
|Parts of Speech |Parts of Speech |Parts of Speech |Parts of Speech |

| | | | |

|A noun is a word that names |A noun is a word that names |A noun is a word that names |A noun is a word that names |

|a person, a place, or a thing. |a person, a place, or a thing. |a person, a place, or a thing. |a person, a place, or a thing. |

|Nouns can also name feelings |Nouns can also name feelings |Nouns can also name feelings |Nouns can also name feelings |

|and ideas. |and ideas. |and ideas. |and ideas. |

| | | | |

|A pronoun is a word that can |A pronoun is a word that can |A pronoun is a word that can |A pronoun is a word that can |

|take the place of a noun. |take the place of a noun. |take the place of a noun. |take the place of a noun. |

| | | | |

|A verb is a word that tells |A verb is a word that tells |A verb is a word that tells |A verb is a word that tells |

|about an action or a state of |about an action or a state of |about an action or a state of |about an action or a state of |

|being. |being. |being. |being. |

| | | | |

|An adjective is a word that |An adjective is a word that |An adjective is a word that |An adjective is a word that |

|tells about a noun. Adjectives |tells about a noun. Adjectives |tells about a noun. Adjectives |tells about a noun. Adjectives |

|may describe how something |may describe how something |may describe how something |may describe how something |

|looks, sounds, tastes, feels |looks, sounds, tastes, feels |looks, sounds, tastes, feels |looks, sounds, tastes, feels |

|or smells. Some describe |or smells. Some describe |or smells. Some describe |or smells. Some describe |

|color or size. |color or size. |color or size. |color or size. |

| | | | |

|An adverb is a word that |An adverb is a word that |An adverb is a word that |An adverb is a word that |

|tells about a verb. Some |tells about a verb. Some |tells about a verb. Some |tells about a verb. Some |

|adverbs tell how, some tell |adverbs tell how, some tell |adverbs tell how, some tell |adverbs tell how, some tell |

|when or where. |when or where. |when or where. |when or where. |

| | | | |

|A conjunction joins two |A conjunction joins two |A conjunction joins two |A conjunction joins two |

|words or phrases. |words or phrases. |words or phrases. |words or phrases. |

| | | | |

|A preposition links parts of a |A preposition links parts of a |A preposition links parts of a |A preposition links parts of a |

|sentence. It usually tells the |sentence. It usually tells the |sentence. It usually tells the |sentence. It usually tells the |

|where and when of an object. |where and when of an object. |where and when of an object. |where and when of an object. |

| | | | |

|An interjection is a word that expresses a strong |An interjection is a word that expresses a strong |An interjection is a word that expresses a strong |An interjection is a word that expresses a strong |

|feeling, such as oh, wow, ah. |feeling, such as oh, wow, ah. |feeling, such as oh, wow, ah. |feeling, such as oh, wow, ah. |

| | | | |

|© |© |© |© |

|Plural |Plural |Plural |Plural |

|Singular |Singular |Singular |Singular |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|3rd |3rd |3rd |3rd |

|2nd |2nd |2nd |2nd |

|1st |1st |1st |1st |

|3rd |3rd |3rd |3rd |

|2nd |2nd |2nd |2nd |

|1st |1st |1st |1st |

|Person |Person |Person |Person |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|neutral |neutral |neutral |neutral |

|feminine |feminine |feminine |feminine |

|masculine |masculine |masculine |masculine |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|they |they |they |they |

|you |you |you |you |

|we |we |we |we |

|it |it |it |it |

|she |she |she |she |

|he |he |he |he |

|you |you |you |you |

|I |I |I |I |

|Subject |Subject |Subject |Subject |

|Pronoun |Pronoun |Pronoun |Pronoun |

| | | | |

|them |them |them |them |

|you |you |you |you |

|us |us |us |us |

|it |it |it |it |

|her |her |her |her |

|him |him |him |him |

|you |you |you |you |

|me |me |me |me |

|Object |Object |Object |Object |

|Pronoun |Pronoun |Pronoun |Pronoun |

| | | | |

|their |their |their |their |

|your |your |your |your |

|our |our |our |our |

|its |its |its |its |

|her |her |her |her |

|his |his |his |his |

|your |your |your |your |

|my |my |my |my |

|Possessive |Possessive |Possessive |Possessive |

|Adjective |Adjective |Adjective |Adjective |

| | | | |

|theirs |theirs |theirs |theirs |

|yours |yours |yours |yours |

|ours |ours |ours |ours |

|its |its |its |its |

|hers |hers |hers |hers |

|his |his |his |his |

|yours |yours |yours |yours |

|mine |mine |mine |mine |

|Possessive Pronoun |Possessive Pronoun |Possessive Pronoun |Possessive Pronoun |

| | | | |

|themselves |themselves |themselves |themselves |

|yourselves |yourselves |yourselves |yourselves |

|ourselves |ourselves |ourselves |ourselves |

|itself |itself |itself |itself |

|herself |herself |herself |herself |

|himself |himself |himself |himself |

|yourself |yourself |yourself |yourself |

|myself |myself |myself |myself |

|Reflexive Pronoun |Reflexive Pronoun |Reflexive Pronoun |Reflexive Pronoun |

| | | | |


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