Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan 1

|Level: Elementary Length: 90 minutes Topic: Personal Possessions |

| |

|Objectives: Lexis: common objects, adjectives |

|Language: review of possessive pronouns |

|Function: describing things – “My laptop is convenient small.” |

|Activity |Description |Time |

|Warmer |An activity to review the material from the previous lesson (TBD) |10 min |

|Set Context |Ask the class: What do I have? Answer: You have a pen. |5 min |

| |What does s/he have? He has a book. | |

| |Pair Work: Students name all of the things that they have with them. | |

| |Feedback: Students talk about their partner to someone else | |

| |Individuals report to the class | |

|Present Lexis |Hold up a flashcard to the class and ask: “What do I have?” |15 min |

| |Present the other words in this manner. | |

| |Drill pronunciation, chorally, and individually | |

| |Put the words that are unfamiliar, or difficult on the board. Elicit spelling | |

| |Note: concept check the difference between DVD and DVD player (MP3 player) | |

|Check Understanding |Elicit the lexis by asking questions: |5 min |

| |Eg: I want to send an e-mail. What do I need? | |

| |Where do men put their money? | |

|Worksheet |Students do exercise 2 on the lexis worksheet. |8 min |

|Controlled Practice |Feedback: Students talk in pairs: I have a _______. | |

| |I don’t have a ______. | |

| |Do you have a ______. | |

| |What do you have? | |

| |Feedback to the class as a whole | |

|Controlled Spoken |Put pictures of people on the board and name them: This is Al. |7 min |

|Practice |Surround the Pictures with objects. Students talk about what the people have and don’t | |

| |have. | |

| |Note: To make the exercise more challenging, cover the board and have students try to | |

| |remember what each person had. | |

|Go Fish |Students play a game of Go Fish with picture cards of the lexis |10 min |

|Present Lexis |Use the object flashcards to present the adjectives. |7 min |

|Adjectives |Eg: Computer Card “Do they cost a lot of money, or a little? | |

| |“Are computers cheap, or expensive? | |

| |Drill pronunciation | |

| |Write challenging words on the board: elicit spelling | |

| |Note: fast / slow can be used to describe computers | |

| |“new”, not “young” is used to describe objects | |

|Match the opposite |Using the word cards, Students put the opposites together: |3 min |

| |Fast / slow, convenient / inconvenient, expensive / cheap, beautiful / ugly, old / new | |

|Matching |Put pictures of objects on the board / walls |5 min |

| |Students are given some adjective cards, and they must place them next to an appropriate | |

| |picture. | |

|Present Language |Elicit a sentence about one of the pictures around the room: |3 min |

| |Eg: This / My computer is new. | |

| |Write a sample sentence on the board. | |

| |Drill pronunciation. | |

|Controlled Practice |Students work in pairs saying as many sentences as they can about the objects. |5 min |

| |Feedback in front of the class. | |

|Freer Practice |Students work in pairs, describing their favourite thing |7 min |

| | | |

|Homework |Students write a short essay about their favourite thing | |


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