Name_______________________________________________Grammar 7 Practice QuizPart OneDirections: Identify/underline the type of subordinate clause (noun, adjective, adverb). Please tell me?who left his shoes on the floor. ______________________The lady?who lives across the street?is my aunt. ______________________Put the games up?so that you can eat your dinner. ______________________Whoever is the last one to leave?turns off the lights. ______________________I have to leave?while Jamie was playing basketball. ______________________I do not like people?who are mean to animals. ______________________The boy with the red shirt is?who I want on my team. ______________________Did you go to the school?where my friend Jim goes? ______________________I am sad,?although you did a good job of trying to cheer me up. ______________________Whoever cleaned the house?deserves a thank you. ______________________The cat?whom we are watching?just caught a mouse! ______________________Since you are coming over anyway, why don't you bring your bike? ______________________I have a surprise for?whoever wins the race. ______________________Wherever you see a rainbow, a rain shower has just happened. ______________________I like pizza, which is also the favorite of my sister Jean. ______________________You don't want to know?what Karen has planned to trick the boys. ______________________I will give you a cookie?if you clean your plate. ______________________The reason?why I left?is a secret. ______________________You must go to bed?after we watch the fireworks tonight. ______________________They now understand?that you should not cheat on a test. ______________________(Part Two is on the back ?)Part Two:Directions: Identify/underline the subordinate noun clause and how it functions in the sentence (subject, direct object, indirect object, predicate nominative, predicate adjective, or object of the preposition). Whoever is the last one to leave?turns off the lights. ______________________Please tell me?who left his shoes on the floor. ______________________They now understand?that you should not cheat on a test. ______________________Whoever cleaned the house?deserves a thank you. ______________________You don't want to know?what Karen has planned to trick the boys. ______________________I have a surprise for?whoever wins the race. ______________________Darla's excuse for being late was?that she forgot to set her alarm. ______________________Allie is the owner of?that blue car parked outside. ______________________What Alicia said made her friends cry. ______________________Harry's crowning achievement at school was?when he became class president. ______________________She didn't realize?that the directions were wrong. ______________________Harry is not the best provider of?what Margie needs. ______________________He didn't know?why the stove wasn't working. ______________________What Megan wrote surprised her family. ______________________Carlie's problem was?that she didn't practice enough. ______________________How the boy behaved was not very polite. ______________________Josephine is not responsible for?what Alex decided to do. ______________________Whatever you want is fine with me. ______________________Can you tell me when it is time for dinner? ______________________My hope is that everyone here becomes friends. ______________________ ................

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