The alarm went off at ________ sharp. By alarm, I mean my __________ child screaming #1-12 adjective __________ at the top of his/her lungs. I __________ out of bed, threw my hair in a _________and put exclamation verb, past tense hairstyleon my ___________. I got the kids dressed and made them ________ for breakfast (which of course piece of clothing food ended up all over the __________). nounNext I loaded everyone into the ___________and we listened to _____________ the Type of car song titleentire way to __________. Everyone was having fun __________ until little ___________ fell and place verb ending in ing child’s namescraped his/her ________. Nothing a magical _______ couldn’t fix. Afterwards we had a snack and then body part nounwent to run errands.First we went to the __________ and got _________. Then we went to _______ more places Place plural noun numberbefore going home. I’ll spare you the details of the chaos that ensued. We got home just before naptime, but of course the kids did not want to _______. Instead they verb__________ while I tried getting the _________ done. Of course the kids kept __________ up anything Verb, past tense household task verb ending in ingI cleaned, so it looked like I got nothing accomplished. I looked at the clock and couldn’t believe it was only ____________ o’clock. I called #1-12___________ and asked him to pick up dinner and then I put ____________ on. When bedtime finally spouse/friend name TV Show arrived and everyone was bathed, I read ____________ ______ times and ___________them Book Title Number Verb Past Tense goodnight. ___________ I exclaimed before heading off to tackle ________ more things before going to Exclamation Numberbed. At last, I closed my eyes and got a total of _______ hours of sleep before my child started Number___________. Overall it was just another _____________ day in the life of a mommy. Verb ending in ing adjective ................

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