLEVEL: verbs, nounsvoiceSENTENCE LEVEL: explanation – cause, effectWORD MEANING: ambiguity, cliché, redundancy, WORD MEANING: shift of meaning, using language for a tautology, slang, jargonspecial purpose, one word for a phrasePUNCTUATION, SPELLING: spelling patternsPUNCTUATION, SPELLING: spelling patternsVocabulary in contextVocabulary in contextRemedial grammarRemedial grammar3 -4 Novel, short story, poetry, writing emailsListening comprehension7 – 8Revision: Speaking, listeningForum/group/panel discussion Reading and viewing: key features, conventions,Reading structuresPoetry Writing texts/ processReading comprehension Word level, sentence level, one word for a Writing: e-mail phrase,WORD LEVEL: nouns – proper, complex, gerunds PUNCTUATION, SPELLING SENTENCE LEVEL: procedure, spatial order, order ofVocabulary in contextimportance, concluding paragraphRemedial grammarWORD MEANING: stereotypes, prejudice, bias, emotive9-10Summative assessmentPUNCTUATION, SPELLING: spelling patterns, initialism, acronym, clipped, truncation, aphesis, portmanteau, abbreviation,Vocabulary in contextRemedial grammar ................

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