School of Nursing

Subject Outline, Evaluation & Objectives

Subject Title: Basic English for Communication

Subject Code: BEC

Semester and Year: 1

SKS: Non-credit

Subject Coordinator: Sandra Sembel

Telephone Number: FoN Ext. 3405

E-mail Address:

Facilitator(s): FoN English Team

Basic English for Communication

Pre-requisites: None

Course Description

• This course is for students who have early operational ability to communicate using simple language (who are beginning to use English to express themselves) and wish to improve their mastery and confidence to operational level

Terminal Objective

• At the end of the course, students will be able to start communicating in English at early operational level about familiar topics in daily life (home, school, work).

Specific Objectives

At the completion of this course, students should be able to demonstrate the following skills:

Receptive Skills

• Listening: Students can understand general conversation in daily life situations and grasp the general meaning of public announcements, instructions, and main ideas. At work, they can understand simple introductions and operating instructions. They can understand the general meaning of native English speakers' conversations and inquiries.

• Reading: Students can read short essays, short stories, personal letters, advertisements, leaflets, brochures, and instruction manuals. At work, they can read job-related information, notices as well as routine documents, faxes and e-mail messages.

Productive Skills

• Writing: Students can write simple messages and narratives. They can write about things they have learned and use simple English to write about their own experiences or about topics with which they are familiar.

• Speaking: Students can use simple English to discuss or describe general daily life topics, introduce themselves and their daily activities, work, family, and experiences, and state their opinions on general topics. They can also ask and answer basic questions and can perform basic conversations in social settings.


Class discussions will cover the following topics:

1. Introducing ourselves and family

2. Describing routines

3. Describing people: Physical features, clothing

4. Talking about feelings and emotions

5. Understanding and giving directions and instructions

6. Reporting: An Accident

Students will further build their knowledge and skills through the Lab work, group assignments, and enhancement activities.

Lab Work: (12 hours)

Students will be involved in self-directed practice and refinement of all language skills covered within the course.

|Topics |Lab Activities |

|Introducing ourselves and family |Family tree and introducing family |

|Describing routines/daily activities |Picture Story |

|Describing people: Physical features, clothing |Card Game |

|Talking about feelings and emotions |Learning through songs |

|Understanding and giving instructions |Game: Following instructions |

|Reporting: An Accident |Reporting an accident |

Enhancement Activities

Suggested Enhancement activities

1. Sharing information: Table topic discussions, Presentations

2. Movie Showing: Watch a movie, answer questions about it and express opinions

3. Games: Vocabulary and information gap

4. Songs: Rearranging words/verses, filling in missing information, answering questions

Evaluation Overview

1. Quizzes : 30%

2. Class participation : 30%

3. Final Assessment : 40%

Total 100%

Course outline:

Basic English for Communication


Orientation and Introduction

Topic 1: Introducing ourselves

Ice breaking: Name and three favorite Things

1. Introducing ourselves

▪ Presentation: Model

▪ Class activity: Interviewing people + reporting the

▪ Evaluation: Introduce ourselves in writing

2. Introducing Family Members

▪ Family Tree

o Comprehension questions

o T/F

o Family Game

▪ Speaking/writing: My family (Group)

▪ Evaluation: Introducing family

using a family tree


Review: Introducing people

Topic 2: Describing routines

▪ Ice Breaking: Word-Search

▪ Listening/Speaking:

o Listening to a story

(listening for details)

▪ Reading: A day in the life of a nurse

o The morning routine of a nurse

o Comprehension questions

o Matching pictures and activities

o Information hunt

▪ Evaluation:

Writing about my daily routines


Review: Daily routines

Topic 3: Describing people

▪ Ice Breaking: Find someone who …

▪ Reading: This is …

o Picture and text

o Matching pictures and descriptions

▪ Listening/Speaking:

o Find someone who has …/who is wearing …

o Describing people: Guessing Game

▪ Evaluation:

o Writing: Describing a friend


Review: Physical Features

Topic 4: Talking about feelings and emotions

▪ Ice Breaking: Happy – Meter

|How are you today? |

|( ( ( |

| |

|I’m (happy, so-so, not happy) because _____ |

▪ Listening/Speaking:

o Identifying the speakers

(based on the descriptions of

their feelings and emotions)

o I feel … when …

▪ Reading: Special events in our lives

o Different kinds of feelings and emotions

▪ Evaluation: Describing feelings and emotions


Review: Feelings and Emotions

Topic 5: Understanding and giving instructions

▪ Ice Breaking: Simple Origami

▪ Reading:

o A set of simple instructions

to do something

o Rearranging steps to do something

(by matching the steps to the pictures)

o Answering questions

▪ Listening/Speaking:

o Following instructions

o Model Dialog: Understanding and

giving instructions

▪ Evaluation: Role Play:



(Giving and understanding instructions)

Topic 6: Reporting an accident

▪ Ice Breaking: What did you do last week?

▪ Reading/Writing: Accident

o Reading text about an accident

o Rearranging sentences

o Comprehension questions

▪ Listening/Speaking:

o Identifying aches and pains based

on the listening text

Week 7

Evaluation Week: Final Exam


Language Points:

A. Vocabulary

▪ Introducing ourselves

My name is ____

I’m from/ I come from ____

My hobby is ______

My favourite food is _____

▪ Core Family (mother, father, children, sister, brother, wife, husband)

▪ Extended family (grandparents/grandchildren, aunt, uncle, nephew, niece, cousin

B. Grammar

▪ Present tense

▪ Possessive pronouns: my, his/her, their, our

Language Points:

A. Vocabulary

▪ Morning activities: get up, take a bath, eat breakfast, drink milk/coffee/tea, read the newspaper

▪ Afternoon activities: meet …, take care of …, help …, work on …, have lunch

▪ Evening activities: watch TV, listen to music, do homework, work on the computer, read books, …etc

B. Grammar

▪ Adverbs of frequency: always, frequently, occasionally, sometimes, seldom, never

Language points:

A. Vocabulary

▪ Age: young, old, middle aged

▪ Height: Tall, short

▪ Build: slim, thin, fat

▪ Hair: colours, textures, length

▪ Eyes: blue, brown, glasses

▪ Skin complexion

▪ Special features

B. Grammar

▪ What does he look like?

▪ He has … with ….

▪ He is …

▪ He’s got …

▪ Past Tense: He had … when he was 10.

Language points:

A. Vocabulary

▪ Happy, sad, angry, disappointed, embarrassed, tired, thrilled, amused, worried, furious/angry, relieved, disgusted, annoyed, terrified, frightened

B. Grammar

Present Tense

▪ You look upset. What’s wrong?

▪ She looks tired. She should take a rest.

Past Tense: To talk about unforgettable experience

▪ My sister was frightened when the dog started barking at her.

Language points:

A. Vocabulary

▪ Step

▪ Got that?

▪ Am I going too fast?

▪ Please repeat the last step!

B. Grammar

▪ First,

▪ Then,

▪ Next,

▪ After that,

▪ Finally

▪ Commands: turn off the light, switch on the light, etc.

Language points:

A. Vocabulary

▪ Parts of the body

▪ Aches and pains

B. Grammar

▪ Past Tense

▪ Adjectives related to aches and pains

▪ WH-questions


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